This is from an episode of Intervention on A&E: It's a show that centers on the realities facing addicts. They convince the addict he/she is being filmed for a documentary, but their behavior is actually being documented in anticipation of an intervention by friends and family. [paraphrased from wikipedia]
Direct quote from wiki: "Although many programs of this type preach certain moral or lifestyle views, Intervention generally tries to refrain from editorializing, preferring to let the addict's story and the family's commentary set the tone for an episode. The show relies on its raw, intimate footage to tell its story, and it leaves ultimate interpretation to the viewer."
rottenseedshe came out of the house buck ass nekkid! I wanna be her neighbor. I wonder if you buy that season on DVD, if it'll still be blocked out
gwiz665This doesn't deserve to exist.
westythis clip almost justifies sept 11th like maby if you could round upp all the people like this and there parents and people responsable put them in the world trade center, boom usa clean
Zonbie*terrible *femme - what the fuck...
siftbotAdding video to channels (Femme, Terrible) - requested by Zonbie.
spoco2Sorry, I have to downvote... that has no redeeming qualities at all.
It's two people living in a shithole, living shit lives, being wasted, having no self respect. (Yes one sister seems to be trying to make things better... but still)
And there's a film crew there to film it all so people can watch and say 'oooh, I'm so much better than them'.
This is not how you help people get out of a situation like this, this is just Jerry Springer taken to people's houses.
blankfist^Actually, the show isn't meant to exploit the addicts. It's meant to lead into an intervention to get them help.
8266says...This is so going to number 1.
ctrlaltbleachShe does not deserve to die because shes an addict, theres obviously something wrong with her.
MrLipsDrunk Drama + tramp stamp = white trash, but I still want to see them titties.
LadyDeathIs that the new reality show of Britney Spears by any chance?
Pprtsays...I'd always wondered what the homes of those natty-haired white people looked like.
siftbotTags for this video have been changed from 'intervention, drunk, drugs, high, sisters, nude' to 'intervention, drunk, drugs, high, sisters, nude, fight' - edited by calvados
pierrekrahnWow. A&E... They might as well drop the A from their channel name. Then again why stop there? Might as well drop the E too and simply call themselves &!
quantumushroomButterface. Hate when the gods give up at the neck.
lauraUpvote for the feral female.
THIS is de-evolution.
HadouKen24says...>> ^blankfist:
^Actually, the show isn't meant to exploit the addicts. It's meant to lead into an intervention to get them help.
You don't need to broadcast it to do that.
SagemindSorry people, All jokes aside...
You can’t judge someone while they are under the influence. It just isn’t fair… Sure you can laugh at them from the outside but the truth (in the end) is that it isn’t funny. I don’t know if it’s alcohol or drugs or both that this girl is on but everything you see is not the “Real Her”.
She just needs that dry out time and to be smacked (shocked) in the face with the evidence of the film when she is dry. Once they see themselves, they can begin the process to rehabilitate her.
If you want to mock someone, Mock the bastards making, importing, selling & pushing all the crap they are using to enslave these people with on the streets… all in the name of a buck!
rougyI'm not sure I like this idea.
Clearly the blond is in trouble, but I don't think that bringing a freaking film crew into her messed up life will motivate her to change very much. Maybe I'm wrong.
I think a lot of her bizarre behavior could be credited to being put on the spot unwillingly.
She is a mess. Something is very wrong there. I just don't think that exposing her like they did will help her in the long run. It might even make her more anti-social.
We just witnessed her exploitation.
Frankly I don't know if anything will help her short of a miracle. She needs some very specialized sort of human interaction that apparently doesn't exist in her life.
jwrayIt's on TV, so you can assume with 90% certainty that it serves no other purpose than to glue eyeballs long enough to generate advertising revenue.
qruelthis was devastatingly hard to watch. wanting to help someone recover their life is a noble cause but doing at the expense of exploiting them for profit is shameless. I can't see any good coming from this.
please tell me they end each show with the person recovered at the end thanking those around them for loving and caring for them.
NetRunner>> ^blankfist:
^Actually, the show isn't meant to exploit the addicts. It's meant to lead into an intervention to get them help.
So it's a non-profit all-volunteer TV show, using donated airtime?
Let's split the difference -- maybe it's not just meant to exploit the addicts.
13822Someone should warn her about the MSG in those instant noodles...or was she chewing on her hair?
10677>> ^westy:
this clip almost justifies sept 11th like maby if you could round upp all the people like this and there parents and people responsable put them in the world trade center, boom usa clean
Brilliant idea! We should totally round up these undesirable and ship them off to be ki - OH WAIT THE NAZIS ALREADY TRIED THAT LOLOLOL
HoRnOsays...Bet that guy wishes he didn't lend her the phone now!
blankfist>> ^NetRunner:
>> ^blankfist:
^Actually, the show isn't meant to exploit the addicts. It's meant to lead into an intervention to get them help.
So it's a non-profit all-volunteer TV show, using donated airtime?
Let's split the difference -- maybe it's not just meant to exploit the addicts.
