Seriously, the POO POO.

What an ass.

Boosting this quality contribution up in the Hot Listing - declared quality by gorillaman.

Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Monday, May 31st, 2010 6:14pm PDT - promote requested by gorillaman.


That is just deliciously fucking absurd. If ever a video has been ripe for remixing, those auto tune the news guys, FARK, 4chan, this is the one. I might make a L4D2 spray out of the fisting moment.


Hang on Mr Pastor Ssempa... Hang on a second there.

Let me see:

'Anal licking'... not restricted to homosexuals
'Fisting'... not restricted to homosexuals

HA! THEN he asks that children step out... hilarious

I'd love to know the percentage of gay people who eat the poo poo... really, I would.

And in any case, I defend the right of any person, gay or otherwise, to eat the poo poo of another person if they so chose.

The uneducated, the simple minded... THIS is where religion breeds.


As a politically-involved, gay, christian man, I cannot help but be filled with pity for this kind of mentality. And seeing his listeners rally up along side with him after his outrageous presentation! Gah. Makes me so upset.


Who knew gays were such huge fans of eating poopoo?

You would almost think this guy was doing some sort of comedy bit, perhaps something like Zach Galifianakis would do. That would be very funny. But I'm sure he really is some sort of closeted, homophobic, shit-eating asshole.

I get the feeling he had a little too much fun looking up pictures of anal fisting.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'analingus, salad tossing, uganda, minister, foolish, homosexuality' to 'analingus, salad tossing, uganda, minister, foolish, homosexuality, like ice cream' - edited by Fusionaut


>> ^spoco2:
Hang on Mr Pastor Ssempa... Hang on a second there.
Let me see:
'Anal licking'... not restricted to homosexuals
'Fisting'... not restricted to homosexuals
HA! THEN he asks that children step out... hilarious
I'd love to know the percentage of gay people who eat the poo poo... really, I would.
And in any case, I defend the right of any person, gay or otherwise, to eat the poo poo of another person if they so chose.
The uneducated, the simple minded... THIS is where religion breeds.

Religion breeds this or does stupidty breed this? You, like so many, blame the excuse, not the problem. Don't tell me you would think this ignorance would magically go poof if only religion would disappear? Almost like a magical god-creature comes down and poofs it away because he doesn't exist... How absurd.


>> ^berticus:
As a politically uninvolved, mostly gay, atheist man, I cannot help but find this high-larious.

What does atheism have to do with this? I am atheist too, but this is not about god, this is about stupid mortals who will always be stupid. What is your point?


>> ^Lawdeedaw:

>> ^spoco2:
Hang on Mr Pastor Ssempa... Hang on a second there.
Let me see:
'Anal licking'... not restricted to homosexuals
'Fisting'... not restricted to homosexuals
HA! THEN he asks that children step out... hilarious
I'd love to know the percentage of gay people who eat the poo poo... really, I would.
And in any case, I defend the right of any person, gay or otherwise, to eat the poo poo of another person if they so chose.
The uneducated, the simple minded... THIS is where religion breeds.

Religion breeds this or does stupidty breed this? You, like so many, blame the excuse, not the problem. Don't tell me you would think this ignorance would magically go poof if only religion would disappear? Almost like a magical god-creature comes down and poofs it away because he doesn't exist... How absurd.

Um... You completely backwards read my post. I said that in the uneducated and simple minded is WHERE religion breeds. Not that Religion creates it, but it's where it takes hold because when you don't know better they can make it seem sensible. As soon as you up the education level, religion drops markedly.


>> ^acidSpine:
Queer for sure! Lol, he asks the kids to leave after discussing the ass-licking and fisting. I think this deserves a religion tag too

No it does not deserve a religious tag. Simply because he is a retard, and he promotes hate, and he is religious and uses it for excuse, does not mean that even half of half the religious people believe this stupid hype.


>> ^Lawdeedaw:

>> ^spoco2:
Hang on Mr Pastor Ssempa... Hang on a second there.
Let me see:
'Anal licking'... not restricted to homosexuals
'Fisting'... not restricted to homosexuals
HA! THEN he asks that children step out... hilarious
I'd love to know the percentage of gay people who eat the poo poo... really, I would.
And in any case, I defend the right of any person, gay or otherwise, to eat the poo poo of another person if they so chose.
The uneducated, the simple minded... THIS is where religion breeds.

