
After watching this I was reminded of the Polanski movie Repulsion in which we get to watch Catherine Deneuve sink into insanity. The only difference is that watching Glen Beck sink into insanity is somehow much more repulsive.


he did not throw anything into the pot.

one. it would be way to fucked up to do that on live tv. even by those assholes standards... that is the standards I am assuming they might have.

as well the fact that you dont see anything go into the pot, even with a frame rate of SHIT you would see a dot or something, other then that, YOU dont see a splash and with the force he seemed to throw the "frog(s) " at there is no splash. its clearly just a METAPHOR in realz lifez cause he didnt do it.


You just pissed off PETA. Big mistake.

*Note: I realise this clip doesn't have much to do with anything we're talking about... But neither does Glenn Beck.


False title, he never had a frog in his hand, he never threw a frog into the pot.

First you can see the frog jumping out of his hand, and secondly it's quite obvious that he doesn't throw anything into the pot.

I can't believe I just had to defend Glenn Beck.


>> ^ElJardinero:
False title, he never had a frog in his hand, he never threw a frog into the pot.
First you can see the frog jumping out of his hand, and secondly it's quite obvious that he doesn't throw anything into the pot.
I can't believe I just had to defend Glenn Beck.

Even if there was no frog, the purpose of that entire segment was to make people say "Holy crap, did he just kill a frog?". He very clearly acts as though he had right afterwards.

The title is fine.


Nope , you can see the frog gon in, good luck Glenn beck, people get real hot when some one kills an animal, not matter how tasty it may be!


ITs just funny how sumone can consistently demonstrait how stupid they are , its like he is actively trying to be an idoit , its remanicent of sarah palin , i guess if your stuped enoughf you will be compleaty ignorent of your stupidity.

btw I don't care about the frog , I just thought the whole set up was stupid and badly thought out , its like he was trying to gain creditability from being "scientific" just felt strange and weard.

maby glen could put together a clearly reasoned argument and reference his points and use to historical events maby find other people who have been correct on other issues to back him up to some exstent and present aditoinal evidence.

But i guess to do that would require "thought" planning and work ,


a comment from another site where this was posted:

"Glenn didn’t throw a frog into boiling water. 5 seconds after the end of this clip Glenn says as part of the monologue, “Forget the frog, the frog was fake” then continues on to make his point.

In the next segment he and Ambassador John Bolton show the fake plastic frog.

The quality of this clip is poor and it doesn’t even look like he threw anything in the water - but I was watching it in HD and you could see something green going into the pan and water splash (which you can hear in the clip)."


"Professor Doug Melton, Harvard University Biology Department, says, "If you put a frog in boiling water, it won't jump out. It will die. If you put it in cold water, it will jump before it gets hot -- they don't sit still for you." -Next Time, What Say We Boil a Consultant

So what's likely to have happened? There WAS a pot of boiling water on the table (you can see the steam throughout the video), and he did seem to pick up a frog from one of the many very real ones in the mini aquarium. I think I see a splash at 1:06 but it's hard to tell if it's either the video compression fuzzing in and out, his reflection on the inside of the pot as he moves back and forth, OR an actual splash.

The final piece of evidence? He is TELLING us he's using a real frog and after watching him cut open a fish on live TV I wouldn't put it past him. Why else would he go to all the trouble of actually boiling water and having real frogs unless he actually put one in the pot?

Poor little froggie :-(


^Sepatown - Link pleasE?


>> ^JiggaJonson:
>> ^sepatown:

Am I missing something? i read the story and they didn't seem to know if the frog was real or not, and the other link is just to the same exact video posted here.

the quote wasn't from the story at those links, it was from the comments below it. both pages have someone posting a similar story about John Bolton and the fake frog in the comments. it's by no means concrete proof.


When he said "Okay, forget about the frog" after looking in to the pot, it actually made me smile. Great comic timing.

It seemed pretty clear to me that it was fake. If it was real, this would be terrible but thankfully all evidence points elsewhere.


If they were going to go to the trouble of setting that all that up, they surely would have tried it at least once before going on the air. Glenn's just clowning around.


I think the saddest thing about this, is how clearly he thought this was extremely clever and poinent. I mean you really get the impression that he intended this as some kind of 'Wow' moment and his point was going to be concrete.


24 comments for this? I suspect he did not really kill the frog, but he certainly gave us every reason to think he did. I guarantee you the real aim was to get attention, with a secondary goal of getting a complaint from PETA to riff on in a subsequent show.

As an aside, didn't his little experiment prove that his supporters are fucked no matter what?

Not that they believe in science, but still...


Fox's intent was to make a video people talk about, even us calling Beck a douchebag, so their agenda gets more exposure. I think it's a fake (they don't show a continuous shot of getting the frog and boiling it) only because they're afraid they might get into some kind of trouble. Kudos to whoever cut off this asshat before he could make whatever point he was trying to make afterwards.

