SWAT A-Holes Murder Pets In Front Of Kids

"The cops bust in this guys house in the middle of the night and shoot his two dogs (one a pit bull that was caged in the kitchen and the other a Corgi) with children in the home. it turns out that rather than a big time drug dealer, this guy had a small pipe with some resin in it, a grinder, and what the cops here call "a small amount of marijuana" (meaning less than a few grams)." [YT]

Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Wednesday, May 5th, 2010 1:38pm PDT - promote requested by original submitter volumptuous.


And you wonder why cops serving search warrants get wasted by a person in a home with a scatter gun; because of shit like this.

Any more information on this? Is there a copy of the search warrant, I assume that is a matter of public record.

Lastly let me say it; fucking pigs.


Well, I can understand shooting the one dog. Those things are terrifying. I would never allow one to be around my children. The potential loss of human life or limb is extreme. A friend of mine has one and every time I go over to visit I am overcome by fear of the hellish beast.

Don't see why they had to shoot the pit bull though.


I fail to see how they endanger their own kids. By that account the fucking cops should be arrested for assault with deadly weapons.

I'm fucking sick of the goddamn government simply writing themselves out of blame.

They write themselves right out of the goddamn blame. Proof positive that the police are above the law.

Cops must be held responsible for their actions not just slap on the wrist or a administrative leave they need to be punished to the full extent of the law; which they so heinously use against every day citizens.

As I typed the comment, my fingers smashed the keys with every letter and every space.

This is the government that we the people, for the people, have created for ourselves. Let me ask you people, are you happy now?


I had to go take a walk around my neighborhood after watching this. Seething with rage.

"I doubt the tea partiers screaming about individual liberty will notice this. After all, it isn’t like the cops were going to raise their taxes or provide them with affordable healthcare coverage. They were just shooting his dogs in front of his family and then made up some bullshit excuse to try to take away the kid. No big deal." John Cole


Search warrant? Full tactical gear in the apparent dead of the night and you give them less than 30 seconds to answer the door...then come in guns blazing with women and children in the house...for a drug search. I guess we truly did lose our liberties, the fight to get them back is soon.


More like "FUCK THE SYSTEM".

This wouldn't have happened without the War on Drugs. Politicians made this happen.

While these cops are slime who need to be locked up for child endangerment, the police are rarely the ultimate cause of such stupidity.

For the most part people choose to become police officers to protect people; the War on Drugs, the militarization of police forces and the destruction of civil liberties (in exchange for more "security") has perverted policing. More and more people who wouldn't have been (mentally) fit for the job in years past are becoming cops. More and more of the police with good intentions are being converted into government thugs.

Something needs to change and that something is bigger than the police.
>> ^Shaka:



Ohh good one, you sure got me there!

They went in looking for marijuana. SWAT, armed to the teeth, broke into the home and shot the dogs in front of a kid because the guy had some marijuana. That has to be one of the stupidest things ever and none of it would have happened without your stupid War on Drugs - which is absolutely and incontrovertibly the result of politicians.

Did a politician directly tell them to shoot their dogs? No, but the politicians paved the way for things like this to happen and ensured that when they did it would be legal.
>> ^volumptuous:

^ ^ Politicians didn't tell these cops to break into someone's house and shoot dogs in front of a kid.


^ ^ Noone held a gun to these cops' heads and told them to do this. Just the same as noone told the guards at Guantanamo they'd be killed unless they tortured people. Nuremberg answered this question long ago.

If you are a cop who knows nothing about the constitution and the laws you are supposed to protect, you need to quit now.

Bush without a military couldn't invade Iraq. Pol Pot without the Khmer Rouge would've just been some lone, powerless angry dude. The judge in Missouri couldn't have his way unless there are thugs with badges willing to commit these types of incidents.


Quit covering for the government.

No one needed to hold a gun to their heads because what they did was made legal and acceptable by the politicians.

