$1870.00 Parking Fine

Stanley Roberts follows around undercover officers from San Francisco Department of Parking and Traffic as they look for people illegally using disabled placards!

Lying to park in a handicap space is douchebag thing to do, but I still think $1,800 is crazy excessive. If anything should have excessive fines, it should be what's also dangerous to the public - like speeding, running red lights, and parking in fire lanes. My one speeding ticket (for driving 78 in a 55) cost me $140 three years ago. I'm not complaining for what I had to pay, but it really should be the reverse.


San Francisco Parking and Traffic is f'n BRUTAL.

I got three parking tickets in two days for an expired (two weeks) parking sticker totaling $300 for parking my car outside of my apartment for longer than 2 hours.

AND I purchased the parking sticker renewal for another $100.


They can make it $50,000...it's really easy to NOT park there...I've never even been tempted. Stupid fucking lazy Americans can't even enjoy a nice walk into the ballpark. I mean, you can even down a beer or two on the way...


How about when my parents (who have legal placards) drive to the airport and park handicapped and then fly out of state? I go there and pick their car up. I hop into the car in the blue zone. I drive off with their placard hanging. How would that go down?


>> ^deathcow:

How about when my parents (who have legal placards) drive to the airport and park handicapped and then fly out of state? I go there and pick their car up. I hop into the car in the blue zone. I drive off with their placard hanging. How would that go down?

It's very unlikely someone would be there waiting for you when flights come and go all night and day....so you can't really guess when someone will show up to get the vehicle.

I don't think there would be an issue personally. The difference is they drove themselves instead of you driving them there and parking to help them unload and cart in their bags for their flight. You're supposed to be able to park in handicap if any person in the vehicle has a valid placard. If there were an issue all you'd have to do is that your parents had a flight that day justifying the use of the handicap spot.

And I wish they would ticket more people for parking violations. Too many people park outside the lines, or across lines......block fire lanes for excessive amounts of time. I see people parking in the space they leave on the end of parking rows so people can stop and still see around vehicles to safely turn...making it really dangerous to manuever in parking lots since it forces you to either creep out to see or make a blind turn.


No sympathy even for amount. It's not like they accidentally strayed over the speed limit or missed a stop sign or something. They made various conscious decisions to use somebody else's card just so they could have a parking advantage. Fuck em. If you know anybody with a severe mobility problem you know what an impact these fucks can impose on them.


>> ^deathcow:

How about when my parents (who have legal placards) drive to the airport and park handicapped and then fly out of state? I go there and pick their car up. I hop into the car in the blue zone. I drive off with their placard hanging. How would that go down?

My guess is you still might get a ticket, but you could get it thrown out in court with some testimony from your parents and such.


I don't know why I'm fixated on the reporters voice, his inflections are really weird. Like he's a pitcher winding up and throwing words out. Either that or he's constipated. Also, those fines may be hefty but, I'll bet those assholes won't park in blue zones anymore.


>> ^nanrod:

No sympathy even for amount. It's not like they accidentally strayed over the speed limit or missed a stop sign or something. They made various conscious decisions to use somebody else's card just so they could have a parking advantage. Fuck em. If you know anybody with a severe mobility problem you know what an impact these fucks can impose on them.

I think the amount smacks of revenue raising but obviously, from the number of citations issued, this is a pretty common occurrence, so I can understand why the made the fine so punitive. Best way to avoid the fine is not to do something illegal which will get you fined of course... =)

You're right of course, parking in a disabled zone is a pretty shitty thing to do particularly when there are people that sometimes desperately need the easy access.


On a related note, it really irritates me how some people can't be bothered to just park and walk. As if getting a space closest to the building is a highly valued prize and walking a few hundred feet is like the Bataan Death March.

I want to strangle those idiots who hold up parking lot traffic because they are waiting for someone to finish unloading their groceries into a car in a spot close to the store. All traffic comes to a halt because this jackass sits and waits for that golden spot, instead of just parking 15 slots away from the store and walking. I'm talking about able-bodied adults too, not a driver who has someone with special needs in the car. Freakin self-centered idiots.


