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Hey Poor People! Koch says stop whining!
hahahaahahahaahahaha. it's so inappropriate but this just makes me laugh my ass off.
How to screw with the NSA. Which way is better? (User Poll by albrite30)
Overlap phone sex with terrorist lingo. Duh.
Brave Texas woman speaks out against legislators
I started to argue with you, it was a good one too. All about relevance and irrelevance and civil disobedience. But then I realized that my point was, nobody cares. And then I realized that I don't care.
I realized that having political opinions bears little difference to having religious ones. There's so much faith, too many assumptions, too much arrogance, side picking, divisiveness, manipulation and social control involved in both. So I'm agnostic. Both politically as well religiously. The issues are too big, too convoluted, and too interconnected for me to actually know or understand whats going on... and it sounds like arrogance to me now when someone talks politics. Particularly when it comes down to the silliness of assigning traits and personalities and connotations to words like republican or democrat. It's an arrogant, binary way to look at something. And it reeks of brain washing.
So my point again, fuck it. Imma read some books and go to bed.
No, I downvoted this crap because it was crap. I felt, I don't know, less for watching this video and voiced that.
I didn't think you supported the Republican way of fighting battles, but meh if one side fights dirty the other is entitled I guess.
Last, I mentioned Neil Degrasse Tyson so that people couldn't use the "he has money and good PR" reasoning. I don't respect Crist and Obama for that crap. I think they are genuinely good people--though against the machine they are useless. That is because the average voter is part of the problem.
Crist lost his spot for two reasons. One, he ran for the wrong office and two he was a populist. I respect that.
Brave Texas woman speaks out against legislators
Thousands of people have shown up to testify at the capitol about this bill. We're only talking about this woman. Her speech was obviously effective. If I gave a few more shits, I'd link it... but you can find an interview with her where she describes exactly what drove her to scrap her prepared speech and go with this one instead. Having read reports and listened to personal accounts from friends who where there, her comments were actually relevant. And I'm glad she said them.
Obedience doesn't drive change. You respect Crist and Obama because they have money behind them and a good PR crew. They're on the right side of a false dichotomy. They play "good cop" for people who share a similar world view with you.
You watched a video of this nobody insulting elected officials because she's interesting and has balls for days.
It gets noticed in the same way a train wreck gets noticed. There is no positive direction with this. If anything, it sounds more Republican than a Republican... Both, to me and many others, were identical--the protester and the protested.
You're suggesting that the Republican way is "getting more necessary?" I doubt it.
Intelligent debate, period. We respect Neil Degrasse Tyson because he is an honorable man. We respect Charlie Crist and Obama because they let people speak in civil discourse.
Brave Texas woman speaks out against legislators
No, choggie my love is correct.
As someone who hasn't lived in Texas since you were 13, you do not hold an insiders perspective and therefore should not speak as if you do.
This video exists because all of us "typical texas freedom hating right wingers" are SCREAMING by the thousands to stop these insane laws in their tracks. We're far from the only state with these types of laws on the books or attempting to weasel their way onto the books. And these laws are making it to the books not because people are so pro-life and against reproductive choice, it's because these laws are making someone with much more power a lot of MONEY.
The problem is not that your average poor stupid fuck red neck hill billy cousin fuckin po dunk texas trash is actually in favor of this shit, the problem is $$ in government. And thats a problem common to the entire GLOBE. No matter what superior state you're typing from your high horse in.
Ahhh, more Chingaleraese. It's so difficult to wade through the morass of disjointed thoughts you spout. I think that's your intention with your ramblings. That is typical of Texas rightwingers.
Mixed metaphors and run on thoughts not withstanding, I left Texas because my family moved for business when I was 13, so I didn't 'run from' anything. I did quickly decide that moving back was not in my best interest, because I'm not an anti-abortion, anti-minority, anti-liberal, anti-union, anti-tax, anti-intellectual, anti-evolution, anti-science, anti-education, anti-nonchristian, right wing nutjob.
True, there is no utopia of freedom, but there are certainly far better examples than Texas. In Texas, you have complete freedom to do as they say, but not the freedom to publicly disagree. As someone who has lived in many states, I can say with authority that Texas is one of the most hard nosed, anti 'freedom' states I've lived in. They love to talk about loving freedom, but hate to give it to anyone that thinks even slightly differently from them...consistently. They're simply too stupid or dumb to realize that real freedom means the freedom to do the unpopular, and consistently outlaw the unpopular in the name of freedom and liberty. It's just sad.
