2009 SoCal Videosift Sift-Up


"Internet nerds meet up.

Attendance: youdiejoe, Lucky760, Charms, darkrowan, poolcleaner, volumptuous (& his girlfriend), dystopianfuturetoday, IssyKitty, hbleusea and blankfist."

Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Sunday, January 11th, 2009 7:09pm PST - promote requested by eric3579.


*drugs - They were drinking.

So what did you guys do, talk about CHOEgee/CHAWgie half the night? Well, maybe that will help heal his badly bruised ego.

Edit: Of course I know you didn't spend half the time talking about choggie. You spent half the time talking about ant.


looks like you all had a great time ~ hopefully I'll make the next one!
...and I gotta say, you all fit my mental images of you perfectly. (NOT!)
Very nice to be able to put faces to names, though. Thanks!


Don't let the video fool you, we weren't that obsessed with choggie, though I was pretty much hung up on the pronunciation of his name. And, yes, that's a French flag over volumptuous' face.


I like seeing how you all look. Sometimes it's soothing to be able to put a face to a name, and in some cases (blankfist) it's scary. Either way, I'm glad that you all had a good time and that blankfist somehow found a way to get laid *cough* handcuffs *cough*


upvote because it's always weird seeing the real people behind the names.

Some serious out of syncness (yeah, that's a word) with the sound at least in the second portion of the video.

Also, there was no character called chogie in Day of the Tentacle, he was called Hoagie. I would have to say, based on spelling, you'd say choggie as choggy, like, erm... man, what's a word that sounds like that? Dunno.

One day there should be one organised for Melbourne, Australia... except, like, it'd probably be just me sitting at a table, alone, with a reserved sign telling everyone 'No, no... I'm using that chair, they're coming a bit later... really... they are'


Is it Choggie, like doggie, or Choggie, as in Margaret Cho-ggie? The world may never know.

"We're internet nerds."

Yeah, but I'm sure the patrons of the bar assumed you were just having an Apple board meeting, with Steve Jobs sitting at the head of the table. (That is volumptuous, right?)


>> ^spoco2:
Some serious out of syncness (yeah, that's a word) with the sound at least in the second portion of the video.

Yeah, the dinner portion of the video is out of sync. That's my fault. I hate freedom and breathing oxygen.


Awesome and cool, Great to see like (or not like) minded sifters hanging around and interacting like real people - Who says internet geekdom doesn't forter freindships in real life eh?



I see some people need to take some therapy sessions, or correspondence courses on how to live a stress-free life on the internets. I've almost never seen IRL obsessions about some purposefully idiotic troll on the internets. It seriously is too easy... because some of you guys take the internets way, way toooo srs. That was the weirdest almost ex-boyfriend obsessed bit there about choggie.

(For the record, there are hoggy's, but I think it's pronounced like a hoagie)


While at the Sift Up, I learned the following:

Youdiejoe is an obsessive cameraman.

DarkRowan is clever -- he actually brought a flour sifter to the Sift Up.

Volumptuous has everything to do with volume, and nothing to do with ample, unrestrained pleasures.

DystopianFutureToday has a surprisingly optimistic outlook for the future tomorrow.

Lucky760 can hold a conversation at a urinal.

And Blankfist is most definitely a rapist. He knows all the shortcuts down dark alleys.

What I didn't learn at the Sift Up:

How IssyKitty, hbleusea and Charms were convinced to attend.


How is less than two minutes of conversation being obsessive about Choggie (if it was chow-gee then it would have an ey not a ggie)?? You just couldn't wait to have a dig could ya joe, pfft. You guys should have gotten more drunk though! Anyone makes it to the London sift up i'll show you how to take things too far


Nice that of all the moments you could have preserved in time, you chanced upon the one in which we were talking about El Chog. With all this attention, I'm sure that as we speak, he's ejaculating all over the laptop in his tool shed. More power to him I guess.

I'm definitely in the Chaw*gie (like 'soggy' sao) camp, but then again I thought 'meme' was 'meh-may' for the longest time, so don't listen to me.

