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Ugly Bat Boy - The Ugliest cat ever! (Raw video)

Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays / Season's Greetings ! (Sift Talk Post)

mintbbb says...

Merry Christmas, we are having a white and cold one this year in my neck of the woods. Hope everybody is safe and doing great!

Now back to prepping the turkey.. =)

Once I beat mintbbb's #1 Top 15 Sifters of All Time spot... (Wtf Talk Post)

mintbbb says...

Yeah, not coming back. Just found out one of my dogs has epilepsy.. seizures... As much as I'd love you kick your butt ant, you are welcome to be the new #1 =) Tho I am rooting for eric!

ant said:

Bring it on! Welcome back!

Once I beat mintbbb's #1 Top 15 Sifters of All Time spot... (Wtf Talk Post)

Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas (Sift Talk Post)

mintbbb says...

Thanks ant =) Hope you are doing well, nice to see that you are still sifting!

ant said:

Oh my God! That's awful. I hate that. I had too many human deaths in 2013 from friends, family, and work. It purely sucked. I prayed for you!

Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas (Sift Talk Post)

mintbbb says...

Yeah, it has been a rough couple of years. Lost both of my dogs a few months apart (cancer) in 2016. Lost my mom last spring.

Kinda lost my spirit. Recovering, but all this hit really, really hard, and I am still sad and feeling lost.

Happy 12th Siftiversary (Sift Talk Post)

Happy 12th Siftiversary (Sift Talk Post)

newtboy (Member Profile)

mintbbb says...

Thanks foro the promote!

I am sad that he is gone. Being a science student in college, I bought his book in the 80's, and then they said he'd have only a few years to live.

And then it looked like he was gonna live forever! R.I.P Mr. Hawking!

newtboy said:

Best interview ever

Well Hihi again, VS (Sift Talk Post)

mintbbb says...

Thanks gwiz Hope you and Lann are doing well and are enjoying the falltime - My favorite time of the year, though the air here does not smell as good as it did in Finland (and I imagine in Denmark too!)

Queen - Body Language

chicchorea (Member Profile)

jhonvid (Member Profile)

Genesis - Mama

Fantomas (Member Profile)

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