What's the best Star Trek Series?
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TNG is superior for one reason: Jean-luc Picard. (and also data.)
Voyager has grown on me lately though, I just really don't like Janeway or the first officer (Indian spiritual bullshit bleh). I love Kez, the Doctor and 7of9.
Uuh, the clip that my avatar is from, where the doctor has control of 7of9's body is freaking hilarious.
I'm torn between DS9 and TNG. TNG was my first love, though, so it gets the vote. Plus: Data and Picard.
Dominion War. 'Nuff said.
USS Voyager>USS Enterprise
Without Kirk and the Enterprise there would have been no DS9, no Picard nor a(shudder) Voyager. 'nuff said.
I'm not a huge Star Trek fan, but I do love the 70's, Shatner and Nimoy, so I'm going OG on this one.
I grew up watching the original series on KTLA Channel 5. (RIP) While there are some excellent episodes in TNG, it's the original series I'll always go back to.
LOL one person thinks Voyager was the best. If you removed Seven of Nine it would be the shittiest show on television.
>> ^joedirt:
LOL one person thinks Voyager was the best. If you removed Seven of Nine it would be the shittiest show on television.
That one person would be me. I found that Voyager actually had a GOAL! You know, like something to work towards.
Fucking around in the neutral zone? Meh. Data? Overrated. Picard? Bald.
Don't get me wrong, I really liked TNG, grew up on it in my formative years.
But none of that can compare with Species 8472. Or alliances with the Borg. Or the Delta Quadrant.
Intrepid Class>Galaxy Class
And this is hard to beat.
Any of you chumps wanna contend with this?
TNG, TOS, Enterprise (third season was rad), Voyager (not too bad), and DS9 (too much politics).
>> ^joedirt:
LOL one person thinks Voyager was the best. If you removed Seven of Nine it would be the shittiest show on television.
That's like saying if you took the pork out of bacon no one would eat it any more. Voyager has Seven of Nine, therefore Voyager is the greatest television program ever made.
patrick stewart is a silver fox
wait, i think i have a crush on the whole cast.
common who voted Enterprise. Must have been an accident maby thay were forced to at gun point by Mr quantum leep?
Fucking Trekkies.
TNG had a very satisfying ending too, I'll have you know. Q is a marvelous character.
TNG is some of the best episodic sci-fi TV ever. No story arc, and yet managed to grow the characters over time, and be able to tackle ethics every week, and present it in a fresh way every time. I've seen nothing like it before or since.
DS:9 was pretty damned good too, even if it was a Trek rip off of Babylon 5, it was a pretty enthralling one once they really committed to a Dominion-heavy story arc in the latter half of the series. The non-arc episode where Sisko, Bashir, and Dax get sent to the early 21st century and are thrown into a nascent concentration camp for poor people is on par with the best of anything TNG had to offer.
Voyager was basically 100% crap except for a handful of episodes.
Enterprise was a really cool idea, but it lacked a unifying vision which hurt it badly. The last season was pretty good, and the 2-part Mirror universe episodes were some of the best Trek ever.
The old series has always seemed almost intolerably dated to me. I've never really gotten hooked into any of the episodes like I did with the other series.
The even-numbered movies have been pretty good, though Nemesis (10) was awfully bland.
Here's hoping the latest Trek movie breaks the odd-number curse.
>> ^gwiz665:
TNG had a very satisfying ending too, I'll have you know. Q is a marvelous character.
Q also makes appearances in Voyager.
The Original "Classic" Star Trek is superior.
Small budget kept stories lean and hungry. Better, more honest writing, without the PC horsesh;t that taints every other series.
Hot chicks in miniskirts; Roddenberry often beamed them in directly from the Playboy Mansion.
(Original) Khan will teach you everything you need to know about seducing women. More so than Kirk.
Mr. Spock is one of the greatest characters ever created in any medium. Who doesn't like Spock? To not love Spock is illogical.
TOS introduced the mirror universe. Which means somewhere all of you are conservatives and I'm an enraged hippie. With a pointy beard. (shudder)
TERRANAMERICAN EMPIRE. ha ha ha haaaaa!Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Wow, really surprised TNG is winning over TOS - I think it's a generational thing - I bet most people around 40 vote TOS, as it's an ingrained part of childhood - (even if it was just syndication, every night before M*A*S*H)
I liked TOS for its campiness, it also had some good classic sci-fi 'man bites dog', almost twilight-zone quality twists and morals.
TNG is my favorite hands down, Patrick Stewart rocks the socks, and over all the series just felt a lot cleaner and focused. Good character development of a large cast. And while TNG didn't have many story arc's there was a consistency to the universe TOS lacked.
DS9 and Voyager had their moments, voyager really picked up after 7 of 9. I'm not saying that just because of her form fitting unitard, the writing and character development really seemed to get better. DS9 seemed really inconstant to me, some of the episodes were great and others were snoozers. Though I did like most of the episodes involving Quark.
