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Duckman33Once again Sarah Palin dazzles us with her brilliance!
siftbotPromoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Friday, June 3rd, 2011 1:01pm PDT - promote requested by Duckman33.
HoRnOsays...This women is just about qualified to breath in and out, and some people want to elect her?!
Mikus_AureliusFor those who can't stand to hear this idiot blubber, here's the text. The period at the end is a bit of grammatical generosity on my part.
"He warned the British that they weren't going to be taking away our arms by ringing those bells and making sure as he's riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be secure and we were going to be free."
dystopianfuturetodayShe is 100% correct. Paul was revered by the British, that's why the King gave him the last name Revere.
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eric3579Go Sarah...Go Sarah...Go Sarah...Go Sarah
shuacBells and warning shots? Lordy.
blankfistWould it've killed her to google him before showing up for a photo op in his home town?
GallowflakShe talks like a drunk pretending to be sober. Wandering aimlessly through incoherent ideas, just barely managing to ejaculate a sentence that sort of connects where it starts to where it ends. Really, just... GTFO. Please.
honkeytonk73Even more dumb than George W Bush. Believe it or not...
JanuariHer intellect is... just revolting... She is an absolute embarrassment... not just to Republicans... or even Politicians... or even Women... that she has risen to the point where she can even be seriously discussed as a presidential candidate is humiliating to all of us.
You said it perfectly Blank... to not do... just the tiniest margin of prep work... Her stupidity exists on so many levels.
vaire2ubedidn't her daughter say she was inspired by George Washington, because it must have been really hard to keep his Farm going? im pretty sure she did.
RyjkyjYeah, but Obama mispronounced corpsman, so she should be president.
nanrodI thought this was going to be one of those unfair hatchet jobs where a politician gets pilloried for a simple slip of the tongue. I can't remember the last time I was so wrong. If you increased her knowledge of American history a thousandfold she still wouldn't know as much as I do ... and I'm Canadian.
burdturglerI'm getting deja vu.
No .. it's just dry heaves.
This clip includes her last snippet of wisdom "and we were gonna be armed":
bareboards2Someone found this twitter about this event:
garmachiI've said it before, I'll say it again. I challenge the sift to post a video of Sarah Palin saying something smart.
antEven though I suck in history, I facepalmed at this.
ShakyJakeShe should seriously get together with Michele Bachmann on this. We could probably get some pretty interesting interpretations on history between those two.
braindonutsays...Yeah, that's weak. She totally left out the 3am dance off and the 2am wet t-shirt contest of Paul Revere.
rottenseedPaul Revere?
I did it like this, I did it like that, I did it with a wiffleball bat. Sooo...I'm on the run...
quantumushroomMinor gaffe and no one gives a shit, except Obama's lapdog media shills. Shitheels McReporter was almost falling over himself with glee.
His Earness of the 57 States has made plenty of gaffes. I've done you a favor by not including the trillion dollars thrown in a fire, high unemployment, high gas prices, higher food prices, higher taxes on the way, creeping inflation and alienating our allies.
This is the fellow the fools elected, not a private citizen:
"In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died -- an entire town destroyed." --on a Kansas tornado that killed 12 people
"How's it going, Sunshine?" --campaigning in Sunrise, Florida
"It was also interesting to see that political interaction in Europe is not that different from the United States Senate. There's a lot of -- I don't know what the term is in Austrian, wheeling and dealing." --confusing German for "Austrian," a language which does not exist, Strasbourg, France, April 6, 2009
"UPS and FedEx are doing just fine, right? It's the Post Office that's always having problems." –attempting to make the case for government-run healthcare, while simultaneously undercutting his own argument, Portsmouth, N.H., Aug. 11, 2009
"The Middle East is obviously an issue that has plagued the region for centuries." --Tampa, Fla., Jan. 28, 2010
BONUS: "Government should NEVER be able to do anything YOU can't do." --Anarchist Ron Paul
siftbotAdding video to channels (Politics) - requested by NetRunner.
Mikus_Aurelius"Minor gaffe" my ass. This woman
1) Is ignorant of basic American history (or economics, foreign policy, geography, you name it)
2) Pretends not to be ignorant by making shit up
3) Fails to organize her made up shit into comprehensible sentences
Moreover, she does this frequently. At some point ideology is not enough. Some people are simply not smart enough to be effective leaders. I wish her a long and successful career as a media personality.