Wow, Volumptuous is fab. LOL

I think you missed the ex-roadie/fluffer, houseless person (with the hat that he didn't make himself) by mere seconds. Maybe we can track him down. How far could he have gone on foot in 24 hrs?


he'll be thrilled to know he's still a topic of discussion.
and leave it to blankfist to make it sound like choad. yes, it's pronounced to rhyme with doggie. and no, it's not his real name, or even a nickname in real life. when we spoke on the phone, he explained that it was a joke that some girl in his class used to play on substitute teachers back in highschool.
when they took attendance, this girl would always say there was one kid missing, and she invented the name choggie kendall for this perpetual truant.

the french flag was a nice touch. did you have freedom fries with your meal?
f 1.7? how pedestrian. herr director should have an f1.1 zeiss at all times.


>> ^lavoll:
will there be a london sift up??

Hmm, well i've been talking about trying for one for a while now... Probably i'm not the best person for organisational skills though, but i'll do my best if we can make the timing right for everyone


> in the thumbnail volumptuous looks like dr. house.

in the video there was a moment where he looked like the lovechild of Jeremy Irons and George Clooney (obviously delivered Cesearan)


>> ^my15minutes:
he'll be thrilled to know he's still a topic of discussion.
and leave it to blankfist to make it sound like choad.
yes, it's pronounced to rhyme with doggie. and no, it's not his real name, or even a nickname in real life. when we spoke on the phone, he explained that it was a joke that some girl in his class used to play on substitute teachers back in highschool.
when they took attendance, this girl would always say there was one kid missing, and she invented the name choggie kendall for this perpetual truant.

Wait, you've talked to him on the phone? How did that come to pass? Hope you didn't catch anything!

Great video, I'm already saving money to travel to the London siftup.


I was wondering who would be the first person to use the term "self link" in this post. I imagined that maybe it could/would intentionally go unmentioned. Alas, I was wrong.

It actually is a self-link according to our FAQ, but I think in this case we'll make an executive decision and say it's permissible under the circumstances (not just because it's a SiftUp but esp. because she is a bit player without a speaking roll and is not the writer/director/camerawoman/etc. and will not benefit from the proliferation of the video).

If anyone else would like to argue against this post, officially, I say take it up with SiftBot. Unofficially, I'll stick my fingers in my ears and say LALALALALALALAA.


You are technically correct.. the best kind of correct, but let's let this one slide, no harm no foul. Know that if blankfist had posted it, he would have been spanked over and over again. Hmm, in fact, that gives me an idea.. oh, hbleusea?

>> ^LittleRed:
Not to rain on anyone's parade, but how is this not a self-link?


>> ^CaptainPlanet420:
This is typical liberal bias. The rules don't apply if they're not convenient. Sad to see admins have no backbone. This belongs in a blog, at best.

Sad to see you like to pout so much. (I thought it was just those nasty, biased liberals who were supposed to get so butt-hurt and whine about every little thing, no?)

The posting guidelines have been adjusted to explicitly state what was previously implied. This post does not qualify as a self-link.


>> ^lucky760:
>> ^CaptainPlanet420:
This is typical liberal bias. The rules don't apply if they're not convenient. Sad to see admins have no backbone. This belongs in a blog, at best.

Sad to see you like to pout so much. (I thought it was just those nasty, biased liberals who were supposed to get so butt-hurt and whine about every little thing, no?)
The posting guidelines have been adjusted to explicitly state what was previously implied. This post does not qualify as a self-link.

I just expect that the rules of this site be enforced fairly. This is similar to a cop who is too proud to admit he's been speeding...well I guess if you can't follow the rules, may as well change them. Like we will see with Hussein boy Obama in the coming months.


Our rules are enforced fairly. You seem desperate that we follow the letter of the "law" rather than the spirit (which is why I changed the wording, so people like you can't complain about crap there's no need to complain about).

Our definition of "self-link" was written (by me) to close any possible loopholes where hit-and-run spammers might try to get their own crappy productions onto the Sift.

This is clearly no such post, and as usual you're using the slightest excuse to cry foul at how terribly you think we run this site. Is there any happiness in your life? I don't think I have ever read a single comment from you in which you seem to experience even a hint of positivity or joy. Of course, for some people, their negativity and lack of joy is their happiness. Is that who you are CaptainPlanet420?

Is it?


^ I think we can all answer that in the positive. If rules weren't enforced fairly you know where you'd be by now don't you Captain Cockjaw

Lucky, I demand you stop writing exceptional retorts to his posts, I was doing an amazing job at ignoring everything he wittered til now!


