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"My pet duck named Mervin" - A tribute to a pet duck

More Skyrim Gameplay Footage

Mazex says...

Was anyone else not remotely impressed when he pointed out the detail and they looked at some crappy shrub on the ground. I just wish they'd have co-op then I'd be happy, since even a shit game is great in co-op.

Spanish TV seems to have different censorship standards...

Mazex says...

In a way, in many people views its either gonna be sexual repression or an even larger population, more very young parents, more objectifying of women leading to more sexual harassment and rapes and even a path to acceptance of public masturbation. The reigns of religion still influence society and people's subconcious into the idea that sexual arousal is a sin. Bouncing Breasts are pretty arousing, unless you don't like breasts.

So, what happens when the world doesn't end?

Mazex says...

I agree with the comments about the whole morally good smart person vs stupid bad person being a flawed idea. It's too black and white.

Also I don't agree with him saying you shouldn't cop out of doing stuff by making excuses to keep your ego going since there are different kinds of people to consider here. There's the usual people who probably always care about torture of animals but then make a multitude of different excuses to validate their choice of eating meat then there are people who don't care about animal welfare whatsoever and so its simply a life choice to eat meat or not based on taste and the idea that meat makes you stronger etc. There's people who don't even think about it, because they literally don't know about the issue. There's people who are different based on their mood, sometimes they care, sometimes they don't. There's mentally unstable people, there's people who are addicted to it. And many more.

So I don't think its always about making an excuse to keep your ego going. In reality these labels (morally good person, stupid person) don't really exists. Rather it's all about your mental viewpoint and how much knowledge/information you have.

Seattle cop kills nonthreatening pedestrian

Mazex says...


WTF?!?! Who the hell is training and passing these idiots at the academy???
So he fires 4 shots on a man carving a piece of wood. That alone is stupid enough. He was not threatening anyone, at most, 1 single shot in a leg or something would have been more than enough.
Then, he just stands there like a stupid moron, waiting for the guy to bleed out. Then his even stupider pals arrive, and 11 in total form a line to safely approach a man shot 4 times, lying in the ground, with a knife who wasn't even moving or speaking??
This is disgusting beyond words. That piece of shit should spend the rest of his life behind bars, and those 10 idiots who arrived later should get a slap on the wrist as well.

I thought the homeless guy was gonna be ninja flipping up and stabbing them with his knife, then like have a load of hidden throwing knives and nail them all in their foreheads, then smokebomb and disappear.

....back to reality, some hick police officer murders someone posing no threat, gets away with it, then his dumb buddies show up and act retarded. Fuck the police.

Christopher Hitchens on the ropes vs William Lane Craig

Mazex says...

Ok you're doing it again. You're leaping from one thing to another with no real connection. So maybe a figure called Jesus existed. All that statement means is, a man lived at a period and had a name Jesus. It doesn't mean everything in a book written by a load of people who conspired to create a religious following about him is fact. You think everything in the Bible is fact, I don't. The bible has no evidence for its miracles and supposed preaching about God. It might have details about towns, people, nations, gatherings, that are also reported by other sources. But that doesn't in anyway confirm that supernatural beliefs held in the Bible. Like I said earlier, it would be a strange for them to write a book that tried to both introduce supernatural answers for the world in a made-up setting. They obviously set the Bible's story in a realistic background. You can not just then verify everything in the Bible because of that.

Do you know why? Because a) anything like those miracle situations hasn't had any evidence found since then to collude with the Bible's miracles, if it did all the scientists of the world would be in agreement that the miracles of the Bible were possible b) the story setting of the Bible is extremely similar to many stories that have been found and verified as being created before the Bible, ergo the Bible is a copy-work of those other stories, which diminishes its validity. c) It's obvious to anyone not brainwashed and not weak minded, what religions aim is; to prey on fear of death and to masquerade as a good force when in fact it's wasting your life and causing a massive amount of problems in the world whilst making a few people in the religion some of the richest people in the world.