Brick TamlandSarah Palin. People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks. Years later, a doctor will tell me that I have an I.Q. of 48 and am what some people call mentally retarded.
smoomansays...can we make a rule that posting any video of this breathing abortion speaking an insta ban offense?
every time i hear her voice i just want to chug a gallon of bleach....and yet i cant stop clicking play on any new vids of her =(
ps, im joking about the new rule, obviously.......nah fuck it, we need this rule!
ponceleonReally quantum?
Defending her just makes you a troll. Please. I like you more than Shiny right now, just take it back and we can still be friends.
Mammaltronsays...Until she threatens the USA (and by extension the entire world) by actually running for president, why can't we all just completely ignore her? Media attention just gives this idiot oxygen.
Crosswords>> ^blankfist:
Would it've killed her to google him before showing up for a photo op in his home town?
It very well may have. I get the feeling facts are like kryptonite to this woman.
Deadrisenmortalsays...Oh Quantum... deflect much?
I don't remember seeing anyone suggest a comparison between her and Obama prior to your post. I believe that everyone was assessing her performance against, say... a sanitation technician or perhaps an elementary school child. You know, the common folk.
But since you brought it up... There is a huge difference between someone making a mistake due to their ignorance of culture, or geography, or even just having a plain old brain fart. But when you take the time to ramble on with complete ignorance about a well known historical event of which you obviously have no idea, as Sarah clearly did here, and try to pass it off as if you are conducting a lesson or saying something profound... well that is just a combination of ego and stupidity.
To give her the benefit of the doubt, perhaps she was just trying too hard, doesn't know how to check herself and found herself 10 words into a sentence with no idea how she got there or how to finish it up without sounding like an idiot... and she ended up sounding like an idiot.
Regardless, I am tired of Sarah Palin and I hope that one day she gets left behind by the world of politics and personality and we never have to experience her flavor of nonsense again. Sarah Palin, reduced to a footnote in the political history of the country as a person that did nothing, changed nothing, knew nothing
dagComment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)
This is so delicious. Is she drunk? God - I hope she runs.
MaxWilderIf there is anything that would guarantee Obama's reelection, it would be Palin running against him.
I'm not sure it would be worth it. I would have to self-enforce 18 months of media blackout.
AnimalsForCrackerssays...Wow, that wasn't even an accidental slip of the tongue, she literally didn't know what the fuck she was talking about.
AnimalsForCrackerssays...>> ^Crosswords:
>> ^blankfist:
Would it've killed her to google him before showing up for a photo op in his home town?
It very well may have. I get the feeling facts are like kryptonite to this woman.
Luckily she has no use for them.
NorsuelefanttiShe's either the most unintentionally funny person ever, or a very clever and manipulative media troll. I'm going with the latter.
Fantomas>> ^dag:
I hope she runs.
I do too. Far, far away
MorganthI swear sometimes that I think she's been paid-off by the DNC. Seriously, I'm a conservative Republican but this woman could make me vote for my first democrat.
gwiz665You all laugh now, just wait until she's president...
KnivesOutPerfect execution, +1 upvote, A+++++, would upvote again.
>> ^quantumushroom:
Drax>> ^KnivesOut:
Perfect execution, +1 upvote, A+++++, would upvote again.
>> ^quantumushroom:
Did you just buy something off ebay..?
Porksandwichsays...She's trained well, even when she doesn't know wtf she's talking about she still manages to work in one of her platform topics, specifically guns in this clip. Every time she's on camera a buzzword platform topic seems to work it's way in. Can't let the people forget she's like Paul Revere because guns.
xxovercastxxIt's not that she's so ignorant that really bothers me, it's that she's proud of it.
Xaielao>> ^Gallowflak:
She talks like a drunk pretending to be sober. Wandering aimlessly through incoherent ideas, just barely managing to ejaculate a sentence that sort of connects where it starts to where it ends. Really, just... GTFO. Please.
You put the nail on the head right there. I always thought nobody could ramble through a sentence as bad as Bush. Oh how so wrong I was.
And QM I'm starting to think your not a real person at all. Just some algorithm thought up by conservatives to go around the internet and spew some random shit that sounds half intelligible when ever you happen upon a discussion or video where a popular republican is the topic of discussion.
DarkhandI'd still hit that
direpickleWe don't have the full context here! Part missing: "Sarah, can you give us an example of a sentence so ridiculous that people wouldn't believe that even you could say it?"
bobknight33All Quaumtum was doing
is pointing out the blatant Bias the media has. He correctly points out that time after time after time after time after time the current fool called the president gets a pass every times he fucks up.
But the media will dog Palin on every opportunity they can.
