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Nika uses Esper Hand. By Esper Bionics


RC Ornithopter "Serenity"

Downhill skiers lucky save at 120 kph

Trump’s Voter Fraud Lies Are a Fundraising Scam

Chaucer says...

nobody is submitting false affidavits as an affidavit is the same as giving sworn testimony before a judge. Its a felony with a 5 - 15 year sentence. These are real affidavits uncovering the ways that the left have rigged the election.

Trump & Kavanaugh Telegraph Their Plan to Steal the Election

Trump Tax Bombshell Reveals How the System Is Rigged

Chaucer says...

Seth once again proving how big of a moron his is. NYTimes clearly crafted the article to sound like he only paid $750, but those were his tax liability fees.....what people are failing to read is that in the very same smear article, he actually paid $5.2 million.
"Each time, he requested an extension to file his 1040; and each time, he made the required payment to the I.R.S. for income taxes he might owe — $1 million for 2016 and $4.2 million for 2017. But virtually all of that liability was washed away when he eventually filed, and most of the payments were rolled forward to cover potential taxes in future years." - NYTimes.
and at the very end of the NYTimes article indicates "Nor do they reveal any previously unreported connections to Russia"
wasn't the whole premise of releasing his tax returns was because there were ties to russian collusion?

Mil Mi-26 Picks Up Tupolev 134.

Best commercial for a ladder EVER!

Skunk Family Using Crosswalks in Niagara Falls

Stormy Weather in color - Nicholas Brothers and Cab Calloway

Hypersonic sled travels at 6,599 mph (Mach 8.6)

Chaucer says...

Jack was already disintegrated leaving only a few specks of shit thats hard to see.

moonsammy said:

So is 1/4 speed the slowest they filmed it for some bizarre reason, or the slowest they're willing to release? Because I couldn't see jack OR shit.

Green New Deal: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Old Guy Takes Down Two Big Trees

Chaucer says...

Cedars are very bad for the environment. They are water hogs and produce a metric shitton of pollen. Glad to see these trees go.

Herding - Donkey Protection

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