Religion breeds this or does stupidty breed this? You, like so many, blame the excuse, not the problem. Don't tell me you would think this ignorance would magically go poof if only religion would disappear? Almost like a magical god-creature comes down and poofs it away because he doesn't exist... How absurd.

I think what he might be saying is that without religion there would be one less (major) justification for this type of nonsense. Using so-called divine authority so one group of apes can control another.


>> ^Lawdeedaw:

>> ^acidSpine:
Queer for sure! Lol, he asks the kids to leave after discussing the ass-licking and fisting. I think this deserves a religion tag too

No it does not deserve a religious tag. Simply because he is a retard, and he promotes hate, and he is religious and uses it for excuse, does not mean that even half of half the religious people believe this stupid hype.

Uh, he's promoting Christianity. It's not our fault that the doctrine of Christianity is inherently hateful.

Your education and standard of living allows you to pick and choose (buffet-style) the parts you like/dislike and then selfishly claim that only yours is the one True Christianity™ and all those other "retards" are just blasphemers, poseurs. In fact they're more Christian than the sophists will ever be.

The less Christian in the true sense one is, as so defined in the Bible, the better. Unfortunately, this involves a good amount of self-deception to remain internally consistent (and to still remain Christian in any meaningful way), avoiding any of that nasty cognitive dissonance from rearing its ugly head.



Woah, relax buddy. Read the comment above mine.
>> ^Lawdeedaw:

>> ^berticus:
As a politically uninvolved, mostly gay, atheist man, I cannot help but find this high-larious.

What does atheism have to do with this? I am atheist too, but this is not about god, this is about stupid mortals who will always be stupid. What is your point?


Just going to point out that correlation does not equal causation. You can't make the claim that more education causes people to be less religious. The studies only show a correlation between higher education and atheism--they don't show that atheism is a direct result of higher education.

EDIT: In fact, the studies don't even show that. I'm assuming you got your information from Dawkin's book The God Delusion(2006, p. 103). Some people who were curious about the study he cited (saying 43 studies showed an inverse correlation between education and religious belief) and wanted to know more tracked down the source of this claim themselves and found out it was, quite frankly, BS. Read for yourself here here.

Basically, all someone did is look at a bunch of articles counted up how many wrote in their conclusions that the study found "education/intelligence inversely correlated with religion" versus how many found "education/intelligence correlated with religion." There are all sorts of problems here since what counts as intelligence and/or education, as well as the methodology used, varied widely between the studies and there really isn't the evidence there to make the claim that "increased education correlates with atheism."

For even more information about the article Dawkins cited and a look at the original 43 studies (they're worth looking at just to see how truly disparate they are) see: the original Beckwith article.

Also, see this article which shows religious attendance actually increases with education.

>> ^spoco2:

Um... You completely backwards read my post. I said that in the uneducated and simple minded is WHERE religion breeds. Not that Religion creates it, but it's where it takes hold because when you don't know better they can make it seem sensible. As soon as you up the education level, religion drops markedly.


@SDGundamX I was making that assumption without having checked the facts myself, you are correct. But they aren't as false as you may think but is less defined than I thought.

Also, the last article you linked to actually says In the United States, religious attendance rises sharply with education across individuals, but religious attendance declines sharply with education across denominations. Which actually confuses me, I'm not sure what it means across individuals vs across denominations.

I think what you would find if you looked for it, would be less instances of people forcing their beliefs on people fundamentalist style as they are exposed to more education and more people/experiences in general. I think you'd find that even if said people remained religious, they would do so in a private way that doesn't feel the need to force itself on others.

But that's just a gut feel rather than being based on anything whatsoever of substance


I'm pretty sure he was saying that people change denominations based on education, with more education correlating to people changing to to less conservative/fundamentalist denominations (which would support what you said at the end of your post about more educated people feeling less of a need to force their beliefs on others).

