Lucas made some more changes for the Blu-Ray release. The bastard.

[edit] what was added: "No. Nooooooo!"

Here's some other changes that were confirmed:

could someone please spell out what the changes are.
I love the Star Wars, the Star Wars are great, but I don't have every scene memorized
(that would be freakish).

..and do the Blueray editions have the original versions as well.. I remember a rumor that the un-fucked-with versions of the films would be included.


>> ^grinter:

could someone please spell out what the changes are.
I love the Star Wars, the Star Wars are great, but I don't have every scene memorized
(that would be freakish).
..and do the Blueray editions have the original versions as well.. I remember a rumor that the un-fucked-with versions of the films would be included.

Sorry, my bad. I changed it in the description. He added the "Noooooo!"

And no, he's not releasing the original untouched versions (as far as I know). EXCEPT he did release them for the DVD release several years back, which I was excited about. Then I realized they were just 4:3 Betacam transfers.


I remember watching some History Channel thing on the history of Coco-Cola. When they got to the part about the "new improved" Coke 2 recipe and how sales dove as a result, the CEO was explaining that a woman called in and her simple complaint was: "Why... are you taking away my Coco-Cola?" and after some explanation he asked "Well when's the last time you had a coke?" Her reply? "40 years."

He went on to explain that it was at that moment he understood what they were doing wrong. Their brand and that same formula had been a part of people's lives for so long that to change it was to take away those happy moments with their product.

So George, why are you taking away my Star Wars? The one I sat around and watched when I was five, the one my mom recorded off of Cinemax with our VCR is being destroyed because you're being a revisionist asshole.


You can title your post "Fuck You George Lucas", but it would be better as "George Lucas tells fans to Go Fuck Themselves" That man's utter and complete contempt for the people who made him a billionaire is only matched by their (and mine) complete stupidity... we keep buying the shit even though we hate it!


I'm not gonna pretend the original Star Wars movies were cinematic genius (Well some of the Special FX were at the time), but they at least maintained a certain level of acting. Everything we needed to know about Vader's mental conflict was portrayed through body language and action. We didn't need some dubbed in nooOOoOOOooo to tell us what was going on. Maybe next he'll change Han Solo's 'I know' line to some gushing confession of love.


Some works of art, even films such as Star Wars, should be left alone after initial release. What if somebody went back and digitally altered Casa Blanca, or Captain's Courageous? It totally misses the point. Not to mention that it is an obvious "dumbing down" to an evidently dumber tartget audience, which does not bode well.


I don't understand... this is a joke, right?

So this is just some internet editing, not an actual change made by Lucasfilm, yes?

I can't bring myself to believe he would add "no" to episode 6, just because it's such a dumb thing to do.

That said, it doesn't matter anymore. The prequel films have already ruined star wars so much for me, that the only time I'd watch any of it again is to maybe hear Redlettermedia rip it apart one more time.


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

It does suck. On the other hand, he made them- and I suppose he has the right to change them. I would like to own the very, very first version on Blu-ray, and be done with it. BTW, that video with Jabba is deceptive - I don't think the original human Jabba ever made it to cinemas - that scene was cut.

ponceleonjokingly says...

Well, allow me to be the devil's advocate and say that now Vader is consistenly awful from the moment of the first "Noooooooooo" at the end of Ep III to this newly added "Noooooo."

Similar to the new ghost at the end of ROTJ... Vader never looked like the old guy.

Okay okay, I'm just trying to be sarcastic... this is fucking terrible.


>> ^dag:

BTW, that video with Jabba is deceptive - I don't think the original human Jabba ever made it to cinemas - that scene was cut.

The Jabba scene with the human was never in any one of the film releases. But they've changed the CGI Jabba from the Special Editions twice. And none of them look like the ROTJ original muppet Jabba.


>> ^blankfist:

>> ^dag:
BTW, that video with Jabba is deceptive - I don't think the original human Jabba ever made it to cinemas - that scene was cut.

The Jabba scene with the human was never in any one of the film releases. But they've changed the CGI Jabba from the Special Editions twice. And none of them look like the ROTJ original muppet Jabba.

Well then the obvious answer is that they have to re-make the ROTJ jabba with CGI.

placing bets now, 2017 re-re-re-release will have CGI jabba in Jedi.


I like every fan boys whining about Star Wars. I love star wars...watched it throughout my life, practically worshiped it. George can't take it away from will always live in me forever.

But guess's Geoges franchise...and he can do whatever the Fuck he likes with it. That might not be something popular, and people might not like it. If you don't like it create something of your own, put your stamp on it and treat it how you like. This is Georges and he's going to do with it what he likes.


>> ^RFlagg:

Well, these are changes to the Special Editions correct? The original versions, also on the set, are still unaltered are they not?

