Zonbie just got his 250th brain star!!! Meow Brains???

ZONBIE YAY 250!!!!
VideoSift's resident zombie-cat Zonbie just got his 250th brain star, so that means it's DIAMOND time, cats and kittens! Yes, it's true: The kitty corpse of Bredish origin (British chap living in a Swedish city) done good. In case you didn't know, Monsieur Zonbie is a professional artist working in the gaming industry. How cool of a job is that? You know what else that means: Don't get on his bad side, or he'll use your avatar as a crude caricature of a prostitute in Grand Theft Auto V. And we ALL know what happens to prostitutes in GTA.
Scandinavian culture must have rubbed off a little on Herr Zonbie, because he seems to enjoy some of their Gothic metal. His comedy videos also reveal a dark sense of humor (which I appreciate), but I don't think the Swedes want to take credit for that. So he's fun to have around here.
You all Know Mr Zonbie has done a lot of contributions to the sift and he always likes to help others sifters when ever he can

Don't forget To take a Look at Mr Zonbie's PQ
He still have so many nice videos In there to watch

Leave your comments and donations of brains of course are accepted too.
Special thanks to mr. Kronos for helping me with this post,You always Rock!
I use my new powers to *sticky this!

thanks sweetie - you're the best
oh and of course, thanks too, Mr KP
Stickying this post at the top of Sift Talk - sticky requested by Zonbie.
hey congrats, zonbie! You're one of the guys/girls here who treated me as part of the family from my first day on VS. All hail our new diamond zombie-kitten!
Yayyyyyyyy, didn't even realise you were so close. Excellent work mate, you and the lady of death are super nice people, keep it goin!
Congratulations, but you still can't have my brains! Damn zonbies, always fucking up my shnit!
>> ^thinker247:
Congratulations, but you still can't have my brains! Damn zonbies, always fucking up my shnit!
too late! nom nom nom
Hab bahnz 250! Meowmeow..
http://wiki.urbandead.com/index.php/Guides:The_Zombie_Lexicon )
CONGRATS! right behind ya! 2 more vids!
D-I-A-M-O-N-D-S-! M-O-R-E D-I-A-M-O-N-D-S-!
Brain eating kitty zombies? Gross
this must be some kind of a record, hittin' 250 stars as quick as you did. congrats!
Welcome to the 250-club, Zonbie! Try not to spill any brains on the floor of the clubhouse, we just vacuumed.
Congrats, Zonbie! What kind of channel are you thinking of making?
Wooohoo, congrats!! =)
We have WAY too many undead hanging around here lately.
...or is it way too few? Either way, good job on the 250 stars, buddy. Keep it up!
Yowsa. Well done, zonbie. Congrats.
Congratulations, Mr. Z. You're an inspiration to the undead the whole world over. Can't wait for your BRAAAIIINS! channel.
Grats, Mr. Zonbie. I dig your style.
Congrats Zonbie! Now a song from the land of your people:
As a fellow zombie-phile, my
hatskullcap goes off to you. Have a nice side of bone and gristle for me; you deserve it!Aim for the head. I always did like this motherfucker. Gratz and all that shit.
You two ( Zonbie and LadyDeath ) are two genuine sweethearts on here, so WOOHOO for you guys going up like this. :#1: Grats Zonbie!

I suggest a *medical, *Irish, *anime, *8bit, or *indie channel. Medical and Irish I suggest the most, I spat out the other ones to try to inspire creative thinking in your own head regarding it.
The Rest Of The Zombie Kittehs... (shameless shameless plug!)
Congratulations! It seems like you're earning a new rank every few months. So we can look forward to celebrating 1k come next January? Anyways, thanks for all the good sifting, you certainly couldn't have hit 250 so quick without a host of good submissions behind you.
err... yeah, grats.
Congrats, Zonbie! You're a great Sifter, and I really enjoy having you and LadyDeath on here.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
The horror, the horror ... Thanks and congrats Zonbie- looking forward to your channel selection.
I have no idea yet what channel I will pick

I will get back to you - but hey any suggestions are always welcome
Congrats on the horrifyingly huge milestone, Zonbie!!!
Congrats, Zonbie, I love yer stuff. BR@!N GR@V33!!!!!!! Please make Frankenbutt a prostitute in GTA5.
Congratulations Zonbie!!

Keep on slurping the marrow out of the living! Send more veteranarians.... nom noms
>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
Congrats, Zonbie, I love yer stuff. BR@!N GR@V33!!!!!!!
Mmmmm.... BR@IN GR@V33! Tastier than A$$ GR@V33!
Congratulamalationses ZONBIEFAYSE!!!! D:
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Awarding LadyDeath with one star point for this contribution to Sift Talk - declared quality by kronosposeidon.
sorry I'm late...
gotta say congrats any-hoo
Wow, that was fast! When I was a young Sifter it took much longer, because there were only like, twelve videos on YouTube, and we all had to fight over them.
Congratulations, Zonbie, Diamonds are the dead's best friend.
Seems like you`re in the zone! Congrats Zonebie!
you're awesome!
Holy Crap! I'm speechless.
This is by far my favorite:
Thanks everyone
I will keep youp posted on the soon to be new channel 
Nice work zonbie! (mmmm diiiiiiiiamonds)
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