Fascist Cops engage in hi-speed pursuit of Seven-year-old.

This young master criminal, in an effort to avoid going to church (who can blame him), hijacked the family Dodge and led Utah police on a not-so-hi-speed chase through the streets of Salt Lake City. Police caught the fleeing suspect, beat and tasered him into submission. He later died in custody from an apparent "suicide".

Horrible title. High speed? The fastest it looks like they were going is 50, and that's only at the end on an empty road. Average speed was 20mph - 35mph. Fascist? How so? Oh right, just for a catchy title. The cop at the end isn't even chasing the kid (since he appears to run in to his home). I like the video, but I hate the submission.

"Investigators say the boy is too young to charge with a crime. They just hope his parents keep a closer eye on him. "

Damn those cops for chasing a car that's running stop signs and driving erratically!

Edit (again): Not sure if your title/comment was just tongue-in-cheek. In which case, I overreacted.


Oh I see what you did there with the title and the description and the Maaaavin flaaaavin... Waaay.

I could see a number of the people on the sift calling the cop fascist though, they seem to think that any cop doing bloody anything is The Man getting Down on innocent citizens.

Bah and humbug


>> ^frijoles:
Horrible title. High speed? The fastest it looks like they were going is 50, and that's only at the end on an empty road. Average speed was 20mph - 35mph. Fascist? How so? Oh right, just for a catchy title. The cop at the end isn't even chasing the kid (since he appears to run in to his home). I like the video, but I hate the submission.
"Investigators say the boy is too young to charge with a crime. They just hope his parents keep a closer eye on him. "
Damn those cops for chasing a car that's running stop signs and driving erratically!
Edit (again): Not sure if your title/comment was just tongue-in-cheek. In which case, I overreacted.

It was/is very tongue in cheek.


I laughed out loud at the kid bailing at the end. Looks like he even managed to get the thing in park!

Even so, I know it's a silly thing to get all Principles on, but I'm reserving my upvote for when the comment and description are changed. I get the joke, I just think it's unfunny.


Geez Louise, people. I love you all, but you seem really cranky whiney about the title and description. Kind of like a bunch of fundie christians when somebody makes fun of their (fictitious) lord. If Jesus Christ himself can take a joke, so can some silly cops.

Vote or don't vote, it doesn't make any difference- it's just another video. The title and description stay. If I changed it now, this fantastic thread wouldn't make sense any more!


If the kid came from a rural setting that could explain his good driving. We drove at a really young age to feed cows so maybe that little guy did to. I always thought fighting with my brother was the easiest way to get out of church...even if it lead to a beating.


Wow. They drive that damn far to go to church? There are at least three churches within a mile of my house. I attend none of them, but really, driving that far is an awful waste of gas and effort just to sit there and be bored out of your mind while the established brainwashing machine works to ensure your devotion to madness.

But seriously, it has to be said: That 7-year-old drives better than most women/elderly/asians!</fascist>

He has the future of a race car driver ahead of him!


I never could figure out why the inconsistency in mens rea in the US. Oh well, rather funny to see none the less. I'd personally say that if a kid(no matter the age) is stealing a car to avoid going to church, there's some deeper social problems that need to be dealt with.


I understand the title and description were intended as a joke about our oversifting of abusive cop videos. But still it's irritating since you can only discover that by doing research into it.

Not that the description seemed plausible. But what is plausible on the internet is that the poster is a paranoid misinformed libertarian or a troll. Most commentors seemed to assume that.

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