Religion is a perfect example of the weakness of mankind, Religion and Greed are two of the worst things in the world, and until they are solved in our society we're stuck being fucked over in a cycle of retarded behaviour.

>> ^shinyblurry:

Okay, so Jesus did exist..that wasn't made up, which means the bible is an eyewitness account of his life....and now, his disciples weren't brainwashed, we just don't know what they did..well, we do, not only from the bible but from many external sources External sources verify at least 50 people from the NT were historical figures..engravings and statues even tell us what 18 of them looked like. There are 39 sources outside the bible which verify 100 facts about Jesus' life, teachings crucifixion and ressurection..some good examples are Flavius Josephus, Cornelius Tacitus and Gaius Suetonius.
Flavius Josephus, a roman historian wrote:
“At this time there was a wise man who was called Jesus. And his conduct was good, and (He) was known to be virtuous. And many people from among the Jews and the other nations became his disciples. Pilate condemned Him to be crucified to die. And those who had become his disciples did not abandon his discipleship. They reported that He had appeared to them three days after his crucifixion and that He was alive."
As far as what I pasted is concerned, yes some of them could be interperted either way..but not all of them. Many of them are quite precise in making statements about the nature of the Universe..which certainly critics would use to try to prove the bible isn't true if they weren't. Such as that the stars are innumerable to man, yet finite..that there are as many as there are grains of sand. At the time there were no telescopes so they could only see around one suspected the trillions and trillions of stars we know about today. Or the fact that God hangs the earth on nothing, when at the time everyone thought it was supported by something..or that there are springs in the sea, mountains in the sea, that the Universe had a beginning..etc. Pretty good for made up, I think..

Christopher Hitchens on the ropes vs William Lane Craig

Mazex says...

Lol don't just copy paste a load of convoluted statements that you got off some website and flout it as fact...

There might of been a guy called Jesus, but I don't for a second believe he was born from a virgin, managed to perform miracles and managed to be resurrected. All those things are part of the bible too, and they have nothing to do with the archaeological record, which is why you citing it, is pointless.

Its obvious that the problems people have with believing the Bible is that it cites a load of miracles and preaching about a God that has never been proven. And you expect everyone to believe it, and believe they are going to Hell if they commit sins and don't repent.

His resurrection being true or not has nothing to do with being brainwashed, it has to do with it being a lie, its a story, its made up, its not real. What his disciples did isn't fact either, you don't know what happened. Because all that's left is a book they all wrote. If you experienced it, and thousands of others experienced it and lived to this day, then I'd say there might be more people that could believe it. But just writing a story down, and then expecting everyone to hold it as truth forever, isn't necessarily truth.

With all these scientific facts that are supposedly revealed in the Bible, you are missing the real truth completely. None of them are scientific claims, they are all you interpreting scientific facts from words. You can pretty much interpret anything that's happened with any piece of literature. Especially with the Bible which has been translated and revised so many times over the years, the actual form of it, is nothing like what it was originally. So your little world of the Bible pre-determining scientific discoveries is a complete farce, please actually think constructively and again don't just copy paste a load of crap from the internet.

Christopher Hitchens on the ropes vs William Lane Craig

Mazex says...

The Bible is a storybook, that's all. A conspiracy to me, is a cover up of a crime.

You've convinced yourself pretty well with your strange arguments. Just because the Bible cites historical architectural knowledge doesn't mean there's a God. It just means that the people who wrote it at the time obviously took inspiration from their time period and what existed. It doesn't mean EVERYTHING they wrote is now true, they just had a reliable backdrop to their story, why would they write about a places and gatherings and cities and nations and locations that didn't exist, when they are wanting to trick people at the time? Surely it's a requirement to portray the world correctly and then use your lies in preaching to trick people to believing it.

I don't know how you can be so misguided to think proving the bible's archaeological facts leads it to prove all the crazy beliefs of a God and Satan and a Virgin birth, etc.

