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bobknight33Words of wisdom.
Sagemind*Promote this for everyone today.
If you don't have time to watch it, Bookmark it and watch it latter.
But watch it.
siftbotPromoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Tuesday, August 21st, 2012 6:36am PDT - promote requested by Sagemind.
criticalthudsays...use it smartly and fb sifts info for you, just like this site.
messengerAfter this * promote has run out, lemme know and I'll give it a double.
crotchflamesays...Keynesian Ponzi scheme?
Unsung_Herosays...Sweet. I can't wait to post this on FB, I'm going to get so many likes!!
Reefie>> ^Unsung_Hero:

Sweet. I can't wait to post this on FB, I'm going to get so many likes!!
Not if you delete your account soon after
P1ggysays...This whole video had me rolling my eyes. It just came across as so hollow and high and mighty.
Its also slightly funny that he ends the video with a request to add comments to his youtube page.
spoco2One minute in and I'm with P1ggy... Wow, LOL's shared to fulfill a missing part of your soul?
Fucking hell.
I'll never share the world view of people like this. Always looking for the negative in everything.
YES there are negatives to EVERYTHING
But you know what? There's also fucking awesome things in everything too.
Does he realize how many people use Facebook to organize real world events and meeting with REAL people to interact in a REAL sense?
Does he not get the irony of starting the video with promotion for his websites?
Does he talk with that depressing monotone all the time?
I'm all for interaction with real people, but I'm not for looking on the world through shit coloured glasses.
ChaosEngine>> ^P1ggy:
This whole video had me rolling my eyes. It just came across as so hollow and high and mighty.
Its also slightly funny that he ends the video with a request to add comments to his youtube page.
Well, I lasted about 1 minute of his whiny sanctimonious nonsense.
"It's better to have real friends"
Really? Wow, what a stunning insight. You are some sort of Plato for the modern age.
Simple fact is that facebook has a net positive effect on my life. Does it do lots of annoying things? Sure, but that is easily controlled through a few browser plugins and with limiting my interaction to people I have or would have been friends with in real life. It would be nice if the privacy settings etc, were better, but all these things are minor inconveniences compared to the ease with which it allows me to keep in touch with friends overseas.
Sorry @messenger
siftbotBoosting this quality contribution up in the Hot Listing - declared quality by luxury_pie.
Double-Promoting this video back to the front page; last published Tuesday, August 21st, 2012 11:13am PDT - doublepromote requested by luxury_pie.
LannConsidering most of the friends I met in real life are across an ocean, I thought this bit was really dumb. Maybe I should make it more difficult for them to connect with me by deleting my facebook and hitting the gym.
>> ^ChaosEngine:
It would be nice if the privacy settings etc, were better, but all these things are minor inconveniences compared to the ease with which it allows me to keep in touch with friends overseas.
messengerIf that's the way it's going to be, then when this double is done, I've got dibs.
Sleep with one eye open, LuxPie.>> ^luxury_pie:
Sorry @messenger

Hopefully, no Delete VideoSift.
siftbotAdding video to channels (Internet) - requested by ant.
xxovercastxx*internet *conspiracy
I agree that Facebook is no substitute for real life but he really takes this to crazytown in some places.
I primarily use Facebook to coordinate real life gatherings and to keep up with people who are too far away to see regularly in person.
siftbotAdding video to channels (Conspiracy) - requested by xxovercastxx.
charlatantricsays...This video makes some fair points to consider, but it's drowning in baseless assertions (i.e., actors on reality TV shows acting out in psychopathic ways that transform into social norms).
It's stuck up its own ass, failing to take a step back to view consumerism as merely a proxy by which those in power can hold on to it (much like religion, patriotism, etc.). We're not all sheeple, but we are all human and are prey to the natural tendencies that underly tribalism.
