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Rocket Sled Impact Test In Slow-Motion

grinter says...

My guess is that they need to measure the forces that the weapon, and its internal components, are subjected to if it falls out of a transport or if it goes off course and subsequently impacts the ground. This will help them predict the likelihood of and unintentional detonation of the conventional explosives, and I suppose the likelihood of a nuclear reaction resulting from this. It will also help them predict the kind of cleanup task that will be necessary. It might also be useful to know how much secret technology survives after an impact if the weapon does not detonate.
Anyone know the back story on Sandia Labs appropriating the thunderbid symbol? It seems a poor choice for a weapons lab of colonizing nation to use the symbol of a people that nation has displaced.

50 cal ricochet close and personal

World's clumsiest failed robbery attempt - CO Vape Store

Optimistic magic with anisette

grinter says...

thanks for ruining everything....
..didn't see that.

newtboy said:

I guess I'm not supposed to notice the clear cylinders of liquid in the center of each glass? They should have filmed it in lower resolution or with frosted glasses....or both.

Pangea - Alfred Wegener and continental drift

Pangea - Alfred Wegener and continental drift

Pangea - Alfred Wegener and continental drift

Pangea - Alfred Wegener and continental drift

grinter says...

Fixed... sort of.
I got rid of the popcorn... but the video isn't working for me in Firefox. Chrome is running it fine.
..anyone else able to see it?

eric3579 said:

I'm seeing a video about popcorn.

Slow motion video of people being tased.

Orion: Trial By Fire

Officer Friendly is NOT your friend

grinter says...

Immoral, disrespectful, and dishonorable behaviors are not necessarily illegal.

There may be a place for trickery in police work. That place is not "whenever you encounter someone with a frisbee golf bag". We share videos like this, because we see a pattern of excessive trickery and intimidation on the part of police. That needs to change, whether it is legislation, new policies, or enforcement of existing policies that ultimately bring this change.

lantern53 said:

The courts have ruled that police officers can bluff. You can call it lying. Ever play poker?

Damn those courts again, right?

Mountain Biker Robbed

Elderly couple run into a cloud of flies.

What happens if you push someone wearing Oculus Rift?

Colonel Sanders Explains Our Dire Overpopulation Problem

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