This really is indistinguishable from magic. The super-cooled block locks in place over (or under) a block, ring, or track. It's like magnetism but not squishy.

I wonder what Insane Clown Posse would say about this.

>> ^Shakesify:

Curses! You beat me to posting about this by an hour. This video has a shorter presentation, but for a slightly longer one with a bit of an explanation and one more cool trick not shown here (and classical music!) check this one out.
This is really cool stuff!

Beat me by 8 minutes. Is your video really too similar to be another sift?


Alright, this is unbelievably fucking cool.

You guys might (not) remember the Meissner effect I posted earlier ( This is exactly the same effect.

The fundamental difference is that the superconductor in my vid is thicker than in this case. In this case, a 1 micron YBCO layer is deposited onto a sapphire wafer (probably through physical vapor deposition [, go to 3:15 if you want to skip to PVD])

When you deposit a thin film with PVD you will inevitably form small imperfections at the grain boundaries in the film, usually only nanometers wide. When brought down below the superconductive transition temperature (IE, liquid nitrogen temp), the magnetic field lines are able to penetrate these grain boundaries in discrete quantities (unlike the thicker superconductor) forming what they seem to be calling "quantum tubes". The superconductor pins the field lines into these quantum sized tubes, and the force required to distort the field lines is greater than the weight of the superconductor.

Read this for a bit more:, but it doesn't seem terribly well translated, and it cant seem to decide how layman's terms it wants to be.


>> ^juliovega914:

Alright, this is unbelievably fucking cool.
You guys might (not) remember the Meissner effect I posted earlier ( This is exactly the same effect.
The fundamental difference is that the superconductor in my vid is thicker than in this case. In this case, a 1 micron YBCO layer is deposited onto a sapphire wafer (probably through physical vapor deposition [, go to 3:15 if you want to skip to PVD])
When you deposit a thin film with PVD you will inevitably form small imperfections at the grain boundaries in the film, usually only nanometers wide. When brought down below the superconductive transition temperature (IE, liquid nitrogen temp), the magnetic field lines are able to penetrate these grain boundaries in discrete quantities (unlike the thicker superconductor) forming what they seem to be calling "quantum tubes". The superconductor pins the field lines into these quantum sized tubes, and the force required to distort the field lines is greater than the weight of the superconductor.
Read this for a bit more:, but it doesn't seem terribly well translated, and it cant seem to decide how layman's terms it wants to be.

I didn't think that PVD would form YBCO.
I could easily be wrong though--my knowledge is out of date.

Great video about the Meissner Effect.


>> ^Boise_Lib:

>> ^juliovega914:
Alright, this is unbelievably fucking cool.
You guys might (not) remember the Meissner effect I posted earlier ( This is exactly the same effect.
The fundamental difference is that the superconductor in my vid is thicker than in this case. In this case, a 1 micron YBCO layer is deposited onto a sapphire wafer (probably through physical vapor deposition [, go to 3:15 if you want to skip to PVD])
When you deposit a thin film with PVD you will inevitably form small imperfections at the grain boundaries in the film, usually only nanometers wide. When brought down below the superconductive transition temperature (IE, liquid nitrogen temp), the magnetic field lines are able to penetrate these grain boundaries in discrete quantities (unlike the thicker superconductor) forming what they seem to be calling "quantum tubes". The superconductor pins the field lines into these quantum sized tubes, and the force required to distort the field lines is greater than the weight of the superconductor.
Read this for a bit more:, but it doesn't seem terribly well translated, and it cant seem to decide how layman's terms it wants to be.

I didn't think that PVD would form YBCO.
I could easily be wrong though--my knowledge is out of date.
Great video about the Meissner Effect.

Physical vapor deposition (evaporation) pretty much works with any material that can be evaporated in a vaccuum without decomposing. Metals, semi-metals, and many ceramics and metal-oxides are candidates.


How much load can be exerted on a mass that is 'locked' in place like that?

i.e. Could this be a way to make super sweet hover bikes and cars a reality??