When will you get your self absorbed heads out your asses and see the truth? You heads have been up you asses so long you all think you shit doesn't stink.
>> ^ponceleon:
Really quantum?
Defending her just makes you a troll. Please. I like you more than Shiny right now, just take it back and we can still be friends.
Deadrisenmortalsays...Holy crap man! Have you seen Fox News? (I'll bet you have.)
Again, I don't understand the need to deflect this to Obama as you guys are doing. I could give a SH!T about Obama. The issue is that this woman, no matter who she is or where she comes from, is an idiot! It wouldn't matter if she was running for the presidency or for a local city council.
The sad thing is that if she would either do a little research or broaden her talking points a little she could potentially ride her charisma and popularity to great heights (god help us all) but instead she talks and talks saying things that she thinks people want to hear with her mouth in drive and her brain in neutral. This makes me think her to be egotistical and lazy; "I don't need to prepare, the people love me and everything I say." No wonder the McCain campaign staff turned on her.
>> ^bobknight33:
All Quaumtum was doing
is pointing out the blatant Bias the media has. He correctly points out that time after time after time after time after time the current fool called the president gets a pass every times he fucks up.
But the media will dog Palin on every opportunity they can.
When will you get your self absorbed heads out your asses and see the truth? You heads have been up you asses so long you all think you shit doesn't stink.
>> ^ponceleon:
Really quantum?
Defending her just makes you a troll. Please. I like you more than Shiny right now, just take it back and we can still be friends.
MrFiskWhy, what really happened?
Deadrisenmortalsays...Best comment yet!
Thanks for bringing us back to earth man.
>> ^MrFisk:
Why, what really happened?
quantumushroomCongratulations, you've just described Obama to a tee.
Now you lefties disown him because he didn't close Gitmo and end the wars, but he's not going anywhere for two more torturous years, and his election has resulted in--to put it mildly--negative consequences.
If there's any 'deflection' going on here it's Obama's former and current worshipers, hoping no one notices the emperor wears no clothes.
It's certainly everyone's right to diss and dislike Palin, but c'mon, try to keep some perspective. Paul Revere was just another homophobic sexist racist Dead White Guy.
"Minor gaffe" my ass. This woman
1) Is ignorant of basic American history (or economics, foreign policy, geography, you name it)
2) Pretends not to be ignorant by making shit up
3) Fails to organize her made up shit into comprehensible sentences
Moreover, she does this frequently. At some point ideology is not enough. Some people are simply not smart enough to be effective leaders. I wish her a long and successful career as a media personality.
criticalthudsays...i want sarah to run, and win. just to see what happens
criticalthudsays...politics is all theater anyway.
doesn't really matter who's on the wheel of a big ship that don't turn.
decisions are already made by special interests groups. it's all bought and sold. then they trot out the usual bs to pacify the public. keep em working, keep em buying, keep em scared.
dem vs republican? it's puppet theater.
criticalthudsays...The brilliance of the US government/big bizness is that they realize that humans are still psychologically more primal than cognitive. And they use that fact to control the workforce. Politics is theater designed to create emotional reactions, not thought.
Sarah Palin might be a bad candidate, but she's a media darling, and a wonderful distraction to the simple fact that you're going to get fucked in the ass no matter who's in office.
marblesTo be fair, she didn't intend on saying Revere warned the British.
Go back and listen:
"He who, warned uh, tha, [pause] the British that they weren't going to be taking away our arms..."
Notice the "they" and the "our". Unless you believe she meant he warned the British that the British were going to be taking away our arms. And that doesn't follow logical semantics.
It's a failure of articulation, nothing more.
I think she tried taking the conventional expression "The British are coming" and turn it into a pandering appeal to those concerned with gun confiscation. She probably was trying to say "that the British" instead of "the British that". Also it seems she was trying to think of a word to call the colonists that would pander more to her fans.
But who really cares. Why does Think progress care? Why does anyone care? It's immature and petty. The corporate owned news media is just playing you fools hyping "entertainment" while glossing over and completely ignoring real news.
MarineGunrockShe DID make me vote for my first democrat, in the last election. >> ^Morganth:
I swear sometimes that I think she's been paid-off by the DNC. Seriously, I'm a conservative Republican but this woman could make me vote for my first democrat.
@marbles - are you fucking serious? It wasn't a failure to articulate. It was a failure to pass 7th grade history.