Facebook is just a courier (and the video makes mention of that fact, relating it to the argument "guns don't kill people; people kill people"). Which is quite ironic, given that the thesis misses the forest from the trees (sic).
dystopianfuturetodayFacebook is no substitute for face-to-face flesh-and-blood social interaction. Agreed. Thank you for wasting 13 minutes of my life with this obvious and unremarkable observation.
rex84says...If this guy cornered me at a cocktail party, I'd run screaming.
Oh, and this:
FlowersInHisHairWhat a load of inane self-regarding controversialist hyperbole. It's unbelievably ironic how narcissistic this video is. "Look at me, I'm so superior, I don't use Facebook!" Maybe you don't, but you use YouTube, you achingly self-aggrandizing cockend.
kymbosWow, I can't believe how many of you are in Part 1: Denial or Part 2: Anger.
Personally, I'm in Part 6: Lunch.
mxxconNow i feel depressed..and I don't even have fecesbook account.
packosays...>> ^spoco2:

One minute in and I'm with P1ggy... Wow, LOL's shared to fulfill a missing part of your soul?
Fucking hell.
I'll never share the world view of people like this. Always looking for the negative in everything.
YES there are negatives to EVERYTHING
But you know what? There's also fucking awesome things in everything too.
Does he realize how many people use Facebook to organize real world events and meeting with REAL people to interact in a REAL sense?
Does he not get the irony of starting the video with promotion for his websites?
Does he talk with that depressing monotone all the time?
I'm all for interaction with real people, but I'm not for looking on the world through shit coloured glasses.
here here!
i think the OP must have a HATEON for hand written letters too then... or wait, maybe he romanticizes them
i only FB people I know in real life
FB is used almost like a bulletin board system, to organize events, keep in touch with people when I'd otherwise get absolutely no contact with them due to time constraints
and what about all the people i've met abroad, who i've formed friendships with that I would have little to no contact with without online social media
what about all the activism/political information i'd probably either not receive or at best receive in a non-timely fashion if not for social media (arab spring anyone?)
what about being able to see pictures or videos of relatives too sick, too old, or too newborn to travel conventionally... let alone being able to communicate with them
the OP falls into the cliche "everything was better the way it was as opposed to how it is or will potentially be"... shit colored sunglasses indeed
stop using it if you dont approve of the changes to your lifestyle social media makes
but it is IRONIC you are using social media to spread your message don't you think? wouldn't it be truer to your message to do door to door/face to face meet and greets?
and every opinion expressed in this video is hardly... HARDLY universal
let alone original
packosays...and to echo some other comments
don't blame the tools
blame the operator
Truckchase@ 9:06:
.... neeeed ... more .... willpower.
<NitPick>People thing Federal Reserve Issued currency is real money too. It's not any more real than bitcoin; it's just the belief that makes it real. </NitPick>
Other than that, great vid. I'm still working up the guts to ditch FB. It makes me miserable seeing all the surface level BS people's lives are becoming, yet I have a hard time deleting my acct.
Edit: I'm a bit surprised at the reaction here. I guess I'm in the minority (of the vocal) on VS. It would be interesting to see people's reaction to this based on age. I'm old enough to not be "old" (I'd like to think) but to have seen a substantial part of my adult life with and without facebook, and on the whole I think real friendships sustain more harm from these tools than good. The base notion of FB creates an incentive for people to view their own life the the prism of mass consumption which I think really does change behavior in a generally bad way.
That said, I'm not blaming it for the downfall of modern society or anything, just asserting it's a net-negative. If more people deleted their accounts I'm confident we'd be better off overall, and I'm trying to work up the courage to take the lead on that.
hpqpIf you guys want to really have a laugh (or a cry, depending on your levels of compassion and cynicism), check out the link given in the description.
oOPonyOosays...A common sense video that says that real life is better than online. Meh.
Check the link for the really silly stuff. The video on the link claims that the economy will collapse and the dollar will be worth nothing. Maybe so. The real value, then, will be the commodities of fuel, food, and precious metals (according to videos). Sounds like Glen Beck's push to buy gold for survivalist value.
