An apparently peaceful "death to america" protest group demonstrates in the street. I have no idea what to make of that, because suddenly the video focuses on a crazy lady who tries to use sexism to cause trouble. I guess it's a good sign for free speech that they can demonstrate like that, but sadly they push her. She then dives on the floor like a soccer player, pandemonium ensues, and she's arrested for disturbing the peace.
The downside of modern day "feminism" which is bastardised and abused by a small group of people who take valuable time, resources and attention away from those who are actually suffering. I sifted this as a result of an incident that happened to me recently. My first experience of sexism at the hands of someone touting equality left me feeling disgusted, and it was pleasant to see modern society doesn't accept the appeal to emotion that the internet often does.
Please alert me if any of the description seems unfair, i don't want to associate this woman in any way with actual feminism which i believe has an important role in modern society. I think people like this detract from genuine pursuit of equality in all forms.
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enoch* promote the ongoing discussion
enochhehe...lets try that again.
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00Scud00says...What the hell did I just watch?
ChaosEngineWait, what the fuck?
Ok, I don't agree with her point that "all men harass women", but these guys physically assaulted her. Fuck those assholes.
chicchoreaRight....except, don't know from the video what transpired completely, except(again) it appears she was placed in custody....So....
Wait, what the fuck?
Ok, I don't agree with her point that "all men harass women", but these guys physically assaulted her. Fuck those assholes.
ChaosEngineI have no idea what happened between them pushing her to the ground and her being placed in custody, but that in no way excuses their behaviour.
While I'm here @dannym3141, yeah, the description is unfair.
First up, that title is dangerously close to implying she got what she deserved.
Second "entirely peaceful"??? The video actually shows them assaulting someone.
Right....except, don't know from the video what transpired completely, except(again) it appears she was placed in custody....So....
bareboards2Am I the feminist you had a bad exchange with?
I am happy to meet you in the lounge and talk about it. I think others will vouch for me that I am not like this angry woman. I promise you a respectful conversation. (Not a lecture from me, a conversation between the two of us.)
I think she was arrested because she probably interacted with the cops in a way that they didn't like. They also probably wanted to get her away from that situation for her own good.
Very disturbing video that shows the lack of common courtesy in discourse when there is a difference of opinion.
Meet me in the lounge? PM me?
JanuariReally not sure what i'm watching, but to represent it as anything other than a bizarre event without context is, at best, disingenuous.
Misleading title, as Chaos pointed out, seems to suggest she got what she deserved, Incredibly disingenuous description, just all around ugly video. Nothing redeeming.
chicchoreaExcept, as in given that the female's two advances to screen left and the already close proximity to the protestors with scant room to retreat and the outcome of arrest would indicate she may have ill advisedly added battery of her own to any verbal assault, hence....
As to excusing their, meaning the protestor's behavior, given possible battery...interpret as you will.
I have no idea what happened between them pushing her to the ground and her being placed in custody, but that in no way excuses their behaviour.
While I'm here @dannym3141, yeah, the description is unfair.
First up, that title is dangerously close to implying she got what she deserved.
Second "entirely peaceful"??? The video actually shows them assaulting someone.
* promote the ongoing discussion
Mammaltronsays...This week on when hypocrites attack.
Sexist, aggressive 'feminist' meets arguably-racist, aggressive 'men of God'.
YogiOk I have no idea what happened but it looked like to me a woman was attacked physically for things she said verbally. Which is illegal sooo I don't understand why she was arrested. I'm very confused by this.
Also I'm glad @dannym3141 had an exchange with a woman claiming to be a "feminist" and now knows exactly how all feminists thinks. Don't suppose you could pick up a fucking book once in awhile?
dystopianfuturetodayI don't get the weird wave of misogyny and mansplanin' sweeping the politisphere these days. Divide and conquer?
I apologize on behalf of my gender.
Time to grow up, gents.
chicchoreaFrom on high...well thank you.
I want to grow up to be just like you.
I don't get the weird wave of misogyny and mansplanin' sweeping the politisphere these days. Divide and conquer?
I apologize on behalf of my gender.
Time to grow up, gents.
bobknight33Everybody today is using the term assault very loosely as demonstrated by the guys.
Same for sexual harassment as demonstrated by the lady.
The resulting punishments are too harsh as demonstrated by the cops.