>> ^spoco2:

I was making that assumption without having checked the facts myself, you are correct. But they aren't as false as you may think but is less defined than I thought.
Also, the last article you linked to actually says In the United States, religious attendance rises sharply with education across individuals, but religious attendance declines sharply with education across denominations. Which actually confuses me, I'm not sure what it means across individuals vs across denominations.
I think what you would find if you looked for it, would be less instances of people forcing their beliefs on people fundamentalist style as they are exposed to more education and more people/experiences in general. I think you'd find that even if said people remained religious, they would do so in a private way that doesn't feel the need to force itself on others.
But that's just a gut feel rather than being based on anything whatsoever of substance


Who are the immoral ones: the ones who eat da the poo poo, the ones who don't eat the poo poo while huffing glue while giving a detailed homo-erotic sermon to children or the ones who do drugs and suck anus like a fish out of water and shove their arm and elbows into another's cavity? I just have no clue. No clue at all. Actually, now that all this poo poo has been floating around my head....


>> ^spoco2:

Hang on Mr Pastor Ssempa... Hang on a second there.
Let me see:
'Anal licking'... not restricted to homosexuals
'Fisting'... not restricted to homosexuals
HA! THEN he asks that children step out... hilarious
I'd love to know the percentage of gay people who eat the poo poo... really, I would.
And in any case, I defend the right of any person, gay or otherwise, to eat the poo poo of another person if they so chose.
The uneducated, the simple minded... THIS is where religion breeds.

The percentage of homosexuals that eat "poo poo" ≈ percentage of heterosexuals that eat "poo poo"


>> ^spoco2:
>> ^Lawdeedaw:
>> ^spoco2:
Hang on Mr Pastor Ssempa... Hang on a second there.
Let me see:
'Anal licking'... not restricted to homosexuals
'Fisting'... not restricted to homosexuals
HA! THEN he asks that children step out... hilarious
I'd love to know the percentage of gay people who eat the poo poo... really, I would.
And in any case, I defend the right of any person, gay or otherwise, to eat the poo poo of another person if they so chose.
The uneducated, the simple minded... THIS is where religion breeds.

Religion breeds this or does stupidty breed this? You, like so many, blame the excuse, not the problem. Don't tell me you would think this ignorance would magically go poof if only religion would disappear? Almost like a magical god-creature comes down and poofs it away because he doesn't exist... How absurd.

Um... You completely backwards read my post. I said that in the uneducated and simple minded is WHERE religion breeds. Not that Religion creates it, but it's where it takes hold because when you don't know better they can make it seem sensible. As soon as you up the education level, religion drops markedly.

Yes, I backwards read your post---for a reason. You suppose that religion breeds in the mind of the simpleminded and uneducated (Which is saying that it does not breed in the smart.) That is a huge and bold, broad and judgmental opinion. It is identical to the way a religious zealot feels towards non-believers.

You discount the facts about humanity. Since the beginning of our species, we have believed. Belief in the mythological is natural to our species. Religion is only a controlled set of guidelines to how we should believe. It is actually a very brilliant method of control and power created and supported by those of great, greedy intellect.

One reason religion drops markedly, as you point out, in the higher educated areas, is the competition of other ideas. Do away with that, and religion pops back up. In other words, if all the dumb hicks were atheists, then most of the educated people would be religious.

However, by your opinion, if we got rid of stupidity, then religion could not breed. That would be counterintuitive to mankind’s natural wiring. Your point also implies that if everyone was religious, that the world would be filled with only stupid people.

But what I get really mad at is that this guy is not the product of religion and stupidity, he is simply the product of power and stupidity.

Remember, religion is corrupted by the stupid and mean. Religion does not is mankind's unthinking creation.


See, my father is an uneducated man. However, he is wise even without knowledge. He does not believe in a god any more than an atheist of higher learning.

I am just tired of all the drones who attack religion because they think it corrupts mankind. Who created religion? We did. We would find another reason to be destructive, lazy, hateful, wasteful, etcetera if religion was not around. Oh, wait! Do we even need a reason for all those things? Nope...

As though stupidity breeds, or religion breeds in the minds of stupid people only... How sad of a thought to have. I know many smart men, loving and kind, who have religion and use it in the right way. One probably saved my life during bad times...