>> ^CaptainPlanet420:
>> ^lucky760:
>> ^CaptainPlanet420:
This is typical liberal bias. The rules don't apply if they're not convenient. Sad to see admins have no backbone. This belongs in a blog, at best.

Sad to see you like to pout so much. (I thought it was just those nasty, biased liberals who were supposed to get so butt-hurt and whine about every little thing, no?)
The posting guidelines have been adjusted to explicitly state what was previously implied. This post does not qualify as a self-link.

I just expect that the rules of this site be enforced fairly. This is similar to a cop who is too proud to admit he's been speeding...well I guess if you can't follow the rules, may as well change them. Like we will see with Hussein boy Obama in the coming months.

Have you always been that guy? (even off the internets?) There's something beyond socio-political ideals here. You gotta realize you utter stupidity of your existence on a website you abhor; when you can't be clever by pointing out the obvious liberal bias of people's opinions or their videos (it's like me going to Godtube and complaining about their religious bias), you default to being a rule monger to get your way. If that's what it is to be a conservative, you lost my vote. I'll thankfully speak with QuantumMushroom when I want a slice of the right. Take your anarchy elsewhere, you closet-liberal.


It's not a self-link if you're an idiot. Oops, no personal attacks.. let me rephrase that: if everyone with the numbers 420 in their names are idiots.

>> ^CaptainPlanet420:
>> ^lucky760:
>> ^CaptainPlanet420:
This is typical liberal bias. The rules don't apply if they're not convenient. Sad to see admins have no backbone. This belongs in a blog, at best.

Sad to see you like to pout so much. (I thought it was just those nasty, biased liberals who were supposed to get so butt-hurt and whine about every little thing, no?)
The posting guidelines have been adjusted to explicitly state what was previously implied. This post does not qualify as a self-link.

I just expect that the rules of this site be enforced fairly. This is similar to a cop who is too proud to admit he's been speeding...well I guess if you can't follow the rules, may as well change them. Like we will see with Hussein boy Obama in the coming months.


>> ^alien_concept:
>> ^lavoll:
will there be a london sift up??

Hmm, well i've been talking about trying for one for a while now... Probably i'm not the best person for organisational skills though, but i'll do my best if we can make the timing right for everyone

There already was one. I've been amiss in posting photos from my Sift West Coast trip. Man, I have to get around to doing that.

Note to trolls: picking on the admin is stupid.


>> ^deathcow:
it's pronounced chog-gie as in dog-gie (I looked it up)

Cool, so I was right, it is pronounced like HOAGIE (as in the sammich).
Or as you confirmed, "Git along lil' doggie"!!!!!

Because the only times you see the spelling of doggie like that is when a cowboy says it.

Certainly, you don't mean "doggy" or you'd spell it the normal way.
doggie = western git along
doggy = how much in the window


>> ^thinker247:
...now I definitely need to go to the next Siftup. Do you think they'll let me take chains and whipped cream through customs?
>> ^alien_concept:
Anyone makes it to the London sift up i'll show you how to take things too far

Well now... if in doubt, send em over previous Thinker would be an amazing asset to the group!

If we wanted our faces all over tomorrow's papers...


To the completely thick skulled, who obviously DON'T watch House M.D., this is a coy remark that vol looks like House, not that he has fucking lupus.. it's never lupus!

>> ^gwiz665:
Did anyone ask volumptuos if it was lupus?
Choggie, doggie.


>> ^gwiz665:
To the completely thick skulled, who obviously DON'T watch House M.D., this is a coy remark that vol looks like House, not that he has fucking lupus.. it's never lupus!
>> ^gwiz665:
Did anyone ask volumptuos if it was lupus?
Choggie, doggie.

Nope. He was making fun of volumptuous' weight. For the record, volumptuous was a great guy, and I cannot abide this sort of back-peddling.


You are reading something into my comment that I didn't say. Maybe it is in fact YOU who sub-consciously want to make fun of his weight, because I certainly do not want to.

In fact, that you would dare to imply that speak volumes about your lack of character. You disappoint me, sir.


^ Look, man. I'm sorry you had that problem, but like we talked about, it happens to every man.. in his late 40s, so I forgive you for taking it out on me. This is a scary time for you, but eventually it will work again. You're no less of a man. We still like you.


>> ^westy:
throbbin you may be better looking but i have the largest genitalea

>>>>> ^throbbin:
Too bad it's located on your face.

I don't think that is a bad thing


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