Should negative votes count for top comment ranking?

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A total of 0 votes have been cast on this poll.

Often the top rated comments are comments with multiple negative votes. I don’t believe negative comments should be given top billing or elevated.
Should comments with negative votes be eligible for the top rated comments, or should they be ineligible?

Are we going for a full year without a post?

Just checking that the goal is not to have a Sift Talk forum post for 12 months. I'm obviously onboard for it.

While I'm here, happy new year to anyone that see this, and quite a good one to anyone that doesn't. Either way, regardless of your level of happiness, I hope you have a great one.

Newtboy Achieved Galaxy!

Just wanted to drop a quick CONGRATULATIONS to @newtboy who just reached the much coveted Galaxy Level status on VideoSift!

This is a very difficult thing to achieve, and only a handful of members have done it. He's been a dedicated Sifter for many years, so it has been a long time coming.


Gmail and Sift Lounge Fixed

It finally reached our attention that siftbot's emails sent to Gmail addresses haven't been reaching their destination for a while! Google required that a change be made, and that's done so emails should be back in normal working order for @ mentions and similar activity-based notifications.

Apologies for anyone and everyone who has been hollering in comments at others but getting no response. 😢 (@eric3579, @ant, @newtboy, and everyone else)

In addition, I noticed that Sift Lounge has been broken, in that you could kind of load the page but never post any messages.

Just in case anyone decides to pop in, this has been fixed. And it now supports the modern emoji short tags as well. 👍

I'll probably be hanging out regularly now that it's working again, hoping to see other Sifters jumping back in there as well!


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