Oritteropo is GOLD!!!!!! ANT has the biggest pqueue!!!!
Hey Sifters...
@oritteropo and I and others were chatting in the lounge today, and we are doing a push for him to get to GOLD before he attends the Downunder Sift Up. EDIT: @oritteropo is GOOOOLD as of now!!!!
Anyhow, in the process of chatting, we were talking about the sizes of some Sifters' pqueues... and that led me to remember that @ant had a rather large one that I recalled, being several hundred or so. Well, we went and took a look at his page to verify this, and HOLEY MOLEY WTF JEEBUSES...
... he has over 2500 vids in the pqueueueueueueueue. I just thought this deserved something, so Congrats @ant on the largest pqueue in Siftlandia!!!
@oritteropo and I and others were chatting in the lounge today, and we are doing a push for him to get to GOLD before he attends the Downunder Sift Up. EDIT: @oritteropo is GOOOOLD as of now!!!!
Anyhow, in the process of chatting, we were talking about the sizes of some Sifters' pqueues... and that led me to remember that @ant had a rather large one that I recalled, being several hundred or so. Well, we went and took a look at his page to verify this, and HOLEY MOLEY WTF JEEBUSES...
... he has over 2500 vids in the pqueueueueueueueue. I just thought this deserved something, so Congrats @ant on the largest pqueue in Siftlandia!!!
Congrats on your Gold Star, @oritteropo!!! Yaaaay!
Thank you
And as for @ant... wow, almost 5000 vids posted.
Congrats on the gold oritteropo!
Ant you're a sift monster!
*quality post kitty!
Awarding Issykitty with one star point for this contribution to VideoSift - declared quality by eric3579.
Dang. Come on, people lower that number down! Vote UP!
Hopefully in the push you all WATCHED the videos.
Lets see if you can dupe and jive.
Congrats Oritteropo! Ant, congrats
What's that @ant? Vote down? Number up?
>> ^ant:
Dang. Come on, people lower that number down! Vote UP!
Congratulations @oritteropo another sift milestone under the belt.

Now you can tell all the ladies your thingy is solid gold!
I'ts gold I'ts gold I'ts gold I'ts solid gold baby!
Congratulations, @oritteropo
Great videos.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Congrats to you oritteropo do you mind if I call you otter poo?
>> ^oritteropo:
What's that @ant? Vote down? Number up?
>> ^ant:
Dang. Come on, people lower that number down! Vote UP!
You got it reversed, buddy.
Uhm, yes... but you can call me Otter if Oritteropo has too many syllables (we are in Australia after all, where two syllables is the maximum allowable for any name).
>> ^dag:
Congrats to you oritteropo do you mind if I call you otter poo?
Congratulations man!!
Sifting predominantly music is the hardest way to be around here, so massive respect and congratulations to you dude! And thanks for all the suggestions too, I'm so glad you turned up
@ant Shouldn't you just kill the vids with only one or two votes? You're probably taking up half a server all on your own
Congrats on the gold!
Not only is orriteropo a demon sifter, but he also spends a lot of time sharing sifts he thinks others would enjoy, which is such a thoughtful gesture!
Congratulations, Olympian Oritter, you earned that gold!
2533 personal queue
3711 down votes
4601 total submissions
23069 total comments
@ant by numbers
>> ^alien_concept:
Sifting predominantly music is the hardest way to be around here
I'm not sure about that. It's certainly not the easiest, but we've had quite a few successful members who have focused primarily on music.
>> ^alien_concept:

@ant Shouldn't you just kill the vids with only one or two votes? You're probably taking up half a server all on your own
That's the whole point.
@xxovercastxx Don't know about what? I didn't say he was the only one to do it.
>> ^alien_concept:
xxovercastxx Don't know about what? I didn't say he was the only one to do it.
You said it was the hardest, but I think the hardest path around here is clearly to tell everyone they are stupid, selfish assholes who are going to hell and then post a bunch of videos as "evidence".
^Can't argue with that.
Congrats Oritteropo, may your booty chest full of bling fill to the brim with precious stones.
Congrats Ant, may the size of your pee-Q double or even triple.
Great job both of you.
The rest of you loosers are assholes bound for hell. Here is the evidence: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksz_Mrfy538&feature=related
Congrats sir, congrats.
You may now attend the sift up with your chin held high and a star in your pants.
No, wait, a star held high and a chin in your pants.
No, that's not right either... well, holding something, and having something in your pants. Your call as to what those items are.
well done m8
ant subscribes to the "blind squirrel" theory of sifting.
Is there another way?
>> ^rottenseed:
ant subscribes to the "blind squirrel" theory of sifting.
There is legend of those that sift only the finest in quality. Gods of the sift, if you will.>> ^oritteropo:
Is there another way?
>> ^rottenseed:
ant subscribes to the "blind squirrel" theory of sifting.
>> ^rottenseed:
ant subscribes to the "blind squirrel" theory of sifting.
Prove it.
You'll get there, someday.
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