Diversity and inclusion meeting ... at Michigan school


It is the greatest country in the world DESPITE it being the home of some of the most disrespectful racist assholes in the world like edit:Thomas E Burtell of Saline Michigan. Sadly, that status is in serious jeopardy because of them. Edit: Fortunately even his own son is disgusted by him and disavowed and condemned his racist and bigoted comments. He identified himself, so I have no qualms about identifying him, but I won't post his address and phone number like others have.

I hope the incessant abuse and ostracism he receives from the community as a whole from this day forward force him to leave not just that school system but this great country...MAGA by getting the fuck out, douchebag.


So he is a MEGA man?

How can anyone slander with out knowing?
You made an assumption just like the guy did.

Your no better than the guy.

Look in the mirror you might just another douchebag looking back.


It is the greatest country in the world DESPITE it being the home of some of the most disrespectful racist assholes in the world like that man. Sadly, that status is in serious jeopardy because of them.

I hope the incessant abuse and ostracism he receives from the community as a whole from this day forward force him to leave not just that school system but this great country...MAGA by getting the fuck out, douchebag.


Did I say HE is a MAGA moron?
No, I did not, you inferred it, although it would be a relatively safe assumption based on his ignorant racist interruption and self centered disrespect paired with the inane irrationality of his question and blatantly racist comments.
Now who's making slanderous assumptions?

Your messiah slanders without (it's one word, Bob, not two) knowing daily. A bit hypocritical to denounce that when you so often applaud it, don't you think?

And my what is no better than the guy?
Your: possessive- belonging to you- "Your assumption is based in ignorance."
You're: conjunction- You are- "You're in desperate need of a better education because your English would fail a 3rd grade English class."

I might just WHAT another douchebag? You forgot the verb. You get an F for the day, Bobski. Nigerian princes have better English skills, and terrible English is an intentional part of their scam. (Or were you channeling Yoda but forgot the punctuation? As in "Look in the mirror, you might. Just another douchebag looking back.")

You need to watch some more school house rock and learn English better, then you might understand complex statements better and not jump to mistaken conclusions so often. Might I suggest starting with conjunction junction?

Also, I wrote MAGA, not MEGA, aside from MEGA making zero sense, I wouldn't ever insult MegaMan by conflating him with idiots like this guy. Besides an education, you seem to need glasses. Maybe that's why you can't see any of Trump's infinite character flaws?


So he is a MEGA man?

How can anyone slander with out knowing?
You made an assumption just like the guy did.

Your no better than the guy.

Look in the mirror you might just another douchebag looking back.


You have to look a little closer. Of course it is absurd to say you can't complain about bullying AND still love America. The guy who spoke is a racist and when he's saying "you", he's meaning "you people", meaning any people that fall outside whatever his notion of "true" Americans is. The white guy beside him could probably make a similar complaint, but not some Mexican immigrant.

Or in short, racist rationalizations unsurprisingly don't stand up to logic.


the bootlickers who think you can't complain
but then go to a meeting about making changes

newtboyjokingly says...

The same bootlickers who go to a meeting about diversity, bullying, racism, and inclusion then in a bullying manner complain about other races being included.


the bootlickers who think you can't complain
but then go to a meeting about making changes


Sorry, you lost me at "greatest country in the world", or at the very least your list of "despite it being..." is way, way too short. Greatest at or greatest for what? Bigots per capita? Most frequent demonstrations of unsubstantiated entitlement and negative IQ's?


It is the greatest country in the world DESPITE it being the home of some of the most disrespectful racist assholes in the world like edit:Thomas E Burtell of Saline Michigan. Sadly, that status is in serious jeopardy because of them. Edit: Fortunately even his own son is disgusted by him and disavowed and condemned his racist and bigoted comments. He identified himself, so I have no qualms about identifying him, but I won't post his address and phone number like others have.

I hope the incessant abuse and ostracism he receives from the community as a whole from this day forward force him to leave not just that school system but this great country...MAGA by getting the fuck out, douchebag.


Greatest is a relative term...

It's kind of like democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others that have been tried from time to time.

Here's a challenge, name a country you think would be better, or you would rather see as the worlds dominant super power.


Sorry, you lost me at "greatest country in the world", or at the very least your list of "despite it being..." is way, way too short. Greatest at or greatest for what? Bigots per capita? Most frequent demonstrations of unsubstantiated entitlement and negative IQ's?


Historically; freedoms, rights, and opportunities, both economic and social.
Until recently, governmental system.
Wealth (per capita).
Military might (although I accept the argument that this is more often a net loss, not a net gain).

