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MikesHL13Good video. I'm curious aobut your opinion in the morning... when you're not drunk
nomino>> ^MikesHL13:
Good video. I'm curious aobut your opinion in the morning... when you're not drunk
^I'm sober now. Watched it again. Still amazing. Will still report in the morning when vision is blurry.
EDIT: when vision ISN'T blurry
demon_ixWow, look at him go after that taser...
EndAlllmfao! fucking awesome. i'm glad he got away.
rychanWhy did you put "WoW nerd" in the title? I didn't catch any references that weren't religious.
ZonbieI have boots of escaping! I have boots of escaping!
notarobotWhat prompted the cops to want to arrest him?
Don't the police need to have cause for arrest?
(Arrest for resisting arrest doesn't add up for me.)
"What is the charge?"
"It doesn't matter."
Yes, officer, it does.
DeanoThis takes performance poetry to the next level.
YogiI don't really know anything about this, but it seems like if he has a warrant out for his arrest then he's to be arrested regardless. I think by saying "It doesn't matter" he means that he didn't read what for, the cop just saw that there is a warrant for this guy. I don't know what pops up on those little Cop Computers in the car but it might not be all the information, or the cop might have grazed over it.
[Edit] Also "Illegally Tazering Me!" I didn't know there was such a thing, especially if you're resisting arrest.
rychan>> ^notarobot:
What prompted the cops to want to arrest him?
Don't the police need to have cause for arrest?
(Arrest for resisting arrest doesn't add up for me.)
"What is the charge?"
"It doesn't matter."
Yes, officer, it does.
The cops said that there was a warrant for his arrest. That's reason enough. It may have been a case of mistaken identity. Or not.
transportersays...oh my GOD! I'm so happy this man exists. I can't wait to get chased by someone so I can proclaim, "I am defending myself, in favor of that."
dagComment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)
agree with Deano that this is performance poetry - and awesome. I'll take this over the next def poetry jam any day.
ponceleon>> ^rychan:
Why did you put "WoW nerd" in the title? I didn't catch any references that weren't religious.
There's some weird stuff right at the beginning where he's talking about how it costs $15 to change his name. I think in the OP drunken state, he might have equated that to the name-change charge in WoW, though I suppose there might be a similar fee in real life if one tries to change one's name legally.
As for the video, I'm amazed the guy gets away after the taze, cop must have not connected.
RaaaghWell he didnt get away did he.

The wife was right there, just take her details, and number plate and cluster fuck him later.
XaxIt looks like the cop missed him with the tazer, as you can see hits on the ground when the cop is trying to shoot him. If he had been tazered, I wouldn't think he'd be able to recover so quickly; he doesn't seem to have any physical reaction.
It's nice to see cops not be douchebags, in my area no less, but one of them seems to need practice with his aim.
DeanoBTW the prayers clearly worked. I'm converted.
dirtythirtyixsays...I'm impressed they didn't try to take the camera or some such foolishness. They really just have to say they have a warrant? Don't have to tell you what it's for? Sounds like bovine feces...but I don't know the law.
yourhydraahahhaha look at him run
Duckman33>> ^rychan:
Why did you put "WoW nerd" in the title? I didn't catch any references that weren't religious.
Yeah, I'm trying to figure that out myself. What makes this guy a "WoW Nerd"?
honkeytonk73Wow, he must be like level 70.
blankfistWhat a kooky Libertarian. This is how we all are.
rosekatsays...Amazing. Amazing!
arekinsays...Dude his voice sounds really familiar, like ive heard him on my vent server before.....
enochit was me,
cuz you can never catch the gingerbread man!
PsychologicThey should have known better than to recharge his shields.
eric3579This is one of the few times I feel kinda bad for the po-po. They are gonna catch shit for this FOREVER.
NithernAccording to the rule of law in the USA (as far as I understand), an officer of the law, must state the exact warrent(s) the suspect is being arrested for, at the time, of the arresting. Simply saying "there's a warrent for your arrest" is not enough. "There's a warrent for your arrest, for failing to meet with your parole officer" *IS* legitimate.
That little technicallity will cost the the officers all sorts of flak. Didnt get the WoW refrence from what the guy said.
kageninsays...Those cops are outright embarrassing. They seriously need to watch this. They were struggling WAYY to hard against him when there were MUCH simpler, easier techniques they could have applied to get this guy to submit.
A Taser only works if both probes hit. If one missed, which is likely what happened, then it won't really do anything. They're too close to him for that to work anyway, and risked back-shocking themselves.
And Drunken/Disorderly would be a start for this guy's rap sheet even if he doesn't have an outstanding warrant.
omnistegansays...In the very first line of the video, the cop mentions that there is a warrant out for the man's arrest. It does seem strange that the officers don't know the exact charge, but they are in the midst of a struggle. If they just found out about the warrant and it was an obscure charge or something, it could be possible that the officers lost track of exactly what the charge was in the struggle.
DranzerkThat guy was high on something, you don't just get up and run at full speed after getting tazed.
