Bernie Sanders...The Revolution Has Just Begun

We've always been the underdogs, we've come a very long way and we have absolutely no intention of letting up. But make no mistake about it: this is YOUR movement. So here is a brand new ad titled "Make History," featuring footage shot by the people powering this movement: YOU. Source YouTube

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Socialism is the step between capitalism and communism.
It replaces the individual with the collective.
It takes you right to choose.
If he is elected you will feel the burn.


There is not a difference between Democratic Socialist and Socialist. It is just a terminology to use as a stepping stone towards the full implementation of Socialism. It just semantics to fool the sheeple.

From their web site: American democratic socialist party...
Their Constitution states:

We are socialists because we reject an economic order based on private profit,

We are socialists because we share a vision of order based on popular control.

We are socialists because we share a vision of a humane social order based on popular control of resources and production.

We believe that such a strategy must acknowledge the class structure of American society and that this class structure means that there is a basic conflict of interest.

So Its aim is to make all people equal-
The people run the company.
All get paid equally.
The floor sweeper and the one with the PHD all equal.

If you had talent to open a business should you and your worker make the same money?

Private profit is a bad thing. so much for the entrepreneurial spirit.

Democratic Socialism is a fools paradise.


Democratic socialism.


Good thing Bernie is not campaigning for any of that. You're not arguing against any of Bernie's policies or what he can realistically accomplish; You're arguing against some imaginary McCarthy era socialist dystopia.

Your straw man attack is basically the equivalent of someone arguing against Ted Cruz because he will turn America into a nightmare medieval Christian theocracy.


So Its aim is to make all people equal-
The people run the company.
All get paid equally.
The floor sweeper and the one with the PHD all equal.


It's a sad state that so many ignorant right wingers don't understand the difference between 'socialism', 'communism', 'socialist communism', 'democratic socialism', "Democratic Socialist", and 'tyrannical despotism'. They've been told 'socialism=bad/Stalinist Russia (or worse)' and apparently they don't have the resources to learn what it really means, or to understand that they already enjoy many socialist ANY government program. Simply having an elected government IS socialist. The root of the term is 'social'.

It's even worse that these are the same people who want to remove more funding from education.

newtboyjokingly says...

The difference being that Ted Cruz would actually like to turn America into a medieval Christian theocracy.


Good thing Bernie is not campaigning for any of that. You're not arguing against any of Bernie's policies or what he can realistically accomplish; You're arguing against some imaginary McCarthy era socialist dystopia.

Your straw man attack is basically the equivalent of someone arguing against Ted Cruz because he will turn America into some nightmare medieval Christian theocracy.


The Democratic Socialists of America fully support Bernie.

So why do they fully ideology align themselves with Bernie? A socialist is a socialist.


Good thing Bernie is not campaigning for any of that. You're not arguing against any of Bernie's policies or what he can realistically accomplish; You're arguing against some imaginary McCarthy era socialist dystopia.

Your straw man attack is basically the equivalent of someone arguing against Ted Cruz because he will turn America into some nightmare medieval Christian theocracy.


I hope you never need to call a cop; or have your house catch fire; or need to mail a letter; or ever plan to collect retirement; or go to a park; or live in a city.

God damn fscking socialist.


The Democratic Socialists of America fully support Bernie.

So why do they fully ideology align themselves with Bernie? A socialist is a socialist.


Lol @bobknight33. Just lol. That man couldn't form a non-straw man argument if he tried. Trying to conflate Bernie's platform with some other party's platform just for the sake of attacking him. I can't even...

And in other news, in a surprising turn of events America has a chance to become a shining beacon of kindness and equality, in addition to being good at killing things. Good luck to Bernie.


By your logic, a Christian is a Christian, so you are as much of a scumbag as the WBC members or those nutcases who blow up abortion clinics?

Yes Bernie is a socialist, but saying all socialists are the same is about as accurate and as truthful as saying all Christians are the same. So why don't you start judging Bernie by what he actually says.

If you disagree with his actual policies, that's fine. At least then you're making an informed opinion instead of speaking out of ignorance.


The Democratic Socialists of America fully support Bernie.

So why do they fully ideology align themselves with Bernie? A socialist is a socialist.


Oh you mean like when David Duke supported Trump and all the leftest / media said Trump is pro KKK. You guys had a field day with that.

Nice try.

America won't become a shining beacon just because socialism came to town.

Bernie is bad wrong for America.


Lol @bobknight33. Just lol. That man couldn't form a non-straw man argument if he tried. Trying to conflate Bernie's platform with some other party's platform just for the sake of attacking him. I can't even...

And in other news, in a surprising turn of events America has a chance to become a shining beacon of kindness and equality, in addition to being good at killing things. Good luck to Bernie.


Better to blow up few abortion clinics than to murder 50 Million babies.. But hey who's counting. Hitler would be proud.

Bernie stands for unrealistic ideas. Nothing more.

