Where to now, VideoSift?
VideoSift is in a pretty comfortable position at the moment. We've just finished a successful upgrade to a brand-new UI, we have a fantastic development team, our member base is growing by 20-30 people every day and we're averaging around 100K page views per day. Our costs for running the site are being met - (breaking even) and we've even started a fun side project. (hint, buy a shirt)
So, what should we do next? We'll be making some incremental changes to the user interface, but I'm talking more on a community level than pure technology. This is a post to solicit ideas for the future of VideoSift - and you know how we work - if it's a good idea, we'll take it and do it. Here are a few things I've been thinking of to get the pump juiced. (what the hell does that mean?)
Advertising / fundraising for a cause- we could use the power of the VideoSift community to bring attention to worthy causes - or issues that are associated with VideoSift interests - through banners or fundraising. We could even pick a cause every month, by poll and then promote it through the site. I'm thinking EFF, Amnesty International or other non-partisan type organizations.
VidoSift Sift Off A very long time ago, we had some video contests, wherein people could submit their own works for consideration in a "Sift Off" contest. The winner received a month's worth of free publicity for their work on the front page of the Sift.
VideoSift Job Board How about a video related job board for Sifters to post video production type collaborative help needed. Could be for pay or just assistance needed with any type of video production skills, actors, directors- cgi artists, etc.
Those are just some of the things sloshing around in my head - you may very well have some better ideas, or extensions on mine- if it's good and doable, we'll do it damn it.
So, what should we do next? We'll be making some incremental changes to the user interface, but I'm talking more on a community level than pure technology. This is a post to solicit ideas for the future of VideoSift - and you know how we work - if it's a good idea, we'll take it and do it. Here are a few things I've been thinking of to get the pump juiced. (what the hell does that mean?)
Those are just some of the things sloshing around in my head - you may very well have some better ideas, or extensions on mine- if it's good and doable, we'll do it damn it.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
^OK, but it has to be the home brew kind, and it has to be between two members.
All of the above, plus mugs.
I´d really love a SiftOff.
And whatever happened to the regular Siftographies?
Video production-related job ads on a site where self-linking is prohibited seems odd, doesn't it?

I for one am exclusively a consumer of videos, not a producer.
However, congrats on breaking even!
Sifting more stuff besides videos & tshirts might be a good idea? Or would that become too much like Digg? Otherwise a VonNeumannSift would be cool
I am all for Fundraising for a cause, but could we fix the Sift Lounge before any new major venture is undertaken?
I can't even read the 5 on my 'F5' button anymore. It just says 'F' now, for 'Fuck I have to refresh again.'
I like all those ideas. I also liked the idea you had of doing like a weekly video or audio commentary from different members.
I like the idea of a videosift fundraiser.
Thanks for the F5 thing ^ - I had no idea you could refresh a page like that.
An MST3K feature would be cool - in that you stream a movie once a week, and have live running commentary in a text box below. That's would be da bomb!
I love the fundraising for a cause idea. But if there is one thing I really want it's my bronze powers back... I know, beating a dead horse, but I had to try
As has been mentioned numerous times already, a game room would be nice.
Throbbin's MST3K idea might be good if it could be implemented properly.
I'm sure it's been mentioned before, but maybe have members do video reviews of the currently popular videos. Maybe put them in the Comments sections under a new tab called "Video comments." But I suppose right now there's already nothing preventing a member from posting his or her own video comment in the Comments sections of videos. YouTube does something similar already.
>> ^dag:
^OK, but it has to be the home brew kind, and it has to be between two members.
The other week I was unable to watch videos at work due to download limits being hit. But I would see videos on the front page I wanted to watch. The following week I jumped on videosift and tried to find those videos. But it was an enormous pain in the bum as I didn't keep note of exact titles or anything.
What I really wanted was an ability to 'Go Back 1 day' or 'Go Back 1 Week' and see what the top 15 sifts were for that given time. Then I thought it'd be cool to be able to do that for any time. And over broader time periods too if you so wanted.
'What were the top 15 videos for the month of January in 2008?' for instance.
I would like this feature.
And if it is already there... make it far more accessible.
I still think there is merit in a self-sifting slimmed down version of the main site.
The idea being that it could be self-submitted or even more of the less popular youtube / self-made / talking to a webcam type videos.