You know, just a couple of months ago, I thought to myself how amazing it is that she is so well-spoken nowadays. Then I realized she was only reading a scripted speech written by someone with half a brain. It's still painfully clear how unintelligent she is whenever she's talking without her scripts or cards.
heropsychoDid you seriously just say Obama's intellect is comparable to Palin's?! SERIOUSLY?!?!?!? Look, gaffes aside, Obama graduated from Harvard Law School with a JD magna cum laude. Palin took six years to get a bachelor's degree in communications bouncing around from school to school to get it!
Dude, if the conservative/libertarian ideology concluded the world is flat, would you spout that crap, too?! In fact, your beloved Ron Paul wouldn't tell Obama he's not smart enough to be president.
Just ridiculous. I get you don't like Obama, but that doesn't mean you should ignore basic fact. And I'm sorry, but she's simply not smart enough to be president. This has nothing to do with her ideology. Plenty of conservative politicians are out there who have the intellectual capacity to be president, but she's not one of them.
>> ^quantumushroom:
Congratulations, you've just described Obama to a tee.
Now you lefties disown him because he didn't close Gitmo and end the wars, but he's not going anywhere for two more torturous years, and his election has resulted in--to put it mildly--negative consequences.
If there's any 'deflection' going on here it's Obama's former and current worshipers, hoping no one notices the emperor wears no clothes.
It's certainly everyone's right to diss and dislike Palin, but c'mon, try to keep some perspective. Paul Revere was just another homophobic sexist racist Dead White Guy.
heropsychoExcept for Bush because the lamestream, liberal media was out to get him, right?
Just stop. Sarah Palin has said some ridonculous stuff that is brain numbingly moronic for presidential candidate, and it has nothing to do with gaffes or the media being "out to get her".
This isn't a gaffe:
She doesn't have a freaking clue what she's talking about. Or this one...
Can't name a single Supreme Court case she disagrees with?! Seriously?! She says any that takes away the states' right to determine their own laws. So Brown vs. Board of Education? Plessy V. Ferguson? Baily V. Patterson? Loving v. Virginia? Can't name a single one, huh? I totally get why she wouldn't name any of the above because of the political fallout, but then don't say idiotic stuff like any court case that infringes on states' rights is bad. She's not a moron. She's just not smart enough to be President, pure and simple.
>> ^bobknight33:
All Quaumtum was doing
is pointing out the blatant Bias the media has. He correctly points out that time after time after time after time after time the current fool called the president gets a pass every times he fucks up.
But the media will dog Palin on every opportunity they can.
When will you get your self absorbed heads out your asses and see the truth? You heads have been up you asses so long you all think you shit doesn't stink.
>> ^ponceleon:
Really quantum?
Defending her just makes you a troll. Please. I like you more than Shiny right now, just take it back and we can still be friends.
Like how it's painfully clear Obama's a pompous stooge whenever he's talking without his teleprompter?
Of course it's a failure to articulate. Like you have a failure to think critically--so you actually believe she meant: Revere warned the British that the British were coming to take our arms?
MarineGunrockNo, I think she actually meant that she warned the British that they wouldn't be taking our guns. Notice how she never utters the phrase "are coming"?>> ^marbles:
Like how it's painfully clear Obama's a pompous stooge whenever he's talking without his teleprompter?
Of course it's a failure to articulate. Like you have a failure to think critically--so you actually believe she meant: Revere warned the British that the British were coming to take our arms?
marbles>> ^MarineGunrock:
No, I think she actually meant that she warned the British that they wouldn't be taking our guns. Notice how she never utters the phrase "are coming"?>> ^marbles:
Like how it's painfully clear Obama's a pompous stooge whenever he's talking without his teleprompter?
Of course it's a failure to articulate. Like you have a failure to think critically--so you actually believe she meant: Revere warned the British that the British were coming to take our arms?
"He who, warned uh, tha, [pause] the British that they [the British] weren't going to be taking away our arms..."
MarineGunrockYeah: "He who warned the British that they [the British] weren't going to be taking away our arms..."
Or: "Paul Revere, who warned the British that they weren't going to be taking away our arms."
What is so difficult about this? Why did you quote me and repeat that quote? What are you trying to accomplish?
>> ^marbles:
>> ^MarineGunrock:
No, I think she actually meant that she warned the British that they wouldn't be taking our guns. Notice how she never utters the phrase "are coming"?>> ^marbles:
Like how it's painfully clear Obama's a pompous stooge whenever he's talking without his teleprompter?
Of course it's a failure to articulate. Like you have a failure to think critically--so you actually believe she meant: Revere warned the British that the British were coming to take our arms?
"He who, warned uh, tha, [pause] the British that they [the British] weren't going to be taking away our arms..."
