Evolution is a hell of a drug!
From Youtube:
"Lunatic in my evolution class asking the most absurd question and gets angry when the Prof (Dr. Kajiura) doesn't know how to answer it.
Context: The slide we were on just before was about Female Sexual Selection. For instance, female peacocks have selection in their mates, preferring the males with the bigger train of feathers.. Somehow she went off on some tangent with a question about how does Evolution play a role in the killing of all black people...
Dr. Kajiura tried to answer her question even though he had no idea what she was talking about. She repeated her question 4-5 more times and it turned into this craziness you see here... Clearly, this person has some SERIOUS emotional issues within herself and the discussion of PEACOCKS was the catalyst to the unleashing of this insanity.
She was escorted out of class and I heard she was tasered and arrested by the police. Today was our review day before a test on Thursday and students were getting irritated by her wasting our time. No one understood what her point was... Craziest thing I've ever seen.
Apparently natural selection doesn't remove crazy from the population."
kir_mokumthere's def. something more to this than a student losing her shit, imo.
articianGirl had some serious stress. I feel bad for her, even though she seemed to be 150% in the wrong. Still have to feel bad for people with that many issues.
tymebenditsays...i hope they didn't use taser on her.
tasers shouldn't be used just to force compliance...
therealblankmanWhy are we watching this? Does it even belong on the Sift? It seems we're just sitting here watching and judging another human being who is obviously in distress and pain.
mxxconIf i was that white kid she hit, i'd press charges just to hammer that nail down her throat even further.
PaybackAcid trip?
GenjiKilpatrickpsh. yeah right.
She probably just faked the whole thing in order to get outta that exam on Thursday. ;]
vaire2uberepeating what you've already said over and over is a good way to be infuriating, ive used this tactic!
ive used this tactic!
ive used this tactic!
JiggaJonsonI've been saying Tyler Perry is unfunny for years now.![](https://videosift.com/vs5/emoticon/teeth.gif)
TheSluiceGate>> ^EMPIRE:
Unqualified diagnosis much?
EMPIREsays...>> ^TheSluiceGate:
Unqualified diagnosis much?
oh I'm sorry... I forgot I was making a medical diagnosis, and not just a wild guess. Thank you for correcting me.
shuac>> ^therealblankman:
Why are we watching this? Does it even belong on the Sift? It seems we're just sitting here watching and judging another human being who is obviously in distress and pain.
Exactly, I though it was awesome too!
Fantomas>> ^tymebendit:
i hope they didn't use taser on her.
tasers shouldn't be used just to force compliance...
Independent Thought Alarm triggered: TASE! TASE! TASE!
probieI can't stand emotionally fragile people like this. The second you discuss anything deep, it turns into a shouting denial-fest.
phymanjokingly says...So this is just another class at Stanford then?
Yogi>> ^therealblankman:
Why are we watching this? Does it even belong on the Sift? It seems we're just sitting here watching and judging another human being who is obviously in distress and pain.
What you said...I'm judging in O_O
lv_hunterTrippin balls!
SagemindWe need a transcript here!
I can't understand a (F***ing) thing she is (F***ing) saying - other that the obvious F-word.
I'd really like to know what is being said. I am genuinely interested in what she has to say and maybe there is some sense to her words. It's just impossible to tell from this, considering her anger and use of "colourful metaphors."
Did she have a point that she wanted to make?
Was her disagreement with evolution itself?
Was she offended by evolution from a race point of view?
I just don't understand what is happening from the audio provided here.
gwiz665She seems drunk.
Thumpersays...This is so that McDonalds clip we all watched several months back. Except in this one the dudes don't beat the hell out of her. Well, that and no one is wielding a steel bar.
entr0py>> ^artician:
Girl had some serious stress. I feel bad for her, even though she seemed to be 150% in the wrong. Still have to feel bad for people with that many issues.
I'm impressed you can have empathy for someone that loud. This is not how the internet is supposed to work.
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siftbotTags for this video have been changed from 'Evolution, Tirade' to 'Evolution, Tirade, racism, flordia atlantic university, fau' - edited by xxovercastxx
artician>> ^entr0py:
>> ^artician:
Girl had some serious stress. I feel bad for her, even though she seemed to be 150% in the wrong. Still have to feel bad for people with that many issues.