Way to many thin skinned people today.
chicchoreaI'll be a dirty name...the downvote was unintentional, I meant the reverse.
Please forgive. Can't see straight, time to sleep or at least lay down to do it.
Everybody today is using the term assault very loosely as demonstrated by the guys.
Same for sexual harassment as demonstrated by the lady.
The resulting punishments are too harsh as demonstrated by the cops.
Way to many thin skinned people today.
StuAll I saw was two sides arguing equally dumb points resulting in an arrest of one of said sides for reasons unknown.
The thread of comments is always the better part of these videos. All the high horses are in this one. From the entitled to the bitter, to the comical yogi who thinks no one in the world but him has ever read a book and thinks his opinion is the only one that matters when the inverse is true.
Too bad I'm not seeing all your comments on Tuesday. Guess it'll have to wait until next.
YogiI've been seeing it more and more and I really don't understand. I've heard it explained before as something akin to Government power or Corporations. In essence it's not enough to get 90% or even 99% of your way. You need 100% or you're complaining about how unfair everything is. Especially people in power do this more than anyone, they believe that they are the protagonists of their story, so if they're not getting everything then they're getting nothing.
It's certainly weird but you see this most recently with the Bankers or Wall Street people complaining that they're being hammered by Obama or attacked by the media too much. When they get 90% if not more of their way done, which is why the banks are even bigger now than they were before and we're heading for an even bigger crash.
You also look to how easy it is to get a message out there. Those who have access to the media so readily don't see how they are dominating the headlines, they only see how much they've given up. It's a weird delusion.
I don't get the weird wave of misogyny and mansplanin' sweeping the politisphere these days. Divide and conquer?
I apologize on behalf of my gender.
Time to grow up, gents.
newtboyI can't see anyone in this video acting reasonably or logically.
If you're going to jump into the face of angry nutjobs, you might expect them to react like angry nutjobs.
If you really feel 'assaulted', the proper recourse is not to get back in your 'assaulter's' face and grab the camera (which it SEEMED she did). That makes it mutual combat and you lose the upper hand legally.
This does not excuse their actions, but does make them predictable.
bareboards2^ Most accurate assessment of the video yet, in my opinion.
JustSayingI just lost 5 minutes watching a video full of assholes that isn't porn. What a waste of time. All men harass women? Americans screaming "death to America"? Assholes farting at each other, that's what this is. "Look at me me me, my shit smells the worst! I get fucked the hardest!" is what they say.
I think all their shit stinks and I don't want anything to do with it. There are real problems mentioned here but these people are really not equipped to deal with it.
JiggaJonsonI agree. If she wants to be treated as a true feminist (all genders are equal) then imagine how the crowd would have reacted if a man was shoved over and was crying. Instead of a flock of people rushing in to help, they'd probably be pointing and laughing.
I'm not saying what happened was right, but, yes, people need thicker skin.
Everybody today is using the term assault very loosely as demonstrated by the guys.
Same for sexual harassment as demonstrated by the lady.
The resulting punishments are too harsh as demonstrated by the cops.
Way to many thin skinned people today.
ChaosEngineThat's still assault. Just because people are ok with it doesn't make it right.
Anyway, if you want to know what these morons are about go watch what she was responding to
Frankly, I'd have stopped to call them out on it too, except I wouldn't have used such a ridiculous argument and I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't have physically assaulted me.
I agree. If she wants to be treated as a true feminist (all genders are equal) then imagine how the crowd would have reacted if a man was shoved over and was crying. Instead of a flock of people rushing in to help, they'd probably be pointing and laughing.
I'm not saying what happened was right, but, yes, people need thicker skin.
dannym3141This is not all directed @Januari, i lost track of how to separate quotes in comments about 4 years ago, but yours was the most detailed feedback i could use so i thought it polite to reply to you. In the approximate order in which things occured:
The only business of who that person was is them and i, and that has already been resolved. That should have no impact on this video, it is merely what the video reminded me of because that was what had recently happened to me. Perhaps that's why i saw the side i saw to it. I honestly do not understand the fuss, the fuss that has NOT been made by me. I clearly asked for feedback on my description, unfortunately no actionable feedback has come in - "i don't like it" isn't a recommendation.