Police enforce the laws of the state (as in "nation") that they work for, they have no say in the making of those laws (beyond voting). A police officer isn't a police officer very long if he refuses to enforce those laws. Are these cops scum for doing what they did? Yes, but what they are doing is enforcing American laws.

The government started the War on Drugs. The police are the soldiers in that war and will continue to do things like this until the government puts an end to it through law.

Quit covering for the politicians responsible by putting all the blame on the police. The government started this, it is the government who perpetuates it and it is only the government who can put a stop to it. (Which should be massive incentive to vote, run for office, or otherwise get involved in government: so that you can put a stop to shit like this).


Skeeeve: If you think I'm "covering for the government" you don't know me very well.

Shit like this starts with the people directly involved. YES, I want an end to the phony WOD immediately, which should've been known not only by the fact that I sifted this video, but also created the sensational headline.

I am a card-carrying medical marijuana "patient" in Los Angeles. I directly identify with the people terrorized by this horrible event caused by local police and judges.

I will first condemn the police officers who raided this poor guys house and shot his dogs in front of his fucking kids, and then go after politicians who are involved in making this type of evil, beyond-Orwellian shit be possible.

Just because Lyndie England was just some country dumbass following orders, doesn't excuse her taking thumbs-up pictures with piles of tortured, innocent civilians.

Again, if politicians didn't have thugs with badges, these types of events could never happen. This is why I believe in criminal punishment for police officers.


>> ^volumptuous:

"Could have been" is not a very good justification for militarized police terrorizing citizens.

They go off of the information that they have, and their level of force they use is indicative of that. Hind sight is always 20/20. Drug dealers have lots of drugs. Drug dealers also have weapons. Nobody would be saying anything if this ended up being the largest drug bust in Columbia this year.


>> ^reiwan:

>> ^volumptuous:
"Could have been" is not a very good justification for militarized police terrorizing citizens.

They go off of the information that they have, and their level of force they use is indicative of that. Hind sight is always 20/20. Drug dealers have lots of drugs. Drug dealers also have weapons. Nobody would be saying anything if this ended up being the largest drug bust in Columbia this year.

You could apply this argument to ANYTHING.

Yes, i pulled the guy over because one of his tires was bald. Yes i shot him when he put his hand in his pocket - he could have had a grenade in there. No one would be saying anything if he'd turned out to be an undiscovered serial killer.

If i should have a dog, is his life REALLY forfeit if for any reason whatsoever authorities should suspect that i am a drug dealer? They break my door down and as a precaution kill something... REALLY?

How about using your argument back on you:
If the police broke in and the dog killed a policeman, nobody would be saying anything if the policeman had been a burglar.


Blah, blah, blah! What the fuck are we gonna do about this shit and when. That is the only topic I'm interested in. And the sad thing is - is that I don't have any good suggestions.


>> ^reiwan:

>> ^volumptuous:
"Could have been" is not a very good justification for militarized police terrorizing citizens.

They go off of the information that they have, and their level of force they use is indicative of that. Hind sight is always 20/20. Drug dealers have lots of drugs. Drug dealers also have weapons. Nobody would be saying anything if this ended up being the largest drug bust in Columbia this year.

Hind sight is twenty twenty, especially when the state has to cover the cost of livestock.

You're taxes hard at work, go towards paying for their armory, and the cost of life that is directly or indirectly caused by the strong arm of the bureaucracy.

I want to see the search warrant; I bet you it isn't even correct.


they could have easily stake dout the house for 3 or so days , and waited for the guy to be on his own .

but then if they did that thwy wudent get a chance to use there swat training in run around firing pew pew pew.


>> ^dannym3141:

>> ^reiwan:
>> ^volumptuous:
"Could have been" is not a very good justification for militarized police terrorizing citizens.

They go off of the information that they have, and their level of force they use is indicative of that. Hind sight is always 20/20. Drug dealers have lots of drugs. Drug dealers also have weapons. Nobody would be saying anything if this ended up being the largest drug bust in Columbia this year.

