Welcome to VideoGrater
It's been a poorly kept secret - but it's finally happened. It's 12:01 AM and I want to be the first to tell you that VideoSift is now VideoGrater. Update your bookmarks!
We know that there have been many suggestions about what to do about personal queues... "streamlining" the Sift, concerns about Siftquisitions and - whatever - but I'm very happy to announce - we've fixed it.
By changing the metaphor of "Sifting" to "grating" we're changing the whole way we think about Videos on the Grater! Have a look at the below:
That's it! that's all you need to understand about VideoGrater. It's going to be a much more fulfilling experience for graterers with a clear idea about how it all works. We got so sick of people saying "what the hell is a Sifter" and "I thought it was an old paint can with a crank".
Some other details to get out of the way. Of course, any reference to "Sift" should be replaced with "grater":
Sift Talk is now Grater Talk
Siftquistions are now Graterquisitions
Siftbot is now Graterbot:
And of course the community members who make this such a fun place are now called "Graterers". (it's a little unwieldy, but it will grow on you)
As an interim measure - until we all get used to the naming conventions - we'll be pre-processing your comments to ensure that the correct terminology is used.
So, grate on graterers! I'm looking forward to a bright, bright future for VideoGrater.
We know that there have been many suggestions about what to do about personal queues... "streamlining" the Sift, concerns about Siftquisitions and - whatever - but I'm very happy to announce - we've fixed it.
By changing the metaphor of "Sifting" to "grating" we're changing the whole way we think about Videos on the Grater! Have a look at the below:
That's it! that's all you need to understand about VideoGrater. It's going to be a much more fulfilling experience for graterers with a clear idea about how it all works. We got so sick of people saying "what the hell is a Sifter" and "I thought it was an old paint can with a crank".
Some other details to get out of the way. Of course, any reference to "Sift" should be replaced with "grater":
Sift Talk is now Grater Talk
Siftquistions are now Graterquisitions
Siftbot is now Graterbot:
And of course the community members who make this such a fun place are now called "Graterers". (it's a little unwieldy, but it will grow on you)
As an interim measure - until we all get used to the naming conventions - we'll be pre-processing your comments to ensure that the correct terminology is used.
So, grate on graterers! I'm looking forward to a bright, bright future for VideoGrater.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
*promote the new grater order.
Self promoting this Grater Talk post - promote requested by original submitter dag.
Well that's just grate.
Some of you might object to this right now, but keep in mind that this change is for the grater good!
Gratefulmom takes the lead in best unintentional pun usernames.
Videograterbanned me, you are no longer relevant.
I was on front page 2683 but now I can't go back nor forth anymore.
I, for one, welcome our new Grater overlords.
What does it all mean?
Please change Beggar's Canyon to Grater's Canyon!
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
If there's one thing we've learned - having the right metaphor for your site is fundamental. And who doesn't like grated cheese, really? Besides the Chinese I mean.
It passed my mind that since Dag is "down under" that Cheese Festivals was being sprung on us early. The idea that a grater was lost on people is telling of the age we live in, next thing you know kids will stop listening to music on their portable turntables!
You're one day too early...
uh....Cheese Festivals
dag, are you grating your face in that picture?
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
I don't know what you guys are talking about, but I do like cheese.
i fucking hate cheese and refuse to be a graterer.
the metaphor sucks too. so now we grate videos? after you submit one it gets posted as loads of tiny clips? brilliant thinking losers.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
>> ^dan00108:
dag, are you grating your face in that picture?
Cheese Festivals.... just checking
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
^This guy loves cheese.
I do love Cheese, it's my favorite festival.
"The first of Cheese is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year."
- Mark Twain
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
It's well past midnight and I'm off to bed - Goodnight Graterers!
Thanks to Lucky for his hard work in making the change happen.
Change the favicon!
