This propaganda is playing all over youtube


Maybe there's a fucking reason that Iran hates us? Maybe that could've been intimated in this selective fact highlighting video? I don't know, Maybe.

Iran has been tortured by the US for 60 years now, people who live under the boot don't tend to forget that so easily.

EDIT: I can't find who is behind this ad, I think it behooves us to find out who has posted this cheery picked piece of crap. I would think that the Israel Lobby would, but they might not be smart enough.


You need a reason? They are Muslim.


Maybe there's a fucking reason that Iran hates us? Maybe that could've been intimated in this selective fact highlighting video? I don't know, Maybe.

Iran has been tortured by the US for 60 years now, people who live under the boot don't tend to forget that so easily.

EDIT: I can't find who is behind this ad, I think it behooves us to find out who has posted this cheery picked piece of crap. I would think that the Israel Lobby would, but they might not be smart enough.


According to Joe Scarborough, "They hate us because they hate us" and we all know Joe Scarborough wouldn't say something so completely stupid if it weren't true now, would we?


Maybe there's a fucking reason that Iran hates us? Maybe that could've been intimated in this selective fact highlighting video? I don't know, Maybe.

Iran has been tortured by the US for 60 years now, people who live under the boot don't tend to forget that so easily.

EDIT: I can't find who is behind this ad, I think it behooves us to find out who has posted this cheery picked piece of crap. I would think that the Israel Lobby would, but they might not be smart enough.


This video is not interested in giving facts. Just slandering an entire people based on a few instances. Honestly it's very hard to tell what's true. I remember the Propagandist "facts" flowing to us from way back, but I have no idea where that information stemmed from.

Today we have the internet, and we can question the tripe that is fed to us.
Enemies are made. Is the US, creating/manufacturing their own enemies? It pretty much looks like it. The US doesn't operate in a live and let live scenario.
It operates on a "slander everyone till it can get what I want basis, and if that doesn't work, manufacture stories and back counties and people into corners till they backlash and then pretend they are innocent of any wrong doing" kind of way.

It's not the people of the US, it's the people in power and that pull those strings and control the military. The problem now, is they have pulled too many strings, and things are starting to come unwound. Backing off now is a sign of weakness and they open themselves up to retaliation. But instead of backing us slowly, they hold on tighter.

"The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers."


YouTube Comment: "This is called 'Iran Facts' but leaves one of the most important one out. And that is the US and the UK staged a coup in Iran because it was going to nationalise the oil and then a more hard line leader came in after the revolution. This is also a propaganda video by AIPAC, the warmongering Israeli lobby that gets the US to go to war on their behalf."


It's a more sinister piece of propaganda than that though, at least in that it IS citing true facts. For all the quotes save for those from the newly elected president(which I just haven't searched) there exists written and video evidence of the attributed quotes and none of the leaders quoted would deny them.

The propaganda part is in completely leaving out the reasons for the overthrow of the Shah, who was running a brutal regime of his own over the Iranian people. If the American support for the Shah wasn't enough reason for mistrust of America, there was the American backing of Saddam in the Iran-Iraq war that saw hundreds of thousands of Iranians killed in Saddam's war of aggression. That war included some of the most prolific use of chemical weapons in, well, pretty much ever and the use was entirely against the Iranians. The public support for anti-American sentiment didn't come out of a vacuum.

That said, the mistrust cuts both ways and with Iranian leadership promising death to America and Israel for the last couple decades while steadily building up the infrastructure required to build nuclear weapons is legitimately cause for concern too.

Sorry, I think that got long and preachy.


That's some mighty *fear ful propaganda.

Yeah, after a quick google search, I can't find much evidence to support their claims.

So I'm gonna stick a "citation needed" on this one.


I think it important to weigh both sides...and it really boils down to:
1) the US overthrew the democratically elected government of Iran.
2) the US funded attacks that killed a huge percentage of Iran's population.
1) Iranians took an embassy staff hostage.
2) Iranian politicians talk mean about the US.

I think the relative faults are pretty clear.


That said, the mistrust cuts both ways and with Iranian leadership promising death to America and Israel for the last couple decades while steadily building up the infrastructure required to build nuclear weapons is legitimately cause for concern too.

