Star Trek Into Darkness - International Trailer

"... 'Star Trek Into Darkness' - International Trailer

In Summer 2013, pioneering director J.J. Abrams will deliver an explosive action thriller that takes Star Trek Into Darkness. When the crew of the Enterprise is called back home, they find an unstoppable force of terror from within their own organization has detonated the fleet and everything it stands for, leaving our world in a state of crisis. With a personal score to settle, Captain Kirk leads a manhunt to a war-zone world to capture a one man weapon of mass destruction. As our heroes are propelled into an epic chess game of life and death, love will be challenged, friendships will be torn apart, and sacrifices must be made for the only family Kirk has left: his crew..."

From ...

Yo antman-was playing a game where you try to anticipate the next embedded video on the Videosift that geeks use to get votes and search for it here to try to beat my best time- Found this one on Laughing Squid and then found the ant's embed.

Try and beat 89 mins, my best time so far! Thanks ANT!


Really? Two movies into the reboot and they're already playing the "destroy the enterprise" card?

FFS, when they did it in the original movies, it meant something. It had been Kirks ship for years.

Meh, I dunno, J.J. Abhrams... I'm not hopeful.


I feel so embarrassed watching this. Why didnt they name it Transformers in Space or something instead? This is like making a burger out of rats... and serving it to vegans as a veggy burger...


Dunno why people are pissed. JJ has always been about the good popcorn flick thrill ride.

When I first heard about the reboot, I was disgusted, but I cannot deny that the first movie was good etertainment (cept for the ending though)


1. Overuse of CGI - check
2. Pandering to the teenage demographic - check
3. Heavy-handed presentation dripping with dread, seriousness and desperation - check

And now it's leeched out into everyone else's films. Iron Man 3, the new Superman movie, the latest Dark Knight movie.

Roddenberry must be spinning in his space canister. Can't wait for the next reboot - maybe someone will be smart and return Star Trek to its roots - the exploration of space.


Sorry, but this comment touched a nerve with me.

If that's truly the case, then you really need to find other more important things to be personally "embarrassed" about. Perhaps you should start thinking about things that might have more personal relevance, or at least, that you have some personal or financial accountability to be embarrassed for. Unless your last name is Abrams, I can't see how a movie trailer possibly reflects personally on you.

This looks awesome and I plan on seeing it in the theater.


I feel so embarrassed watching this.


I wonder why. I am simply embarrassed how anyone can turn an IP upside down with crap like this. An IP I loved since I was 5.
This is not Star Trek, its Bull Shit.
If you cant deal with my opinion, I think you have more issues than you try to put on me.


Sorry, but this comment touched a nerve with me.

If that's truly the case, then you really need to find other more important things to be personally "embarrassed" about. Perhaps you should start thinking about things that might have more personal relevance, or at least, that you have some personal or financial accountability to be embarrassed for. Unless your last name is Abrams, I can't see how a movie trailer possibly reflects personally on you.

This looks awesome and I plan on seeing it in the theater.


I still think he's Khan. For me, it came from the line "I'm better than you." At what? "At everything." Reminds me of Monteblanc's line of "My is a greater intelligence."

Isn't Alice also playing the doctor who creates the genesis project?


Yes He is Khan, according to IMDB that is rumored but I've read elsewhere that it is confirmed. I have no idea how that will be written into the reboot. So Sherlock is Khan, Dr. Watson is Bilbo Baggins. What's next?


I still think he's Khan. For me, it came from the line "I'm better than you." At what? "At everything." Reminds me of Monteblanc's line of "My is a greater intelligence."

Isn't Alice also playing the doctor who creates the genesis project?


So many Debbie Downers. Must be a new hipster thing to rip on new Star Trek, kinda like every SNL vid/thread has some boorish dolt who has to tell everyone that they haven't watched SNL for years because it hasn't been funny since the 70s.