But it's easy to blame a concept rather than a people...


>> ^Lawdeedaw:

See, my father is an uneducated man. However, he is wise even without knowledge. He does not believe in a god any more than an atheist of higher learning.
I am just tired of all the drones who attack religion because they think it corrupts mankind. Who created religion? We did. We would find another reason to be destructive, lazy, hateful, wasteful, etcetera if religion was not around. Oh, wait! Do we even need a reason for all those things? Nope...
As though stupidity breeds, or religion breeds in the minds of stupid people only... How sad of a thought to have. I know many smart men, loving and kind, who have religion and use it in the right way. One probably saved my life during bad times...
But it's easy to blame a concept rather than a people...

I see religion as a failure of logic, depending on the level of devotion. Some people use religion as a fallback for actions which are stupid, idiotic or just plain wrong. This justification through a belief allows an individual to place the onus of their actions on their religion rather than on their own judgment of the situation and morality.

I'm not saying that good things don't come out of religion, to this day the cologne cathedral is one of the most awe inspiring pieces of architecture I've ever laid eyes on, and the crusades, although terrible and pointless, didn't bring fabulous riches or land for the Europe, but medicine and science from the middle east. The Salvation Army is a great charity doing a lot of amazing work, but they aren't without their flaws.

I'm not hating on religion, but I do dislike people using it as a justification for their actions. This may or may not be related to the video, but it felt like a good place to say it.

Also, this guy is a pastor and the comments seem to have swayed this way so *religion


But it's easy to blame a concept rather than a people...

I know its a cliche to bring up Hitler in every discussion,but I have to ask, following this logic, what about the nazis? Sure we can say that Hitler was an evil, manipulative, charismatic monster or whatever, but that will never explain the widespread support from millions of Europeans he received. Where they all evil monsters? No. turns out most of the people who made the whole thing happen were completely average people, people who loved their families and so on. Sure they were poor, the economy was failing, they were largely uneducated perhaps, but still, most of them were just nice people. Sane people.

Sane people subscribing to an insane ideology, and thats the problem, and undoubtably one of the most dangerous things in the world. Its why nazism is dangerous, because it itself is insane, but it can capture sane people.

If you had to be a raving lunatic psychopath to fall for nazism, there would never have been a holocaust. Hitler would be a failed artist with a tinfoil hat rambling about how jews really controlled the world, and nobody would listen.

Religious ideas are just as insane, far-fetched and ridiculous as any of those promoted by the nazis, but somehow, its never the religion's fault that people behave like idiots when they do their best to follow them, its always evildoers who use religion for evil instead of good. Thats an insane argument, and it would work just as well for nazism: it wasnt nazisms fault that the holocaust happened, it was Hitler who used it for evil instead of good, after all, as I've already argued, most Nazis were perfectly normal people who wouldnt hurt a fly, so how could there possibly be anything wrong with it?

The answer is obvious to anyone with half a brain: Nazism is an uninformed, hateful, fascistic, authoritarian, conspiratorial, insane ideology that despite the insanity managed to convince a lot of people for whatever reason, and it doesn't speak to Nazism favor that most of those people were perfectly sane. In fact, that only makes it more dangerous, and not necessarily more sane.

The same principle works for religion: those of us who criticize it are perfectly aware that most of its followers are good, that doesn't make the religion good. This is why we ask ourselves : well, what does the religion preach, then? Bigotry? Check. Racism? Check. Sexism? Check. Discrimination? Check. Superstition? Check. Martyrdom? Check. Obedience to authority? Check.

The list goes on and on, but you get the point. This stuff is in the Bible, its in the Quran and so on, and its preached every day by the most trustful servants of religions. The more devout, the more of these points will probably apply to you, but most religious people are not generally assholes, but I credit that to their human side, and not their religious side.


Oh please, justifying religion because it exists is such a bullshit move. The fundamental "need" which spawned religion dawn of humankind, isn't some magical hand in the sky that put the need in us but rather that we developed a need to understand our surrounding.

In the absence of the advancement of science, some people took leaps in imagination in order to explain things.