DraxOne if by land, two if by sea had nothing to do with making noise (bells, gunshots).. there's that too...
(and I remember that from a freaking kids cartoon I once saw)
TruckchaseShe seems to see everything through a lens of "stickin' it to 'em".
GenjiKilpatrickYou are right. This is a trivial thing. Shouldn't even be "newsworthy".
Now do me a favor.
"the Two Minutes' Hate is a daily period in which Party members of the society of Oceania must watch a film depicting The Party's enemies and express their hatred for them and their principles of democracy."
Confront your compartmentalization issues. How does this not apply to you as well?
Fox News: Obama weak on Libya vs. Doubts about Obama's war in Libya.
Remember, all those headlines are from Fox's video site, Fox Nation.
I'm not concerned with any other rant or excuses you have I just want you to
do us all & yourself a favor:
Try to keep some -tempered -objective -falsifiable -levelheaded perspective. = P
>> ^quantumushroom:
If there's any 'deflection' going on here it's
Obama'sNeo-"conservative" former and current worshipers, hoping no one notices the emperor wears no clothes.It's certainly everyone's right to diss and dislike
PalinLiberals [Or Libtards or Foos or whatever childish taunt you're using these days],but c'mon, try to keep some perspective.
lurgee>> ^rottenseed:
Paul Revere?
I did it like this, I did it like that, I did it with a wiffleball bat. Sooo...I'm on the run...
lavollThe British...? Didn't they all consider themselves British at that point? Or French? Or something? or did they have an identity as Americans already that early??
siftbotGrimm cannot declared this a dupe of the specified video because Grimm submitted the original - ignoring dupeof request by Grimm.
blankfist>> ^MarineGunrock:
Yeah: "He who warned the British that they [the British] weren't going to be taking away our arms..."
Or: "Paul Revere, who warned the British that they weren't going to be taking away our arms."
What is so difficult about this? Why did you quote me and repeat that quote? What are you trying to accomplish?
>> ^marbles:
>> ^MarineGunrock:
No, I think she actually meant that she warned the British that they wouldn't be taking our guns. Notice how she never utters the phrase "are coming"?>> ^marbles:
Like how it's painfully clear Obama's a pompous stooge whenever he's talking without his teleprompter?
Of course it's a failure to articulate. Like you have a failure to think critically--so you actually believe she meant: Revere warned the British that the British were coming to take our arms?
"He who, warned uh, tha, [pause] the British that they [the British] weren't going to be taking away our arms..."
"What is so difficult [pause] about this? [pause] Why did you quote me [pause] and repeat that quote? [pause] What are you [pause] trying to accomplish?"
Deadrisenmortalsays...Nowhere does it say here that Paul Revere warned the British of anything.
Paul Revere's House
As a matter of fact it very clearly states in his personal letters and deposition of the midnight ride that he did everything that he could to avoid the British.
Paul Revere's Letters
Apparently there were lots of threats by the British soldiers to "blow his brains out". (Read it, you'll see. ;^)
I am not sure how she is making the connection between the British and the right to bear arms. The Declaration of Independence says nothing about bearing arms. It does say lots about the abuses of the American colonists by the British Royalty and about the elimination of taxation without representation. I thought that it was the Constitution that was adopted once independence was achieved that gave the right to bear arms.
Midnight Ride - 1775
Declaration of Independence - 1776
American Revolutionary War ends - 1783
United States Constitution adopted - 1787
Bill of Rights - 1789
2nd Amendment adopted - 1791
This tells me that the right to keep and bear arms was not ratified until 16 years after the midnight ride and was likely not a burning issue at the time.
As I am not a scholar of American history I may be mistaken and would happily defer to anyone who has the right of it.
>> ^eric3579:
quantumushroomDid you seriously just say Obama's intellect is comparable to Palin's?!
Palin has a far better grasp on what it means to be an American than a bitter leftist who sat in a hate-Whitey church for 20-plus years. His Earness is endlessly promoted by His media lackeys, so a fair comparison is not possible.
SERIOUSLY?!?!?!? Look, gaffes aside, Obama graduated from Harvard Law School with a JD magna cum laude. Palin took six years to get a bachelor's degree in communications bouncing around from school to school to get it!
You might have had a point when Harvard wasn't a politically-correct degree mill. Speaking of kollij, we will never see Obama's kollij papers to know his genius even then. Community organizer? Do you even need higher education to become a rabble-rousing 'activist'?
Dude, if the conservative/libertarian ideology concluded the world is flat, would you spout that crap, too?! In fact, your beloved Ron Paul wouldn't tell Obama he's not smart enough to be president.
