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EnzoblueThat's one ignorant invention. No upvote for cruelty.
RyjkyjI know that I'm over reacting but I'm just going to say that that's the meanest thing I've ever seen.
swampgirlaww, now this has been here before. I can't find it though. Still funny
Oh come's just water!
MarineGunrockIf swampgirl of all people says it's not mean, then it's not mean!
IssykittyPart of me thinks this is clever with The Little Mermaid music... but then the other part of me would fucking kill someone if they tried to do this to my cat. Sorry MG.
swampgirlWell, it's not exactly the friendliest way to wash a cat. But after having as many pets as I have, I've lost some sympathy from the hell they've given me over the years getting their bath.
It only took a cat sinking his fangs in my leg once to know there is no easy way to wash a cat. I rarely washed my cats, but when I did got into a closed shower stall w/ a hand sprayer and let them have it. It's the only way.
swampgirlThe 'meanest thing you've ever seen'? As far as animals go, you clearly haven't checked out MGR's other animal sift w/ the skinning dogs alive. Now THATS mean.
dagComment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)
Yes, a little cruel- but probably no harm done- looked like low pressure water streams - so no different than whay they'd get in the shower. I did LOL.
LaekrothI Lol'd so hard, but I always wonder why people need to wash their cats... They can keep themselves clean perfectly.
Whitesays...its not mean! look how much fun he's having!
Goofball_Jonessays...Sorry, that's just mean. And yeah, cats clean themselves.
antMean and funny. Still an upvote.
enonsays...I lawled so hard. That's not any meaner than washing your cat the normal way (in the sink with a detachable sink head) except this way YOU don't come out all bloody. People are over reacting way to much, it's just water people!!!
MarineGunrockOh, well now that's it. if ANT upvoted this then there's NO reason for anyone to downvote it!
Chaucersays...the song made it all worthwhile. instant upvote.
supersaiyan93anybody downvoting this has never had the wondrous experience of washing a cat before.
Cat bathing is a martial art.
btw, the best thing about this video is the cat's seeming expression at the end. The "I'll kill you in your sleep for this" expression. lol.
moodoniaWell I've bathed many cats over the years without any problems so I think whoever invented a device where you confine an animal in an enclosed space and then start it filling with water needs to be kicked in the balls. Hard.
twiddlesWater boarding is low pressure water too.
JAPRmoodonia, you must have had the nicest cats ever, because my cats hated baths like the rest of their species.
This was absolutely hilarious.
moodoniaI used to volunteer at a vets, bathing was one of the chores, its a myth that they dont like water. They dont like cold water, unless their Turkish Van cats, warm water they like fine.
twiddlesFor additional comments see
MarineGunrockFilling it with water? It doesn't fill up at all.
And confining them to an enclosed space? What? You mean you've never put an animal in a carrier before? This thing is a hell of a lot bigger than a cat carrier.
bamdrewhmm. wonder if theses are approved to wash infants/toddlers?
ataraI'm wondering if it would freak them out less to have the water come down on then rather than bubble up from the floor, and if the cabin was a bit smaller.
But yeah, upvoting. I've had to wash cats (they usually clean themselves, but sometimes get into something sticky, or ill, and they can't get it all themselves), and even if you did it in the bathtub they still react like this.
KrupoThis video should clearly be a reference to

Oh, and *cute?
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dystopianfuturetodayDry cat fails.
dystopianfuturetodayI'd like to see this with Schindler's list music.
dystopianfuturetodayOh, and cats generally don't need to be washed, because they have the enviable ability to lick every square inch of their own body.
dystopianfuturetodayI'll be here all weeks folks, tip your waitresses.....
ravenTrue, in general they can keep themselves pretty clean, but sometimes they run afoul things you don't want them licking out of their fur... my one cat, the fluffiest, hardest to wash one (of course), has the unfortunate habit of walking under cars, periodically, her gigantic plume of a tail will run up underside the vehicle... you can imagine the result.
Pain in the ass to give this cat a bath? Hell yeah.
Am I going to let her lick motor oil out of her fluff? Hell no.
ravenPS. I feel terrible having laughed my ass off at this vid. But it brings to mind something from a few years back...
I used to work for one of my professors who had a lot of animals (her back porch is a walk in aviary, she has a tortoise garden out back, etc), and who also does volunteer work rehabilitating birds and injured wildlife, including stray and feral cats. She once told me that the best strategy for quickly taming a semi feral cat if you needed to get it to be amenable to being handled (say, if you really had to get it out of wherever it was living and see that it was safely sent to a shelter or relocated), the best way was to put it in the shower... not kidding, she had one of those closet like showers with a glass door she used for this, her exact words about this process were something like, "You put it in there, turn it on, and then wait and let the cat get good and demoralized... then you rescue it! And that and the feeling of being toweled off will usually change its mind about things".
She did acknowledge that this was a terrible thing to watch, but sometimes, apparently, it just had to be done... and I can totally see her doing it too, crazy cat ladies rule.
CaptainPlanet420that was a good story
IssykittyAll right. MG, I realize I couldn't vote this up earlier because I had watched your other video first (about cat and dog abuse) and was really emotionally upset by it. Being in a bad state, I overreacted to this video so I will vote it up now. I STILL would be pissed if someone did this to my cat, but I guess there was really no real harm done.
Oh- and Raven, that was a very good story!
LaekrothGood story Raven! My parent's cat (Poes) is actually on Videosift:

That's one way to do it, even though its better for removing hair she can't remove herself. They never wash her, then again... she would probably not fit under a car
RedSkyWater boarding for pets.
rbarI feel like that in a Sauna.
8350says...And what dimension is this in which cats actually need to be washed by their owners?
jmdsays...haha, man cats do NOT like that. However that machine is about as unsettling to look at as it is for the cat to be in it. Theres an animated image of someone using a machine that looks just like that, but its totaly unmarked. Replys from people convinced it was torturing the cat flooded in.

I think they need a designed that gets approved by the PR department.
smibbogeeziz people, you really think that bathing a cat is unreasonable torture? Why? Just because the cat doesn't like it?
My kids don't like taking a shower or washing their hair. I still force them to do it on a regular basis.
Cats soemtimes get into nasty stuff that they shouldn't be licking - as Raven said, MOTOR OIL is one. What's cruel is letting your cat lick dead animal, feces or toxic substances off itself and die a slow agonizing death later.
Goofball_Jonessays...Sorry, I didn't laugh one time. In fact, it was a bit heart-breaking as the kitty is put in there and he's looking around, a little curious...trusting that his humans wouldn't do anything mean to him. Then they break that trust.
It's just cruel. You know, water-boarding doesn't really hurt or kill maybe we should do that to all you that liked this and just say "I laughed my ass off...look at him squirming like he's drowning! Oh come on, he's not REALLY being hurt....I LOL'ED!"
Fucking morons.
9232I laughed but I also thought of Schindler's List.. and that scene in Rambo.. and 28 Months Later..
SarzyI don't think I'm quite as offended by this as Goofball, but I do have to agree that it's pretty mean. And smibbo, the difference between giving a cat a bath and a child, is at least the child will understand what you're doing to him, and why he needs to take a bath, whereas the cat has no way of understanding that (and I really don't think this cat had any motor oil on it). I think this is cruel for the same reason that I think it's cruel to prolong a sick pet's life with surgeries or needles or anything really invasive like that. The pet can't understand that it's in pain for its own good. It just knows that you're hurting it and it'll never understand why.
eric3579Its about as mean as taking a child to a doctor for shots.
SketchReminds me of the Quitter's Inc. segment of Stephen King's Cat's Eye with the electric floor. And I was just as entertained. Lighten up.
twiddlesSo you're saying don't take your child to the doctor for shots? ... Of course the child deserved it. And by the way he got a lolipop.
pappleThat's just cruel. If only I could downvote it.
xxovercastxxThat does have to be absolutely horrifying for the cat.
For real comedy, I'd like to see the second time they try to put the cat in there... when it knows what comes next.
ravenWhile I am of the mind and conviction that sometimes cats just need to be washed... (another catastic example: when mine were kittens they had this unfortunate habit of crapping on one another in the litter box, like it was some sort of group activity, for a while there, I was bathing them at least every other day), I do think that this is probably more cruel than doing it yourself... at least when I have to wash one of them (I recommend suiting up in a thick wool long sleeved shirt and heavy rubber gloves), I am right there with her, talking to her, petting her, and generally keeping her calm. They're pretty good at dealing with it, to some extent, and after the initial shock of the water they tend to relax a bit and not fight back... by the end of the experience they're usually pretty sedate, the one even lets me use the blow drier on her (a must as her massive amounts of fluff will mat otherwise). They're never happy about it, but they deal (although the small neurotic one has a habit of grabbing the faucet with her front paws and holding on for dear life- so heartrending!- fortunately she usually keeps herself OCD clean).
With this thing however, poor kitty is just all alone in the box, and seems much more agitated than mine ever get over the ordeal... so I can't help but think that it is slightly cruel... although for some cats (my brother's for instance, who was a stray who decided to live with us and barely lets us pet him let alone pick him up or bathe him), a device like this would be useful if it had to be done.
MarineGunrock^2 cats 1 box?
ambassdorMust be a better way to wash a cat than let it think it's going to drown in some inescapable torture device. Trauma!
ravenHa Ha Ha... filthy mind you have there.
ravenAlso, I just watched this again (god I am ashamed at myself), and I noticed at the end that it says "He Survived and smelled better, but he was not a happy kitty"
So maybe there was a good reason kitty had to be washed... maybe he got skunked or something.
looristhis is way to cruel for me, it's totally insane.
MarineGunrock"Ha Ha Ha... filthy mind you have there."

