McCain defending Obama 2008

RIP Sen. McCain

You were perhaps the last decent republican. I didn't agree with you, but most of the time, I respected you.

It's a damning reminder of how far US political discourse has fallen.

I also agree with the description with one major exception....choosing Palin as a running mate. With that one mistake, he created the disastrous know nothing wing of the Republican party that's now running the show.


Yeah, I think the Palin pick was rushed mainly because he wanted a woman to attract more women voters. In the end I think McCain realized it was a mistake also.


I also agree with the description with one major exception....choosing Palin as a running mate. With that one mistake, he created the disastrous know nothing wing of the Republican party that's now running the show.


I don't know it's true, but on the news tonight they claimed he planned on naming Joe Biden as a running mate, creating a two party ticket, but his advisors talked him out of it and pushed Palin, a suggestion he accepted without getting to know anything about her and one he regretted deeply.


Yeah, I think the Palin pick was rushed mainly because he wanted a woman to attract more women voters. In the end I think McCain realized it was a mistake also.


Traitor McCain
Should have been KIA not DOA.
Defending Obama is the least of Conservative gripes.

Before you all get pissy and go ape shit and try banning me , piss off. All entitled to opinion.

At least I'm fair and balanced I said about the same about Ted Kennedy passing.


Jesus bob, that's fucking low, even for you.

And yeah, you're entitled to your opinion. The same everyone else is entitled to tell you exactly what they think of you and your opinion.


Traitor McCain
Should have been KIA not DOA.
Defending Obama is the least of Conservative gripes.

Before you all get pissy and go ape shit and try banning me , piss off. All entitled to opinion.

At least I'm fair and balanced I said about the same about Ted Kennedy passing.


Not going to ban you for your opinion. But saying a veteran should have been kia is pretty goddamn low. You are, as all the dumbass motherfuckers on the interweb who have been calling him a traitor are, referring to the fact that he broke during his POW incarceration.

Here is a brief excerpt of the new techniques that came out right around the time he was captured. Techniques that were so insidious that the military had to REWRITE the code regarding breaking under torture.

"Some were physically tortured, some of them succumbed to the pain and broke, some did not, but there was also a new technique employed, and it took time.

Put into a dark box, not large enough to even stretch out, it is called sensory deprivation, and along with other enhancements, it turns a person insane, malleable, and open to the most ridiculous suggestions. like confessing to the war crime of being ordered to bomb hospitals and orphanages, and doing so.

Some of those who broke under this new kind of interrogation feared to be repatriated, thinking they would be tried for collaboration upon their return. American psychologists and psychiatrists, after interviewing some of these ex-POW’s, determined that, given enough time, anyone, if not everyone, could be broken.

John McCain made them start all over on him a number of times, until his Vietnamese interrogators finally gave up, and threw him into a miserable cell, and not back into his horribly, miserable dark box. His conduct, during his interrogation period, and thereafter, was nothing short of heroic."

Now, if you ever go through enhanced interrogation techniques, please feel free to report back to us how you managed not to break or suffer mental damage from them. Until that time, I find your opinion to be ill informed and lacking weight.

EDIT: Before you go saying I am a fanboy, I didn't care for him as a senator or presidential candidate. He was gullible enough to get sucked into the Keating Five mess and I didn't feel he would be a good president, so I voted democrat in 2008, even though I generally vote republican. I can still recognize him as a war hero and for his service though. The man was not a traitor.


Traitor McCain
Should have been KIA not DOA.
Defending Obama is the least of Conservative gripes.

Before you all get pissy and go ape shit and try banning me , piss off. All entitled to opinion.

At least I'm fair and balanced I said about the same about Ted Kennedy passing.


Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Monday, August 27th, 2018 5:51pm PDT - promote requested by Mordhaus.


I find it interesting that you capitalize that word. I might say I tend to hold liberal policy positions, but I wouldn't use Liberal in the manner you used Conservative. Little "c" conservative isn't a party, it's supposed to describe a general approach to policy, and historically was associated with Republicans and specific policy positions. They were for states' rights, balanced budget / reducing debt, personal property rights, fair trade, etc. The current Republican party has abandoned all of this, but its members still refer to themselves as "conservatives" somehow. Maybe that capitalization is what I had been missing - they're Conservatives now, not conservatives. They can define that proper noun form of the word in whatever way they want.




