Who the F#*@ is holding viewing parties for this guy? What the F#$^ are the 9 founding principles and the 12 eternal values? Where the F&*$ does Glenn Beck take acting classes? ...my head hurts

And I thought the only thing that could defeat Chuck Norris was Bruce Lee. Maybe I've idealized him a bit but damn I didn't think Fox's moron hypno tube could whoop him.

On a more serious note, what is he blabbering about 'we surround them' in regard to special interest groups. When are people going to learn, the first amendment and our constitution in general are not here to protect the popular opinions; they are here to protect the unpopular ones!

He loves this country so much he wants to step on other people's freedoms?


I'm at a loss for words. It's almost like Fox saw the effectiveness of Obama's grassroots mobilization, and said 'me too!'. Thank goodness this psycho couldn't act his way out of a paper bag.


Is there a Godwin law for invoking 9/11 yet?

Also "America Is Good." You missspellt God.

"A few people pressing the buttons". Well. Wait? What? That's true for all administrations, it's just that this one doesn't fit in your batshit insane crazy sky man 9/12 (ONE BETTER THAN 9/11) world.



Now this, this is well-done propaganda.

Build on people's anger, their sense of isolation, their hatred of their more liberal fellow citizens, and tell them it's okay.

It's okay to be angry. It's okay to feel repressed. It's okay to hate those who disagree. We're here to help you fight back against your fellow man, for they are not one of us, not really...not anymore.

Don't ever tell them they have nothing to fear, tell them their fear is justified and natural, and that they should stay fearful of anyone who isn't part of our superior order.

Make it sound like the opposition is a small band of propagandists who have swayed an otherwise unwitting populace, and that you can find the truth here, and from no one else. Everyone else has been "gotten to" by the left wing conspiracy.

This is really putrid, and really dangerous.


Wow, he sure comes off as insincere... I guess that might be that elusive 'televangelist' quality people are talking about.

Below is an exerpt from the first post I saw on the 9 principles page:
"I am concerned about the next census. With the census being conducted under direction from the White House, what incentive do they have to be honest? Unless we hold their feet to the fire and conduct our own census. We have people spread all over the country as a part of the 912 project."


*wtf the day after 9/11, we should feel like that now? When it comes to feelings i think people want to have the day after world altering acts of mass murder isnt high on my list.


Glenn Beck is hardcore Mormon. Enough said. It explains all his wackyness. Anyone who believes in an alien spirit savior from another planet destined to save the 'spirit children' from damnation, and claim that black people are 'fallen' who turned to satan, while the whiteys are those who chose god.. is most assuredly batshit crazy.


Behold the mysterious sky-magic of grouping things together... one ignoramus is just an ignoramus, but ONE THOUSAND ignoramuses grouped together is a BIG GROUP of ignoramuses!


News? NEWS????!!! It's in the news channel, and it actually says NEWS in the lower left hand of the screen? I guess that word doesn't mean what I thought it did.

"Strength through unity! Unity through faith!"


This man has disgusted me from the moment I saw him debut on Fox 2+ years ago. He gets like 5 or 6 hours of broadcast time daily between radio and tv. I still can't fucking believe that hateful shit like this gets passed off nationally as worthwhile, legitimate commentary. SO Dangerous, so irresponsible. Fuck Glenn Beck. I'm exhausted already.


The first 20-30 seconds of this reminds me of "The Running Man"

The sort of fake over-acting to try and evoke an emotion in the viewer by killian. In that film the aim was to hide the terrible big brother state the world was in, but in this film it's like the terrible big brother state trying to get back in.

The bit where he goes "like Joyce in Melbourne, Florida!"... oh man did i have a spooky de ja vu feeling for:
"maybe even a full pardon like our previous winners, Wittman, Price and Hadad. You remember them, Wittman, Price and Hadad, there they are, and at this very moment they're basking in the beautiful Maui sun"


No see.. you want 9/12 if you're the conservatives... 9/12 was the LITERAL highest point of the Bush administration, and by extension the highest political point of any Republican administration since Reagan.