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

That's a key question. Also how cold do you have to keep that superconductor? What about room temperature ones. Weren't they all the rage a while back?>> ^BoneyD:

How much load can be exerted on a mass that is 'locked' in place like that?
i.e. Could this be a way to make super sweet hover bikes and cars a reality??


Tags for this video have been changed from 'superconductor, locked, magnetism, magic, how do they work' to 'superconductor, locked, magnetism, magic, how do they work, physics' - edited by kulpims


Room temperature superconductors are not a reality yet, at lest not for longer than a couple of nanoseconds at a time.

>> ^dag:

That's a key question. Also how cold do you have to keep that superconductor? What about room temperature ones. Weren't they all the rage a while back?>> ^BoneyD:
How much load can be exerted on a mass that is 'locked' in place like that?
i.e. Could this be a way to make super sweet hover bikes and cars a reality??


>> ^Ornthoron:

Room temperature superconductors are not a reality yet, at lest not for longer than a couple of nanoseconds at a time.
>> ^dag:
That's a key question. Also how cold do you have to keep that superconductor? What about room temperature ones. Weren't they all the rage a while back?>> ^BoneyD:
How much load can be exerted on a mass that is 'locked' in place like that?
i.e. Could this be a way to make super sweet hover bikes and cars a reality??

Guess I'll need to move closer to work then.


Aww crap, I should've read all the comments before downvoting yours (damn me and my lack of pop culture!).

That being said, now the raptor-jesus reference is all the funnier.

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

>> ^ponceleon:
>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
Your playing with powers you can't possibly understand, life finds a way.

Yeah, raptor-riding jesus does not approve of this evil magicks!

I take it you didn't get the Jurassic Park reference, because that is the Ian Malcolm actor's voice.


>> ^hpqp:

Aww crap, I should've read all the comments before downvoting yours (damn me and my lack of pop culture!).
That being said, now the raptor-jesus reference is all the funnier.
>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
>> ^ponceleon:
>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
Your playing with powers you can't possibly understand, life finds a way.

Yeah, raptor-riding jesus does not approve of this evil magicks!

I take it you didn't get the Jurassic Park reference, because that is the Ian Malcolm actor's voice.

It's ok, on second viewing, I don't think it is him anyway. I <3 magnates
All hail the superconductor raptor.


For the disk going around the ring they should add a small orifice or pipette as a nozzle for the evaporating nitrogen to propel the disk around the ring to make a rocket hoover UFO. Otherwise, it all boils out of the top.


>> ^BoneyD:

How much load can be exerted on a mass that is 'locked' in place like that?
i.e. Could this be a way to make super sweet hover bikes and cars a reality??

For the demonstration, not much imo. The guy had no difficulty adjust the 'locked' item with his hand, which can't be exerting a terrible amount of force.

Scaling up in size is another matter (and totally outside my area of simple deductive logic ; ), I would imagine as your super conductor blocks get bigger you could indeed support much higher weights.

It's interesting though, I wonder how a train, for example, would go around corners? Would the track need to be curved, as the superconductor is locked in a certain aspect to the track ie. like a toboggan? At the serious speeds an air friction only train could travel at, not tilting in to relative shallow corners might cause some serious in cabin 'passenger migration' issues if the train didn't lean in to the corner. *grin*

But yeah, that is some cool (no bad pun intended) shit right there.


Any vehicle or contraption that operates purely on "Hover" has n o way of stopping without friction.
Back to the drawing board for Super Trains. How could you stop a 250 MPH train ?


>> ^Sagemind:

Any vehicle or contraption that operates purely on "Hover" has n o way of stopping without friction.
Back to the drawing board for Super Trains. How could you stop a 250 MPH train ?

You can always push back on EM fields with other EM fields, right? Perhaps with even greater force than that of friction, as EM fields can scale perhaps better than materials can absorb heat (without melting), I would wager.

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