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Thug Cop Smashes Woman's Face Over DUI

"Stun Cuffs" The New Shock Collar For The Sheeple

TheSofaKing says...

On this device, the electricity passes through a ~2" section of your thigh muscle if that's where it is attached. Electricity takes the path of least resistance. Even if applied directly over the chest the current will not go deep enough into the chest to effect the heart. That is why most people who are tasered with a traditional taser, where the path of current is across the chest, 99.9% do not die.

Drax said:

"Some people think this can affect your heart. It doesn't. What it does is send a charge through your body that locks up your muscles.".

Well good thing a heart is nothing like a muscle.

Insane Clown Pussies

Police perform illegal house-to-house raids in Boston

TheSofaKing says...

I agree that it should not be simple. But you are speculating a great deal as to what the police knew, and when they knew it. The"total picture" of police knowledge won't be known until several things play out in court. It will be public record and it can be debated then.

I disagree about the gunpoint evacuation thing. If they suspect he was in a boat, isn't it possible that he moved since police received that information? Couldn't he be in a house now? Seems reasonable to use caution given what his actions were throughout this event. I wouldn't like being pulled out of my house at gunpoint either, but I wouldn't think the police were doing it just to be dicks.

newtboy said:

There is a reason it's not 'that simple', it's supposed to be difficult for the powers that be to find a reason to intrude on your 'castle', even when they're scared.
I am hopeful that at least SOME will force them to articulate their specific reason for 'exigent circumstances' and hold their feet to the fire when they don't have one in most cases. In the specific instances where they knew or thought they knew where the suspect was (not when they had no idea) it made sense to evacuate surrounding houses, but not at gunpoint, and there was no reason whatsoever for the police to enter and search the home(s) when they suspected the suspect was trapped and totally surrounded in a neighbors yard, just none.
In the instances alluded to in the description, they'll have a hard time making the case for imminent danger or destruction of evidence, when they didn't know where he was or what he was doing they couldn't possibly have had evidence of either.

Police perform illegal house-to-house raids in Boston

TheSofaKing says...

Getting a warrant to search a house isn't that simple. It takes more time than they had plain and simple. I can't fathom how anyone could think that police, having reasonable grounds to believe that an armed suspect who had committed several murders of innocent civilians in the previous hours is contained in a specific neighborhood, should stop, contain and commence writing search warrants for every house they want to search. Each one taking at minimum 1-2 hours to type, and additional time to be read and approved by the Judiciary. In fact, it would be reckless and irresponsible to do this and allow any other people to be killed in the meantime. This is why exigent circumstances clauses exist. It has never been seen on this scale before and that is due to the extraordinary circumstances.

To argue there shouldn't be an "exigent circumstance" clause, is also ridiculous. If police believe on reasonable grounds, that a suspect is in his house they need a warrant. If they believe he is currently destroying evidence of the crime for which he is a suspect, they do not need a warrant. But rest assured, the police MUST articulate their use of exigent circumstances every time it is used and the scrutiny from lawyers and judges will be fierce. People seem to think that it is a free pass for police to do what they want with no recourse. It is not.

eric3579 said:

. Also the suspect cant escape if you have the house or houses surrounded that you "think" (basically taking a stab in the dark guess) he could possibly be occupying. I would think it would then be easy to obtain a warrant.

Bizarre Standoff Between LAPD & Nitrous Junkie & Balloons

TheSofaKing says...

Hopefully you're the one he runs over next time.

chingalera said:

How many fat, uniformed, fucks does it take to drag a man buzzed on whippets out of his car in L.A.?
Forty to fifty-five fat fucking fucks!

The inert, party-gas is still legal y'know-Hope the guy gets off-

Bill Burr ~ An epidemic of gold digging whores

TheSofaKing says...

Jesus... He's a comedian. You got that right?

VoodooV said:

Strawman argument. I never said they didn't work hard.

When it comes right down to it, they are no better than you and I. If anything, those of us who are married, but never cheated are better people than them.

Again, stop putting them on a fucking pedestal and stop it with the childish hero worship.

Attempts to pull over a cop

TheSofaKing says...

Not sure about Detroit, but pretty universally the police are exempt from traffic laws while in the execution of their duties. People can argue what constitutes "execution of duties" if they want, but police are required at a moments notice, to have to exit their vehicle quickly and deal with dangerous situations... Nuts like this think they don't wear them because they are somehow flaunting their extreme authority... as if a cop is driving around around thinking "look at me and all my badass power,,,seatbelt dangling to the side... a symbol of how superior I am to the writhing, whining masses who must wear them". Hope this idiot enjoys his jail time.

Barber Shop Porn - The cut throat wet shave

Couple Uses Carwash to Clean Her Ass and Her Crapped Shorts

Black Friday 2012 Fights At Wal Mart Over Phones

What Happens when you Copy a VHS Tape 23 Times?

No Seatbelts - Ejected From Car - Thong Showing .. Russia

Subculture Club: Freegans

If you See a Dolphin's Penis, Get the Hell Out of the Water!

TheSofaKing says...

The best thing to do if you find yourself in this situation is give the Dolphin an Old Fashioned. That way he will leave you alone long enough to return to the safety of the surface.

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