You could apply this argument to ANYTHING.
Yes, i pulled the guy over because one of his tires was bald. Yes i shot him when he put his hand in his pocket - he could have had a grenade in there. No one would be saying anything if he'd turned out to be an undiscovered serial killer.
If i should have a dog, is his life REALLY forfeit if for any reason whatsoever authorities should suspect that i am a drug dealer? They break my door down and as a precaution kill something... REALLY?
How about using your argument back on you:
If the police broke in and the dog killed a policeman, nobody would be saying anything if the policeman had been a burglar.

Do most people who have bald tires have weapons or are associated with having weapons? Your argument is illogical. As is your second one. There is a certain threat when dealing with people who choose to participate in illegal activities, anything from drug dealing to you name it. When you do this, you're forcing "the man" to come to the situation at a certain level.

I'm not saying what happened was right or wrong. I'm mainly trying to make the point that everyone is basing their opinion on a short video and a blurb of text about what happened. There is a lot more to the situation that you don't know than just those two things. And instead of being an armchair critic, why dont you try to think about the situation as a whole, rather than whats placed in front of you.


I've been putting off watching this for awhile now...after reading the comments I think I got the jist. Still not gonna watch it though, I'm not into doggy snuff films.


There's not much more I can add to what John Cole said:

I can’t get over those assholes that shot that man’s pets over a miniscule amount of pot (and more than likely based on faulty information from an informant with whom they cut a deal). I’ve only had Lily 11 months (today!), but I would be out for blood if someone shot her, cop or otherwise. I’d be a helluva lot less rational than that guy was. At the very least there would have been a tasing on that video or another shooting (of me) as I lost my shit all over the place.

And why don’t we get to see pictures of these brave servants to the community? Why aren’t pictures of cops who do this in every newspaper and on every nightly show when it happens? They are obviously tough guys, of course they would want the press! Here’s Butch McCraskin, local member of the SWAT team. He likes football, Nascar, reads Soldier of Fortune, loves no-knock raids, and has tazed a teen-ager and bagged three corgi’s. He drives a big Dodge Ram truck with an NRA sticker to compensate for his tiny penis. Can’t you smell the macho? I wonder what he has cooking?

I’m wondering at what point Americans are finally going to have enough of this shit. They cut pensions slightly to keep the nation from going completely broke in Greece, and they are fire-bombing shit in protest. Here, unless you are a member of the elite you are a third class citizen, subject to any number of abuses to your life, property, and dignity, and no one seems to care or is too preoccupied.

Is Dancing with the Stars on tonight?

*** Update ***

The pit bull these tough guys shot and killed was crated. The corgi they shot survived was loose, but could hardly be considered a threat. This isn’t about law enforcement or safety to officers, this is about terrorizing people.

Not much I can add other than I'd be out for blood if anyone shot either of my dogs too.

I dunno what's broken in America that people feel so resigned about this kind of thing.

I guess it's that whole individualism thing -- it didn't happen to me, just some other poor dumb fuck, why should I care about it? Why should I stick my neck out, he was using illegal drugs! Plus, as we know from Arizona, it's completely okay to violate people's rights if you think they might be doing something illegal, like being here without the right paperwork.

Oh, and Joe Lieberman is talking about stripping citizenship from people who the government thinks might be associated with a terrorist group...

I'm sure this will all be made better when the Republicans take control of congress, because we all know they're serious limited government guys, right?


Tags for this video have been changed from 'swat, murder, dogs, marijuana, assholes' to 'police, swat, houseclearing, murder, dogs, marijuana, assholes' - edited by calvados


Why is it ok for the SWAT to bust through your door and shoot your crated dog? Because if I were to shoot a K9 unit, its an automatic felony. So theoretically if homeowner's dog was specially trained K9, the cops could be libel. And additionally, there would have to be a "full police funeral".