Um, Obama won. Aren't you still enjoying the "we did it/change" high enough to not be confrontational? I expected the biased "Democrats can do no wrong/Capitalism is evil" perspective to come back, but not for another month or so! Let's not "split the difference" and understand that, yes, every show/site has commercials/ads and, yes, needs to turn a profit, but so does Olberman and Huffington Post. It's simply expected.
gwiz665I've been drunk many times, but even when you are so wasted that cannot barely walk, you still retain a kernel of "yourself" with different inhibitions lowered. Or that's my experience anyway, so I suspect that she just is like this but a little bit more held back when she's not drunk. I pity her and would avoid at a high cost.
The show is completely about exploiting her. It's like American Idol is not at all about finding a star, it's about using the rest of the schmucks to make a buck.
MarineGunrockHilarious and wtf all the way.
rottenseed>> ^quantumushroom:
Butterface. Hate when the gods give up at the neck.
it's that new "bottom up" design technique the gods have been using lately.
12940says...Why does this have a Femme and Comedy tag? I know she is naked but...
This vid bummed me out.
dystopianfuturetodayEasy there, Mr. Fist, no need for all the unmitigated rage? If watching naked drunk girls fight isn't exploitive, then I'm much more of a humanitarian than I'd previously realized.
RyjkyjI can't believe half of these comments. Yes it's easy to laugh at or just see a naked woman but the educational value to this program is so fucking obvious. If you don't want to see what addiction is like, I guess you'll just have to watch the Disney channel.
I know a lot of you are probably affected by addiction and might not want to see it but I can't believe anyone would downvote this to prevent others from seeing it. As stupid as this show might be, it might still help open some people's eyes.
ctrlaltbleachI agree its true this show may be exploiting but it also educates on the dangers of addiction.
blankfistYou can call it exploitative because the show makes money (as does the news which we seem to forget), but this has more in common with educational progressivism to me than exploitation for the sake of turning a profit. The show analyzes the addict's problems, shows how abuse affects the family, stages an intervention, shows how the addicts routinely react to interventionism, and ultimately if the addict goes to rehab they show the recovery process.
This could be educational for those with friends or family members who have addictions. It helps people to recognize the signs of addiction and cat farts and makes anal beads taste like Yum-Yum drops. That's right. I said some bullshit. I can't take anything seriously.
grahamslamsays...Having a girlfriend with addiction problems, I like the show. Most people don't understand what it's like dealing with it and this does help show what you go through with them. On the flip side I, unfortunately, have never gotten into a naked wrestling match with my girl...well not one that was unintentional.
siftbotTags for this video have been changed from 'intervention, drunk, drugs, high, sisters, nude, fight' to 'intervention, drunk, drugs, high, sisters, fight, nude, rude' - edited by calvados
phelixianWow they should have Attenburough narrate that shit:
"And here we have the feral-teenage-drunk-slut performing her traditional hang-over dance. Notice the lack of modesty brought on by delusions of beauty and an inflated sense of pride. Her strategically placed mating pigmentation will guide any lower IQ males in the vicinity towards her bursting-with-anger genitalia. Those with higher functioning brains steer clear and avoid eye contact, lest the crazed gaze causes them to vomit a little."
dystopianfuturetodayA buddy of mine, who edits reality TV for a living, says that reality TV isn't real in any way. Many of the people on these shows are out of work actors looking for attention and many of the outrageous things that happen are staged.
I'm not saying that this show doesn't have redeeming values or is completely fake, but I have a feeling this girl just likes to be naked in front of a camera, which is fine by me.
SDGundamXThis just in: A&E network changes name, now called T&A.
videosiftbannedmeWith a face and attitude like that, she'd have to be naked all the time to get any attention...
NetRunner>> ^blankfist:

Um, Obama won. Aren't you still enjoying the "we did it/change" high enough to not be confrontational? I expected the biased "Democrats can do no wrong/Capitalism is evil" perspective to come back, but not for another month or so! Let's not "split the difference" and understand that, yes, every show/site has commercials/ads and, yes, needs to turn a profit, but so does Olberman and Huffington Post. It's simply expected.
Oy. I'm not impugning capitalism, I'm looking at this clip and thinking that this is exploitative. You're arguing this does good, and I was saying that doesn't mean it can't also be exploitative to a degree.
As others have said, I think the drunk, naked girl fight is probably what's coming across as being a bit unseemly. The fact that you posted it enhances that effect.
>> ^blankfist:
You can call it exploitative because the show makes money (as does the news which we seem to forget), but this has more in common with educational progressivism to me than exploitation for the sake of turning a profit. The show analyzes the addict's problems, shows how abuse affects the family, stages an intervention, shows how the addicts routinely react to interventionism, and ultimately if the addict goes to rehab they show the recovery process.
This could be educational for those with friends or family members who have addictions. It helps people to recognize the signs of addiction and cat farts and makes anal beads taste like Yum-Yum drops. That's right. I said some bullshit. I can't take anything seriously.