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Bananas? Or Shampoo Bottles? (User Poll by albrite30)
when i was an xray tech, i liked to work new year's day... because it's a boring holiday and because holiday pay is excellent. my hospital was 3 blocks from a major university. 2 years in a row 2 boys from the same fraternity came in complaining of severe abdominal and ass pain. they said that they had spent the night with a girl, got VERY intoxicated, passed out and woke up in intense pain. they said they had heard stories of this girl being insane. upon xraying them, we discovered that they had a shampoo bottle crammed solidly up their asses. because you can see air/fluid levels on xray, it was determined that the bottles were a little more than halfway full.
What do you do for work ? (Talks Talk Post)
i have 330am narcissism. time to necropost.
i usually wake at 6 am, jog 1 or 2 dogs and make breakfast for 2 small people.
at 730am, except in summer, i walk my kids to school 1.1 miles away.
at 8am i shower and then i go yoga. sometimes other people yoga with me. sometimes, it's just me.
if my husband is home that week, i'll come back home at 915 and hang out with him for 20 minutes.
then i ride my bike to my shop and massage some really awesome people. usually from 10am to 3pm.
but some days from 10am to 8pm. at some point i go home and hang out with my kids. dinner is prepared and consumed. then i take the kids to their various activities, kung fu or dance or art or piano. i usually work out while they're doing that. if i'm working late, the nanny or husband will do that part for me.
then we either all go swimming or i make a group of people do yoga with me. we end up back home at 815pm. the kids take showers and we take the dog/dogs for another jog. we usually play a game of blockus or dominos. then i read with my kids and make them go to sleep around 930pm. if my husband is home that week, we hang out until we fall over.
if my husband is not home that week, ill work on marketing for my shop or fuck around on the Internets until i get sleepy. in theory i'm doing businessy things, like accounting and inventory and stats and shit. but. usually i just neurotically plan trips at night. because i'm obsessed with them. we only go on about 1/3 of them. if it's the end of a fiscal quarter, i'm wishing i'd just break down and hiring an accountant.
Book of Mormon Opening Performance: 2012 Tony Awards
*promote some of my favorite things all happening at once!
What Homosexuality Is Not
yeah.. i know how you feel, my best friend is black and all. i'm cool with black people...
but damn am i sick of uppity niggers! alright, alright, i get it already YOU'RE BLACK AND A HUMAN BEING AT THE SAME TIME. FINE. now shut up and go back to the back of the bus. Normal people are trying to exist here! sheessh!
>> ^A10anis:
PLEASE; Look, your homosexual. ok. I get it. But, much as I am in favour of equal rights for gays, i am getting pretty sick of all the videos, blogs, etc. actually promoting it as though it were normal. It is not normal - for obvious reasons- but if you are gay, terrific. Enjoy your life and stop preaching to the converted. Anti-gay people, with few exceptions, will always be so. Those of us who rejoice in the differences in humans will always do so. I just believe that by trying to justify it as the "norm" when it clearly is not, is doing the gay community a disservice. Enjoy your life as a gay person, but PLEASE stop eulogising about it.
GE CT Scanner Max Speed Spinning In Action
the beautiful thing is that this is only a 16 slice, so it's relatively slow! when i left the industry 3 years ago we had a 64 slice that was almost out of date. not sure what they're up to now. super fast beautiful things!
Travis Haddix ~ Cialis Before I See Alice
*promote this followed me home on community radio
Cotton Candy Maker Has Style And Is Loved By All
" We really need to slap these minimum wage servants back to reality. I don't wanna see the monkey do tricks - I can hold down a job, family and house at once, nice work on juggling a bottle." - zaust
no 10 year old in a hoodie will ever redeem you from the epic levels of douchebaggery you have displayed.
>> ^zaust:
Oh whatever kiddie - the bands I listed all played the sonisphere and reading festivals in the uk last year. We ain't going to any festivals this year because we can't afford the extra tickets now our eldest has hit 13. Point was the combined 5 of us got bored about 1 min into this vid and clicked onto something else. Like I said Nice Trick but it's not like he's going to sell out an arena tour doing it.
PS Just in case you still think I'm a rich idiot/douche - check at exactly 2:26 there's a small blonde girl in a very big green hoodie in the bottom right hand corner. That's my 10 year old daughter wearing my wife's hoodie cause it was starting to rain sitting on my shoulders in the middle of a 50,000+ crowd watching slipknot.
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hair follicles
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