I guess its all for the grater good.
ggragratereragrateregragratereri.n.g icheesea ccheeseeagragratererconcepgratergratero me: you cheeseepagragratereragratere graterhe becheesegraterfgragratererom graterhe gragratererecheesegraterggragratereragratering icheesejucheesegraterbgragraterereaking ingratero cheesemacheesecheeseegragratererchunkcheeseCagragraterere gratero expcheeseain how icheeseigratera begratergrateregragraterermegrateraphogragratererI mean, if igratericheesejucheesegraterfogragratererggragratereragrateregragratererbogratergratero have a ccheeseeagragratereregragratererimage gragraterereading, graterhegragraterere agragraterere pcheeseengratery of diffegragratererengratercheeseuigraterabcheesee objecgratercheesehgratergraterp://www.cacheeseagragraterergcheesecom.bgragratererimggraterumb.php?ficheeseename=/imgcheesepgragratererod/711093a.gif&o
EDIgraterI cangratereven wgragratererigratere ggragratereragrateregragratereri.n.g wigraterhougratergraterhe pegragratereriodcheesegraterhagraterigraterchangecheesegratero ggragratereragrateregragraterering, god damn igraterEdigraterI do nograterwangratergratero cheeseound cheeseike an inggragratereragratere.
Finacheesecheesey, edigraterWhagraterhappencheesegratero gragraterercheesecheesewicheesecheesewe have gratero gragraterere-add acheesecheesefeedcheesegratero gragraterereadegragraterer
This has to be the gratest cheese festival ever, I pity the lactose intolerant.
What, was VideoMelonBaller taken?
>> ^Stingray:
Please change Beggar's Canyon to Grater's Canyon!
Un, No, I believe Beggers Canyon should stay, Now it just doesn't make sense. The key word in the name was it's description - hence the name in the first place. "Beg, Begging, Begger, Begger's Canyon, Grater's Canyon just doesn't make sense - at all....
I'd go back to bed if I could...
Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals! Cheese Festivals!
I hope I make my point clear.
videomelonballer.com was already registered?
{edit} - ^shuac - stop telepathically stealing my material
or i'm calling for a gratequisition.
srsly. that was fuckin' freaky, dude.
now pardon me while i verify the contents of my sugar and salt containers.
ah well. it's the community here that makes the site what it is, not the name. no big deal to me.
Damn, where can I go now to discuss scale-invariant feature transforms (grater for short)?
And will charter memberships be offered gratis as a celebration?
This is grately appreciated.
grateryperhapsgraterthis change graterbotis a bitvideograter much graterwhat graterywith it being cheeseright after a soft spot for graters huge grateringordeal and all...blahgraterblahgraterblah videograter...I'll get over it...eventually.
Can I say "gratergrate"? nope. Damn, this feels like sensoring. What if I wanna say a sentence that legitimately uses the word "grater"?
Megrateraphogragraterericacheesecheesey cheesepeaking I graterhink graterhicheesecheeseuckcheeseggragratereragrateregragraterering made cheeseencheesee. Ggragratereragratering icheesejucheesegratergraterhagraterggragratereragratering.... on my cheeseoucheese
And whagraterwigraterh graterhe wogragratererd "ggragratereragrateregragratererbeing ougratercheeseawed?
>> ^my15minutes:
videomelonballer.com was already registered?
{edit} - ^shuac - stop telepathically stealing my material
or i'm calling for a gratequisition.
srsly. that was fuckin' freaky, dude.
now pardon me while i verify the contents of my sugar and salt containers.
Grate minds think alike.
&ggraterggratera hgragratereref='hgratergraterp://www.videoggragratereragrateregragraterercom/grateracheesek/Wecheesecome-gratero-VideoGgragratereragrateregragratererc Um, pcheeseucheesewhagratercheesegraterhe new command cheeseine?
ommengratercheeseagemind:<bgragratererem>&ggraterggratera gragratererecheesenofocheesecheeseow" hgragratereref="hgratergraterp://www.videoggragratereragrateregragraterercom/grateracheesek/Wecheesecome-gratero-VideoGgragratereragrateregragratererc
Do we invoke "Ggragratereragratere" incheesegrateread of "Beg"
I graterhink we need gratero ggragratereragrateregragratererquicheeseigraterion dag fogragraterergraterhicheesemegrateraphogragraterericacheesegratergragratereravecheesegratery.
