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Spanish TV seems to have different censorship standards...

Submitting this purely for the sociological interest in helping to spread understanding of different cultural values around the world.

They are only breasts , I really don't understand the whole thing of getting all worked up over tits (in the sense of censoring them) . same with cocks and other body parts its just pathetic and immature.

Allot of TV stations show films or programs with violence ( for the sake of violence ) its then mental for them to censor sex and nudity.

Allot of western culture and sensablities are so retarded.


>> ^westy:

They are only breasts , I really don't understand the whole thing of getting all worked up over tits (in the sense of censoring them) . same with cocks and other body parts its just pathetic and immature.
Allot of TV stations show films or programs with violence ( for the sake of violence ) its then mental for them to censor sex and nudity.
Allot of western culture and sensablities are so retarded.

Sexual repression is big business. Shake those money makers.


Maybe if this was more commonplace, if we were more honest about our sexuality and comfortable with ourselves, human/male sexuality wouldn't be as fucked as it is.

I'm full of shit, rape and sexual violence has been a problem forever. Yay boobies!


Absolutely nothing wrong at all with breasts, boobs, bums, vaginas, dicks... nothing. And there is most definitely something screwed up with the current bizarro world of censorship where violence is fine, but a hint of nudity has them up in arms.

However... my question for this video (obviously based only on vision as I have no idea what they're saying) is why is it that all the women are in revealing outfits and stripper heels or at least stilettos, while the guys are just in casual clothes? There doesn't seem to be any equality there at all.

Why wasn't there a guy having his clothes stripped off except for some budgie smugglers?

Just asking...

And is that really Spanish? Sounds very Italian to me.


Definitely Spanish, with the slight "lisp" you hear in parts of Spain.

>> ^spoco2:

Absolutely nothing wrong at all with breasts, boobs, bums, vaginas, dicks... nothing. And there is most definitely something screwed up with the current bizarro world of censorship where violence is fine, but a hint of nudity has them up in arms.
However... my question for this video (obviously based only on vision as I have no idea what they're saying) is why is it that all the women are in revealing outfits and stripper heels or at least stilettos, while the guys are just in casual clothes? There doesn't seem to be any equality there at all.
Why wasn't there a guy having his clothes stripped off except for some budgie smugglers?
Just asking...
And is that really Spanish? Sounds very Italian to me.


You know, it's odd, at about 2:22 I'm starting to think, this is kinda... meh... I mean, they're nice and and balanced and all, but not in any way sexy. She was sexier before Uncle Fester ripped her dress off.


That's exactly what happens when you live in a nudist environment, after a while it's just naked people and it's not a big deal.>> ^Payback:

You know, it's odd, at about 2:22 I'm starting to think, this is kinda... meh... I mean, they're nice and and balanced and all, but not in any way sexy. She was sexier before Uncle Fester ripped her dress off.


In a way, in many people views its either gonna be sexual repression or an even larger population, more very young parents, more objectifying of women leading to more sexual harassment and rapes and even a path to acceptance of public masturbation. The reigns of religion still influence society and people's subconcious into the idea that sexual arousal is a sin. Bouncing Breasts are pretty arousing, unless you don't like breasts.


... and Guess where I'm Living!!! If u guys want, I could host you for a few days in order for you to catch a glimple at the... wide variety of Beewwwbs here in Barcelona beach.
Sounds good?


No kidding. I remember when Spike TV was showing Stripperella. They blurred the characters' nipples! It's a frigging cartoon! Are nipples/breasts so damaging to the mind that people MUST NOT SEE THEM even in animated form?
>> ^westy:

They are only breasts , I really don't understand the whole thing of getting all worked up over tits (in the sense of censoring them) . same with cocks and other body parts its just pathetic and immature.
Allot of TV stations show films or programs with violence ( for the sake of violence ) its then mental for them to censor sex and nudity.
Allot of western culture and sensablities are so retarded.


remember the janet jacskon incident, when a whole generation of americna children were ruined at once? where are they today? probably all in jail or out rapeing.

i remember watching a bizarre show on discovery. it was about motorcycle accidents or something, and this one woman was brought to the emergency room after crashing on her bike.. or "woman". because she was reduced to a pile of meatloaf, guts hanging out, arm torn off etc.. and opsie, there in the pile of human flesh was a little censor blur, because on top of the pile of human flesh was the part that used to be her nipple. can't show that!


So this is how they treat women in Spain? Also, was this staged because she does not seem pissed at all - you know especially with humping the guy that took your clothes off with a live broadcasting audience?


this is not particular to spain. lo and behold, nudity can be somewhat common in europe. Hell, here in portugal a lot of prime-time soap operas have these really generic, bland, crappy intros, and a few of them have had breasts. There's also a good amount of shampoo or body wash commercial showing boobs (or at the very least ass).

And surprisingly, no one is fornicating in the streets (well, not entirely true. We're in full campaign mode for the elections next sunday, so there's been a lot of fucking going on in the streets, but it's mostly done by politicians to everyone's ass).


>> ^westy:

They are only breasts , I really don't understand the whole thing of getting all worked up over tits (in the sense of censoring them) . same with cocks and other body parts its just pathetic and immature.
Allot of TV stations show films or programs with violence ( for the sake of violence ) its then mental for them to censor sex and nudity.
Allot of western culture and sensablities are so retarded.

You're right. As a new father whose got a wife at home that walks around pretty much topless all day because the newborn wants to feed every hour, I absolutely agree there's nothing wrong with breasts.

But there is something very wrong with a society that continues to dehumanize women, objectify them, and define their value by the size and shape of their bodies (including breasts). I didn't downvote this video for the boobs. I downvoted this video because this show reinforces the idea that not only is it okay to continue objectifying and dehumanizing women, women actually like it.

But I'm guessing that due to reduced blood flow to the brain the (as far as I can tell) entirely male population of Sifters who upvoted this didn't think that deeply about it.


Fake indeed, but very nice as well. As well I'm sure this was staged. They wouldn't just rip the dress off some random person lol. And IMHO it has nothing to do with 'this is how they treat women' but rather that sexuality is a much more open subject in much of the world than in the US thanks to our Puritanical roots and the religious right that has their paws on just about everything in this country. Someone mentioned the 'wardrobe malfunction' from a few years ago and how people in this country were in an uproar because their childred would be scared from getting a .2 second glimpse and some womans ugly nipple. Being the type of person who has friends all over the world, most of them outside the US had no idea what the big deal was. I myself found it rather funny watching the people on the news talking about their frail children catching a glimpse of someones nipple, never seeming to realize that those same children have nipples themselves.

It's just another reason why I am constantly aggravated with Christianity these days. You could likely trace a great deal of sexual crime, use of pornography and objectivity of women in this country to the fact that we are all so very sexually repressed compared to most other nations. Really we laugh about how repressed Muslims are, but we are just barely a step above them.

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