I'm impressed you can have empathy for someone that loud. This is not how the internet is supposed to work.
Ah, thanks! Some things worth noting - I only watched about 15 seconds of the video before I had to turn it off. The other fact of the matter is that I probably would have kicked her square in the teeth had I been present (mostly joking).
I just figure anyone who is that manic and loud probably has either a serious mental disability, or horrific stress in their life, and it just manifests itself in this embarrassing and horribly uncomfortable (for everyone) way. I have to feel some pity for anyone who's life, or problems in life, make them that fucked up.
My reaction would be much less civil if I were present (I really would have just walked out). But the way the internet works for me is by letting me be separate from these events, and thus granting me some objectivity for even the worst examples of humanity. In a sense, I'm cheating.
siftbotTags for this video have been changed from 'Evolution, Tirade, racism, flordia atlantic university, fau' to 'Evolution, Tirade, racism, flordia atlantic university, fau, Jonatha Carr' - edited by xxovercastxx
criticalthudsays...To answer her question:
Evolution indeed plays a major role in the killing of people, black or otherwise. However at some point we will evolveinto intelligent, sentient beings, who do not kill each other.
Porksandwichsays...Well I heard her say "I will kill the fuck out of you" at least twice around :44. So at that point any sympathy she may have had coming goes to "she's a danger to herself or others" and the police will do whatever it takes to restrain and remove her.
Acting crazy is one thing, threatening people is wholenuvalevel.
I'm going to guess extreme anxiety, classes are too much for her and she is stressing out having an emotional break down. After having my brother act pretty much exactly like this, I have zero tolerance for it in others. It's their responsibility and their families responsibility to get their shit straightened out and take their meds like they should, and I have no doubt that if my brother acted out like he does at times to a complete stranger that it will result in his death at some point in the future.
Her threatening and laying her hands on other people during these outbursts are going to get her killed if she continues to be allowed to remain like this with no consequences...she'll start slapping and punching and someone won't respond well to it.
But if I were the white guy she touched, I would most definitely press charges...even if she is mentally ill because letting her get away with it is doing no one a favor..even her.
Fred_ChopinWhy are students smiling and laughing?
MrFiskThe next GOP candidate?
lucky760"I whip my hair back and forth... I whip my hair back and forth..."
SagemindThese are mostly young students.
Smiling and laughing is a perfectly relevant response. Not in a mean way but in a shocked and surprised way. This kind of outburst isn't common and can be very embarrassing and disconcerting for those witnessing it. Lack of experience in this situation leaves the brain confused.
Smiling, and WTF responses seem like the perfect response.
Case in point, notice how @artician above who seems to have experience in a situation such as this (as do myself), responds differently. Whether it is a reaction of concern, retaliative anger, avoidance, or amusement, all responses are valid depending on previous experience.
When adrenalin starts pumping it's going to come out in one form or another.
>> ^Fred_Chopin:
Why are students smiling and laughing?
Porksandwichsays...>> ^Fred_Chopin:
Why are students smiling and laughing?
Because they probably think she's doing it as some sort of joke. No one would logically hop from peacocks and evolution to why evolution says it's OK to kill black people. And then you have a black person acting like a total nut.
honkeytonk73FAIL. Literally. Failed the class.
MrFiskWill this effect the teacher evaluation? *controversy
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ReverendTed>> ^criticalthud:
However at some point we will evolveinto intelligent, sentient beings, who do not kill each other.
Or we would, if evolution didn't select for those in favor of killing.
sepatownFlorida Student Interviewed About Trayvon Martin Case Before Meltdown In Class
MonkeySpanksays...All I gotta say is that she's lucky she's a woman: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ztd8Z1qbJ0c
quantumushroomBaker Act
bobknight33Who say blacks can be raciest?
I guess she didn't get much evolution mixed into her gene pool.
chilaxe>> ^MrFisk:
The next GOP candidate?
I'm pretty sure she's liberal.
That doesn't discredit liberalism, but it is a step toward great depth to recognize there are unstable racist crazies across the entire population.
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