From Wikipedia:
In many jurisdictions the intentional injuring or killing of a police dog is a felony,[1] subjecting the perpetrator to harsher penalties than those in the statutes embodied in local animal cruelty laws,[2] just as an assault on a human police officer is often a more serious offense than the same assault on a non-officer. A growing number of law-enforcement organizations outfit dogs with ballistic vests,[3][4] and some even go so far as to make the dogs sworn officers, with their own police badges and IDs.[1][5][6][7] Furthermore, a police dog killed in the line of duty is often given a full police funeral.[7][8][9]


they chose the middle of the night for the same reason they shot the dogs: intimidation. the main purpose of raids like this is to instill fear rather than to fight any sort of crime. in a true police state the role of "law-enforcement" is that of a scarecrow, while the people police themselves out of abject fear. paradoxically, this video helps their case more than we might think, by spreading the idea that we are powerless when confronted with situations such as this.


>> ^reiwan:

>> ^dannym3141:
>> ^reiwan:
>> ^volumptuous:
"Could have been" is not a very good justification for militarized police terrorizing citizens.

They go off of the information that they have, and their level of force they use is indicative of that. Hind sight is always 20/20. Drug dealers have lots of drugs. Drug dealers also have weapons. Nobody would be saying anything if this ended up being the largest drug bust in Columbia this year.

You could apply this argument to ANYTHING.
Yes, i pulled the guy over because one of his tires was bald. Yes i shot him when he put his hand in his pocket - he could have had a grenade in there. No one would be saying anything if he'd turned out to be an undiscovered serial killer.
If i should have a dog, is his life REALLY forfeit if for any reason whatsoever authorities should suspect that i am a drug dealer? They break my door down and as a precaution kill something... REALLY?
How about using your argument back on you:
If the police broke in and the dog killed a policeman, nobody would be saying anything if the policeman had been a burglar.

Do most people who have bald tires have weapons or are associated with having weapons? Your argument is illogical. As is your second one. There is a certain threat when dealing with people who choose to participate in illegal activities, anything from drug dealing to you name it. When you do this, you're forcing "the man" to come to the situation at a certain level.
I'm not saying what happened was right or wrong. I'm mainly trying to make the point that everyone is basing their opinion on a short video and a blurb of text about what happened. There is a lot more to the situation that you don't know than just those two things. And instead of being an armchair critic, why dont you try to think about the situation as a whole, rather than whats placed in front of you.

The argument IS MEANT to be illogical because i believe YOUR argument to be illogical. I'm glad you've seen the point, though i'm not sure you realised it was the point.

The second argument isn't illogical.

And one more time, your argument straight back at you - we are BOTH armchair critics in this situation. You're an armchair critic RE: the video, you're an armchair critic RE: me. Neither of us know the whole story, we are left with our gut reactions.

If you believe that authorities should be allowed to kill or destroy things we own based on a hunch, a tip, or "intelligence" - see weapons of mass destruction - all of which as we can see can turn out to be wrong, more fool you.

I would rather a hundred drug dealers get away than one incident like this occur. In fact, i'd rather let people use the drugs they want to use, allow them to live their lives as they see fit. We can deal with the crimes as they occur, not invent new crimes (drug taking) to prevent the possibility of further ones (theft to fund drug taking). That's a thought crime.


This is what happens when "what is right" and "what is the law" collides. They should obviously be held personally resonsible for doing what's wrong. Standard Operating Procedure is not a bible - just do what's right.


While I imagine there is more to this story that a misdemeanor marijuana charge, it is still pretty fucking sad, especially to do this in front of his kid.

That being said, I know several cops that have been badly injured serving warrants to people that owned Pit Bulls. They can be, but rarely are, mean, viscous killers. Seems like this cops didn't take a few extra moments to figure out which type of personality this dog had.


