inflatablevagina gets pumped up for her GOLD STAR

What can you say about someone who calls herself inflatablevagina? Well, judging by her sifts and having talked to her a few times you can be sure she's awesome, feisty and has great taste in music! Every vagina may be inflatable, but Cari is quite unique. And Cari has gotten herself a gold star! And even though her no-nonsense feminism probably tells her otherwise, I'm sure she enjoys getting some shiny jewelry

Ivy is another example of the GREAT female presence on the sift and being a big fan of rock & roll, she has been supplying us with lots of quality music and even a highly successful self-link. That's the first (and hopefully, last) time I've seen a 15-foot inflatable sexual organ.
So put down your bongs and give Ivy her much deserved praise! And if anyone craves more of her great rock vids, have a look here. Congrats!
Self promoting this Sift Talk post - promote requested by original submitter rasch187.
This is lovely. Thank you. I love seeing things about me.
Many congratulations Cari. You're one of the threads I have left in this place, but a mighty powerful golden filament it is. You're great.
Very good! Fantastic - congratulations Ivy, you are wonderful.
May you never deflate.
Woah! Cangratulations iVag! Keep sifting great vids!
awww my love. i like touching your vagina almost as much as i like touching my own.
That photo is great...once again congratulations on reaching gold!
yeay! that's so cool.
Arousing applause... err, I mean a round of applause!!
Congratulamadingdong, IV! Can I call you 4? (Wink wink, get it? God DAMN, I'm clever!)
Hey, I don't normally play matchmaker, but I think I found the perfect guy for you:
You're welcome.
I! V! I! V! I! V! I! V! I! V! I! V! I! V! I! V! I! V! I! V! I! V! I! V! I! V! I! V! I! V! I! V!
*nsfw !!!!!
(sung to Technotronic)
Whatever you do in your celebration, just don't let some out at the dinner table:
Pump up the vag
Pump it up
While your vids are stompin'
And the vag is pumpin'
Look at here the Sift is jumpin'
Congrats on the gold star, you giant aerated female orifice, you!
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Congrats and thanks for your rocking contributions IV. I'm also glad you are XX. It keeps the place from becoming an inflatable sausage fest.
Congrats, IV!
I'll always have a pearl necklace for you.
Wait, Ivy's a girl? Goes to show you never know on the internet. Many consiftulations you are a real piece of sass and a sure boon to Siftlandia!
I had the good fortune to have a night of coctails with Ivy and PeggedBea recently, and I can assure you she's no different in meatspace. I saw her wit slash right through complete stranger and send them away laughing. At themselves.
I like so many others, am delighted you are here.
Great job! Keep 'em coming.
yay, congrats!
Awarding rasch187 with one star point for this contribution to VideoSift - declared quality by paul4dirt.
Yayyy IV, congratulations sugar! Between you and bea you make me look a completely average normal female on t'internet, that's a fuckin massive achievement in itself!

I like ya, I like ya a lot
Stop sexually harassing me.
Grats Ivy! Love your music sifts! Here's a Detachable Penis for your Inflatable Vagina!
You had me laughing at the siftpost title - congrats!
goed zo, goed zo, goed zozo
ga zo door
Congrats, IV. We sure do appreciate all the vagina inflation you bring to the sift.
The world needs more inflatable vaginas! Thanks for the representin' here at the sift, and congrats. I appreciate your presence a lot!
No offense, but there's a good reason why i'm not a lesbian. That vagina glaring at me every time I sign into sift talk is starting to give me funny turns, it's fucking disgusting!
100 golden congo rats inside an inflatable vagina?
wasnt sure what was happening here.the big blow up vagina skrrd me.
but then i realized it was for I+V..which in that case,not so scary..doesnt everybody love vagina?
congrats kiddo! i r yer biggest fan =)
Many congratulations cari!!! Srry for the belated gratz, i've been on labor day vacation.
I hate to burst your inflatable vaginal bubble, but THIS IS DISGUSTING. Think of the children! I thought you were * banned already for such obvious and shameless self-linking! Oh...

Congrats on the gold, my lovely!
Glückwunsch Cari!
Grats Vaj!
IV, Congratulations! Sorry so late...enjoying the long weekend. Talk to you in the lounge.
Not to shabby for a sentient vagina.
Well done IV on going gold. You're the poster girl for a better class of vag. It's now just occurred to me why a vagina might inflate and I'm disgusted with myself.
Everyone... thanks so much. I feel all warm and fuzzy. I am so touching myself every time I think of each and every one of you.
You people are really awesome...
>> ^inflatablevagina:
I feel all warm and fuzzy.
Time for a wax, maybe?
I think I am going to keep it real 70's from now on. I'll take a picture and send it to you.
>> ^xxovercastxx:
>> ^inflatablevagina:
I feel all warm and fuzzy.
Time for a wax, maybe?
Uh oh, late to the party... Anyways, welcome to the exclusive club of gold stars. Forget those snobby diamonds, gold star is where it's at ;-)
Congratulations, detachablepenis. Finally you made it to the big times with all the rest of us internet losers. "Look at me, I don't have a job because I'm online all day and I want everyone else to pay for my health care because I'm poor and I like pot."
So, what were we talking about again? Oh yeah, way to go! A$$ GR@V33 for all!
I'm sorry Blankfist. I might be the only one NOT getting your tax dollars. Shit with being self employed and all... can you just send me a check?
>> ^blankfist:
Congratulations, detachablepenis. Finally you made it to the big times with all the rest of us internet losers. "Look at me, I don't have a job because I'm online all day and I want everyone else to pay for my health care because I'm poor and I like pot."
So, what were we talking about again? Oh yeah, way to go! A$$ GR@V33 for all!
Late to the party as usual. Congrats IV! Your quirky humor always brings a smile to my face. I look forward to many more great sifts from you!
Hey! You've turned gold?! Congratulations! Thanks for all the exiting conversations in the lounge and all your music loving!
Congratulations, and thanks for being the reason behind one of the more pleasant things that I missed during my short absence from the Sift
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