Sorry, I think that got long and preachy.


If you can simplify the actors in the deal down to just singular American and Iranian entities that have been immutable and unchanged over the decades then I'd be inclined to agree.

The thing is, the popular Iranian revolution against the Shah(and America by proxy) was essentially hijacked by the Ayatollah and his crew to form the state that they wanted. Within Iran public opinions are diverse, not much unlike in America. Things have changed over the years and American and Iranian policies can't be judged solely and only on what happened 30+ years ago, the current realities need to be recognized too.

America isn't the only aggressor today. Iranian leadership isn't merely loudly threatening to wipe out the west and even more vehemently Israel. Iran is actively training, equipping and funding military forces like Hezbollah that ARE launching direct attacks at Israel itself.

The issue is not as simple as America/Iran did this nasty thing and so they are wrong and the other is right. Both sides have legitimate grievances and cause for concern/mistrust. Bridging that is tough. IMHO, the fact that the Iranian government seems to trust it's own people less than America does is a big reason I mistrust their leadership more, but that's me.


I think it important to weigh both sides...and it really boils down to:
1) the US overthrew the democratically elected government of Iran.
2) the US funded attacks that killed a huge percentage of Iran's population.
1) Iranians took an embassy staff hostage.
2) Iranian politicians talk mean about the US.

I think the relative faults are pretty clear.


Wow, what a crap load of hate propaganda! I personally know 2 Iranians and they don't hate Americans at all!
Unfortunately the Iranian gov is spewing the same hate propaganda as this video is. People should get informed and watch documentaries like this: Youtube: D61uriEGsIM


This seems about as truthful as the line 'they are less than 6 months from having a nuclear bomb' ...a BS line which we have heard from the same lying people for 30+ years now, but for some reason it's a line that is still being listened to by many as if it were true.
I would like to see the same propaganda deal with what Israel and America have said about Iran and it's politicians and the threats they've made to the same, it could be far longer and nastier.


To understand Iran you have to understand that it is a theocracy, and everything its leaders do is driven by their radical interpretation of the Qurans end time scenario. The supreme leader believes he is appointed by allah to usher in their version of the Messiah, a figure they call the "Mahdi". They believe that when the Mahdi comes he will conquer the world and institute worldwide shariah law. Iran will never negotiate; it is preparing for armeggedon.


You talk like Iran is a person. Last time I checked it was a country which, like most countries contains a diverse mix of beliefs and personalities.

Your not entirely wrong to suggest that Iran is ruled by people who appear to espouse the hard-line apocalyptic interpretation of Islam in much the same way as significant aspects of the US and Israeli ruling classes are into the Zionist/revelations side of Christianity and Judaism.

And for what it's worth a really serious Christian, Muslim or Jew would take that position. Why would you take a half arsed attitude if you truly believe our eternal souls are at stake!!!

But crucially, not everyone is an extremist. In fact most people aren't extremists they are just conformists. Iran is no different and the uprising a few years ago was mostly fuelled by the younger generation rebelling against the oppressive theocracy you are referring to.

There is a purist aspect to all Abrahamist religions that will never be appeased but Iran & by extension Islam is only one of the three pillars (of satan) and much like has happened in the west the rise of free communication via the internet etc. is causing to to start to be outgrown by its people.

In short: there are nutters (such as yourself) on both sides and not every (or even perhaps most) Iranians hate the west just like not all westerners hate Iran. Don't buy into the us vs them propaganda, there is a 3rd side here and its not restricted by nationality or culture, nor does it celebrate death over life. Only knowledge, evolution and temperance

You all seem dangerously delusional far as I can tell. Unless the basic concept of "I might be totally wrong about all this" isn't built into your religion/belief system you can go and get stuffed....(and you will be as a relic/warning to the kids of the future)


To understand Iran you have to understand that it is a theocracy, and everything its leaders do is driven by their radical interpretation of the Qurans end time scenario. The supreme leader believes he is appointed by allah to usher in their version of the Messiah, a figure they call the "Mahdi". They believe that when the Mahdi comes he will conquer the world and institute worldwide shariah law. Iran will never negotiate; it is preparing for armeggedon.

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