I'll happily make a few modifications, but no one seems to like it anyway so i'd just as readily get rid of it if i knew how - you have already judged it on the description. If/when i find out how to, i'll do so, and until then if you'd like to say which bits in particular think are disingenuous? I'll make what changes i think have been suggested, but so far the feedback comes across more as a slight more than actual feedback so i still don't really know what changes to make. That's why i asked people!
I don't like the behaviour of the men at all. I don't condone violence towards anyone if it can possibly be avoided, but i didn't think that i needed to agree with the people who recorded a video in order to post it.
Did she "get what she deserved"? She was arrested, no harm came to her. Last time i checked we entrusted the law to settle things like that, and they made their decision. Carrying on like that wasting police time when there's real people out there in the world who need help? Does she even consider that she's making it harder for the next person who really does get shoved over to get the protection they need? Sorry, but yes i do think she got what she deserved here. The guys who shoved her deserved a little karma too, for more reason than one.
@Yogi - in both the original and now the new descriptor, i made it absolutely clear that this woman did not represent what feminism is. I can't understand why you are suggesting that i said such a thing when i specifically said the opposite. I do not even claim to understand how people like this lady thinks either. I recommend you re-read the descriptor. This woman is not a feminist, and i do not therefore "understand how all feminists think" as you falsely accuse.
Please at least limit yourself to insulting/berateing me for things i am guilty of. Like, for example, being naive enough to think that people on the internet can resolve a problem peacefully with discussion.
@dystopianfuturetoday - i hope that whatever species of male you represent is ok with that statement!
Really not sure what i'm watching, but to represent it as anything other than a bizarre event without context is, at best, disingenuous.
Misleading title, as Chaos pointed out, seems to suggest she got what she deserved, Incredibly disingenuous description, just all around ugly video. Nothing redeeming.
dannym3141Also, the discussion that i was hoping for that never happened: are you allowed to push someone if they're "in your personal space" or something? I can't understand why they're not arrested too.
ChaosEngineLegally, it's probably a fairly gray area with differing rules in different jurisdictions. I imagine most laws would say something about a reasonable threat, although I don't know how "Stand your ground" laws would affect that.
Morally, if someone is "in your personal space" on public property, in theory you would ask them to back off and then call the cops. Violence should be a last resort, and if they persisted, I'd probably just walk away.
Also, the discussion that i was hoping for that never happened: are you allowed to push someone if they're "in your personal space" or something? I can't understand why they're not arrested too.
bareboards2Thanks for changing the title. Much better.
Except I don't think she is a "fake feminist." What about her is fake?
I don't agree with her statement at "all men harass women." My best buddy, a heterosexual man, is such a non-harasser and so gentle he earned the title "Honorary Woman" years ago. It is just logically wrong, and makes her sound silly.
But she surely isn't a fake feminist. A silly person, but not a fake feminist.
newtboyI think the moniker "fake feminist" was apt.
She's not working towards equality of the sexes, but instead is using the shield of 'feminism' to male bash and complain. To me, that makes her a 'fake feminist'.
Granted, I'm just one newt in a forest of salamanders, so I'm often in the minority at best in my line of thinking, if not an island.
Thanks for changing the title. Much better.
Except I don't think she is a "fake feminist." What about her is fake?
I don't agree with her statement at "all men harass women." My best buddy, a heterosexual man, is such a non-harasser and so gentle he earned the title "Honorary Woman" years ago. It is just logically wrong, and makes her sound silly.
But she surely isn't a fake feminist. A silly one, but not fake.
littledragon_79*Wtf did I just watch. Seriously.
siftbotAdding video to channels (Wtf) - requested by littledragon_79.
gwiz665I ain't touching this with a 10-foot pole.
By which I mean mah man dick.
newtboyTo play devil's advocate....when she jumped in front of the 'protester' to interrupt his retarded soliloquy, she (lightly) bumped into him, and he moved her away. Then she gets irate, calls 'assault', jumps back in his face, and grabs the camera. At that point, I think they can defend themselves by shoving her away, and if she flops to the ground like a bad soccer player fishing for a foul and hurts herself, that's her problem not theirs. I would guess that's how the cops saw it, with her as the antagonist and instigator, a position that was reinforced when she fights the police too.
She over acted, they over reacted, she over acted again AND over reacted, they over reacted again, she over acted again, she went to jail.
Lots of sound and fury indicating nothing.
Also, the discussion that i was hoping for that never happened: are you allowed to push someone if they're "in your personal space" or something? I can't understand why they're not arrested too.
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