Irksome Things And Stuff

Thought i'd post an ST to celebrate the new *fail channel. I had the idea to do this every time we gain a new one, but so far haven't got round to it. Maybe I should remedy that.

Anyway, today i'm thinking about the things that annoy me. I know I always go on about people moaning too much and end up contradicting myself by complaining about it relentlessly, but there is nothing like a good old bitch! I just believe there is a time and a place and if possible it shouldn't hurt anyone's feelings. So off the top of my head, here are a few things that I hate or make me antsy (ie they fail )...

Hinters - Those people who want something and won't ask you directly so they proceed to beat around the bush until you grasp what they mean and YOU end up offering THEM something so then they don't have to feel like you've done them a favour! On the flip side of that because of people like that, I hate it when i'm mentioning something and then people think I'M hinting when i'm not (because I never ever would). Gah!

McDonald's pisses me off on every level and now it's open 24 hours around here. Fuck you.

People who never discipline their own kids but get angry when you end up having to do it for them. Grow up.

Censoring swear words so you can still see what they are. Especially on something like a website. Everyone's seen that Louis CK "N-word" vid right? Same fucking thing!

Smoking around non-smokers. It's just rude, they choose not to be a whore to the nicotine. They may be polite enough to say they don't mind, but how dare people presume it's ok. No need to do it at any point, selfish bastards. I'm a smoker. Going along with that, people who smoke round children should be arrested on sight.

Someone making a stupid mistake while they're driving and then seeing it was a woman. Again.

Public displays of affection. People who make you feel like a gooseberry. Why do it, whose benefit is it for, what makes you think it's fun for us??!!? Get out.

Ahhh i'm done
kronosposeidon says...

I'm an American, so I'm still experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder from 8 years of the biggest Fail presidency in U.S. history. My therapist advised me only to talk more about this when I'm stronger. Sorry.

gwiz665 says...

Some times hinting can be a good thing.

"Tits or gtfo" rarely works...

Public Displays of Affection is not always calculated, some times it's just affection - in public. I have no problem with that, even though as a perma-single guy want to murder them with rusty spoons... I.. I'm just gonna give my therapist a call.

Otherwise *quality

peggedbea says...

grown ass adults who are afraid of the CT machine. ITS A FUCKING HOLE! SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET ON THE TABLE. seriously. its a 3 foot wide hole, youre in there for 5 minutes (usually) you feel nothing and youre done. so grow the fuck up shut the fuck up and get the fuck on the table and get your fucking scan already. shit! its not even the tunnel like MRI its literally just a shallow hole. imagine a donut, a big delicious donut that can swallow you whole and spit you out the other side. delicious. and youre an adult, get some composure or GTFO, im not pampering your childish ass anymore.

i have no compassion for this idiocy. zero. none.
unless youre a child, and then i can see why it would scare the crap out of you. cry away.

rottenseed says...

-I hate when my girlfriend emasculates me because I won't have sex with her when she's on her period. I just hate pulling my dick out and it looking like I massacred a room full of people with it.

-I hate when people say "git 'er done" a la Larry the Cable Guy

-I hate when the guys that I work with wear polo shirts tucked into their jeans

I hate pleated pants. Dockers the most.

-I hate when people quote TV commercials as a source of their comedy, ie when somebody says "Can you hear me now?" repeatedly and then laughs afterward

-I hate when people talk shit about gay people for being gay. Seriously, why are homophobic guys so enamored with discussing gay people?

-I hate people calling house music "techno". It's not techno.

You know what, other that the first one, everything else comes from people at work.

alien_concept says...

Gwiz - When I say public i'm not talking about loving couples on the street, i'm talking about those wankers who do it while you are in the same room. Usually your friends who haven't had a partner in years and want everyone to know how in love they are, blech.

Schmawy - Never heard of Andy Rooney...

Rottenseed - Do it in the shower with the lights off?

Can't believe most of you only have one thing!

Sagemind says...


-I hate being rushed out of the house for things... it's like a mini panic attack.

-I hate my neibours who kick their 6 kids (aged 3,4,5,6,7&7) outside and ignore them as they play out on the street and act like every yard in the neiborhood is theirs and roam freely. My wife kicked them out of our yard one evening (after our kids were already in bed) and the 3 year old raised his fist at her and yelled "Son of a Bitch!" Nice eh?

-I hate when people always thinks there has to be someone to blame in every scenario. If something goes wrong, FIX IT, don't waste all your energy trying to point fingers - It doesn't always have to be someone's fault; unless, of course it isn't getting fixed and happens repeatedly, then it's just negligence.

MrFisk says...

I hate the current U.S. incarceration rate; too many people in prison.
I hate Donald Rumsfeld.
I hate college math prerequisites.
I hate mass ignorance.
I hate Osama Bin Laden.
I hate $60 eighths.
I hate processed food.
I hate sucka emcees.
I hate most people named 'Jason'; unless they go by a nickname or last name.
I hate STDs.
I hate Go-Bots.
I hate this scarf craze women are wearing these days.
I hate celebrity magazines.
I hate PG13.

eric3579 says...