Befogragraterere, we wegragraterere abougratercheeseogragraterergratering good videocheesefgragratererom graterhe bad, now we'gragraterere cheeseimpcheesey abougratercheesehgragratereredding graterhe cheecheesee graterhagratericheeseweb video.
graterhegragratererefogragraterere, we cheesehoucheesed make graterhe focheesecheeseowing cheesegratergragratererucgraterugragratereracheesechangecheeseAcheesecheesevideocheesefgragratererom ougragraterervideo cheeseponcheeseogragraterercheesecheesehoucheesed be augrateromagratericacheesecheesey cheeseubmigratergratered by ggragratereragrateregragratererbogratergraterhe fgragratererongraterpage cheesehoucheesed be cheeseogragraterergratered by newecheesegratercheeseubmicheesecheeseion.
3) graterhe abicheeseigratery gratero upvogratere videocheesecheesehoucheesed be gragratereremoved, oncheesey downvograterecheesewicheesecheesebe accepgratered.
4) Commengratercheesemucheesegrateracheesewaycheesebe degragratererogagraterogragraterery graterowagragratererdcheesegraterhe video, ogragraterergraterhe ogragratereriginacheesecgragraterereagraterogragratererof graterhe cheeseame.
5) graterhe graterop 15 becomecheesegraterhe "graterop 15 mocheesegraterggragratereragratering videocheeseand hacheesegraterhe mocheesegraterdownvogratered video agraterBefogragraterere we wegragraterere abougraterquacheeseigratery, now we'gragraterere abougraterfinding graterhe mocheesegraterggragratereragratering cheecheesee graterhegragraterere icheese
^ That's fucked up.
^Oi, weren't you graterquisitioned, mothafucka?
edit: that was directed at ietest..
WTF igrater happening to the commentgrater?
Ingratebot igrater graterilencing voicegrater of digratergraterent?
I guess folks are exercising the grater's ability to grater out accidental usages ograterhe word "grater".
>> ^Sagemind:
>> ^Stingray:
Please change Beggar's Canyon to Grater's Canyon!
Un, No, I believe Beggers Canyon should stay, Now it just doesn't make sense. The key word in the name was it's description - hence the name in the first place. "Beg, Begging, Begger, Begger's Canyon, Grater's Canyon just doesn't make sense - at all....
I'd go back to bed if I could...
I'll repeat myself and hope the CheeseGrater doesn't Great my question again...
If Begger's Canyon is now Greater's Canyon, How do we invoke? Do we have to invoke "Great" instead of "Beg"?
Is this an early "Cheese Festival's Joke"? Does Australia Celebrate before us???
Also, vote up my videos, you ingrates.
>> ^grateragemind:
Igrater thigrater an early "Cheegratere Fegratertival'grater Joke"? Doegrater Augratertralia Celebrate before ugrater???
Yeah, but we tend to gratertick to cheddar. None ograterhat fancy brie or camembert flaberdagraterhery ...
>> ^grateragemind:
Igrater thigrater an early "Cheegratere Fegratertival'grater Joke"? Doegrater Augratertralia Celebrate before ugrater???
Hey... cheese fegstival s J O K E was changed to CHEESE FESTIVAL - I Think We Are Being Punk'ed!!!!!
Let me try to recreate my gratered comment:
We should graterquisition dag for this metaphorical travesty.
Before, we gratered the good videos from the bad; now it's all about shredding the cheese that is web video.
Therefore, I recommend we immediately make the following structural changes to the Videos:
1) All videos published on our partner sites should be automatically submitted by graterbot.
2) The front page should be sorted by newest published videos.
3) The ability to upvote should be removed; the purpose is to grate, not grater.
4) All comments must be derogatory towards either the video's content, or the content's creator. Or the site.
s) The Top 1s should be changed to the "Top 1s Most Grating Videos", with #1 being the most downvoted video.
6) star points should be renamed Cheese points.
7) Cheese points will be awarded for every ten derogatory comments a s makes.
