Teenage Girls Go At It On X Factor

Oh dear God!!! There is so much evil in this video!!! My cup runneth over with disgust.....

youtube - Best friends Abby and Lisa AKA Ablisa take to the stage for their audition, which they claim is just for fun. After a few tantrums and an interesting performance, tensions rise between the pair, leading to a bust up!

>> ^Crunchy:
If you can watch through this without feeling embarrased for them, you've got some serious problems

I'd feel embarrased for them if I felt sorry for them. Given how they acted, I don't feel sorry for them in the slightest. They had no idea how to act in front of an audience.


>> ^MarineGunrock:

Wow. Posterchildren for retro-active abortion if I've ever seen any.

Lol. I recently heard and argument against abortion along the following lines:

Devout Christian asks "Why, God, haven't you sent a cure for AIDS?"
God responds "I did send someone to cure AIDS, but you aborted him."

After watching that video, the Atheist can safely respond "You should have aborted that child and properly raised a different child later on when you were ready to do so whose prospects would have been better, and their chances of being able to find a cure for AIDS greater."

That's right, X Factor is reducing our chances of curing AIDS.


So at what point did the parents decide to let this train-wreck happen? Yes, I know they're 16 and 17 and have some say in their own lives, but perhaps SOMEONE could have told them "you are terrible and people will hate you" before they got on national television in front of the like of Simon Cowell...

That being said, best thumbnail EVER.


Totally 100% engineered to happen once producers saw these two nut jobs hanging around. It says a lot about the X-Factor that these two were up there. This is what the show is about at it's very core. It's like seeing something wacky or "unexpected" at a wrestling match. It's just part of the show.

I did like the jibe "who are you?" Who are you indeed. I had no clue either.


There's a show here on BBC3 called Big Meets Bigger where fat Brits go to "learn" i.e not be as fat as super fat Americans.
So we're still catching up with y'all.

>> ^xxovercastxx:

As of now, Brits are no longer allowed to ridicule Americans for being fat and stupid.


Where have all the adults gone?

Firstly, the parents. I suspect thesee parents have absolutely zero control over their children.

But even then.. the producers of this show clearly have no interest whatsoever to protect the contestants from their own stupidity. Why would you allow 16-year olds to embarrass themselves so completely on such a major national program? It's all so obviously done just for the ratings and the 'shock' value. Including the ridiculous producer person talking to the chief jury person.

All this over the backs of two probably fairly normal but awkward teenagers.


These girls are not American. WHY ARE THEY SO FATTTTTT?? Sometimes we forget that what's cool on the internet just turns out to be blind finger pointing to turn eyes away from what your country is really like.

edit - and after watching it... Holy crap. This is actually one of the few times I've seen people with disgusting looks possessing a matching attitude.


So I've just saved this in one of my newly made playlist. The playlist is entitled "For everytime some snobby Brit thinks they're better than Americans". I don't think I have to explain what I'll be using the playlist for...


If the entire show was about people with poor attitudes and no talent I think I would actually watch it.

@EMPIRE: Spot on with the Little Britain comparison. That's the first thing I thought. A couple intolerable fat teenagers ready to get knocked up and pass on their horrible, horrible genes.


I am shocked! How DARE she say that to Natalie Umbruglia!?! I would like to comfort Natalie with soothing words and a gentle caress, and maybe some soft kissing of her neck and improbably large bottom lip.

Where it goes from there - impossible to say at this stage.


Sorry, but I have to downvote this drivel... the show who saw this trainwreck coming and encouraged it, the horrendous parents, the stupid girls... everything about it, shouldn't exist.


>> ^kymbos:

I am shocked! How DARE she say that to Natalie Umbruglia!?! I would like to comfort Natalie with soothing words and a gentle caress, and maybe some soft kissing of her neck and improbably large bottom lip.
Where it goes from there - impossible to say at this stage.

There there Natalie, there there.

And there...

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