Income inequality-- If you feel bad about that Take every dollar you make over the 15$/hr living wage and give it to someone.-- You can't -- You won't. You , like me are selfish pricks like everyone else. But you wont mind if it is done by force on you employer.

Free tuition? Bull -- nothing is free in life. If you pay for it It will have more value to you.

Getting big $ out of politics-- Agree but will never happen.. Sounds nice though.

Creating decent jobs. 8 Years of Democrat control and zero happened. You think a socialist can make a difference. .What is a decent job? I never had one. One you like or one that pays you more that you are worth? I think the unicorn would be discovered first.

A Living wage 15$/hr -- I feel that he is cheating people should be 35$/hr What is the right number-- Its what the market will bear.

Climate change this is BS but I'll go along-- Tax people and companies, which pass to consumers -- We are poor enough under the Obama economy ... Trying to get blood from a rock.

Humane Immigration-- Bernie is a son of an immigrant who came here legally. IF you want these illegals taking you son and daughters and your job buy all means vote for Bernie If your that stupid I suppose the illegal is smarter than you.

Family values. The best family value is for the family to stay together where there is 1 provider and the other provided love, support, encouragement anytime of day , not just after 7pm when both parents come home.. Progressive democrat policies has its price and destroyed the family unit. Bernie just wants more PTO.

Reforming wall street--Obama was the biggest giver of money to wall street in history---Under he and the democrats they created Quantitative easing -- This dumped trillions directly into big banks and wall street.. ..

Bernie stands for unrealistic ideas. Nothing more.


. So why don't you start judging Bernie by what he actually says.


Wow. Congratulations. This was about the most ignorant rant I've read on the Sift in all my years here. If I might offer some advice for the future:

Proverbs 17:28 - Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.

Or in more modern terms: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." (attributed to several people including Lincoln, Mark Twain, and Silvan Engel)


Better to blow up few abortion clinics than to murder 50 Million babies.. But hey who's counting. Hitler would be proud.

Bernie stands for unrealistic ideas. Nothing more.

Income inequality-- If you feel bad about that Take every dollar you make over the 15$/hr living wage and give it to someone.-- You can't -- You won't. You , like me are selfish pricks like everyone else. But you wont mind if it is done by force on you employer.

Free tuition? Bull -- nothing is free in life. If you pay for it It will have more value to you.

Getting big $ out of politics-- Agree but will never happen.. Sounds nice though.

Creating decent jobs. 8 Years of Democrat control and zero happened. You think a socialist can make a difference. .What is a decent job? I never had one. One you like or one that pays you more that you are worth? I think the unicorn would be discovered first.

A Living wage 15$/hr -- I feel that he is cheating people should be 35$/hr What is the right number-- Its what the market will bear.

Climate change this is BS but I'll go along-- Tax people and companies, which pass to consumers -- We are poor enough under the Obama economy ... Trying to get blood from a rock.

Humane Immigration-- Bernie is a son of an immigrant who came here legally. IF you want these illegals taking you son and daughters and your job buy all means vote for Bernie If your that stupid I suppose the illegal is smarter than you.

Family values. The best family value is for the family to stay together where there is 1 provider and the other provided love, support, encouragement anytime of day , not just after 7pm when both parents come home.. Progressive democrat policies has its price and destroyed the family unit. Bernie just wants more PTO.

Reforming wall street--Obama was the biggest giver of money to wall street in history---Under he and the democrats they created Quantitative easing -- This dumped trillions directly into big banks and wall street.. ..

Bernie stands for unrealistic ideas. Nothing more.


dear USA, i hope you guys make sanders happen. partly so people with social and political views like bobknight will quickly be understood as the anachronisms that they are and their untenable ideas will be laughed out of any intelligent conversation.


This is straight from Bernie's for president web site and you can't defend it only slander my POV.

Bernie although a pleasant kind of guy is delusional in that he thinks that his ways are possible.

Only by force of law is his cracked pot ideas are possible. How is that freedom?


Wow. Congratulations. This was about the most ignorant rant I've read on the Sift in all my years here. If I might offer some advice for the future:

Proverbs 17:28 - Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.

Or in more modern terms: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." (attributed to several people including Lincoln, Mark Twain, and Silvan Engel)


Wow, you really are a religious nutjob. You support Christian terrorism and you are no better than a Islamic fundamentalist who supports their jihadists.

Also, it's funny that you don't support policies that help the less fortunate. That's pretty much what Jesus teaches in the Bible. So not only are you a terrorist supporter, you are also a bad Christian.

The world will be a better place when you are gone.


Better to blow up few abortion clinics than to murder 50 Million babies.. But hey who's counting. Hitler would be proud.


Oh, so you're as dumb as the worst of American media/leftests right? Actually, I think you're worse, because the media does it on purpose to smear a candidate, but you do it because you don't know any better.

Also, I never said Trump is pro KKK, so don't lump me in with people like you who can't tell the difference between a candidate and someone who endorses them.