I don't need any labels to denounce His Earness. I merely observe the results of his incompetence (or genius, for those promoting the one-world illuminati worldview). His results are indefensible by any metric you care to name.
Just ridiculous. I get you don't like Obama, but that doesn't mean you should ignore basic fact. And I'm sorry, but she's simply not smart enough to be president. This has nothing to do with her ideology. Plenty of conservative politicians are out there who have the intellectual capacity to be president, but she's not one of them.
Due to an unfortunate media-created outbreak of Palin Derangement Syndrome, your observation cannot be quantified. Anyone here think Joe Biden is smart enough to operate a doorknob much less be President?
BONUS NO. 2 -- "Who are these people?" -- mid-90s Vice President and supergenius Al Gore, referring to the busts of Jefferson, Washington and Franklin during a tour of Monticello, home of Thomas Jefferson.
Deadrisenmortalsays...Man-o-man Quantum, you seem to have some serious anger issues.
The sad thing is that some of what you say is very true but because of your deep seated hatred for anything left of the extreme right you undermine your own argument against any leftist bias.
What really intrigues me is your comment; "Palin has a far better grasp on what it means to be an American than a bitter leftist...". As you appear to be a bitter right wing extremist, I am curious to know what you think it means to be an American? What American principals does Palin exemplify that you find so endearing as to make you believe her to be a good presidential candidate?
Porksandwichsays...>> ^eric3579:
She sounds like a mentally ill person. She's right in saying what no one else has ever said/written about the topic at hand, and they are out to get her with "gotcha" type questions. Perhaps she's doing a long term Sheen meltdown.
jmzerosays...I was deeply disappointed that Obama didn't get the US out of its disastrous wars, and I'm dumbfounded at how little has been done to address the horribly imbalanced US health care system. I think Obama's failure to deal with budget problems (mostly, again, war is the problem) constitutes the beginning of a serious threat to civilization. I'm no Obama fan.
I thought that young Bush got a lot of undeserved flak for some of his speaking gaffes. With him, it was clear he often understood issues better than he was able to articulate. There was a fairly smart guy under the bumbling. Also, I thought it was ridiculous that anyone believed the Rather-gate memos. It was sad how far Bush haters would leave their senses in order to believe something that was so clearly a forgery.
In general, I'm a Canadian with no horse in the US political race.
And to me, it's crystal clear: Palin is a moron. Not like a Bush "moron" who made gaffes (but laughed them off when correcting himself later), or a sneaky, folksy type or something (who talks like the commoners as a political ploy). No - she's just plain old stupid, and mixed with a dangerous, aggressive confidence.
The silver lining is that she is, I hope and believe, unelectable.
Clumsysays..."A shout out 'gotcha' style question" ? Really? Wasn't she at a destination of historical significance that she maybe should have brushed up on the history of? Wasn't this destination on her agenda for weeks and planned forward? It's not like she just dropped in unexpectedly...
The original video is amazing, she stutters, she pauses, she makes it up as she goes along and clearly has no idea what she's getting at. Then in a rebuttal she claims it's a gotcha style question - This woman is hilarious and I don't want her to get a clue.
campionidelmondo>> ^quantumushroom:
Palin has a far better grasp on what it means to be an American ...
Wow you must really hate America to say something like that.
TangledThornsSarah Palin was right and what you learned in elementary school was wrong. So you know-it-alls need to STFU.
quantumushroomMan-o-man Quantum, you seem to have some serious anger issues.
Anyone who values the exceptional, free and prosperous America is angry with the Obamateur and his merry band of tax cheats and kleptocrats. Not to say the Rs are much better, but they are, in fact, better.
The sad thing is that some of what you say is very true but because of your deep seated hatred for anything left of the extreme right you undermine your own argument against any leftist bias.
Remember that I don't claim objectivity like the leftmedia (actually even that isn't true any more, they abandoned what little journalistic cred they had by joining Obama's 2008 campaign). I have my opinions but there also the numbers, such as unemployment and debt, which no one can fudge for very long.
What really intrigues me is your comment; "Palin has a far better grasp on what it means to be an American than a bitter leftist...". As you appear to be a bitter right wing extremist, I am curious to know what you think it means to be an American? What American principals does Palin exemplify that you find so endearing as to make you believe her to be a good presidential candidate?
You may be surprised to discover I don't necessarily think Palin is ready to be prez (the night is young) but the election of His Earness proves that a sad slight-majority of Americans are willing to overlook a lack of experience and substance, another measure by which BHO fails. Palin governed a whole state, whereas Obama was a junior senator who voted "present" most of the time.