Okay, you all know me as a pretty liberal guy on the sift, but when it comes to shit like this, I'm outing myself as a total fucking nazi. Nothing pushes my button more than the way people become total fuckheads behind the wheel of a vehicle. Not only in this sort of stuff, but the one that always gets me is when there is a line of cars waiting for an exit or entrance to something and some fucktard bypasses the whole fucking line and tries to get in at the last moment before the entrance/exit.

As far as I'm concerned, these people (especially that fucking woman who was using a DEAD person's placard) should have their cars towed away and crushed into a cube.



The parking lot stalkers drive me nuts to. I remember in college when after a few days of trying to find a lot that was within 10 minutes of my classroom and failed. I started automatically going to the remote lot and walking the 15-30 minutes it took to get to class on the other side of campus.

But one quarter I had a class that was early morning so there was always spots in the morning fairly close. I kept my books in my car and just went back out to the car to swap out in the middle of the day, I had people who'd stalk me back to my car to get my spot.

I used to make a game out of it, as soon as I could tell one was specifically stalking me, I would walk up the wrong lane then cut over 3-4 lanes through parked cars. Only to have them find me at my vehicle and watch me swap out of my books and start walking back.....after I waved to them of course.


As with everyone else, I feel no empathy for these people. They chose to do something illegal and got caught. I also agree that if you are at a ballpark get out and walk. It is a nice day. Enjoy the fact that you have working legs.

I'm usually a bit peeved at the amount of handicapped spaces that have to be mandated for use though. At a ballpark it is pretty appropriate. At my work it drives me nuts. Working at a large company with about 3000 at our location we have 2 parking lots and 3 surface lots. Nearly the entire bottom floor of each parking lot is reserved for handicapped spaces. Large sections of each parking lot are also reserved. In the entire company I've never seen more than 5 of these occupied at one time.

It just irks me that so much space is wasted here. And, it costs money to build each spot. I hate seeing anything like that go to waste.


there are two different tickets issued.
one for illegally parking in a blue zone - this is quite wrong, but can be seen as a spontaneous act of a*holeness.

the 2nd is for actively falsifying a document to make it legal for yourself to take parking spaces from disabled people - this is truly the act of a sociopath, most likely just the tip of the iceberg for these people.


>> ^deathcow:

How about when my parents (who have legal placards) drive to the airport and park handicapped and then fly out of state? I go there and pick their car up. I hop into the car in the blue zone. I drive off with their placard hanging. How would that go down?

a ballpark is not an airport.


These people are going to a baseball game. They have some disposable income. I love how people become stupid liars when they get caught sometimes.

"I forgot it was there, but I was going to park in the handicap parking spot because I forgot it was there"


No sympathy here, whatsoever.

The only thing that makes me feel bad for these shitheads is that an $1800 fine is not going to change them. They are likely going to go on being miserable, pathetic people.


It's great that they are finally enforcing the law.

At the same time though. I kinda wish they'd just abolish handicapped parking all together.

We hear it all the time, handicapped people are able to do everything non-handicapped people can do. They obviously can get around enough to get into their cars and go everywhere else. mobility technology is improving every day. So why is that distance from the store entrance to the handicapped lots so sacred?

And even if you can convince me that handicapped parking is still necessary. You have to acknowledge that SOME DAY mobility technology is going to advance to the point that special parking spots are no longer necessary. And once you give a perk to someone, it's harder than hell to take it back, necessary or not.

Here's the problem though. You know damned well that at some point, they'll slack off on enforcing the law again since mis-using a handicapped spot isn't exactly high crime and we'll go back to square one again.


At $1,870 a pop there is no way in hell they will slack off. Fighting high crime is a lower priority because it does not generate revenue. Walk away from a meter to get some change for even 30 seconds and parking enforcement is Johnny-On-The-Spot.

Come home to a ransacked house and your lucky if the cops show up within an hour.>> ^VoodooV:

Here's the problem though. You know damned well that at some point, they'll slack off on enforcing the law again since mis-using a handicapped spot isn't exactly high crime and we'll go back to square one again.


This really grinds my gears.
The only person I feel sympathy for was the mom with the disabled daughter. If her mom is putting in extra effort to help out her kid, like you do when your child is handicapped, I can see how she would feel entitled/deserving of special parking. Not that it makes it right - those spots belong to people who actually need them. But at least she's contributing to the care of handicapped people - unlike folks who just borrow a handicapped friends' car or something.

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