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Who's The Next Top Homeless Person?

Pushkill says...

I went to go comment on their website about how horrible and removed from humanity their news team is, but it seems they have taken the story down from their website.


*sshole creates $8 million iPhone 4 out of gold & diamonds

Spinning a .40cal bullet on ice

Pushkill says...

It looks to me that the bullet is actually bouncing off the ice and ending up spinning where it lands, the second time he shoots it isn't that apparent but the first time they get it to spin, its spinning in a different area then he was shooting.

Low Flying 747

Music Video Has A Sexy Girl. We didn't have this in the 80s

Terrifying Climb up a 1786 Foot Tower

Arcade Fires Chrome Experiment - We Used To Wait (Art Talk Post)

More Raving Lunatic Mel Gibson Audio - Death Threat Audio

Old Dude Beats Down 5 Subway Hoodlums (Wait for it)

Giant man-made fire vortex art

Rick K. and The AllNighters - Drummer insanity

Pelicans raid Cape Gannet nesting grounds and eat chics

Sherlock Holmes Game - Watson Is Creepy

World condemns Gaza flotilla raid - Russia Today

Pushkill says...

If it was so important to stop the ships why didn't they just do that? Jam the props, tow them back to port, drop supplies on deck and wait it out. Seems like boarding the ship not only put the ships people in danger, but Israli soldiers as well. Why would you lower guys one at a time to an obvious hostile situation? This smells on both ends.

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