Oh you mean like when David Duke supported Trump and all the leftest / media said Trump is pro KKK. You guys had a field day with that.

Nice try.


I'm not going to argue, but I'd just like to point out how shockingly divided the culture has become in North America... I mean, the things your saying are SO far from what a lot of us believe it's pretty amazing we all live in the same communities. It's a bit worrying because people seem to be so passionate about their increasingly polarizing views that it's become hard to tell who's views are anchored and who's are moving.


Better to blow up few abortion clinics than to murder 50 Million babies.. But hey who's counting. Hitler would be proud.

Bernie stands for unrealistic ideas. Nothing more.

Income inequality-- If you feel bad about that Take every dollar you make over the 15$/hr living wage and give it to someone.-- You can't -- You won't. You , like me are selfish pricks like everyone else. But you wont mind if it is done by force on you employer.

Free tuition? Bull -- nothing is free in life. If you pay for it It will have more value to you.

Getting big $ out of politics-- Agree but will never happen.. Sounds nice though.

Creating decent jobs. 8 Years of Democrat control and zero happened. You think a socialist can make a difference. .What is a decent job? I never had one. One you like or one that pays you more that you are worth? I think the unicorn would be discovered first.

A Living wage 15$/hr -- I feel that he is cheating people should be 35$/hr What is the right number-- Its what the market will bear.

Climate change this is BS but I'll go along-- Tax people and companies, which pass to consumers -- We are poor enough under the Obama economy ... Trying to get blood from a rock.

Humane Immigration-- Bernie is a son of an immigrant who came here legally. IF you want these illegals taking you son and daughters and your job buy all means vote for Bernie If your that stupid I suppose the illegal is smarter than you.

Family values. The best family value is for the family to stay together where there is 1 provider and the other provided love, support, encouragement anytime of day , not just after 7pm when both parents come home.. Progressive democrat policies has its price and destroyed the family unit. Bernie just wants more PTO.

Reforming wall street--Obama was the biggest giver of money to wall street in history---Under he and the democrats they created Quantitative easing -- This dumped trillions directly into big banks and wall street.. ..

Bernie stands for unrealistic ideas. Nothing more.

newtboyjokingly says...

It's really not that hard to tell.

People who want to kill other people because "Jesus" are constantly changing their views...they have to change their view just to get through an entire sentence.
There's only one party that wants to kill people because killing is wrong. (Yes, that sentence DOES make sense...just not the thought process it describes...think 'abortion clinic' and you'll understand)
There's one party that 1)wants to legislate from religion and 2)wants to ensure we aren't legislated from a religion.

When one's positions are so contradictory with themselves, you have to move your views at all times.


I'm not going to argue, but I'd just like to point out how shockingly divided the culture has become in North America... I mean, the things your saying are SO far from what a lot of us believe it's pretty amazing we all live in the same communities. It's a bit worrying because people seem to be so passionate about their increasingly polarizing views that it's become hard to tell who's views are anchored and who's are moving.

newtboyjokingly says...

All Christians are terrorists or terrorist sympathizers. We should outlaw the religion, close all Christian churches, make Christians sign a 'patriot pledge' and put their names on a list, and absolutely stop allowing Christians into the country until we can figure out what the hell is going on. want him to READ....and to form his own opinion by himself!?!? Yeah, good luck with that. I think you're asking for a blood donation from a stone.


By your logic, a Christian is a Christian, so you are as much of a scumbag as the WBC members or those nutcases who blow up abortion clinics?

Yes Bernie is a socialist, but saying all socialists are the same is about as accurate and as truthful as saying all Christians are the same. So why don't you start judging Bernie by what he actually says.


I'd just like to point out Bob is attacking what Bernie stands for, and the rest of you are merely attacking Bob. If you honestly want him to listen to your side, to your beliefs, stop attacking him.

If all you want to do is bully up on someone and make them clamp down and ignore you, then please continue, you're doing fine.


I have Bob on ignore (and I'm starting to feel like I'm missing out on some good funny stuff because of it), so I haven't read his posts here, but knowing him, I can almost guarantee he's not REALLY attacking what Bernie stands for, he's much more likely attacking what someone like Alex Jones SAID Bernie stands for...which has no resemblance what so ever with Bernie's clearly delineated plans, ideals, and ideas.


I'd just like to point out Bob is attacking what Bernie stands for, and the rest of you are merely attacking Bob. If you honestly want him to listen to your side, to your beliefs, stop attacking him.

If all you want to do is bully up on someone and make them clamp down and ignore you, then please continue, you're doing fine.


Not really what I was hoping people would take away from what I said, but hey, at least you read it.


I have Bob on ignore (and I'm starting to feel like I'm missing out on some good funny stuff because of it), so I haven't read his posts here, but knowing him, I can almost guarantee he's not REALLY attacking what Bernie stands for, he's much more likely attacking what someone like Alex Jones SAID Bernie stands for...which has no resemblance what so ever with Bernie's clearly delineated plans, ideals, and ideas.

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