I can write a book about WW2, citing all the battles, bombs dropped, people killed, gatherings etc, and then just add in a load of stuff about how Hitler was actually secretly taking orders from a magical Unicorn called George who hated everyone, and that the allies were being advised by a giant Elephant called Bob who was kind and benevolent. So apparently in 2000 years, people like you will believe it all because all the archaeological data was proved in my story.

Talking about Christian's persecutions means nothing, brainwashed people are brainwashed, they think they will go to heaven if they do good, and go to hell if they stop believing in God. So no matter what persecution there is, until they are actually allowed to see sense, they will continue to believe in God and teach their children to believe in God.

Also I'd look at the surveys the other way, 79% of the people in the survey didn't believe in God, and 90% don't pray weekly. Then in the other survey 80% of the scientists aren't spiritual. That's a good amount of people who are sane. There has to be at least some crazy scientists otherwise we might miss out of some discoveries.

>> ^shinyblurry:

You think the bible is a conspiracy? lol..first of all most of the people who started the church were martryed for their beliefs. If they knew it was a lie, they wouldn't have died for it. The romans persecuted and martyred Christians for hundreds of years. There simply was no advantage to being a Christian in those days. It was very likely to get you killed.
And for being made up it sure is historically accurate:
"Now of course, archaeology could never prove that the Bible is divinely inspired, but it can help build a case for the historical reliability of the Bible. And it certainly has. For the past 150 years archaeologists have been verifying the exact truthfulness of the Bible's detailed records of various events, customs, persons, cities, nations, and geographical locations.
In every instance where the Bible can be, or has been checked out archaeologically, it has been found to be 100% accurate. The Bible has proven so accurate that archaeologists often refer to it as a reliable guide when they go to dig in new areas.
Nelson Glueck, who appeared on the cover of Time magazine and who is considered one of the greatest archaeologists ever, wrote: “No archeological discovery has ever controverted [overturned] a Biblical reference. Scores of archeological findings have been made which confirm in clear outline or in exact detail historical statements in the Bible. And, by the same token, proper evaluation of Biblical descriptions has often led to amazing discoveries.” [Nelson Glueck, Rivers in the Desert (Philadelphia, PA: Jewish Publications Society of America, 1969), 31.]
These are the words of a man who has who has been credited with uncovering more than fifteen hundred ancient sites in the Middle East. [ “Archaeology: The Shards of History,” Time, December 13, 1963, accessed November 18, 2010.]
There have been more than 25,000 discoveries within the region known as the "Bible Lands” that have confirmed the truthfulness of the Bible."
And it looks like some atheists just aren't as religious and dogmatic as you are..take for example this statistic from the 2008 Pew survey:
According to one underreported 2008 U.S. Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life survey, 21 per cent of atheists expressed at least some certainty of belief in God or universal spirit, and 10 per cent admitted to praying on a weekly basis.
Nor should we be surprised to learn that more “than 20 per cent of atheist scientists consider themselves to be ‘spiritual,’ according to a Rice University study.” From the Religion News Service: “The findings, to be published in the June issue of the journal Sociology of Religion, are based on in-depth interviews with 275 natural and social scientists from 21 of the nation’s top research universities.”
Seems that yours is the world view that isn't quite matching up to reality..

Christopher Hitchens on the ropes vs William Lane Craig

Mazex says...

I don't think he hates God, because that would mean a God exists for him to hate, maybe he hates the idea of God. I think he like most sane people hate the idea that people brainwash their kids with dribble from a book that a load of people conspired to write and revise so that they could influence the world, control/enslave uneducated people and get rich off them for 2000 years.

There's a very simple reason for having the view of atheism, God has not been proven to exist, there is no empirical evidence, and there is a lot of logical reasoning behind why it is a lie and why religion only prospers from indoctrinating children and weak minded people, and can not prosper from trying to convert educated people into it.

