Ponceleon Flies Ever Higher, Reaches 100 Gold Stars

Ponceleon might not be a 3-year-veteran of the Sift (then again who knows, he might've been a long-time lurker (or even... mlx! gasp!) before he joined), but he's definitely become one of the most likable folks around.
If there's anything really important I've learned about this Prius-riding, left-leaning, videogame-playing Bostonian (apart from the fact his username has two 'e's in it - which I managed to be unaware of until today

Where was I? That's right - ponceleon is a stand up guy, and his comments tend to be some of the best ever, so be sure to check out his UNSIFTED vids and his PQUEUE from time to time, because more often than not you'll find real gems in there.
*cue round of applause*
Image courtesy of the lovely and talanted NicoleBee, slightly modified for the occasion by EDD
Woo, power on ponceleon. Now you can wield those promotes like nobody's business.
Congrats you fat flying pig.
Self promoting this Sift Talk post - promote requested by original submitter EDD.
Well done, Ponceleon! *quality
Awarding EDD with one star point for this contribution to Sift Talk - declared quality by eric3579.
Congrats, Ponceleon!
Congrats, you big meany.
Props, Ponceleon!
Good job Ponceleon - I hadn't realized until today about the 2 'e's' as well.
Keep em coming!
does this mean i have to buy a gift now?
congrats ponce,your comments are my reason for living...
ok..they crack me up.
as i have stated before:
DUDE..you rock!
Ponce in perpetuity!
Now you're famous!
Woooo! I go to a few meetings and come back to a party!!
Edit: btw, it is all true, I do eat pizza with cutlery.
Congratulations, and I'm STILL working on bloody gold. ._.
Good job dude mang! I'm honored by your humble piggy-ness! (Boarness?)
On a sentimental note: I would like to thank all those folks who make these videos even better with all their great comments... Here's a bit of nostalgia that some may remember, but not remember that it was me.
So back when I was a lurker, I didn't quite get what videosift was all about. I read the instructions and thought I understood what was up. So the first video I submitted promptly got me banned! It was a video I took of a cow in switzerland and I said "hey buddy" to the cow. Yup... exciting stuff. Anyway, I got banned pretty fast and then went back and read the stuff on self-promoting. I guess I took the rule as being literal, as in I was promoting myself in some way. Anyway, understanding the rule better, I promptly removed the offending video, apologized, and someone (sorry can't remember who) gave me a second chance!
I must say I am eternally grateful to whoever that was, as the time I've spent with all you guys has been hella fun.
Love the sift
^ it was sarzy. I guess he felt bad about banning you
^Naw... people should read rules more carfully than I did... he was nice to give me a second chance anyway...
On that note, I was reflecting further on the sift and was thinking of what my favorite self-sifted video is... I think it might be Dongpocalypse...
Congratulations! From now on you can give all your self made videos to me, and I'll be happy to get star points from them.
Keep the exellent commentary and sifting coming!
Hey Ponce, hope you found your damned fountain of youth by now, cheers!
Oh hey, it is a Flying Pig Ace Face. I thought it was Alf.
Grats Ponce!
Job well done!
Damn, check out that bulge.
Ponceleon, like a pretty petunia in a pasture you prove your prowess by philandering with peacocks and occasionally pack bowls of pot to perpetuate the progress of your powerful mind. Yeaaah, idk what that was about either. Anyways - congrats!!!
Congrats, you Ponce!
Congratulations, and stop buzzing the sheep. It really kills the mood.
Cripes how many people have been made recently?
Not like this of course;
Woo hoo! Mazel tov!
May the promotes be with you and may your powerpoints recharge swiftly Ponceleon. Consiftulations!
Whoa, how the hell did all this happen when i was gone?!
gratz man! i love your comments they always add to the discussion in a positive way.
Happy 100th, Ponceleon!
Sarzy is such a soft touch. I would have put him on a cross, for no other reason that to institute the religion of siftology with Ponceleon as our savior.
(but then I'm a total sift-nazi motherfucker, so I guess that says more about me.)
>> ^rasch187:
^ it was sarzy. I guess he felt bad about banning you
You've reached the second to the last milestone that means anything. The rest is empty status. Enjoy your new powers and may Jesus ride in on his white stallion-led chariot and gift you eternal life in his kingdom of country music, mullets and perms.
Congrats ponceleon! I truly appreciate you're presence on videosift.
>> ^ponceleon:
Edit: btw, it is all true, I do eat pizza with cutlery.
My grandma used to eat pizza with a knife and fork, and now she's dead - something to think about.
well done ponce
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
I'm with you on the animal sex thing Ponce. I wouldn't mind doing it with a big beautiful cat - providing it was consensual - and the cat had bathed recently.
Congrats and thanks.
I like your moves.
Where's your avy from by the way? Always came off as strangely familiar ...
Congrats, ponce. Nicely done.
I was also a longtime lurker like you, and we both ended our sift virginity at approximately the same time. Us semi-younglings gotta stick together, you know! Well done!
Enjoy your night of 100 starz
Wtg Ponceleon. Congrats
Congrats, Ponceleon! Yay HUNDYYYYYYYYYSTARZ!!!
Sorry so late... forgive me. I've been ill w/ lung infection!
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