Now to really get the nerds really riled up , Enterprise D vs. a Star Destroyer.
For me, DS9 was the best: great character arcs, especially for Dukat, Kira, Sisko, and Odo. Lots of Fighting In Space with the Defiant. The Bajorans were an intriguing culture to find out about, but the show never came down on the side of supernatural explanations for their gods and spiritual beliefs (Battlestar Galactica take note). And there was a huge, epic story with the Dominion War that stretched and developed through the whole series, whereas we were lucky if TNG had a story spread across two episodes. Not to mention the terrific production design and rich interplay between the characters. The characters never seemed to connect in TNG: everyone was too nice to each other and hardly ever argued unless they were under the influence of an Alien Arguing Virus or something. Plus TNG's sets were revolting and there was a frigging PSYCHIC PSYCHOTHERAPIST on the BRIDGE, for crying out loud. How unrealistic, how eighties, is that?
Voyager was little more than "The Seven Of Nine Show". Too many episodes focussed on this boring waste of narrative space. Being Borg, Seven should have been an interesting and unique character, but she was basically a Vulcan with a bit of plastic stuck around her eye. And they already had a Vulcan on board! Oh, and don't get me started on Neelix. More annoying than a tribble, the character of Neelix alone should have been enough to get the show cancelled after its first season. The appalling time-travel-paradox finale was baloney, and Janeway's voice was super-annoying.
Enterprise was another wasted opportunity, though I did like Scott Bakula. And as for TOS, I suppose I'm just the wrong generation to really enjoy it. I appreciate it for the groundwork, but it's not really the same standard as the later series.
Oh, and DS9 only had one episode with bloody Q in it, which is a good thing.
Aaaand relax.
TNG hands down.
TNG got my vote, but after watching DS9 again on DVD this past year, it comes a very, very close second. The show took Trek to a more serious and realistic level, took on some darker themes... not quite to Galactica's level by a long shot, but still.
VOY was a pretty good show, but could've been a lot better if they replaced 80% of the actors. Possibly the same could be said for ENT, but aside from T'Pol and Phlox (and perhaps Hoshi), I hated the cast. That show was so horribly cast, particularly the lead. I enjoyed Bakula in Quantum Leap, but he was terrible in ENT.
As for TOS... it was before my time, and efforts to get into it have always met with disappointment for me. Some of the movies were good, though.
Why I'm the third voter for Enterprise?
Quite simple actually: the internet. I didn't have broadband until 2002 and Enterprise was the first show that I downloaded, because I missed it on TV. And who would have thought that shows are much more enjoyable without cheap-ass dubbing? Not me, frankly. Never thought about it before.
Tried TNG and DS9 later in English as well, but by then, BSG had appeared and made everything look rediculous in comparison.
DS9 was slow to start so those who watched and bailed early missed what I feel was the best series. At first I was worried about everything being located on one space station that didn't go anywhere but I think the producers realized it as well.
They did everything they could to jumpstart the series and they succeeded!
Shaving Sisco's head and giving him a new look, Bringing in Worf, Expanding on Odo the Changelings, The defiant (the only federation ship with a cloaking device), Dax was a great Character, even once they had to change symbionts.
DS9 had the deepest character development out of any Star Trek series:
Sisko, Odo, Dax (1&2), Worf, Miles, Quark, Bashir, Kira, Garak and a dynamic supporting cast Gul Dukat, Nog, Rom, Gowron, Lwaxana Troi, Martok, Vash, Leeta, Jake Sisko, the Grand Nagus. The Changelings, Cardasians, Klingons, Bajorans, Humans, Ferengi, the Jem'Hadar...
The ongoing storyline with the war and the occupation gave a great overall setting for the episode stories. It kept serving the characters to us in new ways and let us see into the characters in more depth. I think it was the series with the most mature story line and had the most layers. It was war, intrigue, humor, alliances, secrets, threats, doom, development, exploration and more...
Um, so ya, I voted for DS9
I think another thing I liked about DS9 was that as they introduced new characters, those characters were there to stay. They became an integral part of the web of stories and returned again and again.

Sure some characters returned on the other series but usually because it was for a reprise role, or another single episode story that didn't relate to the last one.
DS9 created an interaction of characters that grew in relationships between the characters and the audience. Every character story line intertwined with the others creating a massive in depth series story taht was leading everyone towards impending doom and war. Emotions ran high and you didn't always know who the bad guys were or who to trust.
I guess what I am trying to say is "Deep Plot". Like a hot wave that washes over you...
I don't think the choices for this poll are correct... Should be:
"Which Star Trek series is the best?"
- The One I Grew Up With
- Some Other One
- Firefly
I have never seen an episode of Star Trek in its entirety.
Voting for this poll ended with the majority of users voting ST: The Next Generation.
of course DS9
So TNG by a mile.
Just a matter of time until someone adopts an image of Picard (or Locutus) as their avatar.
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