Religion has only come so far because of human fear. Soon once our lifespans will increase much more and we will hopefully advance medicine far enough that people won't be as afraid of death any more and there'll be a massive shift away from religion, in the same way education shifted people away from it in the industrial era.

>> ^shinyblurry:

You do know atheism is a world view, don't you? Hitchens couldn't provide any reasons for his view..yes he definitely hates the judeo-christian god, that's clear..but this is a philosophical argument..and Hitchens failed on every point to provide any compelling reasons for his views. I've always been of the mind that two reasonable people can come to a reasonable agreement based on the facts. And I think William Craig was reasonable here..he gave hitchens every opportunity to refute his arguments, which he failed to do

Ass Kicking Kung Fu Epic: True Legend

Mazex says...

Yeah this US trailer is entirely misleading, and the rock music is so stupid. The film is decent though, saw it when it got released in China 2010 Feb and the effects and martial arts are great, however the scenes in the film fit together pretty badly.. Jay Chou annoys me as well, just as he annoys me in the Green Hornet. I wish the film had more Drunken Boxing too, it's supposed to be a kinda prequel to Drunken Master with Jackie Chan, which is by the same director, that film is hilarious and awesome.

Christopher Hitchens on the ropes vs William Lane Craig

Mazex says...

I hate this whole, WHICH ARE YOU, WE NEED TO GIVE YOU A LABEL so we can further compartmentalize society for our untrained brains to understand.

Also I find nearly all differences in opinions have a certain aspect of each person having a different way of defining and understanding words, and each person having a different set of beliefs about different labels that they place on people.

So ultimately neither side will give in unless they redefine what information they use in their minds. And that requires either brainwashing at a young age before the brain's structure is further cemented, or a very clear piece of logical evidence to prove a point to someone intelligent or someone who is in a state of weakness in their mind who is likely to grasp onto anything that gives them hope.

Religion obviously has no evidence so the people already brainwashed by religion know they have to brainwash kids, or prey on weak minded adults who are in trouble, such as people who face death/pain/other extreme difficulties etc.

The Greatest Best Wedding Proposal of All Time Ever Forever

Mazex says...

I mean I guess its kinda touching and all. But I get a kind of creepy voyerism feeling from this guy's intention to film it all down, as in he wants people to have an insight into his private/intimate moments. I think these kind of moments are best kept personal, even though it might garnish a load of internet hits, the whole production effort could of been put into something else.

Also the old people thing was creepy too, I know people think growing old together is sweet and romantic, but I'd rather top myself in some overly dramatic explosion, or hilltop barbarian battle than become that old. Thankfully the current generation has a good chance of being able to have old age reversed/halted in the not so distant future.

Time Lapse: Puppy to Adult in 40 seconds

Police Brutality: Marine Murdered by SWAT!

Mazex says...

I don't think there's enough information yet on this story to make a conclusion about it, I mean everyone instantly makes an opinion based on how the news report the situation and what facts they report. I mean the guy could actually secretly be helping drug dealers, he could of been doing a load of fucked up shit secretly, but just cus he's a marine he's labelled an automatic good guy. Personally I don't think anyone in the armed forces is a good guy, I think they all just want to get paid for murdering people without going to jail, same goes for SWAT.

Also the thing about him thinking it was home invaders. Don't most well equipped home invaders target high priced homes, that neighbourhood didn't look particularly high class at all. It should be obvious that it was a police raid, so it's his own fault at pointing an assualt rifle at the police.

'College Conspiracy' - the full documentary

Mazex says...

>> ^ForgedReality:

The ad at the end to sell memberships and silver kind of makes me wanna take the whole thing with a grain of salt...

So true.. MUST GO BUY SOME GOLD AND SILVER so I can join the higher people and gain entry into the promised land after the world economy collapses.

There are some reasonable opinions in this video, but like most one-sided documentaries about important issues, they throw in a load of bullshit too.

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