Well... I've been a fan of all the Star Trek series (including "Enterprise") and movies since TOS, and this looks awesome. I used to record the audio of TOS on my Realistic cassette recorder when I was 6-7 years old, and I can still irritate the hell out of anybody in the room by speaking the lines of an entire episode before the actors do. LOVE Star Trek. The first movie established that the timeline is different now. Storywise, prior Star Trek canon is largely moot. Get over it.

You don't want to go see it? Don't. Easy peasy. Anyhoo, you probably all meant to click on this vid.


Come on folks, Star Trek lost its intellectual edge at the end of TNG. We want bohunks blowing stuff up now. That, or sensitive men playing ukuleles. One or the other.

That said, I like seeing Undersnatch in something else. He looks like he'll make an awesome bad guy in some other film.



However, the Lindelof association does give me worries after Prometheus, but Cowboys and Aliens was fun


So many Debbie Downers. Must be a new hipster thing to rip on new Star Trek, kinda like every SNL vid/thread has some boorish dolt who has to tell everyone that they haven't watched SNL for years because it hasn't been funny since the 70s.

Well... I've been a fan of all the Star Trek series (including "Enterprise") and movies since TOS, and this looks awesome. I used to record the audio of TOS on my Realistic cassette recorder when I was 6-7 years old, and I can still irritate the hell out of anybody in the room by speaking the lines of an entire episode before the actors do. LOVE Star Trek. The first movie established that the timeline is different now. Storywise, prior Star Trek canon is largely moot. Get over it.

You don't want to go see it? Don't. Easy peasy. Anyhoo, you probably all meant to click on this vid.


I'm excited for it. I think everyone still feels the bad taste in their mouth that Enterprise left. I liked the first reboot, because it was a reboot, I know that this is all new'ish stuff happening. I think they have an amazing cast for this flick, I can't wait to see it.


Look I liked the *first* Star Trek film. Incredibly slow but wondrous and lots of beauty shots of the Enterprise wrapped up in a metaphysical plot. It was the sort of sci-fi that you expected from Star Trek.

Now it's fists and tits.

I don't mind that sort of thing but every freaking film has that along with a rating that maximises the potential audience.

Action films are seriously dull and repetitive. See Olympus Has Fallen whose only innovation is that it isn't a sequel or superhero film.


Are any of you into high quality audio? If so research if there is an ATMOS theater near you because this movie is being created with ATMOS in mind. I am going to see it just for that fact, regardless of the plot or subject.

The first generation ATMOS hardware in theaters has 128 discrete audio tracks and up to 64 separate speaker feeds.

"The system does not store your typical “channel” information. In the base system for panning, there is no dedicated “Left,” “Right,” “Center,” etc. Rather than store channel information, the system emulates something that has been used in game audio for years, spatialization within a 3D model. The reason for this, is that the system is scalable up to 128 channels. Yes, you read that right…128. The decoder has to be programmed for the playback environment it is installed in. Once it has that information, it creates the playback channel information in real-time during the film. In this manner, a film can be mixed in one room with a given set of playback channels, and be distributed to any number of theaters in any number of configurations"

"This unit will allow the room’s response to be measured, and a unique EQ profile can be established for each individual channel in the system. This processor will also be somewhat “self-aware” in that it can identify and report whenever there is a failure in the playback system"


You want worse treatment of IP? Check out what happened with Simcity 5.... this is nothing compared to that.

Actually this is amusing popcorn entertainment


I wonder why. I am simply embarrassed how anyone can turn an IP upside down with crap like this. An IP I loved since I was 5.
This is not Star Trek, its Bull Shit.
If you cant deal with my opinion, I think you have more issues than you try to put on me.


As much as I really want to post "I was criticising Star Trek trailers before it was cool" and leave it at that, I have to say that post kinda pissed me off.