I heard the the U of Texas recently bought a ton of gold to prepare for any financial collapse. This gold needs to be guarded, vaulted, transferred with special measures as it is heavy as hell. All that excess expense would offset any interest it may generate.
If it all goes post-apocalypse, what value would precious metals have? They have some unique physical properties that would give them manufacturing value, but with no factories, who would want to trade for them? Post-apocalypse value of gold and silver implies that factories would still be intact, but mining would not be.
I for one would think fuel and food would be infinitely more valuable than shiny metals.
oOPonyOosays...Also, I've met and reconnected to a ton of people through FB that I would not have otherwise. Yes the day to day is pretty sad, but the overall connections are fulfilling. Twitter though - not a fan - encourages you to post publicly any thought or experience you have at the moment. This prevents you from enjoying or savoring the experience. Even interferes with you integrating it. Immediately sharing leaves an empty feeling.
siftbotPromoting this video back to the front page; last published Tuesday, August 21st, 2012 6:00pm PDT - promote requested by lavoll.
chingalera>> ^FlowersInHisHair:
What a load of inane self-regarding controversialist hyperbole. It's unbelievably ironic how narcissistic this video is. "Look at me, I'm so superior, I don't use Facebook!" Maybe you don't, but you use YouTube, you achingly self-aggrandizing cockend.
"you achingly self-aggrandizing cockend"
Can I use that dude, promise to quote ya!?
chingaleraOh and yes, "vapid"...Facebook is nothing if not vapid....and apparent.
Facebook phenomena has its roots in what sells to the masses.
Defend it against its detractors, oh user and supporter, and you may cloak some denial in the realization of its hold on you.
Support it, and you may indulge in a diversion which gives incredible power over your life to others, some anonymous, to many aspects and influences in your robotic existence.
Play well with others, and discover a brand new world of someone parked in a cubicle in Langley, Virginia knowing what brand of baby powder you like to use on Wednesdays for that special date....
DeanoI'm not watching all of this since I don't think he's saying anything extraordinary. He is quite correct that stuff like Facebook *can* have a perniciousness affect on people's lives and make us feel like we've compensating for some deficiencies.
For those people who have are addicted to this (and there must be many) this might be a useful wakeup call.
Peronally I feel like I've missed the boat on Facebook - were I ten years younger I might have embraced it. Now I don't think I'm very good at the art of social networking. I'd like to be able to use it to keep distant friends distant but in contact and develop work contacts. But it just feels a bit fake.
Having said that I use Twitter. Because it's funny.
DeanoOh and isn't it hilarious to see Facebook's share price plunge?
ctrlaltbleachIf this is your experience with Facebook then your doing it wrong.
I don't think everything that FB does is awesome but there are a few contacts I wouldn't have without it. I've reconnected with people I thought I would never see again. I am glad that I am able to get online and see how they are getting on in life and not have to worry that they may have been killed in some Russian land grab claim.
Frankly Facebook isn't killing my real life friendships as much as a lack of money does.
dannym3141A balanced opinion from a user with a balanced viewpoint of facebook? He opens the video by virtually confessing to be a facebook-holic with FOUR accounts, so of course it took over his life and detracted from his real friendships.
FlowersInHisHair>> ^chingalera:
>> ^FlowersInHisHair:
What a load of inane self-regarding controversialist hyperbole. It's unbelievably ironic how narcissistic this video is. "Look at me, I'm so superior, I don't use Facebook!" Maybe you don't, but you use YouTube, you achingly self-aggrandizing cockend.
"you achingly self-aggrandizing cockend"
Can I use that dude, promise to quote ya!?
Certainly. Anything to further the public discourse.
spoco2>> ^Truckchase:
@ 9:06:
<NitPick>People thing Federal Reserve Issued currency is real money too. It's not any more real than bitcoin; it's just the belief that makes it real. </NitPick>
Other than that, great vid. I'm still working up the guts to ditch FB. It makes me miserable seeing all the surface level BS people's lives are becoming, yet I have a hard time deleting my acct. .... neeeed ... more .... willpower.
