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There, I ruined your childhood...

Cop Invites Man To Fist Fight Over Wife And Shoots Him

Most wild nyc police chase you will ever see

Hippo Attacks Wildlife Photographers in Botswana

World’s Smallest Nerf Gun Shoots an Ant

The HyperEncabulator

What Vaping Does to the Body

w1ndex says...

It would be nice if this video differentiated between nicotine and cannabis vaping in the title. Nicotine vapes are a lot safer than cannabis-based ones. There are no oils used in nicotine-based vapes.

CAN I get Tom Scott to LAND a B737MAX, ALONE?!

Skeet Surfin

True Facts: Sea Cucumbers

"IT'S CALLED SHUT THE F*CK UP": Officer Has Had Enough

Police Cuff Woman On Tracks And Abandon Her- Hit By A Train

w1ndex says...

Situational awareness of some potatoes. More worried about getting a reason to have pulled her over to care enough about a fucking train hitting the police vehicle she's in. To serve...the establishment...and protect...the status quo...

PILLOW FIGHT PRANK - Assault with a bedly weapon

True Facts: The Beaver

School Police: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

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Beggar's Canyon