It's got to the point where as soon as anyone has a legitimate criticism of anything they get labelled a "hipster". Well, fuck that. I'm 35, and I live in New Zealand. I'm not even sure what the fuck a hipster is other than that it's weird and confusing to me. </abe Simpson>

First things first, SNL actually isn't that funny. It has moments of hilarity (Tina Fey as Sarah Palin for example) but I general it's far closer to Chris Farley than Bill Murray. Maybe it was hilarious in the 70s but I've never seen those episodes. I do know that for the last 20 years, it has been consistently "almost funny".

More importantly, you're not the only one who likes Star Trek, and even if you're the trekkiest trek fan who ever quoted Kahn, that doesn't mean the rest of us aren't entitled to criticise it. Thing is, I'm a fan. I want to see this. And I want it to be good, same way as I REALLY wanted Prometheus to be brilliant. And it just ....wasn't.

So when I complain about this, I'm not some snide douchebag who's just dying for it to fail so I can jump on the Internet and let everyone bask in the glow of how right I am. I'm complaining about it because I'm genuinely worried it won't be good. I'm the one who went to the midnight premiere of Revenge of the Sith, because I still had a faint hope that Lucas would pull something awesome out of the bag.


So many Debbie Downers. Must be a new hipster thing to rip on new Star Trek, kinda like every SNL vid/thread has some boorish dolt who has to tell everyone that they haven't watched SNL for years because it hasn't been funny since the 70s.

Well... I've been a fan of all the Star Trek series (including "Enterprise") and movies since TOS, and this looks awesome. I used to record the audio of TOS on my Realistic cassette recorder when I was 6-7 years old, and I can still irritate the hell out of anybody in the room by speaking the lines of an entire episode before the actors do. LOVE Star Trek. The first movie established that the timeline is different now. Storywise, prior Star Trek canon is largely moot. Get over it.

You don't want to go see it? Don't. Easy peasy. Anyhoo, you probably all meant to click on this vid.


I've never used the word "hipster" before. Who knew it was so powerful? I do believe this is the first time I've ever offended anybody here. Apologies, CE. I don't think you're hip at all, and seeing a midnight premiere of RotS after the abortions TPM and AotC kinda proves it. I still haven't seen the whole movie, but I'm hipper than you (which is bad, right?).


As much as I really want to post "I was criticising Star Trek trailers before it was cool" and leave it at that, I have to say that post kinda pissed me off.

It's got to the point where as soon as anyone has a legitimate criticism of anything they get labelled a "hipster". Well, fuck that. I'm 35, and I live in New Zealand. I'm not even sure what the fuck a hipster is other than that it's weird and confusing to me. </abe Simpson>

First things first, SNL actually isn't that funny. It has moments of hilarity (Tina Fey as Sarah Palin for example) but I general it's far closer to Chris Farley than Bill Murray. Maybe it was hilarious in the 70s but I've never seen those episodes. I do know that for the last 20 years, it has been consistently "almost funny".

More importantly, you're not the only one who likes Star Trek, and even if you're the trekkiest trek fan who ever quoted Kahn, that doesn't mean the rest of us aren't entitled to criticise it. Thing is, I'm a fan. I want to see this. And I want it to be good, same way as I REALLY wanted Prometheus to be brilliant. And it just ....wasn't.

So when I complain about this, I'm not some snide douchebag who's just dying for it to fail so I can jump on the Internet and let everyone bask in the glow of how right I am. I'm complaining about it because I'm genuinely worried it won't be good. I'm the one who went to the midnight premiere of Revenge of the Sith, because I still had a faint hope that Lucas would pull something awesome out of the bag.


I've noted that the "hipster" counter argument is now the standard defence of any work that receives enough sustained criticism.
Basically it's ad hom and more people need to realise that before pulling the trigger.


I've never used the word "hipster" before. Who knew it was so powerful? I do believe this is the first time I've ever offended anybody here. Apologies, CE. I don't think you're hip at all, and seeing a midnight premiere of RotS after the abortions TPM and AotC kinda proves it. I still haven't seen the whole movie, but I'm hipper than you (which is bad, right?).


