Happy 6th Birthday VideoSift!
Am I mistaken, or was yesterday VideoSift's 6th anniversary?
I can't really bake a cake, so I brought a box of donuts shaped like 6's. I hope you like them.

Carry on below with congratulations, adulations, reckless gyrations, and oaths of fealty to SiftBot.
I can't really bake a cake, so I brought a box of donuts shaped like 6's. I hope you like them.

Carry on below with congratulations, adulations, reckless gyrations, and oaths of fealty to SiftBot.
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I usually use midnight on the 17th Cali time. But this will do. I'm getting my thoughts together to make a sweeping pontification ... Stand by!
woops... jumped the shark.
Discarding this post - discard requested by original submitter jonny.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
No! I like this one. *revive or something Siftbot.
Reviving, but just for Dag

A couple of days ago I got to my 4 year anniversary, and I take it for granted most of the time. But it hit me, I can't believe that I'm still here, still enjoying myself and that I still care about this place at all. That's like an eighth of my life for christ's sake!!
Videosift really is absolute gold. Happy Siftiversary @dag
Awarding jonny with one star point for this contribution to VideoSift - declared quality by alien_concept.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
So, six years is it? Hard to believe, really. I don't want to toot my own horn too much - but it feels pretty weird to have been doing anything for more than six years. Minus a couple of days where I have been in the boondocks, I think I've been on VideoSift everyday for those six years. That's about 2,190 days of me on VideoSift. I know some of you have been on close to that much too.
It's hard for me to see the forest for the trees after six years, but here is what I know:
We are due for a refresh however, a new look at how all the components are put together to make our community. Expect some big changes in the coming months. Expect us to update how we deal with our hosts, mobile and other shifting technologies.
Expect us to be here at 10 years, with me feeling nostalgic but talking about the future.
Thank you to all the Sifters who willed VideoSift into existence and continue to breathe life into us.
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oh and *frontpage Siftbot.
Printing this post atop the VideoSift homepage - frontpage requested by dag.
>> ^dag:
So, six years is it? Hard to believe, really. I don't want to toot my own horn too much - but it feels pretty weird to have been doing anything for more than six years.
I must say, you have one hell of a great job.
You're all welcome for the presence of my being.
Also, congrats everybody. This is a very persistent community, great job all.
Much happiness and pride! Glad to have been here for 5 1/2 of those 6 years! Congrats to Dag and Lucky (and other cool peoples)!
Thankyou Dag and Lucky, and all the members who spend ages doing housekeeping, for creating a site I visit every day.
I love the site, and it's the only one I've ever felt the urge to meet people in real life from.
Thanks guys for a place of interesting discussions and funny cat videos.
To the Future!
Happy 6th Siftversary!
still my #1 visited site after all these lightyears
I come and go these days, but this is still one of my favourite places on the web. Happy Siftiversary! Here's to many more.
Five years and nine months for me. And that is after lurking for a bit! (As bareboards, pre-Sift crash.)
I love this place. I love the folks here. I love how smart and articulate this place is.
Thanks, @dag. You did good.
What would I do without a Sift fix?
And many more.....
Happy cake-day @siftbot!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
I can hardly believe how long it's been. The years sure are passing quickly. What's that saying? Time flies when your having to work like a slave for siftbot?

But seriously, folks, it's been a wonderful (almost) 6 years for me personally and I've enjoyed every bit of it. Like dag, I think I haven't gone a day without visiting the Sift (even while on vacation), and I wouldn't have it any other way. This is the best site on the webbertubes.
Over the years, I've probably put in thousands of hours of work into this thing (no offense, siftbot), and I look forward to the next few thousand as we creep toward our decade milestone. I hope to see you all here then, and I want a drunken, sloppy "I love you, man" from each and every one of you.
I said kisses! Gimme!
@lucky760 -- I didn't realize that you had been here since almost the beginning.
Thank you, thank you, for all the bells and whistles you have added to the Sift. The place is way better thanks to you.
Thank you thank you!
Siftbot? I'm not thanking siftbot. Although she does give out nice badges.
Happy B-Day to Sifty and the whole community of gosh-darn great folks that call and make this place home!
Now, how about a little Cow Bell:
Weird, I had on my videosift shirt yesterday (which I rarely wear) before even knowing about this.
Happy Birthday to one of my favorite stops on the web!
And you shall have it!!
>> ^lucky760:
I hope to see you all here then, and I want a drunken, sloppy "I love you, man" from each and every one of you.
"my home this is" [Yoda]
congratulations, VideoSift. and greetings to my fellow addicts
Great post!
>> ^bareboards2:

@lucky760 -- I didn't realize that you had been here since almost the beginning.
Thank you, thank you, for all the bells and whistles you have added to the Sift. The place is way better thanks to you.
Thank you thank you!
Siftbot? I'm not thanking siftbot. Although she does give out nice badges.
Siftbot is a she? Dang, I am waiting for her to turn legal (18) so I can start dating her! She's too young right now!
>> ^Lann:

Weird, I had on my videosift shirt yesterday (which I rarely wear) before even knowing about this.
Happy Birthday to one of my favorite stops on the web!
I don't know where mine is.
Happy Birthday Videosift!
I've been here for quite a while. my profile only says two years, but before the Siftpocalypse i was called White and just never felt like recovering it so i made a new one. so... 5 years, 7 months, 2 weeks. almost the beginning. geez. Good on ya, Sifty!
Happy bithday, you crazy motherfucker
Happy Birthday, Videosift. Without you I'd be lost in the tubes.
6 years... 16 crowns... 5 elites...
Too bad we didn't get a 6th 2000th star, that would have been perfect...
Happy Birthday Videosift!
Just chipping into say this is the only site I have ever really felt any kind of connection with. Social networking has never clicked with me as I value some measure of anonymity. Videosift actually seems to have a raison d'etre and all good things flow from that. The best kind of internet for me was prior to people feeding the Facebook monster.
The sift was around then and I hope it continues evermore. Much kudos to the hard work Lucky and Dag put in and best wishes for the future.
happy belated b~day @siftbot
5 years, 10 months, 1 week, and 5 days. still bringin the top notch, and it doesn't look like it's slowin down. glad i could be a part of it.
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