Edit: I'm a bit surprised at the reaction here. I guess I'm in the minority (of the vocal) on VS. It would be interesting to see people's reaction to this based on age. I'm old enough to not be "old" (I'd like to think) but to have seen a substantial part of my adult life with and without facebook, and on the whole I think real friendships sustain more harm from these tools than good. The base notion of FB creates an incentive for people to view their own life the the prism of mass consumption which I think really does change behavior in a generally bad way.
That said, I'm not blaming it for the downfall of modern society or anything, just asserting it's a net-negative. If more people deleted their accounts I'm confident we'd be better off overall, and I'm trying to work up the courage to take the lead on that.
The reaction is more to his self righteous, overly inflated, far reaching, conspiratorial nature more so than the 'core' message. If it'd been a video which had a light hearted feel, and pointed out the reams of posts from friends that are just entries into competitions or playing the apps or that sort of crap (of which I've ended up completely blocking people because about 90% of some people's post are just that crap), and that maybe not posting what your dreams were about each night... or you know, just common etiquette, it may have done really well, and probably been posted by people on facebook as a non direct way of telling others 'um, you're being sort of dicks on this thing'.
But no, he tried to insinuate he knows all, and that anyone using facebook is a mindless sheep, and that there is no good to come from it.
Well he can go back to his conspiracy bullshit on his websites and youtube videos and continue to think he knows better than everyone.
And die unhappy having changed nothing.
kymbosI've noticed that Facebook is now misrepresenting the products that people 'like'. A friend of mine who hates sports suddenly 'liked' this sports gambling website. I took a screen print and sent it to him on email, and he responded telling me he'd never heard of it.
I find this dishonest and morally repugnant. It seems like they're desperate to monetise their potential and are starting to over-reach as a result.
Truckchase>> ^spoco2:
>> ^Truckchase:
<snip my schtuff to save space>
The reaction is more to his self righteous, overly inflated, far reaching, conspiratorial nature more so than the 'core' message. If it'd been a video which had a light hearted feel, and pointed out the reams of posts from friends that are just entries into competitions or playing the apps or that sort of crap (of which I've ended up completely blocking people because about 90% of some people's post are just that crap), and that maybe not posting what your dreams were about each night... or you know, just common etiquette, it may have done really well, and probably been posted by people on facebook as a non direct way of telling others 'um, you're being sort of dicks on this thing'.
But no, he tried to insinuate he knows all, and that anyone using facebook is a mindless sheep, and that there is no good to come from it.
Well he can go back to his conspiracy bullshit on his websites and youtube videos and continue to think he knows better than everyone.
And die unhappy having changed nothing.
Makes sense.
spoco2>> ^kymbos:
I've noticed that Facebook is now misrepresenting the products that people 'like'. A friend of mine who hates sports suddenly 'liked' this sports gambling website. I took a screen print and sent it to him on email, and he responded telling me he'd never heard of it.
I find this dishonest and morally repugnant. It seems like they're desperate to monetise their potential and are starting to over-reach as a result.
Yeah, and the whole 'promote' a status thing, with the option of paying to promote being trialled also spells the end it would seem.
People are entrenched, to be sure, but if a cleaner, competitor comes along and provides a simple migration process ('enter your login details and we'll transfer all your photos/videos over to our FlubBrook service now'), people will jump ship if Facebook keeps becoming more and more and more of an advertising platform rather than a social network.
Xaielao>> ^crotchflame:

Keynesian Ponzi scheme?
Yea I had to listen to that part again, I thought I misheard. I just have to shake my head.
On topic, I can tell by the voice that this guy is rather young. Part of the 'facebook generation' as they call it. I'd just like to say twenty years ago before the internet people were just as selfish, self-absorbed, vapid drama queens. Only difference is they were that way to their neighbors and family members.