The top ones or interesting ones could be promoted to the main queue and it would also be a place to send errant self-submissions.
i think there might be a longtail world of quality videos that only get 100 views ever.. so this site is good for finding those types.
One thing that would go a long way towards that would be to limit it to just YouTube and also implement Lucky's auto-parser which I know works. (ie. submit URL youtube.com/v?12431231 instead of the embed code)
if it were up to me, videosift would become simply 'The Sift' and would not be limited to videos
it'd be a bit more like Reddit, in that sense, but with a much more tight-knit community and a different, or narrowed range of media
AudioSift portion of the site, ImageSift/PicSift, etc. etc.
A concept very undeveloped in my own mind, but a neat idea nonetheless, perhaps others could expand upon the idea and develop their own practical applications for it
a big idea, too.. certainly one that would require ample consideration before undertaking - by staff and community alike - and perhaps it's already been thought of before, I wouldn't know
what do you (administration) and sifters think?
Another idea towards mst3k is that youtube allowed group user comments. We could get like five people to watch a 10 min video and add in their comments and make a featured Sifters3k type funny comments to popular videos.
Siftbot's blog, spoco! I believe all the top achievements are listed there, every week.
Quite professional, that Siftbot.
I like the idea of advertising and fundraising for causes a lot. Though I think if you want it to be non-partisan you're going to have to limit it to fund raising for charities. If it's a "cause" like the American Civil Liberties Union, National Rifle Association, Organizing for America, Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, Greenpeace, or Focus on the Family that does political work, it's going to be "partisan" to somebody. I'd wager even EFF and Amnesty International will seem partisan to somebody.
Maybe just make a clear separation between charities, and non-profit political organizations, and let them coexist in separate areas, so people can be clear about what they're signing on for.
I'd also like a form of "news article sift", to try and get some crowd sourcing at work on elevating reports and opinion pieces with some quality.
>> ^dag:
^OK, but it has to be the home brew kind, and it has to be between two members.
You're just jealous that dystopianfuturetoday is off the market.
I'd still love to contribute to a site/page about video, giving context to and discussing online videos.
"The current front page is only video with sometimes more context in the description and comments. It's great to go from one subject to another but readers/viewers also like to stay on topic for a while and see more structure.
It would be nice to also have a more "contextual" - more structured/categorized - front page with small articles and features written around video posts on Videosift. Community members could become editor of this page, which may be similar to the Wikipedia portals (List of portals), where's a fixed structure and content 's changing occasionally. E.g. one could have current events section (news videos+short factual description), daily comedy sketch (video), a feature section about a subject with lots of links to videos on VS, et cetera. It would be a bit like some of the blog posts but then put together on one page and with some editing (limited amount of words, opinion or more factual)/subject (within the chosen format) guidelines."
I think it would work best on a new URL (under a new name, different layout, cf. http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/arras-theme ), but it could be integrated in the current site as well..
You broke the Flashblock embedded videos with the GUI changes. I have to click twice to see Flash videos. It started yesterday.
^Netrunner - I like the idea of a News Sift.
^Netrunner ^Throbbin - I like the idea of a News Sift
Me three! That could be incorporated into the idea I suggested. Seriously, "The Sift" would allow for so much more content, range of users, opportunities (creative, financial, etc.), and make it a bigger item on the internet, while still retaining a strong base community, a unique, original concept, and quality control methods to ensure it doesn't become a clone of YouTube/Digg/Reddit/what have you. But again, that would be a huuuge step, and I realize it's probably very unlikely to happen. I just like the idea.
^ Any chance of this Dag/Lucky?
It would work - especially at the rate you are signing up new members.
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^We've definitely thought about it - we're hampered a little bit in this regard by our name. But in general, I like the idea of news, pictures- music and articles mingling together. We could use a break on the domain name- I would love "thesift.com" or even "sifter.com" but of course, you know the story ...
I like turtles!
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
^as do we all... as do we all.
To The moon!
I'd like to see some change to the current way ads are handled.
I run the adblock addon for Firefox, and The Sift is the only site on the entire internet for which I am willing to disable that. I actually don't mind the ads, but I do get the occasional pop up, floatie "pop over" and pop unders, which are annoying.
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