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Boston Dynamics Introduces All Electric Atlas

Tesla Turbine

Bruti79 says...

I was about to say, it seems too good to be true, what's the catch?

Thank you for the link.

noims said:

This is all true and it's a very cool turbine, but it doesn't scale up due to the forces on the disks.

Here's a nice explanation of how it works and why it won't scale: *related=

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Truck Narrowly Misses School Bus After Brakes Fail

Bruti79 says...

To be fair, they may have a hard time processing all that in the moment.

I hope they explained it afterwards. Trauma and stress triggers some strange reactions in people.

moonsammy said:

"You don't wanna know."

Why the f not? What, like he'll just think 'oh ok then'? I think an adult saying "Looks like the truck's brakes failed. I've never seen that before" would be more comforting than "for you it's a mystery, best not worry about it."

Robot dog with a machine gun

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Jyoti Ram

Bruti79 says...

I watched part 1 on youtube, and my guess is, he may have another speaker further out, and he's got multiple threads running from them. I think that's why he keeps adjusting the volume, because the bass is trembling the threads and the sticks.

I originally thought he had it anchored to the bike behind him, but people kept walking by.

I love watching these acts, and I love trying to figure it out. I will always watch Fool Us when it's on.

Jyoti Ram

Bruti79 says...

If he's doing it the way I think he's doing it, he has some invisible string set up to an anchor point somewhere. I want to know how he's doing the circling of it with his hands and fingers without flicking the string.

It's a really cool illusion.

BSR said:

Balancing those sticks up at an angle blows my mind along with the floating crystal ball.

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