ChaosEngine>> ^spoco2:
Yeah, and the whole 'promote' a status thing, with the option of paying to promote being trialled also spells the end it would seem.
People are entrenched, to be sure, but if a cleaner, competitor comes along and provides a simple migration process ('enter your login details and we'll transfer all your photos/videos over to our FlubBrook service now'), people will jump ship if Facebook keeps becoming more and more and more of an advertising platform rather than a social network.
I think any competitor would genuinely struggle simply to overcome the inertia, i.e. everyone is on facebook because everyone is on facebook. Look at Google+. Their interface was cleaner, they had some neat ideas (I still think the "circles" concept is something facebook needs to steal), but no-one posted there because they weren't going to post the same thing twice. As a sidenote, I personally didn't like using google as a social network. Google already knows waaaay too much about me.
spoco2>> ^ChaosEngine:
>> ^spoco2:
Yeah, and the whole 'promote' a status thing, with the option of paying to promote being trialled also spells the end it would seem.
People are entrenched, to be sure, but if a cleaner, competitor comes along and provides a simple migration process ('enter your login details and we'll transfer all your photos/videos over to our FlubBrook service now'), people will jump ship if Facebook keeps becoming more and more and more of an advertising platform rather than a social network.
I think any competitor would genuinely struggle simply to overcome the inertia, i.e. everyone is on facebook because everyone is on facebook. Look at Google+. Their interface was cleaner, they had some neat ideas (I still think the "circles" concept is something facebook needs to steal), but no-one posted there because they weren't going to post the same thing twice. As a sidenote, I personally didn't like using google as a social network. Google already knows waaaay too much about me.
Don't underestimate the power of 'new and improved'... No-one thought people would move away from AOL at the time. People thought Myspace was the bee's knees. It seems like the way to build up a new social network is start specialised then grow out.
Myspace did with music, then grew out.
Facebook did so with one school, then many then anyone.
Google+ didn't do that, and it doesn't seem to be catching on yet.
If there's a competitor where they do something the others don't do really well, perhaps for a particular sub section of the market. Then that group of people will favour it... then slowly others who have to interact with the sub section will keep finding themselves being pointed there... then eventually THEY want to get in on this new action... then they use the new site's ability to auto post to Facebook so their old friends don't miss anything... then the old friends start wanting to use these new fangled things the new site has... until everyone has shifted over and Facebook becomes a wasteland that only receives auto posts from other sites.
Or, you could be right and it'll be here until we blast off from the rotting ball of Earth for our new home on another planet.
kymbosSomeone was telling me about a phone app that is like a private facebook, that works really well. You just get the app and you're away. I can see the appeal.
chingalera>> ^Deano:
Oh and isn't it hilarious to see Facebook's share price plunge?
May it take the final plunge into oblivion.....
As choggie, didn't we tout this from the treetops about 4 years ago when we saw the beast for what it is and what it could become???
Die, Facebook!
chingalera>> ^ChaosEngine:
>> ^spoco2:
Yeah, and the whole 'promote' a status thing, with the option of paying to promote being trialled also spells the end it would seem.
People are entrenched, to be sure, but if a cleaner, competitor comes along and provides a simple migration process ('enter your login details and we'll transfer all your photos/videos over to our FlubBrook service now'), people will jump ship if Facebook keeps becoming more and more and more of an advertising platform rather than a social network.
I think any competitor would genuinely struggle simply to overcome the inertia, i.e. everyone is on facebook because everyone is on facebook. Look at Google+. Their interface was cleaner, they had some neat ideas (I still think the "circles" concept is something facebook needs to steal), but no-one posted there because they weren't going to post the same thing twice. As a sidenote, I personally didn't like using google as a social network. Google already knows waaaay too much about me.
Facebook and google are similar beasts-The biggest ones, the shittiest ones. Use it, then lose it is my motto on the entertainmentnet.
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