>> ^dedstick:
Blah, blah, blah! What the fuck are we gonna do about this shit and when. That is the only topic I'm interested in. And the sad thing is - is that I don't have any good suggestions.

Really? How's this suggestion...Boycott Missouri or at least Columbia Missouri until the officers involved are publicly convicted of at least cruelty to animals, child endangerment, excessive force, and illegal discharge of a firearm and loose their jobs without pension or other benefits. Send an email/letter to the Columbia, Missouri chamber of commerce telling them that's your plan, then follow through.
Columbia Chamber of Commerce
(573) 874-1132
300 South Providence Road
Post Office Box 1016
Columbia, Missouri 65205-1016
Cancel any travel plans you might have had to visit Missouri. If you find yourself on a website of a company based in Missouri, find a different company to purchase from and write the company to tell them why you are not going to do business with them. Guaranteed, if this starts hurting their economy, they'll fix the problem and ensure it doesn't happen again, quickly. That goes for any other state that protects it's agents when they commit violent crimes against citizens or their property instead of prosecuting them.
It seems like a no brainer to me. Hit them where it hurts, the wallet. I don't think Missouri is doing so well economically that they can afford to stop doing business with animal and/or child lovers and rational non-violent citizens nation wide for long. Evil may thrive when good people do nothing to disuade it.
That's my plan anyway...

I keep wondering why no one seems to bring up the point that these officers were in full armor, and so there was no danger of injury from either dog. If the pit bull was caged as reported, there was no danger (other than to their ear drums) and a corgie isn't dangerous to a naked man, much less someone in full kevlar, knife proof armor head to toe. There is no reasonable excuse they can offer for shooting the corgie.

And to answer riewan's last comment, most people of color (black, Mexican, Arab, etc.) with or without bald tires are (unfairly) associated with weapons by many people, especially those in law enforcement. There are certain undisputed facts here, like the shooting of the corgie, that can't be reasonably defended under any circumstances.


That's 10 seconds from them first knocking, to them knocking the door down and going in. Why even pretend to be waiting for someone to answer if you're not going to give them the chance, anyway?


>> ^Zyrxil:

There is nothing worse in the world than a red state, inbred (or not), ignorant, machine gun toting, redneck hick of a cop.

You're dead wrong if you think this only happens in red states. SWAT teams do this everywhere, and they turn out just as badly.

Nah, I never said I didn't believe that it didn't happen elsewhere just said it's worse when a brainwashed honky machine gun toting imbecile is the perpetrator.


I live in columbia and there is a lot of buzz around town about this now that the video has come out. I work with a guy that used to know the "drug dealer" in the video years ago. Apparently he used to be a pretty big dealer and had some other sketchy things going on but has since totally cleaned up (at least relatively i suppose). These cops just busted in on an ex-dealer turned family man that happens to be a casual smoker. They got the tip from an "anonymous" source; which probably means someone the guy used to deal to got arrested for something and sold him out just to get a break.


>> ^Hive13:

While I imagine there is more to this story that a misdemeanor marijuana charge, it is still pretty fucking sad, especially to do this in front of his kid.
That being said, I know several cops that have been badly injured serving warrants to people that owned Pit Bulls. They can be, but rarely are, mean, viscous killers. Seems like this cops didn't take a few extra moments to figure out which type of personality this dog had.

It really shouldn't have mattered what kind of personality the dog had.


Seriously. How ball-less does someone have to be to shoot a caged dog?


War on Drugs should be renamed War on Weed.

I hardly ever see raids on high class drugs like cocaine or heroine. Do those guys just pay the police off?

Seems so silly to go after the menace of the WWEEEEEEEEEEEEEDSSSS


Check this out...
May 6, 2010

Yesterday, Columbia Police Chief Ken Burton and Mayor Bob McDavid convened a news conference...

Burton said yesterday that investigators should not have executed the warrant because the information was too old. The warrant ... was executed eight days after Boone County Associate Circuit Judge Leslie Schneider approved it. Burton said the state allows police 10 days to execute a signed warrant, and he thinks Columbia officers should have done so immediately...

