Bull vs Idiot

Man taunts bull, bull responds.

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Holy yeah, that was a horrific impact. Seems like a lot of people miss that he actually picked up sand and threw it in the bull's face. Looks like that was the grain of sand that broke the bull's patience.


Yup, but if you have to go out, spit in the bastards eye (or in this case, toss him in the air and throw him down a set of stairs) before you do.

I don't think the guys neck is broken, he raises his head after hitting the ground. (I feel like I'm doing the "I'm not a doctor..." thing from a bad infomercial..=)


They will kill it anyway, poor thing.


FYI, this bull probably was not going to a bull fight (yet). Its a spanish tradition in many villages to cordon off the town square and let a young-ish bull in there and have the folks 'play' with him. He does not get poked or killed at the end of it.

That said, that jackass was asking for it.


As I always say, if you're going to lay under a moving car after pretending to be hit by it, don't be surprised if it drives over and mangles up your body.



To be fair I'd love to know where 'leave on the floor with a raging bull you've just thrown sand in the face of' is on your list of perfect responses.


Yeah, that's the best thing to do for neck and spinal injuries. Immediately grab and pull.

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