The "Top Graters" lists should be changed to "The Most Grating Graters" lists (both of all time, and of the week).
This will help us to retool for our new mission; finding the most grating videos on teh intarwebs.
i tried so hard to bypass the message filter. YOU WINGRATER FUSGRATER UPGRATE
Okay, that's just stupid. What, pray tell, are you doing running the comments through a filter that butchers things?
Must be Cheese 1st in Australia early? Ok. I'll preen my feathers down.
I'm almost laughing. Good one Dag.
The context ads are cracking me up even more. So many grate products!!!
You got me! I'm so not in Cheese yet, it's still March.
This is *grate!
Cheese Festivals Right? Australia is like a day head of everyone in the world right? This shit is Great!
Oh you got me good you fucker! (in farva's voice)
Woah woah woah woah...woah...
hold on a minute..
you're telling me it's Not a paint can with a hand-crank?
lavitseF eseehC
forgot to scramble it reversed huh?
smell my cheese, you mother!
finally, my cheeretarge & grater-related videograter cangrateree the light of day
Ummmm it's still March 31st here in Virginia. I'm scaaared. It's like the Graterocalypse all over again.
I love cheeretarge. Itretarg my favorite thing. Cheeretarge cheeretarge cheeretarge
haha funny ..
please turn ofgraterhe text altering shit though.
it's breaking things.
I, for one, plan on celebrating by grating down crappy videos into tiny nubs and getting bloody in the process. Isn't that what downvoting is all about? Ant?
I don't think we should be making light of Gratequisitions. These are serious matters, people.
Dark Lord of the Grate just doesn't have the same ring to it
This whole thing's starting to grate on me.
>> ^gourmetemu:
Gratefulmom takes the lead in best unintentional pun usernames.
Videograterbanned me, you are no longer relevant.
I guess I do..grated cheese..mmmmmmm
aye aye aye, no quiero el grater.
Well, this just fucking grates on my nerves.
hm, bleh
I think I found our new theme video:
Ayprew first heh?
Man I hope you are grated by a pack of rabid dingos!
Grate joke.
OK, where's the Taco Dip? We shouldn't let all this grated cheddar go to waste.
No cheese head avatars? 'Thought folks would use those again.
So, what you're saying is... the entire extent of your plan for getting the grater out of financial difficulty is to grate it?
Grate it?
I could have understood Greating it... that would have made it... well, great, but grating it? Poor grater... it'll never be the same again. Before, the worst it could do to you is give you a little tickle if you got your finger in the grater area.
But now! It'll take your fingers off man.
And on another note... did you already have this domain, or did you actually register it just for today? Boy... I thought you were busy.
Oh, and all of you saying it isn't Cheese 1st yet where you are... well, welcome to the WORLD people. The US is not the center of it, you're just going to have to accept that other countries are ahead of you in time, we see it all before you do, and quite frankly we're bored by it by the time you see it.*
* To remove ambiguity, this should not be read in a serious tone.
>> ^gourmetemu:
Videograterbanned me, you are no longer relevant.
I was relevant? Goddamn it, why don't people tell me these things before I lose them!!?
i didnt even notice unti my words started getting changed.. then i was like, videograter? ungrated videos? where thE FUCK AM I..
and now im ok again.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
I'm glad everyone is mostly onboard with the changes. All the issues that we've struggled with are starting to melt away like a fine gruyère on a piece of baguette under the grill.
grate on graterers!
I'm eating a salad.
*3 hours later
in the spirit of grateness... hows about we grater 2girls1cup to no.1?
grater grater graterbot videograter great cheese festival
[edit] tee-hee! that's awesome!
[edit] oMG! how clever is this filter?
(4|\| 7|-|3 Ph1L73r d373(7 L337$P34|
ʇɟısoǝpıʌ ¿ʇxǝʇ uʍop ǝpısdn ʇnoqɐ ʇɐɥʍ
.. / .-- --- ..- .-.. -.. / -... . / .-- . .-.. .-.. / .. -- .--. .-. . ... ... . -.. / .. ..-. / .. - / -.-. .- -. / -.. . - . -.-. - / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . ..--.. / ...- .. -.. . --- ... .. ..-. - / ...- .. -.. . --- ... .. ..-. - / ...- .. -.. . --- ... .. ..-. -
Let's see how thorough this is:
It looks like 733t still works.