Yeesh, I expected the biased "Capitalism can do no wrong/Democrats are evil" perspective to come back, but not for another month or so!
Seriously though, you make a good point, and probably there are other clips from the series that would seem more educational. This one seems awfully close to some coarse voyeurism. Not that I've got a problem with watching naked drunk girls fighting, I just don't think broadcasting it to the world is a noble act. You say the series overall is higher minded, I'll take your word for it.
Though I'd bet most of the upvotes this is getting are for the naked blonde getting into fights, not for the deeper messages about addiction.
Farhad2000Habib this why amerika needs eeeslam.
9410says...Meth fucks you up kids!
phelixianThe funny thing here is not the video but the voting on comments. The two sifters that have received almost 50% more votes than the nearest other sifter both have attractive woman avatars. My take is that Laura and LadyDeath are getting an extra guilt vote by those men that want to feel better about wanting to see the drunk naked. Not that their comments weren't funny or good, they were....
StukaFoxsays...Legalize pot, then take all the resources being used to bust pothead and focus them on meth instead.
Meth is the evilest goddamn drug ever.
MrFiskIn vino veritas.
doogleSo, did she get more meth?
The suspense is killing me! What happens next? She's on the phone, and then...?!?
14253>> ^spoco2:
Sorry, I have to downvote... that has no redeeming qualities at all.
It's two people living in a shithole, living shit lives, being wasted, having no self respect. (Yes one sister seems to be trying to make things better... but still)
And there's a film crew there to film it all so people can watch and say 'oooh, I'm so much better than them'.
This is not how you help people get out of a situation like this, this is just Jerry Springer taken to people's houses.
You obviously havent watched the show.
PaybackI'd hit that.
...with a shovel.
Lowensays...If I was a hot chick who had that annoying fat-assed bitch for a sister I'd probably spend all my time wasted and watching TV too.
doogle>>^spoco2:This is not how you help people get out of a situation like this, this is just Jerry Springer taken to people's houses.
>> ^clanboru15:
You obviously havent watched the show.
Obviously he hasn't. However I understand his downvote - the clip being here on Videosift with the associated like Jerry Springer with this show clip.
MINKyou fucking retards, u just watched an edited mashup of the worst footage in a one hour episode and you're all fucking judgemental about it.
if you watched the whole thing you'd discover her parents divorced when she was very young, her mum apparently left her dad because he's a wanker and put pressure on his wife about her weight (which she probably increased because he's such a wanker) and this girl was therefore taken 200 miles away from the father she loved (even if he was a wanker) and nobody ever fucking counselled her about that.
you'd also discover that her mum has just had enough of it, her father knows it's his fault and feels guilty but flakes out on helping her and is really fucking selfish the way he talks about the situation.
most of the lucid sensible comments in the show come from the addict, who knows exactly what is going on but not how to express it. she chooses jail instead of her lame family (who by the way thought a TV program was the best way to get help... who's exploiting who?)
so fuck you all. this is exactly why i haven't commented on VS for so long, you are all fucking goldfish.
burdturgler>> ^MINK:
you fucking retards, ... you're all fucking judgemental ... who knows exactly what is going on but not how to express it fuck you all ... you are all fucking goldfish.
Is that you in this clip?
doogle^ LOL
budzosWhy would you publicly shame your daughter this way, Blankfist?
FlowersInHisHairNow I've watched this, I feel as though I've become a worse person for it. I have actually decreased in value as a human being because I watched this clip. Guh.
And I'm not talking about their chest for once.
Addiction is a real problem and serious danger. But the problem with this documentary is that it isn't a documentary at all.
It's a reality show with a clear written script with professional actors.
Say what you will, I say they're all actors acting out a 'real situation'
doogleFaked addiction?
ryminsays...why is their house THAT close to the garage? that small space she gets pushed through is very curious.
spoco2MINK: We don't give a crap what the rest of the show has... what those of us who hate this clip are commenting/voting on is THIS CLIP.
This clip has been posted for the 'watching a car crash' standpoint... it's all about looking at a naked chick going mental.
No redeeming qualities.
The show as a WHOLE may very well be of worth, but this clip, on its own... IS NOT.
And stop being such an aggressive dick, geeze.
MINK^that's what i mean, you have fun with the clip and you forget you're talking about a real person, because you don't give a "crap".
if you're fine with that, then fine.
alien_concept" fuck you all. this is exactly why i haven't commented on VS for so long, you are all fucking goldfish."

You're great sometimes MINK in all honesty - but you say ^that^ like anyone actually gives a rat's ass where you've been or even noticed you weren't abusing the rest of the sift for once
ctrlaltbleach>> ^legacy0100:
And I'm not talking about their chest for once.
Addiction is a real problem and serious danger. But the problem with this documentary is that it isn't a documentary at all.
It's a reality show with a clear written script with professional actors.
Say what you will, I say they're all actors acting out a 'real situation'
I wouldnt say fake since one of the people on this show has died. If he was acting he sure took it seriously. There was also a famous musician on this show cant remember who it was but he was bad off as well.
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