EDD goes Gold100 - Life, motorcycle taken

Join in celebrating EDD reaching promotability!
EDD is a cool guy who likes rock&roll and more specificly, Craig Ferguson. There can never be enough of this bloated scotsman for him. Craig does come second to EDD though, as he is a happily married
He lives in Latvia, which I know very little about. EDD did inform me of an upcoming revolution though, let's hope that turns out well. Before our dear EDD is sent to the guillotine, be sure to pay his queue and PQ a visit.
Self promoting this Sift Talk post - promote requested by original submitter rasch187.
yay, EDD! congrats!
One more step in making all your videosift related dreams come true!
Congratulations on your 100!! yey for you!!!
I really really like EDD, he's such a decent fella. From some wicked posts, some inspired upvoting, and some great commenting - showing true wisdom beyond his few years - I rate him as one of the best sifters we've got. Congratulations mate, about frickin time
Well done Edd, 100 stars - but it's never enough is it
We will see you again here soon, for 250 - in the meantime I will enjoy the sifts you post

Congrats Edd!
Nicely done EDD! Congrats on your new star!
Woooot, congrats! =)
Congratulations! You sure don't suffer from EDD (embedding deficit disorder)!
Congratulations EDD!!
Congrats and thanks for all the *quality sifts!!
Awarding rasch187 with one star point for this contribution to Sift Talk - declared quality by burdturgler.
Mindf***ed indeed, mental, wicked!! Partayyyy
It's the muthufucking E double D. Congreddulations!
Ahhh Edd... I remember when you first joined and sent me a message asking if I liked bunnies. What a weird little man you are.
who wants blueberry pancakes to celebrate?
Hooray, keep it up EDD!
Damn, DFT beat me to it! Congreddulations, anyway!
Congratumalations indeed

You and I both on Craig Ferguson, you and I both...
It's a fine club this 100 one, let me tell you... the bar... wow, the prices, while steep, are reasonable for the quality of liquor that is available.
See you in the lounge
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Thanks and congrats EDD- wasn't it Ned that was dead? details ...
hooray, gratz!
Zed's dead baby. This here is EDD's chopper now.
Many congrats, EDD. I've been watching you from afar (you see that building across the street?) and I think you and I are a lot alike. Except, you're married and have a healthy love life. But I'll see to that... I'll see to that good.
Oh oh, They're coming to take me away, ha-haaa!
They're coming to take me away, ho-ho, hee-hee, ha-haaa!!!
Awesome, EDD!! Major congrats! Here's some world famous A$$ GR@V33 for your party.
Congratulations on gaining glorious promoting power! The sky is your limit now!
Congratulations. *smile*
Congrats to you, EDD, thoughtful guy and and all around great VS citizen. Yeayahzzzz!!!!!
Thank you everybody! VS is the rare gem of web communities and achieving a certain status on here is way more satisfying than any other web achievement on any other site I could think of. You will definitely see more of my posts in the future and I've actually taken a wow to give (even) more thought to post truer *quality stuff from now on. This site has provided me with a wealth of knowledge and information, and insight that I wouldn't have stumbled upon in ANY other way, so it's the least I could do, really. Thanks for the congratulations and for simply being members of this wonderful community, everyone!
Except gwiz. I'm going to have to hire a bodyguard for my wife because of that stalker.
rasch187 has already been awarded a star point for this post - ignoring quality request by EDD.
Fun fact #26:
Funny rasch used Bruce Willis in the image, because me and my homies (ha ha) sort of watched Die Hard (1st, nakatomi plaza one) during my bachelor party. "Sort of" because I was one of the few that could actually remember it afterwards (I think was the one most sober that night).
Your bachelor part isn't for you, dumbass, it's your friends mourning your death to them...
Congrats EDD!
Way to go, EDD!
You're an upstanding presence on the SIft, Mr. EDD. Keep up the great work, and congratulations!
Sift life starts at 100! Congrats, EDD.
Gratz. Curse words fuckin rule!
Congrats! You have quality posts
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