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BEHOLD THE CONFUZZLE!!! that again...huh???

Cool Looking Supercell Cloud

Honda vs Uhaul

vlsd says...

what hurts about this video is that there are SO many ways in which they could have done this right and all of them would have been faster. it must have taken them forever to "build" those "ramps".

Hey Lightning, You Missed

Internet as Gateway Drug -- New Digital Drug Craze: I-Dosing

vlsd says...

I tried this stuff before, and it tends to either put me to sleep and/or give me a bad headache. basically the same as watching tv, except less indoctrinating.

I Guess This is Why I Don't Cave

vlsd (Member Profile)

Zip-It Drain Tool - Not For The Faint Of Heart

Toronto Police punch reporter in the face twice at G20

vlsd says...

first off, the reporter was there before the police started arresting and shoving people. second, i can't believe you're advocating that the press should be intimidated by any sort of violence. that is the quickest and surest way to creating a police state.
>> ^Beefpile:

OK so there's a massive dogpile of police arresting people while being pushed, shoved, and yelled at... and this reporter decides to run into them with a camera. BRILLIANT. Why would anyone do that, I wonder? Was it because if you throw yourself in a chaotic moment like that, there is a good chance you will be injured either on purpose or by mistake? Did he want to be injured so that he could post police hate all over the internet?

Truck on Fire Rolls Downhill Towards Crowd

South Korean Robot Sentry

6-Year Old Girl with Schizophrenia

Muhammed cartoonist Lars Vilks attacked by muslims in Sweden

vlsd says...

If these people weren't losing their shit over some cartoon, they would be angry at something else. The anger came first, the cartoons are simply a pretext to express it. I am not defending their behavior, but given the shitty conditions in the middle east and the rampant racism in the western world, I can almost see how someone would explode at the smallest perceived threat to their culture.

Cami Secret - When You Don't Want to Show Off Your Boobs

SWAT A-Holes Murder Pets In Front Of Kids

vlsd says...

they chose the middle of the night for the same reason they shot the dogs: intimidation. the main purpose of raids like this is to instill fear rather than to fight any sort of crime. in a true police state the role of "law-enforcement" is that of a scarecrow, while the people police themselves out of abject fear. paradoxically, this video helps their case more than we might think, by spreading the idea that we are powerless when confronted with situations such as this.

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