-I hate that Discovery and History channels programing has gone to shit.
-I hate being in a car with drivers who are constantly pissed and bitching about other drivers.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I hate car culture. Especially deep-throated, sound-enhancing mufflers used as mating calls. Please evolve.

The word "monetize" - I'm not convinced it's even a real word.

The company culture that thinks dialog boxes like this are OK.

Monday morning, people at work asking "Did you watch ..." and me repeating for the 20th time - I don't have a TV. (and then, them remembering that I'm some kind of freaky-deaky weirdo and shuffling off)

peggedbea says...

ugh yes i also hate having to constantly repeat "we dont have tv" when being asked "did you see......" and then they procede to tell me about whatever nonsense they watched, and then i have to be polite and act like i care. when i really want to say "I DONT HAVE TV SO THAT I DONT HAVE TO BE A VACANT DRONE WITH NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT THAN SOME RIDICULOUS SCENARIO FROM SOMEONE ELSES IMAGINATION FOR GROSS PROFIT, WAKE UPPPP"

oh i also hate being a single mom in the bible belt. nice men with the crazy jesus eyes always think i MUST be lost and depraved and struggling and the real answer to all the problems they imagine i MUST have is their church family and a good jesus loving man. a little ole' woman like me certainly could never be capable or providing for a household and finding inner peace and strength and love all by herself. thats what jesus and men are for. i should just be doing the laundry, that is when im not on my back, makin babies.... gah
fuck you guys!

lets talk about things we love now.
ac- go make another sift talk post. ill tell you how much i love most things

Ornthoron says...

People who smear their filthy fingers all over my pristine laptop screen when they want to point out something. The fact that you enjoy finger marks all over your own screen does not give you the right to spread them to mine!

schmawy says...

People who don't use their turn signals. Shoes placed right on the left and left on the right. Not having a light. Looking for a tool or tape measure. Inconsiderance.

Farhad2000 says...

I hate censorship on the internet.
I hate not having alcohol avaliable.
I hate pompous hyporcritcal muslims.
I hate that its easier to get heroine then weed.
I hate visas, passports, immigration its all just a means to discriminate.
I hate that its impossible to date normally.
I hate that internet is shit here.
I hate that I don't get paid enough for what I do.
I hate that 90% of minimal techno is utter shite.
I hate junkies.
I hate being told what to do.

Kreegath says...

People who use the word "logic" interchangeably with the words "reasonable", "considerate" and "likely". Also, people who use the word "logic" in arguments and/or reasonings as some sort of validation for their own stance aswell as invalidation of the opposing side's.

NetRunner says...

>> ^dag:
I hate car culture. Especially deep-throated, sound-enhancing mufflers used as mating calls. Please evolve.

There is no monolithic car culture. And they're not mating calls, they're more like the antlers on a buck -- a passive challenge to everyone around them. Or they just get a kick from the sound.

>> ^Kreegath:
People who use the word "logic" interchangeably with the words "reasonable", "considerate" and "likely". Also, people who use the word "logic" in arguments and/or reasonings as some sort of validation for their own stance aswell as invalidation of the opposing side's.

Amen to that, though I don't encounter it much in "the real world."

My list:

I hate selfishness.
I hate dishonesty.
I hate arrogance.
I hate people who lack empathy.
I hate when people won't answer simple questions (bad for a politics junkie like me).
I hate when people don't pay attention to what they're doing.
I hate when people won't talk about the elephant in the room.
I hate how rarely people have the means to do what they want with life.
I hate how disrespectful humans are of nature.
I hate how disrespectful people are to each other.
I hate how often we find ourselves feeling all alone, when there are six billion people out there.
I hate when people act certain about things that they couldn't possibly be certain of.

Oh, and I hate parmesan cheese. That shit smells like puke.

Doc_M says...

I hate it when people make a big hairy fuss over minutia.
I hate it when people spend ten minutes whining about a mess someone made when it would have taken ten seconds to clean it up.
I hate bad breath.
I hate it when someone gets all upset because I ask them a question they know the answer to rather than spend half an hour hunting it down. Just answer the question.
I hate thievery with a burning passion.
I really hate it when someone suggests that they think I'm lying to them.
In general, D-baggery is the lowest form of culture imaginable.

gwiz665 says...

What's more likely, is that your un-reasonable assumption of the use of "logic" invalidates your own opinion, thus rendering you inconsiderate of real logic.

>> ^Kreegath:
People who use the word "logic" interchangeably with the words "reasonable", "considerate" and "likely". Also, people who use the word "logic" in arguments and/or reasonings as some sort of validation for their own stance aswell as invalidation of the opposing side's.

gwiz665 says...

I hate few things. I have plenty of thing that I dislike, but few that I really actively hate.

I despise ignorance, or rather willful stupidity. This is the basis of my loathing of religion, which is one of the few things I would burn to the ground given the opportunity within the law.