Apology accepted

To be fair, that came off a little harsher and humourless than I intended. You are undoubtedly hipper than me, but I am a middle aged white Irishman who writes software for a living. The only living thing unhipper than me would be a chartered accountant named Kevin.


I've never used the word "hipster" before. Who knew it was so powerful? I do believe this is the first time I've ever offended anybody here. Apologies, CE. I don't think you're hip at all, and seeing a midnight premiere of RotS after the abortions TPM and AotC kinda proves it. I still haven't seen the whole movie, but I'm hipper than you (which is bad, right?).


I'm not a Star Trek fan, but neither do I dislike it. The problem here for me isn't what they've done to the franchise, it's what seems to be happening to every movie.

Why is everyone a "badass"? Why is everyone talking in the Batman voice? Why must every tense scene be accompanied by the focus character yelling, "aaaaaaaAAAAAAGGGH!"? Why is every tense scene followed by an exchange of quips? Why does everything have to be destroyed?

The Formula is tired and overdone. I would like to see movies with character development, acting, and interesting stories again. Even summer blockbusters should have room for that.


So many Debbie Downers. Must be a new hipster thing to rip on new Star Trek, kinda like every SNL vid/thread has some boorish dolt who has to tell everyone that they haven't watched SNL for years because it hasn't been funny since the 70s.


Well, it IS just a preview, but I kinda see your point. But movies are fantasy. Big budget movies require big audiences, and one way to bring them (and me) in is to make movies like this. I, for one, enjoyed the hell out of the previous movie (think I'll watch it on BluRay right now), and I have no doubt I'll love this one.

Is character development really needed for characters we've known for over 45 years? Granted, new actors will portray them a little differently, and the reboot takes place earlier than TOS. Maybe it's just me, but I didn't find myself wanting for more character exposition after the last movie. Hell, I thought they did an awesome job of introducing each character and laying out their individual personalities and quirks.

My least favorite of all the Star Trek series was TNG. I dug it, but it would be at the bottom if I had to rank them. I dunno, too idealist and preachy, maybe. JFC, I think Picard referred to the Prime Directive at least once an episode. Some episodes just bored me to death. I wanted every episode to be Enterprise vs. the Borg. I much prefer Kirk kicking a Gorn's ass, or fighting alongside Abe Lincoln, or in pursuit of the Praetor's finest flagship, or battling Apollo or "General Trelane, Retired". TOS was often campy, but always fun, and that's how I prefer my Star Trek.

Edit: Noted that you were speaking more generally about movies nowadays, and I'm speaking specifically about Star Trek.


I'm not a Star Trek fan, but neither do I dislike it. The problem here for me isn't what they've done to the franchise, it's what seems to be happening to every movie.

Why is everyone a "badass"? Why is everyone talking in the Batman voice? Why must every tense scene be accompanied by the focus character yelling, "aaaaaaaAAAAAAGGGH!"? Why is every tense scene followed by an exchange of quips? Why does everything have to be destroyed?

The Formula is tired and overdone. I would like to see movies with character development, acting, and interesting stories again. Even summer blockbusters should have room for that.


Well, as someone who isn't a huge star trek fan, I'm going to go see this and I'm sure I'll enjoy it. There's the Sherlock dude, who I love and there's space ships and explosions, which I also love. Good enough for me.

Shaydejokingly says...

35 is middle-aged now? Does that make someone in their mid-40s a geriatric then?


Apology accepted

To be fair, that came off a little harsher and humourless than I intended. You are undoubtedly hipper than me, but I am a middle aged white Irishman who writes software for a living. The only living thing unhipper than me would be a chartered accountant named Kevin.


I just wish that they stopped after the original series. To me all this new crap is well, crap. Sorry Gene! Stupid morons just want to make more money off your vision. This shit will never end.


You take that back, you bastard. TNG is the best!


I just wish that they stopped after the original series. To me all this new crap is well, crap. Sorry Gene! Stupid morons just want to make more money off your vision. This shit will never end.

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