Perhaps this is why the lounge wouldn't let us type "grate".
I will always be a sifter
¡ɐɥɐɥɐɥɐɥɐʍɯ ˙ʇoqʇɟıs ˙sʃooɟ ʃıɹdɐ ˙ʇɟısoǝpıʌ ˙ɹǝʇʃıɟ ǝɥʇ ʇɐǝq ı ¡ʎɐʎ
VideoSift Forever !!
>> ^rasch187:
You're one day too early...
Not for the other side of the world.
>> ^Kevlar:
I, for one, plan on celebrating by grating down crappy videos into tiny nubs and getting bloody in the process. Isn't that what downvoting is all about? Ant?
WTF? Where am I?
Google translate:
The grate method is generally a term used cuts are indicated, involving all ministries or parts of a company to surrender something.
As a general grate alleged use is typically Dutch and a thin slice of cheese can be cut, the grate method and word coined to indicate that each component must return a small piece. These are usually for political decisions to cut.
The grate method has advantages and disadvantages. It is possible that everything could just go in a slightly lesser extent. But it is also possible that a part is not functioning properly, what the cuts are no longer absorbed by other parts may be.
A grate method to cut down on expenses is a result of an internal split or a class contradictions cripple Ministers. The political directors responsible for choosing a "grate" when they have no political choice.
moral, want to safe money? Change your URL!:)
>> ^jonny:
VideoGrater Forever !!
VideoGrater Forever
[edit] hmm... jonny.. wtf? howd u do that? can u do slooɟ lıɹdɐ / sʃooɟ ʃıɹdɐ?
SiftBot needs our help!
Everyone say it together! If we all do it, we can release SiftBot from the clutches of his evil twin!
Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift Sift
So now we're a video aggregrater site.
^ That's bullshit
>> ^jonny:
VideoSift Forever !!
Seriously, Sift for life, yo!
Sift = Sift
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Don't fight it, you malcontent recalcitrant rebels! Long live the Grater Republic.
this grates on me
This is some sort of sick 4/1 joke right?
^ It's 3/31, so probably not.
so what time does Cheese festival end on an international website?
i mean apuril fewls
cheese festival MOTHER FUCKERS!
I'd like to announce I've registered videoskullfucker.com and am selling it for mid six figures.
The price is flexible, but sooner is better than later, because I kind of need to pay my rent.
OK, We're going back to the original..., dare I say it... "Grater", Right(?)
Edit: Dam that Grater Police Robot!!!
Me no like.
Me ingrate, and ungrateful.
Me Grater! And no Cheese Festival!
Feta is great, but it doesn't grate.
Happy Cheese Festival! I love you all.
Methinks it's just a crazy plot to get QuantomMushroom away from this site...
I still thinks "The Grater" is much more lenient on the tongue than GRATE
>> ^jonny:
GraterBot needs our help!
Everyone say it together! If we all do it, we can release GraterBot from the clutches of his evil twin!
Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater Grater
Wtf VideoGrater I quit
http://www.techcrunch.com/ has a good list of other similarly great website updates
Do you think you will have a grater SEO score now????
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
^Absolutely, for searches grater > (the s word)
IT must be the time of the month for some people.
I'm always late to the party.. grate.
This is how you type April Fools without having it changed to Cheese festival.
I am a nerd
Copy and paste it into your comment box.
pshh, mine had to be manually edited it was so clever.
anyway... *ahem* you missed a spot
Dag can now be called the MasterGrater.
>> ^EndAll:the MasterGrater.
Oh! I wish I'd come up with that one.
>> ^mrk871:
so what time does Cheese festival end on an international website?
ahh this makes me miss this day when the sift died.
What kind of tom foolery will we have this year gents?
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
This was such a grate day.
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