“It’s my opinion that it needs to be served as soon as possible,” Burton said of the warrant. “The contraband can be disposed of. It they are going to do that, there is not much point in serving the warrant.”

It was not a mistake to shoot the pit bull,” Burton said. “I wouldn’t be standing here if an officer had been bitten by a pit bull instead of the reverse happening.”

But, back when the incident initially happened...
February 23, 2010
Because the SWAT team acts on the most updated information available, the team wanted to enter the house before marijuana believed to be at the location could be distributed, [police spokeswoman Officer Jessie Haden] said.

If you let too much time go by, then the drugs are not there,” she said.

If the SWAT team believed they could have executed the warrant successfully during the daytime when the wife and child were not present, they would have, she said.

And now the rest of the story...
Information provided by an informant led investigators to believe Whitworth was in possession of a large amount of marijuana and was considered a distributor. In 2003, Whitworth pleaded guilty to conspiracy to distribute cocaine and marijuana in federal court and was ordered to serve 15 months in federal prison, according to court documents.

Some friend of his probably got arrested and given a deal for being informant (even if the information was made up). The police assumed guilt based upon prior history.

On the dog issue, doesn't SWAT wear like bulletproof vest and heavy duty tactical outfits? Certainly the lead person could have some way of handling a dog and shoot it after it attacks someone. You are attacking someones private property so in my opinion the dog has more business being there. Also, I have a feeling the dog was in his crate, but not locked in. ie. the dog sleeps in his crate and was in his crate but came out and was barking at officers and they shot it. I doubt the shot a dog just to stop it from barking.

Now explain to me what kind of asshole shoots a corgi in the leg?? So maybe they were just looking for animals to execute.


Also, just leave this here:

February 19, 2009
COLUMBIA -- The police chief in Haltom, Texas is now the police chief in Columbia, Mo.
Kenneth Burton has been named as the permanent replacement for Chief Randy Boehm, who retired.
Burton has 28 years of law enforcement experience, including time in both Dallas and Arlington, Texas.
(NOTE: the City Manager Bill Watkins can appoint and fire dept. heads)


When fascist sons of bitches act like that they deserve to encounter resistance.

Posession of Marajuana is a victimless crime. Victimless crimes are virtually identical with the class of crimes that prosecuted without oppressive invasion of privacy. A man is answerable to society only for acts that affect other people.


>> ^reiwan:

>> ^volumptuous:
"Could have been" is not a very good justification for militarized police terrorizing citizens.

They go off of the information that they have, and their level of force they use is indicative of that. Hind sight is always 20/20. Drug dealers have lots of drugs. Drug dealers also have weapons. Nobody would be saying anything if this ended up being the largest drug bust in Columbia this year.

If some bogus tip that was extracted under duress (i.e. plea bargain) can lead to this kind of raid, then we're still doing the same shit as the Salem witch trails.


>> ^jwray:

>> ^reiwan:
>> ^volumptuous:
"Could have been" is not a very good justification for militarized police terrorizing citizens.

They go off of the information that they have, and their level of force they use is indicative of that. Hind sight is always 20/20. Drug dealers have lots of drugs. Drug dealers also have weapons. Nobody would be saying anything if this ended up being the largest drug bust in Columbia this year.

If some bogus tip that was extracted under duress (i.e. plea bargain) can lead to this kind of raid, then we're still doing the same shit as the Salem witch trails.

You mean the red scare, or the Red Scare 2001?


I wish those rah-rah fucks would bust into the house of a Sons of Silence member, or maybe a Bandito, or any other motorcycle gang prick. Then they could be halfway justified with the overkill.

But those SWAT guys, they just love the shit.

Not all of them, but a lot of them want nothing more than to get into some shit, kill something or someone, and have the tale to tell to their buddies later on.

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