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Driver barrels through traffic arm to cross drawbridge
Nice way to eff up a windshield. And the hood is already damaged and threatening to fly open before he ever hits the arm, so I wonder what he ran into before this. Also, looks like he's on his phone. Nice.
Hitler learns he can't stop vote counting
lulul. "Fraud!" Evidence? "..."
It ain't over yet.
When is the last time Trump gave up.
There is voter fraud going on, how big? big enough to cast doubt.
If neither candidate gets to 270 electors due to disputed ballots, the House would have to decide the election.
Trump and Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19
Interesting how our resident token treasonous Trump sheep is absent from this thread.
Orange County is the Florida of California
Trump’s Vast And Ongoing Project To Steal The Election
[citation needed]
rEPUBlicans AreN't tHE oNES BurninG doWn ShIT, abNNing rFEE sPEEC HoN CaMUps, cREaTiNg vIOlEnCE.
Trump’s Vast And Ongoing Project To Steal The Election
You're not standing around for hours in close proximity to thousands of other people when you go to the store, for one.
If you EVER want the economy to return to normal, you need to STOP THE SPREAD. All it takes is ONE person taking it home to their family, and it can just balloon out from there.
FORm cD c lATesT uPDate, sUrVivLa RaTE rGeaTE RthAN 99% FOr tHOSe uneDr 07.
what is THe dIfFeRenC Efrom maSKingU p And gOiNG Ot The StoRe?
Trump’s Vast And Ongoing Project To Steal The Election
I love how repugnantcunts are still complaining about 2016. Repugnantcunts: The party of victimhood. Fucking crybaby sheep.
99%o F VioLEncE LAst 3+Y EArs s FrOM tHE LEFt rEfSuAl tO AcknOwleGDe a pEaCEfUl TarnSFEr to pOWER BecAUEs HlIlaRy LoSt.
With Such A pOLARIZED SCoeItY, wHy wOULd ONE InrTOdUc Ea VOtinG mEtHoD lAckING hiGH tSnaDarDS Of COnTROl, uNLESs THe ParTy pUshING fOR sUch IS that tHey Want To sEAl THE electiON?
SO this piECE Of FAKe neWS iS TakinG THE PosITION tAH TtRump iWlL BitCh / moaN aNd IFGHT aFTER tHe elECtIon alLT HOSe Nu-couNTeD maI Lin voTEs.
aS FOr POsSiBLE MAIl IN HSenAniGANS that doNt oCCuR:::::
VotE iN PrEsON aND Be DoNe WIth IT.
Allassonic/Hot Chocolate Effect
Aww I was hoping he would stir it again. I've done this since I was a kid. It's just hot liquids. If you stop and stir again, it starts out low in pitch again.
Shocked swimmer is attacked by two swans forcing him to hide
Seems like maybe it just flew over your head.
OH! That. No wonder it didn't fit with duck puns.
This Is Why You Should Pay Your Workers
I was confused due to the lack of context but the Youtube description says:
"Landscape gardeners destroyed a brand new patio and fences with sledgehammers after a homeowner allegedly refused to pay £7,300 for the work. Jack Pendergast claimed the customer in Ellesmere Port, Cheshire, failed to pay despite asking five times."
How it Starts
Trump has done literally nothing for his entire term other than fight to cover up his crimes and install his criminal co-conspirators into places of power. He's done feck-all to "drain the swamp". He is the embodiment of the swamp. Even his wife hates him. He's a fickle, petulant child. It's disgusting and embarrassing. I miss having a president.
Trump doing his job, Democrats aren't.
How it Starts
By their own admission, these arrests are "proactive arrests" - Chad Wolf, Acting Homeland Security Chief
So we're not even arresting them for committing a crime, we're anticipating maybe they MIGHT commit one. This is wholly illegal, and so long as we allow this type of overreaching authority, the closer we get to an actual authoritarian dystopia. Wait til it happens to you.
If you watch the portland protests, you will notice that the feds allow peaceful protesting for hours on end. They only intervene when a small number of rioters begin tearing down fences, trying to enter the building, or start fires. You can certainly argue their response is too much, but you can't say they aren't allowing peaceful protest to occur. It's happening every day from 5pm-11ish pm. Then things stop being peaceful and the nameless enforcers come out.
How it Starts
*non-sarcastic golf clap*
Had he said anti fascist, he would have gotten 1/5.
To be honest, 1.5/5 because I do support some level of socialism, but I know he's talking the failed Venezuela style of absolutist dictatorial socialism where a totally corrupt government simply nationalized industry then mismanaged the nation into bankruptcy, not the kind we already enjoy in America that creates and funds our infrastructure, social services, military, and in fact our government that rarely converts private holdings to government property (stealing people's land for Trump's fence notwithstanding), that coincidentally is also leading the nation into bankruptcy due to criminal mismanagement.
Antifa is not really the same thing, it's barely a thing, and exactly what it is or isn't isn't a game I'm getting sucked into, it's a trap.
People can claim it's anything and pretend it's your (or my) responsibility to prove them wrong, but antifa as a movement (there is no organization by that name) is so open, disparate, unfocused, and undefined (imo all by design) that saying you stand with or against them only opens yourself to accusations of supporting anything under the sun (including the multiple acts of terrorism perpetrated by right wing extremists masquerading as antifa) with no clear defense. I'm not playing that game.
I am definitely anti fascist. I reserve my opinion on antifa until it's properly defined, which is likely never.
How it Starts
The REAL looters are the Reugnantc*nts. What the hell do I even pay taxes for? Because they're sure as hell not working for me. DO YOUR EFFING JOBS! IT'S WHAT YOU WERE HIRED TO DO. There should be an actual way to fire all these deadbeat employees, or at least withhold their pay.

It would help if billionaires ever paid a single penny in taxes. Billionaires basically run the country and WE pay them to do it. When the f is the government gonna work for me? It's in their f-ing job description. It's what we pay them to do. We hire them, they take our money and give it to their rich buddies. Never in my whole life have I witnessed the government doing my bidding as a citizen. They work to enrich themselves. What the f do we even need a government for at this point? They sure as f aren't leading. Paying taxes feels like the biggest charitable contribution I make every year and it goes to the least deserving people. It should be tax-deductible.
How it Starts
EVERYONE should be anti-fascist, but Trump supporters LOVE fascism. So there's that...
(Antifa just means anti-fascist, idiot.)
I realize you are a leftist liberal nut and that you not only drank the Kool Aid but you are guzzling it down.
You are the TOOL of the Left.
Are you pro ANTIFA?
Pro Socialist?
Pro Communism?
Anti American?
Anti Cop?
You at least 3 out of 5 but most likely 5/5.