Elitism - when people think they are better than someone else, when they are not. National pride falls under this, racial pride etc. I can follow being proud of being really good at something, and that kind of elitism is to be commended, but false pride is just gah!

My own flaws. Jealousy, anger, envy, depression, glum-ness; all the bad emotions.

MarineGunrock says...

Well... I hate:

Willful ignorance
People that fuck up their own language (were/where, pluralizing with 's, needless use of the quotation mark, insure/ensure, they're/there, too/to, do/due) - yes I've seem them all.
Stupid drivers
Asshole drivers
Not being able to turn right on red
Being forced to pay $45/mo for a 1.5 Meg DSL connection because that's all there is
Popcorn flavored Jelly-Bellies
People that spend rediculous amounts of money on clothing like Gucci, Prada, Louis Vuitton, and the like. $60 for cheap flimsy sunglases? Seriously? $120 for jeans? WTF!? a $600 fucking purse!?
Bad parents
Ill-behaved kids
Screaming kids
Crying kids
My gut
The chow hall here
Banana pudding
My barracks room (the AC is broken and I live in North Carolina)
Sweating my ass off
The end of a really good book/video game
Inconsiderate people
People that use a right blinker to turn left (saw it this morning)
Having to piss in the middle of the night
Shitty roommates
"Pimped out" Civics
Fart can "mufflers"
Guys with white sunglasses
Guys with pants tighter than my girlfriend's (shudder)

And much much more.

kulpims says...

- running out of weed or cigarettes in the middle of the night
- same applies for toilet paper
- traffic cops, priests, politicians and folks who vote them
- pop singers who believe the public loves them for their music
- fuckers who don't care or know what blind carbon copy means when sending mass emails
- people who wear Dr. Scholl's
- people who take a loan to buy a new BMW or Audi
- health food stores and people who run them
- pizza delivery guys
- patriots and pacifists
- cold and most winter sports
- gearshifts on my Scott Mesa
- a 2$ cup of coffee that tastes like a spoonfull of mud disolved in warm piss
- life in general

Crosswords says...

"People who smear their filthy fingers all over my pristine laptop screen"
Somebody else knows my pain! Not sure how many times I've had to tell people to keep their grubby paws off my screen. It is not necessary to point at something that's 2 feet in front of my face.

I hate how unobservant most people are in general. If it's not happening within a few inches of their immediate proximity, they don't seem to even notice. I think a lot of the shit people do that annoys me would disappear if they were slightly more aware of their surroundings.

Sarzy says...

-People who use the "word" guesstimate. IT'S NOT A REAL WORD. Not that I necessarily have anything against made up words (ginormous is okay, I guess) but guesstimate means the exact same thing as estimate, and just makes you sound like a moron. It's completely superfluous.

-People who indiscriminately use the word literally for emphasis. Like "that movie literally knocked my socks off!" Really? Your socks actually flew off your feet?

-People who talk during a movie. I'm not talking about people who lean over and make a comment once or twice during a film (though that still does bother me) -- I'm talking about people who have entire conversations in a movie theatre. Why even go to the movies at that point??

-People who chew with their mouth open. Gross.

mauz15 says...

^ You made remember another thing: The teens (or even college students) that use OMG and LOL in real life conversations. They don't laugh, just go L... O.... L... that is soooo funny! oh and TTYL

kulpims says...

^I heard that once before as well and it made feel like 300 years old
also, couldn't agree more with Sarzy about ppl who eat potato chips and/or (cause one thing usually goes with the other) talk during the movie. makes me wanna go Fargo on them

Ornthoron says...

Folks who jump on an internet meme way too late and think they are funny when they reference it a long time after everyone else has tired of it.

Case in point: Slapping a "Needs more cowbell" comment on every music video you come across.

Haldaug says...

I hate written quarrels. I always come off as more angry than I really am, and I perceive the other part as passive aggressive most of the time. A trivial matter can often become a huge issue by communicating via e-mail or forums instead of talking face to face or by phone.

inflatablevagina says...

I hate when people act smarter than they are. Don't fake it. Just learn something or STFU. Stick to what you know.

I hate the media for telling me who the most fashionable toddler is.

I hate it when people believe something but have no reason for doing so.

I hate it when people let their children curse in front of mine. Your kid is your business...dont make it mine. My kid will be in trouble and not understand why.

I hate tantrums. In any age.

I love everything else.

longde says...

-I hate sitting in a meeting where 90% of what's said is in a language I don't understand
-I hate having to deeply focus on something I think may turn out to be pointless
-I hate middleage
-I hate that I'm starting to understand why my father did things that pissed me off in the past
-I hate effete injustice
-I hate micro inequities
-I hate smug people who are clearly egregious fools
-I hate bullshiting motherfuckers
-I hate it when I have to be a bullshitting mf
-I hate that videosift only half works in China (95% of videos blocked; but I can see comments)
-I hate missing opportunities
-I hate outsmarting myself
-I hate that this list could go on......

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