Thunder, lightning... I don't get it... hmm, maybe there's a guy like me in the sky, except he's like super-powered or something and makes that stuff up there. Zeus!

Really it is that simple... you want a creation myth to answer the questions that you cannot answer with the information available to you.

Next you need to look at how, over time, we develop the REAL knowledge to understand thing. Look at how alchemy becomes chemistry as people learn more and more.

Only the uneducated who don't have access to GOOD education (and notice that I'm not saying stupid), stay behind in the superstitions and creation mythos of the past. There is no evidence for that crap, it doesn't stand up to being tested and the only reasons to stay with them are because you are either trying to control people for your own benefit, OR you are too stubborn to admit that you may be wrong.

And before any addhat comes in with "oh but science is just another belief" please STFU. Science is BASED on admitting that you are wrong and re-examining your assumptions. The whole scientific method is centered around the idea that you can reproduce/predict an effect. Religions are just based on someone's old old bullshit and the threats that accompany them for non-believers.


>> ^AnimalsForCrackers:
>> ^Lawdeedaw:
>> ^spoco2:
Hang on Mr Pastor Ssempa... Hang on a second there.
Let me see:
'Anal licking'... not restricted to homosexuals
'Fisting'... not restricted to homosexuals
HA! THEN he asks that children step out... hilarious
I'd love to know the percentage of gay people who eat the poo poo... really, I would.
And in any case, I defend the right of any person, gay or otherwise, to eat the poo poo of another person if they so chose.
The uneducated, the simple minded... THIS is where religion breeds.

Religion breeds this or does stupidty breed this? You, like so many, blame the excuse, not the problem. Don't tell me you would think this ignorance would magically go poof if only religion would disappear? Almost like a magical god-creature comes down and poofs it away because he doesn't exist... How absurd.

I think what he might be saying is that without religion there would be one less (major) justification for this type of nonsense. Using so-called divine authority so one group of apes can control another.

I can respect this point of view. However, I think justification is simply masking the problem with a...well... justification.

I do see many, and I mean many, who blame religion as the cause of human travisty. That is a travisty in and of itself... Religion does not kill people, people kill people.

Thank you for the clarity.


>> ^berticus:
Woah, relax buddy. Read the comment above mine.
>> ^Lawdeedaw:
>> ^berticus:
As a politically uninvolved, mostly gay, atheist man, I cannot help but find this high-larious.

What does atheism have to do with this? I am atheist too, but this is not about god, this is about stupid mortals who will always be stupid. What is your point?

I did not mean to sound snappy. I just view this Ugandan as a hate monger. People attribute religion to him but if we took off his mask---he would still be a hate monger just without the guise... Is that really so much better? That is all I am asking... Lolz, you had a great point---it's just other blamers ruin it for you.

Sorry if I seemed a tad out of line.



@Seric; Good points. That is how I believe (Though I worded it differently.) I simply realize that when you take the plastic face away, these same men and women who use religion as a justification will still be just as hateful.

@BiycleRepairMan; Thanks for furthering my point, albeit unintentionally. Hitler was allowed because of the evil of people (Even good people can be evil.) There was no mask, there was no reason "decent" people were psychotic. It just happened, mostly because they were sheep. See, without religion, people will move on to find another reason to hate, kill, murder, rape and plunder. Economy? Perhaps... Race? Sure. Humans will be just as evil.

But religious people are insane? Are children insane because they believe in superstitions? Santa? You are insane kid!!! Tooth Fairy?! Insane, take this child to the asylum! (By your technical explanation, children are insane to you… ) You also discredit the billions of people religious and spiritual as insane... Well, I guess it is human nature to be insane which makes them the sane ones?! Crap, I am screwed.

"Bigotry? Check. Racism? Check. Sexism? Check. Discrimination? Check. Superstition? Check. Martyrdom? Check. Obedience to authority? Check." I was unaware that all religions taught that stuff... Well, the Native Americans cannot be so preachy now can they! Druids too! Ha, in your face! Buddhists? Bwaha.

