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Mom Ruins Kids B-Day

What a horrible mother.

horrible mother?
i think that kid deserves a slap across the face. her mother goes out of her way to get a friggen car! you know how many people would KILL for a car on their birthday? and all that kid does is bitch and whine like her worlds over? muffin pie go cry me a river and while your at it i will have the worlds smallest record players sing 'my heart bleeds purple piss' for you.
If i was her mother i would return with a dump ass car and say 'here, the better one wasn't good enough so i guess this will have to do'. Her mother seems like a nice person doing that for her daughter who just slaps her in te face.
i think someone needs a time out.
excellent example of a spoild selfish brat.


Your not being serious TicTac? Right, you saw how rude the mother was? Why would she not give the car to the kid on the day the kid wanted it? She obviously has some parenting issues.



Yep, 15 is learner's permit/day driving only hours.

And yes, the mom is a terrible mother for raising such a spoiled ungrateful brat.

Ideally it be nice if mom said "well, hope you like the bus,hon" But no... of course she's gonna cave in after some time and give the child what she wants.

I have relatives like this w/ their kids and I avoid having my kids being around them like its the plague!!!!


this is what happens when you throw money at parenting. I feel sorry for her mum though, prolly wants to be nice to her kid but dosnt know how without spending a ton of money.

that kid is a real pile of sh*t.


why would you feel sorry for the mom? the irony of the title is that she REALLY IS a horrible parent. only truly horrific parenting skills would ever result in the creation of such an ungrateful little cunt.


Oh god - I can't BELIEVE you people! How can you even insinuate that the girl was in the wrong?!?! She clearly states that she wanted the car on the day of the big gala celebration! How stupid and inconsiderate is the mother that she couldn't comprehend that?

You people clearly have some SERIOUS work to do in the child rearing department! You give your children EVERYTHING they want, JUST THE WAY THEY WANT IT! Capice?

Some people... (shakes head in disgust)


No way its fake... its too Freaky to be fake... It reminds me of the video of the Spoiled brat who turned 16 and got a new shiny car.... but in the wrong color... she went Postal of course... WHY THE HECK IS IT IN THE WRONG COLOR DAAAADD!!!! I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!!!!

ahh... kids these days...


None of this is fake. The show features these kind of kids on a weekly basis. They're all the same, but the part I love is when they try to defend themselves after looking like fools on national television. They start saying things like the producers goated them into doing it.

I used to watch the show pretty avidly, just because I enjoyed seeing that being rich wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Sure, I could have anything I want, but evidently at the cost of my soul and dignity. But after a while, it just got repetitive and annoying to see these wastes of oxygen.


OBSIDIANFIRE - no way!!! that video wasn't a fake! don't ruin my belief just like that!
Its strange though.... I remember watching two more videos of the stupid colored car girl and her brother... in one video she tries to explain why she went loony because of the color, and the other is the video of her brother, telling everyone that he has a stupid Bi*** for a sister...


I dunno, at 15 you have to put a fair amount of responsibility on the kid. All you really know about this situation is how that brat was behaving - it's unfair to assume that it's somehow Mom's fault.

BTW I'd like to see a subtitled version of this - I couldn't understand a damn thing that girl said from the time she started bugging out.


As a parent, I actually really feel for the mom. Look at the look on her face. Poor woman, she actually feels bad! I mean, yes she created this monstrous little harridan, but really she was just trying the best she could.


I'd like a subbed version too.

btw, I just don't get the 15-years thing. You may drive at 18, but you can start taking lessons at 15?

three YEARS?

for learning how to drive an AUTOMATIC car?



Dear god what a spoiled little shit. These people should be forced to live on the poverty line for a while and see if they still whinge about getting a luxury car for their 15th birthday... on the wrong day.

Oh, boo F*cking hoo.

little bitch, and terrible mother for letting her get like that.


awe, yes karaidl i did know it was a joke sorry if i kinda sounded evil this kid just really needs the sh*t kicked out of her by someone lol (due to a fortune tells palm reading we have discovered the mother will soon go crazy and beat her) the end.


I don't know if it is still like this, but I got my drivers license when I was 16. If you took and passed (*showed up*) drivers ed. class, you could get your license a year early.

"OMG!! And who buys a CHILD a Lexus!!!! It ought to be a 85 Bronco or some other old "keep your child alive car".."

An old Bronco is probably the worst car you could have if you cared about the safety of your child. My first car was a hand-me-down 87 Dodge Shadow. Still probably not a safe car by todays standards, but it really couldn't go fast enough to get you into any trouble.


Upvote for the MTV Jukebox. Oh and a word on licences. NJ: if you pay for a class and pass a test you can get your Permit at 16. You drive w/ your parents for a year. 17 you get your provisional licence. Drive anywhere except for 2 hours of the day and with only one non family member in car(both of these are the most flaunted traffic rules in NJ next to the speed limit.) 18 you can get a full licence which more or less gives you the the right to do all the stuff you were doing anyway.


week at choggie's'd straighten her out for life....much tough love.....ever see that chair in the cartoon that Satan strapped the fat kid to and made him eat???? something like that......


You don't give a kid a car. Not ever. It just totally screws with the life expectations of work and reward. Plus, I think of all the stupid shit I did when I got my drivers license and they should raise the driving age to 18.

This is a stupid parent and the kid isn't anything more than a whiny spoiled inhuman meatsack.


I just can't condone an upvote for this...I come here to avoid junk like MTV. Whoever said this is fake is most likely correct, in parts. All these so-called "reality" shows actually have rough scripts, multiple takes, and drama-injected on the fly to up the entertainment ante...because watching actual normal + real people on MTV just wouldn't be true to form.

Edit: Caved in and upvoted....


I get that the "horrible mother" thing is a joke, but remember: 1) she raised this rude little pig, and 2) she apparently loves to spoil her daughter rather than teach her responsibility.


Unbelievable. And yes- that woman is a horrible mother. Horrible for bringing up her little tiara-wearing bitch princess in the way she did; for turning her sixteen year old girl into such a selfish, ill-tempered, misbehaving worthless waste of the world's precious resources. They both should be kicked off the island.


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