Officers don't need reason to arrest you on warrents, they just know you have a warrent they don't give exact reason. Most of them simply state persons name and known locations in area. The officers can get more info on it if they choose.
Only warrents i've seen that list charges are for felony.
jwray>> ^kagenin:
Those cops are outright embarrassing. They seriously need to watch this. They were struggling WAYY to hard against him when there were MUCH simpler, easier techniques they could have applied to get this guy to submit.
A Taser only works if both probes hit. If one missed, which is likely what happened, then it won't really do anything. They're too close to him for that to work anyway, and risked back-shocking themselves.
And Drunken/Disorderly would be a start for this guy's rap sheet even if he doesn't have an outstanding warrant.
If you try that shit IRL when someone is resisting, there's a very high probability of breaking their elbow or dislocating their shoulder. It's only safe when the target knows wtf is going on and how to not get himself hurt.
flechettesays...Closest obvious WoW reference is 'Evil witch queen' comment at :42, in regards to Sylvanas Windrunner. I'm not sure if he says 'witch' or 'lich', in either case neither is exactly appropriate, as she was a banshee before she became Forsaken.
Point is moot though, he popped evasion at 2:53, sprint at 2:56, and vanish at 3:00. Obviously there was client lag, as the mobs were already running after him without resetting.
K0MMIEDownvote, there is not a single "WoW" reference.
mkknyrsays...WITCH QUEEN!
vairetubeI am less than I am in your Kingdom. I am resisting your aggression towards me.
fucking awesome. reminds me of norman gentle from idol...
rychanI've never heard of "witch queen" in relation to Warcraft, and neither has Google it seems. "Witch king" would be a LotR reference.
poolcleaner>> ^rychan:
I've never heard of "witch queen" in relation to Warcraft, and neither has Google it seems. "Witch king" would be a LotR reference.
I'm surprised no one here mentioned the Narnia series, considering he's shouting Yahweh and making references to a witch queen. Come on, guys, get your nerd selves together. I am truly ashamed...
alizarinEven the police brutality in Canada is refreshingly polite and respectful.
BansheeX>> ^blankfist:
What a kooky Libertarian. This is how we all are.
Sounds more like a whiny anarchist to me. I'm a libertarian and most of the libertarians I know understand the law and sometimes break stupid or unconstitutional ones intentionally to get them revoked before they become larger. I have, however, noticed Democrats getting scared of libertarian rationale and trying to turn the term into an insult.
Here's your libertarian example, and this guy is probably going to win:
kceaton1I figured the WoW linkage...
He is a level 80 Human Rogue and always quotes the same stuff in battle during his 12 hours per day worth of WoW cosplay; a true legend of men, who lives in his mother's basement...
2pornot2psays...>> ^Duckman33:
>> ^rychan:
Why did you put "WoW nerd" in the title? I didn't catch any references that weren't religious.
Yeah, I'm trying to figure that out myself. What makes this guy a "WoW Nerd"?
maybe he meant WOW nerd, as in, *Wow, nerd gets tased*.
Drax>> ^flechette:
Point is moot though, he popped evasion at 2:53, sprint at 2:56, and vanish at 3:00. Obviously there was client lag, as the mobs were already running after him without resetting.
From the surroundings Id say the cops where raiding Crossroads.
PaybackThis clip misses the part at 4:23 where they run him over with the patrol car.
quantumushroomEither PCP or possessed by Richard Simmons...
HaldaugWhat's the charge? Around 25 000 volts.
rychan>> ^Haldaug:
What's the charge? Around 25 000 Coulombs.
Eh, yeah, doesn't sound as good.
EndAllSo it's pretty apparent now how many WoW nerds are on the sift.
poolcleaner>> ^EndAll:
So it's pretty apparent now how many WoW nerds are on the sift.
Was there ever really a question about that?
Internet? Check.
Obsessive tendencies? Check.
Credit card and a of time on your hands?
I thought this was going to be funny, but it just ended up being a list of facts. Anyone other than me looking forward to Jumpgate or Old Republic?
gtjwkqsays...These cops are awful, this is embarassing. Two of them on top of a single guy AND one pulls out a TASER? What for? wtf
If they had any submission training, the arrest would end a lot faster, and it would be less traumatic for the poor guy.
NetRunnerAbout the WoW reference, didn't he start off saying something about having to pay $10 for a name change?
Payback>> ^gtjwkq:
These cops are awful, this is embarassing. Two of them on top of a single guy AND one pulls out a TASER? What for? wtf
If they had any submission training, the arrest would end a lot faster, and it would be less traumatic for the poor guy.
These are Canadian cops, they're more used to subduing drunk hockey fans, these cranked gamers are a bit much.
zorHe's messing with their heads the whole way down; they can't win. It is classic psy-ops. I really want some back story on this!
spawnflaggerThe power of Christ compels him.
Krupo>> ^blankfist:
What a kooky Libertarian. This is how we all are.
He was praying to Ron Paul?
Abel_Priscsays...Seriously, quite possibly one of the best videos ever.
"Terms of use violation."
I wonder what the "violation" was?
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