What American principals does Palin exemplify that you find so endearing as to make you believe her to be a good presidential candidate?
Sarah believes in America, Barack doesn't. Sarah celebrates the good, Barack believes that America is the greatest threat to the world and should be "reigned in". Sarah may not know the birthdays of all the Founding Fathers, but is aligned with those principles more than Barack, who believes that the FF "didn't go far enough" in redistributing wealth, which was never their aim.
Sarah is a leader, capable of galvanizing the American People, just like Barack. It's why the left hates her. Even Howard 'Scream' Dean just warned that she could beat His Earness in '12.
IMO she can't screw things up any more than Barry.
FlowersInHisHair>> ^quantumushroom:
Sarah is a leader, capable of galvanizing the American People
Now I know you're trolling.
KnivesOutSarah is a paid shill for Fox News. Sarah is riding around the country on a family vacation, on the dime of her generous contributors, and she gets away with it because she has specifically NOT put her hat into the ring to run. Sarah won't run, because there's more money in being a paid personality than in actually doing something. The minute she says "I'm running for president" the free ride is over, and its back to bumm-fuck Alaska for her brood.
Sarah has a Super-PAC. Sarah is soaking you idiots for all you're worth. Sarah is laughing her ass off at you every night, while she eats $50 steaks.>> ^quantumushroom:
Man-o-man Quantum, you seem to have some serious anger issues.
Anyone who values the exceptional, free and prosperous America is angry with the Obamateur and his merry band of tax cheats and kleptocrats. Not to say the Rs are much better, but they are, in fact, better.
The sad thing is that some of what you say is very true but because of your deep seated hatred for anything left of the extreme right you undermine your own argument against any leftist bias.
Remember that I don't claim objectivity like the leftmedia (actually even that isn't true any more, they abandoned what little journalistic cred they had by joining Obama's 2008 campaign). I have my opinions but there also the numbers, such as unemployment and debt, which no one can fudge for very long.
What really intrigues me is your comment; "Palin has a far better grasp on what it means to be an American than a bitter leftist...". As you appear to be a bitter right wing extremist, I am curious to know what you think it means to be an American? What American principals does Palin exemplify that you find so endearing as to make you believe her to be a good presidential candidate?
You may be surprised to discover I don't necessarily think Palin is ready to be prez (the night is young) but the election of His Earness proves that a sad slight-majority of Americans are willing to overlook a lack of experience and substance, another measure by which BHO fails. Palin governed a whole state, whereas Obama was a junior senator who voted "present" most of the time.
What American principals does Palin exemplify that you find so endearing as to make you believe her to be a good presidential candidate?
Sarah believes in America, Barack doesn't. Sarah celebrates the good, Barack believes that America is the greatest threat to the world and should be "reigned in". Sarah may not know the birthdays of all the Founding Fathers, but is aligned with those principles more than Barack, who believes that the FF "didn't go far enough" in redistributing wealth, which was never their aim.
Sarah is a leader, capable of galvanizing the American People, just like Barack. It's why the left hates her. Even Howard 'Scream' Dean just warned that she could beat His Earness in '12.
IMO she can't screw things up any more than Barry.
Porksandwichsays...@KnivesOut's like political porn.
GrimmAm I wrong in thinking that there is no "significant difference to the video content" between this and this?
I see a different news intro (insignificant) and the exact same video recorded from a slightly different angle of the room.
heropsychoYes, yes. Any school with famous liberals who graduated are now completely invalid as educational institutions. That's how you get around that one. Harvard Law is a crap school. So here are the conservative graduates who also don't have a valid degree according to you:
Chief Justice John Roberts
Former Chief Justice William Rehnquist
Justice Antonin Scalia
George W. Bush
William Bennett
Henry Paulson
Bill Frist
Ted "Series of Tubes" Stevens
Mitt Romney
Alan Keyes
Lou Dobbs
Bill O'Reilly
Man... too bad they must all be idiots... and they clearly don't have a grasp on being "American".
Do you ever stop and think before you say things like that?
You don't get to invalidate someone's academic achievement because you politically disagree with them... Well, you can, but it just makes you look incredibly stupid. There's something horribly wrong with people who look down on someone's intelligence despite graduating from one of the elite colleges in the US because they disagree with them. Ridiculous...
Sarah Palin can really galvanize and lead, eh?
What, are all polls now liberally biased, too?!