Oh, and half the people don't follow the good parts of religion anyways... Why, because they are evil people. You give too much credit to the average person who hides behind a "good" idea... The average German was a psychopath because they allowed Hitler his rule; and so is the average American who walks by a man just ran over by a car---and takes a photo with his cell phone.

@ponceleon; Explaining religion because it is a natural part of human thought is okay. Justifying actions because of religion is not. No one "justified" religion because of anything.

Children are prone to belief because they are built that way. You cannot stop it, just curb it with time. It is built into us. I.e. explaining religion, not justifying it.

On the uneducated part, my father, myself, brothers and all had an eighth grade education and guess what? Atheists all...



Come on now, we were having a nice discussion about religion privately before (sorry I haven't responded recently--work is a bit crazy right now) without having to resort to gross over-generalizations and mudslinging. All religious ideas are insane? Buddhism teaches respect for all life, the unlimited potential of all human beings (regardless of race, class, sexual orientation, etc.), and cooperatively working together to improve the world. Crazy huh?

Most of the people who are on here spewing hate against religion and/or religious people seem to have a very superficial view of religion--I'll call it the "religion as myth" viewpoint. That's a very simplistic view of a very complicated social phenomenon. Religion, at it's core, is about bettering ourselves as human beings. This is a common theme you can see across the world's religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, and Judiasm. Again, that doesn't seem very crazy to me at all.

Some people (including the guy in this video) do indeed abuse religion and steer it from its true purpose of helping people lead better lives. But people do that to ANY social system (democracy or communism being used as a reason to "liberate" other countries from "oppressive" regimes for instance). I think this is Lawdeedaw's point--that singling out religion as a source of problems seems as illogical and reactionary as a fundamentalist Christian attacking Darwinism. Both viewpoints stem from both a lack of understanding and the lack of a willingness to explore the other's viewpoint.


Sorry Lawdeesaw, but children are NOT prone to "believe" the way you mean it... they are prone to LEARN. It is only ADULTS that fill their mind with bullshit that make them christians, muslims, scientologists, etc.

In fact, religions have to resort to THREATS (you will go to hell) to brainwash their young into suspending their disbelief at all the crap that DOESN'T make sense.

Take my 4 year old god-daughter for example. She's constantly asking questions about her parents faith which they have to answer with "because God wants it that way."

Really? Fuck that. Religion can't stand on its own logic, so it had to start mostly with the mentally vulnerable, which usually equates to children which are impressionable by fairy tales and threats of eternal damnation.

>> ^Lawdeedaw:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since May 20th, 2008" class="profilelink">Seric; Good points. That is how I believe (Though I worded it differently.) I simply realize that when you take the plastic face away, these same men and women who use religion as a justification will still be just as hateful.
@BiycleRepairMan; Thanks for furthering my point, albeit unintentionally. Hitler was allowed because of the evil of people (Even good people can be evil.) There was no mask, there was no reason "decent" people were psychotic. It just happened, mostly because they were sheep. See, without religion, people will move on to find another reason to hate, kill, murder, rape and plunder. Economy? Perhaps... Race? Sure. Humans will be just as evil.
But religious people are insane? Are children insane because they believe in superstitions? Santa? You are insane kid!!! Tooth Fairy?! Insane, take this child to the asylum! (By your technical explanation, children are insane to you… ) You also discredit the billions of people religious and spiritual as insane... Well, I guess it is human nature to be insane which makes them the sane ones?! Crap, I am screwed.
"Bigotry? Check. Racism? Check. Sexism? Check. Discrimination? Check. Superstition? Check. Martyrdom? Check. Obedience to authority? Check." I was unaware that all religions taught that stuff... Well, the Native Americans cannot be so preachy now can they! Druids too! Ha, in your face! Buddhists? Bwaha.
Oh, and half the people don't follow the good parts of religion anyways... Why, because they are evil people. You give too much credit to the average person who hides behind a "good" idea... The average German was a psychopath because they allowed Hitler his rule; and so is the average American who walks by a man just ran over by a car---and takes a photo with his cell phone.
@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since February 8th, 2008" class="profilelink">ponceleon; Explaining religion because it is a natural part of human thought is okay. Justifying actions because of religion is not. No one "justified" religion because of anything.
Children are prone to belief because they are built that way. You cannot stop it, just curb it with time. It is built into us. I.e. explaining religion, not justifying it.
On the uneducated part, my father, myself, brothers and all had an eighth grade education and guess what? Atheists all...