Yes, it swings both ways, as you also have the freedom to be as terrible as you like, to hate as irrationally as you like, to be as ignorant and dumb as you like, to be as spiteful and self serving as you like. Before we allowed our system to be purchased by the deepest pockets for purely personal gains of the powerful few with Citizens United, our system was well designed to serve the people, which while imperfect was still better than almost all others. There is still the possibility, however slight, that that democracy killing decision can be remedied with an amendment and we can get back on the right track. Most other systems are lacking in such self correction.

I'm not claiming perfection, far from it, but our overall potential outweighs any other nation's (at least it used to). Yes, we have bigots, but less than many nations by far. Some countries still allow murder of improper worshippers or don't allow certain races to become citizens.
Yes, we have more than our share of loudmouth ignorant morons, but there are other nations that beat us there too. We (as a whole) don't believe aids comes from homosexuals eating each other's poop, for instance, or that women's brains are 1/2 the size of men's. The opportunities for educational advancements are better here than most countries, but not all I admit, and far too many don't avail themselves of said opportunities, granted.
Yes, we have poor people, but fewer per capita than many if not most others, and the opportunity for ethical advancement both financial and social are still good, but admittedly that's changing.
Equality under the law, while far from perfection in that respect, we are (or were) still moving in the right direction.

We have a long hard Sisyphusian slog towards perfection, but overall, historically, we have been crawling towards justice more than away.

That said, New Zealand has been nipping at our heels for a while, and arguments could be made that they presently are ahead in all meaningful ways besides size and weather.


Sorry, you lost me at "greatest country in the world", or at the very least your list of "despite it being..." is way, way too short. Greatest at or greatest for what? Bigots per capita? Most frequent demonstrations of unsubstantiated entitlement and negative IQ's?

newtboyjokingly says...

New Zealand?


Greatest is a relative term...

It's kind of like democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others that have been tried from time to time.

Here's a challenge, name a country you think would be better, or you would rather see as the worlds dominant super power.


San Marino? Iceland? Finland? New Zealand? Switzerland? Holland? Denmark? Canada? Possibly Sweden? Id give them a shot.

Funny to imagine that. Montenegro pulling the strings for once instead of being pushed away from the camera by Trump. Half the world scurrying to maps in vain, trying to find it, the other half not knowing what the fuss is about as usual. You will buy our goat milk or we will impose tariffs on your fancy gangster guns, automobiles and helicopters!

As superpowers go, the US is not too bad. Its a fairly hands-off type superpower if you compare it to say the Roman Empire or Napoleonic France. Taking a long time to even annex Puerto Rico properly.

Wondering really how China will fare. Give it 25 years. And they sure wont ask as nicely as you just did.


Here's a challenge, name a country you think would be better, or you would rather see as the worlds dominant super power.


A superpower hardly needs to be perfect, it just needs to be good at being a superpower - science level, industry production, human resources, military, ie the stuff that China is catching up fast with or is gone already.

Quality of life, human rights and democratic institutions are nice but not vital to superpower status. They are vital for sucess lasting more than two generations though so there is hope in that.


I'm not claiming perfection, far from it, but our overall potential outweighs any other nation's (at least it used to).


As a Canadian, I’d ask to take us off the list. We haven’t the national will or competence to operate a military of that scale, we’d likely disband it on the first day and then impotently petition the UN as all our NATO allies are overrun and pushed around by everyone else. We also are every bit as racist as a nation as Americans are, it’s just not as visible.


San Marino? Iceland? Finland? New Zealand? Switzerland? Holland? Denmark? Canada? Possibly Sweden? Id give them a shot.

Funny to imagine that. Montenegro pulling the strings for once instead of being pushed away from the camera by Trump. Half the world scurrying to maps in vain, trying to find it, the other half not knowing what the fuss is about as usual. You will buy our goat milk or we will impose tariffs on your fancy gangster guns, automobiles and helicopters!

As superpowers go, the US is not too bad. Its a fairly hands-off type superpower if you compare it to say the Roman Empire or Napoleonic France. Taking a long time to even annex Puerto Rico properly.

Wondering really how China will fare. Give it 25 years. And they sure wont ask as nicely as you just did.

luxintenebrisjokingly says...

never liked that term 'douche' or 'douche bag' when it came to insulting a male.

just the idea that they could ever get that close to a women is too disturbing. saying it then shuttering, given the image, is punishing yourself.

newtboyjokingly says...

I guess you've never thought about how they're used in the gay community.


never liked that term 'douche' or 'douche bag' when it came to insulting a male.

just the idea that they could ever get that close to a women is too disturbing. saying it then shuttering, given the image, is punishing yourself.


Would you take the word of his family who have denounced him as racist and xenophobic? They, above anyone, should know.


The guy seems like an idiot but it would be great to get the whole vid for context.

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