They're not on the set. That's the problem. Otherwise Lucas could do whatever crap he wants to the films, and no one would particularly care.


>> ^RFlagg:

Well, these are changes to the Special Editions correct? The original versions, also on the set, are still unaltered are they not?

No... NO!

That's the WHOLE problem. The originals ARE NOT on the set. They released them ONCE on DVD (which I bought) as 'special features' along side the special editions.

But guess what they did? They got the dirtiest, worst possible quality prints for the original version and THEN did not present them on dvd as anamorphic. Meaning that if you watch it on a widescreen tv you have to find your settings somewhere to zoom it in and stretch it out. And, of course, that means that
a) It's a pain in the arse, so you never watch them
b) They are as low resolution as humanly possible.

He did it to fuck with us.
'Here... here's the old versions you've whinged about... here you go, they're on DVD'
'Um, they are just horrible quality and tiny on my screen, and... I can't watch those'
'Well, watch the lovely Special Editions I forced you buy alongside them then, they're much nicer quality'
'Oh fuck you'

And there will NOT be any versions other than the 'special' editions on the Blu Rays.

Hence, no purchase from me.

I don't give a crap how much he wants to muck around with his movies, but you should ALWAYS be able to get them in their original form in as high quality as possible as well. But he won't do that, because he knows people would rather watch the originals, which would just confirm all the shit he's added to them is unwanted rubbish.

Blade runner shows how to do it right. 5, FIVE versions of the movie on the Blu Ray release I have, all fantastic quality. Watch the original release, or watch Ridley's final cut... YOU have the choice. If you like the voice over, watch it that way and still in wonderful quality.


>> ^Sarzy:

>> ^RFlagg:
Well, these are changes to the Special Editions correct? The original versions, also on the set, are still unaltered are they not?

They're not on the set. That's the problem. Otherwise Lucas could do whatever crap he wants to the films, and no one would particularly care.

I agree...Blu Ray is huge...add the classic versions.


>> ^Sarzy:

>> ^RFlagg:
Well, these are changes to the Special Editions correct? The original versions, also on the set, are still unaltered are they not?

They're not on the set. That's the problem. Otherwise Lucas could do whatever crap he wants to the films, and no one would particularly care.

Dangit... you beat me by 1 min, seven seconds. I shouldn't have ranted so much


Wow. Oddly enough, this killed my nerd rage. I've been boiling since Greedo, worse and worse and worse... but now, I just no longer feel any urge to watch SW anymore. Not even the untouched originals. It's just empty there now. Kind of peaceful, really. Saves me a good amount of $$.


As previously mentioned, the primary problem is that there is no way to get the film you saw on screen in 1977 (no 'episode IV'...) on DVD or Blu-ray. Anything that you would watch anyway...

I just find it interesting... Lucas set out to make a film called Star Wars in the mid 70's but didn't have the budget or technology to make the film in his head, so he was forced to make compromises, take shortcuts and eliminate scenes he had originally intended to see in his film.

As a result, he created a masterpiece of sci-fi fantasy, which just happened to be BETTER than the film he had envisioned.

What we've seen over the last twenty years or so is Lucas trying to realize that inferior (but original) vision.

I just find it ironic...


As Red Letter Media pointed out, the original SW was "Art from Adversity." This is the "Art of Profit-Squeezing".

Luc-a$$ put that "No" in there as a "Fk You" to the audience for mocking it in Sith, just like he place-matted Jar Jar in both follow-up prequels because the audience (rightfully) rejected him. It's entirely possible, the man is as arrogant as he is greedy.

>> ^ObsidianStorm:

As previously mentioned, the primary problem is that there is no way to get the film you saw on screen in 1977 (no 'episode IV'...) on DVD or Blu-ray. Anything that you would watch anyway...
I just find it interesting... Lucas set out to make a film called Star Wars in the mid 70's but didn't have the budget or technology to make the film in his head, so he was forced to make compromises, take shortcuts and eliminate scenes he had originally intended to see in his film.
As a result, he created a masterpiece of sci-fi fantasy, which just happened to be BETTER than the film he had envisioned.
What we've seen over the last twenty years or so is Lucas trying to realize that inferior (but original) vision.
I just find it ironic...


you're absolutely right

....but I'm still gonna bitch about it
>> ^Yogi:

I like every fan boys whining about Star Wars. I love star wars...watched it throughout my life, practically worshiped it. George can't take it away from will always live in me forever.
But guess's Geoges franchise...and he can do whatever the Fuck he likes with it. That might not be something popular, and people might not like it. If you don't like it create something of your own, put your stamp on it and treat it how you like. This is Georges and he's going to do with it what he likes.


Old George is proving his talent, what little remains, diminishes with each passing year. I used to have Star Wars on VHS many years ago. Can't even remember which version it was but I offered it to some kid and he nearly bit my arm off when he realised what it was.

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