BicycleRepairMan - Ever heard of Godwin's Law?

"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1."

I've been waiting for it to happen.

campionidelmondo - I'm sure you've just made this the most channeled video

>> ^BicycleRepairMan:

But it's easy to blame a concept rather than a people...
I know its a cliche to bring up Hitler in every discussion,but I have to ask, following this logic, what about the nazis? Sure we can say that Hitler was an evil, manipulative, charismatic monster or whatever, but that will never explain the widespread support from millions of Europeans he received. Where they all evil monsters? No. turns out most of the people who made the whole thing happen were completely average people, people who loved their families and so on. Sure they were poor, the economy was failing, they were largely uneducated perhaps, but still, most of them were just nice people. Sane people.
Sane people subscribing to an insane ideology, and thats the problem, and undoubtably one of the most dangerous things in the world. Its why nazism is dangerous, because it itself is insane, but it can capture sane people.
If you had to be a raving lunatic psychopath to fall for nazism, there would never have been a holocaust. Hitler would be a failed artist with a tinfoil hat rambling about how jews really controlled the world, and nobody would listen.
Religious ideas are just as insane, far-fetched and ridiculous as any of those promoted by the nazis, but somehow, its never the religion's fault that people behave like idiots when they do their best to follow them, its always evildoers who use religion for evil instead of good. Thats an insane argument, and it would work just as well for nazism: it wasnt nazisms fault that the holocaust happened, it was Hitler who used it for evil instead of good, after all, as I've already argued, most Nazis were perfectly normal people who wouldnt hurt a fly, so how could there possibly be anything wrong with it?
The answer is obvious to anyone with half a brain: Nazism is an uninformed, hateful, fascistic, authoritarian, conspiratorial, insane ideology that despite the insanity managed to convince a lot of people for whatever reason, and it doesn't speak to Nazism favor that most of those people were perfectly sane. In fact, that only makes it more dangerous, and not necessarily more sane.
The same principle works for religion: those of us who criticize it are perfectly aware that most of its followers are good, that doesn't make the religion good. This is why we ask ourselves : well, what does the religion preach, then? Bigotry? Check. Racism? Check. Sexism? Check. Discrimination? Check. Superstition? Check. Martyrdom? Check. Obedience to authority? Check.
The list goes on and on, but you get the point. This stuff is in the Bible, its in the Quran and so on, and its preached every day by the most trustful servants of religions. The more devout, the more of these points will probably apply to you, but most religious people are not generally assholes, but I credit that to their human side, and not their religious side.

>> ^campionidelmondo:

anatomy controversy lies


Hrm, tad off pon. Yes, children are prone to imagine what they are taught AND what they are not taught. My daughter at two and a half was pretending to be a nurse and talking about her awesomely pronounced "stethoscope" and blood pressure cuffs. But she WAS taught that--as you say. At three, however, it became all her imagination! I don't teach her half the fairytales she recites, yet she brings shit out of the closet that amazes me... Really deep too... She does this often, as smart children do.

We do not simply demand to understand as you so narrowly define humanities' natural instinct of belief. Otherwise, we would have flocked to science and would have abandoned religion hundreds of years ago. Look at how we flock naturally to the easier way of everything else in life (Such as technology,) and science certainly is easier than religion! However, we, as a species, do not do this? Ever ask why? Because we imagine, even to this date, and we do it well. Hell, we read imaginations, watch imaginations, even live imaginary lives every day! And you say we are just curious! Lolz, yeah, that’s why we watch Harry Potter too! Lolz.

No, it is not that we are curious---we dream, we fly, we bask in our own delusions. Thor did not just explain thunder---he was thunder and a way of life that excited people.

Do not get me wrong pon, I understand your dislike of religion and those that push/force it upon weaker people. Just like any government, religion is 100% a form of exerted control upon others.