And nice try attempting to make this about how well Obama has done as President. That wasn't the debate. You said Palin is just as smart, if not smarter, than Obama. She's not. Period. You can't even sanely argue that she is. She's of average to above average intelligence overall, but sorely lacks knowledge of the economy, foreign policy, and other crucial topics needed to be a good president. Plain and simple. Your political leanings shouldn't cloud that assessment. There are plenty of right wingers who also can accept Palin just isn't smart, and Obama is.
Bonus: The only person who brought up Al Gore is you. This isn't a liberal vs conservative thing. This is you saying idiotic things flying in the face of simple facts.
>> ^quantumushroom:
Did you seriously just say Obama's intellect is comparable to Palin's?!
Palin has a far better grasp on what it means to be an American than a bitter leftist who sat in a hate-Whitey church for 20-plus years. His Earness is endlessly promoted by His media lackeys, so a fair comparison is not possible.
SERIOUSLY?!?!?!? Look, gaffes aside, Obama graduated from Harvard Law School with a JD magna cum laude. Palin took six years to get a bachelor's degree in communications bouncing around from school to school to get it!
You might have had a point when Harvard wasn't a politically-correct degree mill. Speaking of kollij, we will never see Obama's kollij papers to know his genius even then. Community organizer? Do you even need higher education to become a rabble-rousing 'activist'?
Dude, if the conservative/libertarian ideology concluded the world is flat, would you spout that crap, too?! In fact, your beloved Ron Paul wouldn't tell Obama he's not smart enough to be president.
I don't need any labels to denounce His Earness. I merely observe the results of his incompetence (or genius, for those promoting the one-world illuminati worldview). His results are indefensible by any metric you care to name.
Just ridiculous. I get you don't like Obama, but that doesn't mean you should ignore basic fact. And I'm sorry, but she's simply not smart enough to be president. This has nothing to do with her ideology. Plenty of conservative politicians are out there who have the intellectual capacity to be president, but she's not one of them.
Due to an unfortunate media-created outbreak of Palin Derangement Syndrome, your observation cannot be quantified. Anyone here think Joe Biden is smart enough to operate a doorknob much less be President?
BONUS NO. 2 -- "Who are these people?" -- mid-90s Vice President and supergenius Al Gore, referring to the busts of Jefferson, Washington and Franklin during a tour of Monticello, home of Thomas Jefferson.

Ok I was wrong. I'm a moron.
Deadrisenmortalsays...I don't necessarily agree with all the points in your message but I can most certainly appreciate the way that they were communicated. An opinion can be much better appreciated when it is not preceded by insults and hostility.
I am taking you off my troll watch list. ;^)
>> ^quantumushroom:
Man-o-man Quantum, you seem to have some serious anger issues.
Anyone who values the exceptional, free and prosperous America is angry with the Obamateur and his merry band of tax cheats and kleptocrats. Not to say the Rs are much better, but they are, in fact, better.
The sad thing is that some of what you say is very true but because of your deep seated hatred for anything left of the extreme right you undermine your own argument against any leftist bias.
Remember that I don't claim objectivity like the leftmedia (actually even that isn't true any more, they abandoned what little journalistic cred they had by joining Obama's 2008 campaign). I have my opinions but there also the numbers, such as unemployment and debt, which no one can fudge for very long.
What really intrigues me is your comment; "Palin has a far better grasp on what it means to be an American than a bitter leftist...". As you appear to be a bitter right wing extremist, I am curious to know what you think it means to be an American? What American principals does Palin exemplify that you find so endearing as to make you believe her to be a good presidential candidate?
You may be surprised to discover I don't necessarily think Palin is ready to be prez (the night is young) but the election of His Earness proves that a sad slight-majority of Americans are willing to overlook a lack of experience and substance, another measure by which BHO fails. Palin governed a whole state, whereas Obama was a junior senator who voted "present" most of the time.
What American principals does Palin exemplify that you find so endearing as to make you believe her to be a good presidential candidate?
Sarah believes in America, Barack doesn't. Sarah celebrates the good, Barack believes that America is the greatest threat to the world and should be "reigned in". Sarah may not know the birthdays of all the Founding Fathers, but is aligned with those principles more than Barack, who believes that the FF "didn't go far enough" in redistributing wealth, which was never their aim.
Sarah is a leader, capable of galvanizing the American People, just like Barack. It's why the left hates her. Even Howard 'Scream' Dean just warned that she could beat His Earness in '12.
IMO she can't screw things up any more than Barry.
MrFiskThe controversy has bled into Wikipedia:,0,5203855.story
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