Welcome to the upvote comment party...
Welcome to the party! Just in time for the New Year! Come on in, leave a happy comment and be sure to upvote other people's comments, too. The more upvotes the merrier.
I think we will need a three comment limit or else people will leave twenty in a row. If you leave more than 3 comments, prepare to have them downvoted instead.
Now let's PARTY!

Now let's PARTY!
Happy comment #1: I hope everyone has a great New Year!
Happy comment #2: I hope blankfist gets hit in the face by a rocket!
Happy comment #3: Life is an illusion that we wake from when we die.
Happy comment #4: Only 20 more sleeps until Bush leaves office.
Happy Comment#5... Issykitty is making Potstickers and a Thai Curry at our New Year's Eve Partyyyyy!
Happy Comment #6:
HAPPY COMMENT #7: I want to spend 7 minutes in heaven with EVERY girl in the world. Hey... it's happy for me. I don't care if it makes your Grandmother cry.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind ?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And days o' lang syne ?
For auld lang syne, my jo,
For auld lang syne,
We’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.
And surely ye’ll be your pint-stowp !
And surely I’ll be mine !
And we’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.
We twa hae run about the braes,
And pu’d the gowans fine ;
But we’ve wander’d mony a weary foot,
Sin auld lang syne.
We twa hae paidl’d i' the burn,
Frae morning sun till dine ;
But seas between us braid hae roar’d
Sin auld lang syne.
And there’s a hand, my trusty fiere !
And gie's a hand o’ thine !
And we’ll tak a right gude-willy waught,
For auld lang syne.
I Still have leftover turkey to munch on! Woo!
>> ^UsesProzac:
Happy Comment #14:
When I woke up this morning, she was gone, and my wallet was still on my bedside table!
Happy Comment # 15 uuuuhhhh....
If I drink water while this doth last
May I never again drink wine
For how can a man
In his life of a span
Do anything better than dine?
We'll dine and drink and say if we think
That anything better can be
And when we have dined
Wish all mankind
May dine as well as we
And though a good wish will fill no dish
And brim no cup with sack
Yet thoughts will spring as the glasses ring
To illume our studious track
On the brilliant dreams of our hopeful schemes
The light of the flask shall shine
And we'll sit till day but we'll find the way
To drench the world with wine
-Thomas Love Peacock
RESOLUTION: I will start filming more of my sexual escapades.
#16: going to a news years eve party that i've been waiting for since october!!
Comment #17: I just got hit in the face by a rocket.
Comment #18: I just shot a rocket out my window! Hope it didn't hit anyone!
Comment #19: COCK ROCKET!!!
Happy Comment #20: 2009 is my first year of sterility !!!!
Happy Comment #21: And in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Happy Comment #22 We've already passed the summer solstice so sweet, sweet temperate weather is just around the corner.
Happy happy joy joy comment #23:

I'm taking all of you guys' & gals' love.
Happy Comment #24: *quality
Also, have sex.
Awarding blankfist with one star point for this contribution to Sift Talk - declared quality by kronosposeidon.
Happy Comment #1: Happy New Year!
Happy comment #2: Goto Happy comment #1.
Happy Comment #25, Addendum B-Alpha
I skipped over a bunch of numbers in my first comment, and nobody noticed and/or cared!
fly me to the moon
let me play among the stars
and let me see what spring is like on jupiter and mars
in other words, let's fuck
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Reading the comment vote tallies ... this thread is a perfect example of why chain letters don't work. The bounty of votes are at the top of the chain.
Happy Comment With Some Number That I Don't Bother To Check:
I'm not as hung over as I feared I would be! A drink of water and a shower and I'm as good as new!
Happy Comment #27 or so: This year, we're gonna have a President who believes in:
The Constitution
Global Warming
Helping people who don't agree with him (or give him money)
What a change that'll be! If the other party decides to adopt those beliefs, we might be in for some really, really good times.
Happy comment #42ish:
I just took a crap and feel MUCH better.
>> ^deathcow:

Happy Comment #20: 2009 is my first year of sterility !!!!
Ha! It will be for me too... not actually yet, but not long now...
Happy new year to all though, hope your festive season was/is great, and that 2009 brings much joy and happiness all your ways, even the people here I vehemently disagree with... I wish you to be happy by discovering that my thinking is the right thinking.
Happy Comment # π
How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?
#43 We are the music makers, We are the dreamers of dreams.
#44 I would like some milk from the milkman's wife's tits.
pint or quart
So hey eh, am I late to the circle jerk?
Why does no one ever tell me about these things?
I hear this is a good place to get free power points. Amirite?
Democracy Works!
What... the .... fuck... is going on here.
FFS, I just stepped in something sticky...
aw...Dude! I'm fucking barefoot.
>> ^RedSky:
So hey eh, am I late to the circle jerk?
Yes. I hope you saved room for a very soggy cracker!
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Soggy Sao
Thanks I really needed to know that! I'm going to go pull my brain out of my nasal canal now.
New Years Eve plus 2 ; After drinking our fill Wednesday night, I still have left a big bottle of red, bottle of white, Sam Adams, 2 brands of an IPA, Blue Moon, bottle of brandy, bottle of champagne, and a gently used bottle of Bourbon..

Anyone want to help me finish this off?
Happy New Year!
Happiness is an upvoted comment!
Wait, party at swampgirl's? Yay!
Happy New Year!
this is retardation squared.
2009? here ya go!
Arse, I just wandered past, allow me to indiscriminately award points!

Happy New Year...fellow sift junkies
I've always prefered odd numbers. 2009 seems promising.
(votes, like integers and irrational numbers, are finite, so I'd best jump in while I can!)
Happy 2009! I wish peace and happiness for you all.
I'm happy cos I was sharing custody of my cat Gojira with my ex, and now Gojira is mine all mine!
A great way to ring in the New Year: fur, purrs and sneezes.
I despise all of you.
Oh god this is still going?
It's going strong, my friend. Going strong.
I'm feeling a little emo. Could I get a downvote or 15 up in this bitch?
Experiment to see if this comment can get 15 upvotes in 2 weeks or less.
Happy New Year Everybody!
No need to stop the feelings of good will just yet is there?
Up votes all round, and a reminder to keep enjoying this year.
Wheres mine?
Yay me for randomly visiting old Sift Talk links being viewed right now. Upvotes for you all.
What's all this then?
Happy Mid-Year!
Happy July 23rd! Oh well, I tried.
^Happy July 23rd to you as well...
So... whose cock do I have to suck to get some upvotes in this biotch???
>> ^EDD:
So... whose cock do I have to suck to get some upvotes in this biotch???
> Mine!!
You just gave birth, better wait a bit.
553;▌║▌││║▌║ *ZAP* *BEEP* Price: $7.95
upvotes for you all!
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