Now, just to point out something, not all religion is based on threats. Buddhists, and hell, even Jehovah's Witness do not preach doom and gloom (My mother was/is a devote Witness and for that I became an atheist. However, they never once preached hell and eternal suffering.)

Also, if we did not have religion---the blame-peice of humanity and our woes and evils---we would still have our woes and evil. And probably the same amount too.

The world wars for control, finate resources and personal amusement. It does not fight over ideals, although we hide behind those ideals so we can feel virtuous.

Lastly, religion does not have to stand on its own logic. See, if god exists, he is the single most powerful creature to ever exist. And if he does not exist? He is the single most powerful IDEA to ever exist. Not much difference huh? Same effects...
You point out that religion cannot stand on its own logic… Well, faith is not logical anyways! Not logical at all. How many times as a boy did I have faith in my mother only to be deceived and let down time and time again? Hundreds, because she was constantly lying and I constantly wanted an honest mother. But, like a fool I believed. How many cancer patients have faith that they can get better? Should we tell them how insane their beliefs are? (Because their beliefs are insane.)

See, that's the beauty of faith. It deceives whether in religion, family, friends, health, etcetera. Everyone's mother will let them down, yet most will have faith nevertheless.

Just let it go pon, we have always had irrational faith and always will. Try to live the best you can until the day that you cannot live anymore. It is all we can do. Try to change the heart of man, not his faith.

>> ^ponceleon:
Sorry Lawdeesaw, but children are NOT prone to "believe" the way you mean it... they are prone to LEARN. It is only ADULTS that fill their mind with bullshit that make them christians, muslims, scientologists, etc.
In fact, religions have to resort to THREATS (you will go to hell) to brainwash their young into suspending their disbelief at all the crap that DOESN'T make sense.
Take my 4 year old god-daughter for example. She's constantly asking questions about her parents faith which they have to answer with "because God wants it that way."
Really? Fuck that. Religion can't stand on its own logic, so it had to start mostly with the mentally vulnerable, which usually equates to children which are impressionable by fairy tales and threats of eternal damnation.
<em>>> <a rel="nofollow" href=''>^Lawdeedaw</a>:<br />
Otay...<br> <br> @<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since May 20th, 2008" class="profilelink">Seric</a>; Good points. That is how I believe (Though I worded it differently.) I simply realize that when you take the plastic face away, these same men and women who use religion as a justification will still be just as hateful.<br> <br> @BiycleRepairMan; Thanks for furthering my point, albeit unintentionally. Hitler was allowed because of the evil of people (Even good people can be evil.) There was no mask, there was no reason "decent" people were psychotic. It just happened, mostly because they were sheep. See, without religion, people will move on to find another reason to hate, kill, murder, rape and plunder. Economy? Perhaps... Race? Sure. Humans will be just as evil.<br> <br> But religious people are insane? Are children insane because they believe in superstitions? Santa? You are insane kid!!! Tooth Fairy?! Insane, take this child to the asylum! (By your technical explanation, children are insane to you… ) You also discredit the billions of people religious and spiritual as insane... Well, I guess it is human nature to be insane which makes them the sane ones?! Crap, I am screwed.<br> <br> "Bigotry? Check. Racism? Check. Sexism? Check. Discrimination? Check. Superstition? Check. Martyrdom? Check. Obedience to authority? Check." I was unaware that all religions taught that stuff... Well, the Native Americans cannot be so preachy now can they! Druids too! Ha, in your face! Buddhists? Bwaha.<br> <br> Oh, and half the people don't follow the good parts of religion anyways... Why, because they are evil people. You give too much credit to the average person who hides behind a "good" idea... The average German was a psychopath because they allowed Hitler his rule; and so is the average American who walks by a man just ran over by a car---and takes a photo with his cell phone.<br> <br> @<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since February 8th, 2008" class="profilelink">ponceleon</a>; Explaining religion because it is a natural part of human thought is okay. Justifying actions because of religion is not. No one "justified" religion because of anything.<br> <br> Children are prone to belief because they are built that way. You cannot stop it, just curb it with time. It is built into us. I.e. explaining religion, not justifying it.<br> <br> On the uneducated part, my father, myself, brothers and all had an eighth grade education and guess what? Atheists all...<br></em>

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