Sorry, I couldn't help it.
smibbowow, overreact much people?
Its cruel to do it for entertainment, it's necessary evil to do it for a bona-fide reason. Like it or not, sometimes you have to do unpleasant things to someone for their own good.
And BTW maybe you don't have kids but kids who hate being bathed generally don't understand WHY its necessary - like my 4 month old - sometimes she is okay with it, sometimes she protests mightily. Whether its "traumatic" or not, she needs to be bathed occasionally and all the screaming in the world isn't going to make me feel so guilty I'll forego it. By the time they get old enough to understand about hygeine they are usually past the shrieking screaming phase and can wash themselves just fine. I've had two kids who FREAKED about getting bathed until they were about 10 years old. I still made them bathe, as traumatic as it seemed. They appear to be unscathed from those torturous baths and showers I inflicted upon them and seem to enjoy their showers now.
I had to bathe my kitten once on a regular basis because he had some kind of skin infestation (from the shelter I got him from most likely since he's a total indoors cat) and I had to bathe him with a special shampoo - wash it in, leave it on for ten minutes anmake sure he didn't try to lick it off. So there you go: a very important reason for washing my cat that needed to be addressed. YES sometimes a cat needs to be washed.
Frankly I think that spa thing specifically isn't much substitute for hand-washing but if I ran a shelter or kennel or animal hospital I can see how it might come in handy.
smibboSarzy - I ask again; what is "painful" or "cruel" about washing a cat? As stated many times by several different people there are some instances whereby bathing a cat is in its own best interest so what you're saying is that because the cat doesn't like it it shouldn't be done. Sorry, animals regularly have to go through things they don't like - ask any vet.
So you don't immunize your pets either? Cuz its cruel?
my15minuteswow. i don't care WHAT the Chinese say.

2007 was definitely the Year of the Cat!
SarzyI think washing a cat is an exception rather than the rule. Generally they do a pretty decent job of keeping themselves clean. But if you do have to wash a cat (and I'm not convinced that the cat in the video really needed to be washed), I certainly think there are better ways than sticking it in a big machine and having a good laugh when it (justifiably) flips out (and filming it too, so that everyone all over the world can have a good laugh at your cat being traumatized).
deathcowupvote for music track
2nd upvote for the spin cycle
Arsenault185Did anyone who's up in arms about this stop and think that maybe this was a feral cat, and before rescue vets can give it a thorough examination, it had to be washed? well seems to me to be the safest way to clean the animal with out the danger of the animal causing infection in the people treating it.. Don't just assume things, you have to think a little bit, "hey, maybe theres a reason they are doing it this way..."
Arsenault185Oh. Maybe the cat LIKES it. I mean some people get off on S&M. Some cats do to.
calvadosAt least that cat wasn't this cat:
Or was it? They do look similar.
siftbotTags for this video have been changed from 'spray, water, cat, machine, freak out, lolcats for MINK' to 'spray, water, cat, machine, freak out, lolcats for MINK, pet spa' - edited by burdturgler
its not mean! look how much fun he's having!
Best comment EVER!
Norsuelefantti*dark petkeeping
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dagComment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)
*doublepromote - not sure what reminded me of this one.
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demon_ixWhile I understand the hassle involved in washing an unwilling cat, as I've done to my own cat quite a few times, HELL NO!
That's the most absurdly evil thing I've ever seen. Just watching him frantically jump around to find a way out makes me sad.
dagComment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)
^I actually agree with you that this machine is not a good idea. Manually washing a cat though, is a very similar experience- with more scratch marks.
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demon_ix^ true, but it actually has a human touch to it, and not being locked in a cell and being scared out of your mind
What's the point of having a pet if you're too afraid to touch it?
cracanatasays...>> ^swampgirl:
aww, now this has been here before. I can't find it though. Still funny Oh come's just water!
might be just water, but it's more like waterboarding for cats.
yourhydraye this is cruel, the cat dosent know its a machine fo washing him...for all it can tell its in insane danger and it is trapped. very cruel. but im am admitting to laughing hysterically.
BreaksTheEarthBut it's a Spa! Nothing with Spa in the name is ever bad.
Winstonfield_Pennypackersays...The cat freaking out is hilarious. Every cat has different reactions to getting wet. Some cats HATE it and are very difficult to bathe by hand, and can sometimes be quite dangerously wild. For such an animal, this machine is by no means 'cruel'. Just an efficient, effective way to bathe an animal that otherwise would be slicing open your jugular.
siftbotTags for this video have been changed from 'spray, water, cat, machine, freak out, lolcats for MINK, pet spa' to 'spray, water, cat, wash, machine, freak out, lolcats for MINK, pet spa' - edited by calvados
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NorsuelefanttiCracks me up everytime...
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bamdrew>> ^bamdrew:
hmm. wonder if theses are approved to wash infants/toddlers?
sweet comment from me 2.5 years ago
westyjuses christ.
i bet some of you people geting all worked up over this dont give as much concideration to your dinner.
GeeSussFreeK>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
Oh, and cats generally don't need to be washed, because they have the enviable ability to lick every square inch of their own body.
Perhaps with house cats, but ally cats that you rescue do need a good bath. Being as they are covered in filth, and have a tendency to get violent when exposed to water, the risk of infection for the both of you is pretty great. The cat freaks out but at least he is clean and ready for a new owner, filth free!
dystopianfuturetodayWet pussy ftw!!
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