Same thing as a viral ad.


um...it's pretty obvious metaphor folks.

When you place a frog into boiling water it dies...guess what he is trying to imply about america here? I'll give you a minute to think about it.

I will be truly amazed if he did boil a real frog mind you.


>> ^Fade:
When you place a frog into boiling water it dies...guess what he is trying to imply about america here? I'll give you a minute to think about it.

A minute, huh? How generous.

Off the top of my head, is he trying to tell people that the US Government policies are equivalent to a quick and painful death, and that US citizens should rise up and hang any census worker that happens to wonder how many kids they have?


Conservatives just don't understand the scientific method... test and PROVE your experiment FIRST before claiming it as fact and then making a total ASS of yourself on air. LOL

I guess he took it on FAITH that the frog would receive a brain signal from GOD and would jump out of the boiling water.

Lets toss Beck into boiling water and see if he jumps out.


No frog here. Once again, NetScummer proves he's just another socialist lying pig. He practices the doctrine of "we can accuse, but we don't have to abide". Jesus, people, pay attention. If I had a nickel for each bullshit post this douche made, I'd be be retired and working all those "poor people" out there. Gee, NetScummer, maybe you should re-direct your efforts?


A pathetic publicity stunt that's worked a treat.

Pretty crap editing though of people to exclude the next segment where he shows it wasn't a real frog.


The REAL frog is US. I can't beleive that anyone who voted for this "*!*" can still support him. He's a liar as bad as Bush. But they are in total denial...GOD rest their souls.


>> ^Rotty:
The REAL frog is US. I can't beleive that anyone who voted for this " ! " can still support him. He's a liar as bad as Bush. But they are in total denial...GOD rest their souls.

You've brought nothing of interest to our community. Welcome to ignore.


>> ^blankfist:

Can't believe Beck pulled one over on so many people, knowing they'd cut the clip short and that he could come back the next day with some proof of bias in hand. This is why any exaggeration can blow up in your face, even if there's some underlying truth to the exaggeration.


>> ^Lodurr:
Can't believe Beck pulled one over on so many people, knowing they'd cut the clip short and that he could come back the next day with some proof of bias in hand. This is why any exaggeration can blow up in your face, even if there's some underlying truth to the exaggeration.

Yeah it is unbelievable isn't it?
A critic of Glenn Beck doesn't need to manufacture clips to make him look bad.
More likely it was posted by Glen Beck's staff to bait us.


>> ^chilaxe:
If they were going to go to the trouble of setting that all that up, they surely would have tried it at least once before going on the air. Glenn's just clowning around.

You'd think so, wouldn't you? On the other hand, you'd also think someone might have noticed that "oligarchy" has a C in it before his absurdity hit the air, wouldn't you?


I hate that this was cut the way it was. Glen Beck IS a douchebag, so yeah its easy to think he could have done it. But it was dishonest to cut it like this and now whoever did this gave him a platform to preach about his nonexistant integrity.


hahahahaha he didn't even throw it in, nothing came out of his hand. He does this kind of thing on his show all the time. He will build something up for it to fail on purpose. He is like me where he likes jokes at his expense. This clip reviles those who watch Glenn beck on a normal basis and those who just troll through it and try to discredit him...

In other words, this whole thing was a joke and yall didn't get it. If you would of watched the show more than just to rag on it, you would of understood it. I personally don't like the Bill Mar program, but I don't watch single clips and post them here for people to take out of context.

There is a word for everyone in this thread, PWNED!


Wow, the self-righteousness of the people standing up for Glenn Beck is just overwhelming. I never had any doubt it was a stunt -- I wasn't sure if the stunt would include actually killing a frog or not, since I've not really found any lengths that Beck would be unwilling to go to get attention.

The point of posting this from a political left's point of view isn't to "discredit" Beck -- he does that to himself all the time. It's to sort of look in wonder and awe as the right descends to deeper and deeper depths of insanity. Even trying to make people think for half a second that he killed a frog is way beyond what sane people would do.

I'm annoyed that the source edited it to intentionally leave doubt about whether it was real or not, but I think Beck is pleased with it.


Yes, jokes are descending into insanity. He does this kind of editing to make himself look foolish all the time. I am not sure how saying someone else is joking is self righteous...that shoe should be on the other foot. Beck started doing mostly comedy, to assume what he does is a stunt and not just his personality is to misrepresent him. By any other logic, all shock comedians are insane, a slippery slope.


I like how the clip is actually cut saying that the frog is fake. If people are so dense that they couldn't see they were misled I'm now selling string on spools for the low-low price of $89.95.


There are three things that make it embarrassing to be an American today.

One of them is Glenn Beck, the second is Sarah Palin.

And the third is all of the idiots who think they are worth listening to.

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