WOOT! EDD goes for 250!

EDD is young & married, and his wife lets him surf the internets. That's what I call progress. A true role model for aspiring Sifters, he's a big fan of shit blowing up (as long as there's a plausible explanation), and posts frequently to just about every channel. He is also a great fan of the arts.
An upstanding Sifter for about two years now, it's great to see him reaching new heights here. He's promised a new channel is in the works, and I'm sure we'll all enjoy supporting it as he's supported us & this community.
Well done EDD!!
Stop! Channeltime! (dooo do do do, do do, do do)
Congrats on the diamond!
*promote this commie bastard.

Congrats, EDD, you're a good guy and I appreciate your presence here
Promoting this Sift Talk post - promote requested by rasch187.
Grats!!! You and I get new thingies on the same day?!
Congrats EDD!

not you though ponceleon
WTF man, congrats!
Con! Nice work. When I see your three letter nick of pleasingly curved letters in front of sifts or comments, I always feel reassured that *quality is coming my way. Looking forward to your channel.
Awarding SlipperyPete with one star point for this contribution to Sift Talk - declared quality by Haldaug.
EDD, you're the best! Congrats on the 250 my brotha!
EDD. A great man. A humble man. A man of the people.
Who's edd? Edd's dead baby.

Like I've told you earlier... now you'll pretty much have to
congrats on yr shiny diamond, well deserved!

Also, a note regarding the Sift - downvote more
Congrats, you beautiful asshole.
Well done, you pretentious cunt! *proud
Congratulations, me boy. I shall boil a bunny to commemorate this grand occasion.
congrats, EDD!
I'm afraid anything that I might say couldn't possibly compare to the nice things that you wrote for my recent leveling up. So it will have to suffice to give my heartfelt congratulations. I look forward to more agreeing with your viewpoints in the future!
Well done mate, you're a super sifting machine and I applaud that. Oh and terrific comments as well.
An upstanding Siftizen, indeed! Congratulations, EdoubleD!
And from the same doctor... incidentally, use them with care...
>> ^ponceleon:
Grats!!! You and I get new thingies on the same day?!
E-D-D makes TWO-FIFTY!
I love you, man!
Good job man...Well deserved...You sift cool things.
well done you friendly bastard.
will your *necrophilia channel launch today as promised?
^Sure sure, I hope to get it up later today, although it's "Necrophilia and Bestiality", dd
Stay tuned for the new channel!
My heartfelt thanks for the kind words and well-wishes, folks
I can't think of anything funny or insightful, so I will just say 'good work' and slap your ass with a firm, quick motion.
Grats man
They told me I was mad when I started raiding cemeteries and having my way with unsuspecting zoo animals! WELL WHO'S LAUGHING NOW?!
Congrats! You finally overcame your embedding deficit disorder and made it to 250!
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Welcome to the big blingy EDD - looking forward to your channel. Necrophilia is definitely a big gap in our channel lineup.
Congratulations! Whatever channel you're thinking of, it'll probably be something I like; and I wouldn't be surprised if it's the one I'm planning to make myself one day, you psychic bastard
>> ^dag:
Necrophilia is definitely a big gap in our channel lineup.
I'm not sure we really need this; in fact, it would seem to already exist as Downunder + Sexuality
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
^Don't make me open a can of Foster's on you. It's Australian for Whoop ass.
Frankly darling I dont give a damn.
j/k gj edd :-D
Great guy. One of the reasons it's still great to come back to this place. Congrats!
Good stuff, EDD. Congrats.
Woot! Congrats EDD! Awesome work
Congratulations EDD
EDD, you're truely one of those sifters who brings life into this VVCH / virtualvideocrackhouse;)
Cheers:) look fw 2 da channel..
Congratulations Edd

I thought I noticed some new bling. Three cheers! Great taste in good stuff.
I've been pretty much off the web for a week (new baby), so... I just read this.
I didn't think it'd take you long, you post like a mad thing.
Top work EDD
did you know that I luvs EDD? just putting that out there
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