Avatar confusion

I would like to make a call to all sifters: don't change your avatar. Even if you've had it for months or even years and are sick of it. Just leave it be.

Now, before you scoff, hear me out. This might have something to do with the fact that I've got the memory of a 90-year-old Alzheimer's patient (particularly when it comes to names), but a lot of the time I'll remember people mostly from their avatar rather than their name. So sometimes it'll happen that I'll see a name that I know, but with a new avatar attached to it, and I'll start thinking, "Wait... Who is this guy again?" My memory is worse than average, but I can't be the only one with this problem. Can I?

So yeah. Don't change your avatar! And I'm only half-joking when I make this suggestion.
jonny says...

heh - choggie used to change his, what? once a week or so. Drove me nuts. Then I did the same for a bit until I found my dead little Santi.

Seriously, I think the writing style, tone, typical content, etc. is more identifiable than anything else for most sifters.

kronosposeidon says...

Too late. I just changed mine tonight. Instead of Balloon Jesus I'm now Bazooka Squirrel. And I hadn't really planned on it until choggie asked me just to try it as a test because he was having trouble changing his, so he wanted to know if I would have the same problem. So I did it just as a test, but then I liked it so I kept it.

So Choggie and I both changed ours this very evening. This isn't really helping matters, is it?

Arsenault185 says...

Sarzy speaks words of wisdom here. I get all confused as well as to who used to have what and if they were the ones I remember writing something. Visual Identification is a powerful thing.

blankfist says...

That is important. Yes. Avatars and all that good shit. Blah, blah. But, what's more important, in my opinion, is the flagrantly biased use of the Lucky Lemon yellow in the "type preview" window. What's up with that? I liked the standard Blankfist Blue, myself. Who's with me?!

JAPR says...

I don't really change my avatar a lot, mainly because I find my current one pleasantly hilarious/creepy (one of my favorite Japanese singers caught on film with the wierdest fucking look on his face).

gorgonheap says...

I'm not going anywhere with this avatar. It has a certain distinguished feature about it no? For those of you who wonder how much shampoo I use on on a daily basis it's 2 bottles.

raven says...

Yes... I happen to be rather fond of my raven, so it will stay.
And also, I am easily confused when people switch up their avatars... choggie was the first I think, who would do it all the time, and I would yell at him repeatedly... but I've adjusted and gotten used to it.

legacy0100 says...

Yea, while reading this all I can think of was choggie. He kept changing his avatar and it drove me nuts as well.

But then again he's one of a kind, and let's hope it stays that way

lucky760 says...

Big comment upvote to karaidl because (and I feel stupid admitting) I really was very confused after reading that comment until I later noticed the "karaidl" next to it in the top comments sidebar.

And another big comment upvote to jonny for saying LMFAHS!

As far as the post's topic goes, I've always had the same avatar (plus or minus a Santa hat), but reading this makes me want to change it.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Our avatars are bigger than those on most sites- we get some flack for that, but I like it. There is often a lot of meaning and subtext in people's avatars and it helps if they are big enough to read text, when included.

oohahh says...

Some troll wrote: "I wouldn't dream of changing my beautiful avatar until she wins the election and runs our country into the ground."

Economically? Militarily? Sir: we're 100 feet off the ground and pointed straight down. The next guy (or gal) isn't exactly inheriting a picnic and I sure have my ideas on which pilot was the slow kid in school.

Today's comment was brought to you by the letters G and W.

Ornthoron says...

Sarzy must be some kind of disease. First his avatar catched onto the rest of us, and now blankfist and Schmawy seem to have gotten one of his talk posts as well! What's next? Will all our videos slowly turn into dupes of Sarzy's? Will we slowly absorb all his star points? Will I get his diamond? And most important: Is this the end of VideoSift as we know it?

Stay tuned for more!

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