The fear inspired blind, unquestioning loyalty from 90% or more of Americans, press and all... the Patriot Act was passed in mere DAYS after 9/11... how the hell an act like that gets written in days boggles the mind.. it had to be ready before 9/11.. but in the fearful days and weeks and months that followed they saw their chance to be GODS among men!!! Their words were LAW!! They were BETTER, and MORE TRUSTED than those liberal, god hating, commie ACTUAL news shows.

THAT'S why he says it was better on 9/12, it was only better if you wanted blind unquestioning obedience... conservatives are PRAYING for another 9/12.. only problem is, to get there, you have to have another 9/11....


This man has disgusted me from the moment I saw him debut on Fox 2+ years ago.

Actually I think he debuted on Headline News, which is pretty much my favorite news station thanks to Robin Meade. I liked HN because it was just back to back news stories, repeated ad nauseum. Click over any time of day for 10-20 minutes and you're ready for the water cooler. Then they started putting 'shows' on, and ruined the good thing they had going. Like when the weather channel puts on the drama, I JUST WANT THE FARKING WEATHER!! Anyway, I remember when they first put this guy on air and I was like, "Holy shit! Faux news is invading the real news!!" Thankfully I was wrong, and he got canned and moved over to where he belongs.


Why the hell would anybody yearn for the memory of the day right after a horrific terrorist attack?! I'm sorry, but if takes thousands of citizens to die a firey death for Americans to feel "American" again, then the U.S. is fucked. Game over, man.


i can not even begin to tell you how much these 9 principles/12 values things stink of mormonism. did you know the mormons believe the serpent a symbol for christ? they really enjoy things in lots of 12 also. and they totally read like the articles of faith but dumbed down about 1200% . this #4 "my family is sacred. my spouse and i are the ultimate authority" oooh and # 8 "It is not un-American for me to disagree with authority or to share my personal opinion." blows my mind. its not un-american to question authority, but the answer is always faith, dont question it.

12 values - most of those are what the LDS young women have to resite and strive to achieve in order to become good LDS women. hahahahahah

oh and the comments are slice of paranoid red neck heaven.

somewhere, on a ranch in texas, chuck norris is building a militia. a kung fu-ing, evangelical militia.

ps... as a kid, in houston, my karate teacher was best friends with chuck norris... ive totally been to a gathering at that ranch. *shame.shame*

on further thought, im think maybe glenn beck is some kind of viral scheme in the name of the church to brainwash everyone into fear and crazy and convert them by the thousands when they are at their most weak. i dont think the prophet supports this of course, i think glenn beck came up with it perhaps with the help of a group of crazed elders from liberty ward, tx.


I am simply astounded how completely freaked out conservatives are, that after just two months out of power this guy, Hannity, and others (from media to politicians), have nearly broken down and walked the edge of the line that is insanity. Christ some are still trying to argue that Obama isn't president because there's no real proof he was born in America... and birth certificates don't count!

TWO MONTHS and we have people acting like this. As if in the last two months we have lost all our values, all our rights, the country has taken a huge shift towards socialism and by extension communism (which is laughable at best.)

These people have gone off the deep end after two months out of power. What will they be doing after 2 years?

You know why I think they are feeling the way they are? Because they are just now realizing how much they completely screwed this country. How totalitarian the last administration was, and how they screwed up so bad that they are literally lost, without focus, without true leadership, without any sort of compass. They have realized that their chances of coming back into power in the next four years is just shy of Abysmal. So now they are pretending that they have morals, and that the past 8 years was a dream. They completely shut themselves out of every stimulus bill while pretending that the hundreds of billions they all agreed to spend over the last 8 years doesn't matter.

They can keep going the way they are going, because it's just making them look like a broken party with leaders and pundits on the verge of a breakdown.


#8 makes me laugh. It is not un-American to disagree with authority. Was he even mentally HERE in the last 8 years, when the conservatives basically made it completely un-American to disagree with their power?

What a freaking dumb ass.


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