Not only that, he refused an opportunity to be released ahead of others captured before him, just because his father was an admiral.

Trump would not only have taken that, he'd have stabbed everyone he knew in the back before breakfast in that situation.


John McCain made them start all over on him a number of times, until his Vietnamese interrogators finally gave up, and threw him into a miserable cell, and not back into his horribly, miserable dark box. His conduct, during his interrogation period, and thereafter, was nothing short of heroic."


True, I had forgotten that.


Not only that, he refused an opportunity to be released ahead of others captured before him, just because his father was an admiral.

Trump would not only have taken that, he'd have stabbed everyone he knew in the back before breakfast in that situation.


At this point, you calling someone in America a traitor is a compliment. If you applauded them, that's become insulting evidence against them. You act like a caricature, a compilation of all the worst of the know nothing rabid Trumpeteers, it's impossible to take you seriously.

Yes, everyone is entitled to their opinion, no matter how ignorant, vapid, feculent, and infantile they want that opinion to be, but you, sir, are taking excessive advantage of that entitlement.

Trump's draft dodging and tax evasion and multiple intentional bankruptcies at taxpayers expense were traitorous, McCain's decades of honorable service and self sacrifice were heroic and excessively patriotic.

If you honestly think you're fair and balanced, you must honestly be severely mentally unbalanced. You couldn't be more biased with an entire troll farm behind you....and I think you have one, comrade.

This comment would only be made by an enemy of America and disgusting human being, both.


Traitor McCain
Should have been KIA not DOA.
Defending Obama is the least of Conservative gripes.

Before you all get pissy and go ape shit and try banning me , piss off. All entitled to opinion.

At least I'm fair and balanced I said about the same about Ted Kennedy passing.


That seems right. I don't know if I misheard or they misspoke. He and Biden were good friends before that election, it seems.


Sorry, I actually meant to say "I didn't USUALLY agree with you"

@newtboy, I thought it was Joe Lieberman he was going to name.


My thoughts about bobknight33

I think bobknight33 is different than a troll.

I think, no matter his beliefs, he's true to himself. He gives his opinions and unless I'm mistaken, he's never personally berated anyone here that I've seen.

I think bobknight33 simply respects and loves someone in his life that has beliefs and fears different than others may have. To attack him is to attack someone he loves.

With that in mind I don't think a ban is needed but, rather we can be ready to catch him when he falls. If he falls.

Unless he becomes a troll I mean.


The Love of Christ everyone. A continuing shinning example of why I hate the faith. Treat others as you'd have others treat you. Anyhow, I agree, no need for a ban, at least yet, though that is a new low, but in line with the rest of the Trump supporters. It again, just shows how evil and vile the faith is, because that's what they actually think Christ would act like, do and say, and have zero conviction in their heart otherwise. The modern right is the biggest reason cited why people leave the faith or are turned off by the faith, so the more Trump supporters dig in, the more and more people will leave the faith. Hopefully they'll turn to reason, or Paganism, anything but stick to a faith where they are happy at the death of a man who served his nation far better than the man they praise. As to Bob himself, I don't know if he's just a troll or what, my issue has never been with him, but the faith he represents. I am surrounded by people like him at home and work, and it isn't the people, it's their faith... sort of like how they say of the gays, "love the sinner hate the sin", I just hate everything about them, but I'm sure they are just fine people otherwise.

While I didn't like McCain, I at least respected his service. I respect the fact that he REFUSED to leave the POW camp when it was offered to him because there were others there before him, and he'd go on for another four plus years more of torture because of his refusal. He could have left the service long before he was even shot down, as he was injured on the deck of his ship when he was accidentally shot by another plane on the deck, an indecent that killed 134 other sailors and injured 161 others, himself included... of course many on the far right blame him for somehow being shot in that case and say he caused the deaths... As bad as he was on his political philosophy and the whole Palin thing (which I agree with what was pointed out already, was an attempt to lure the far right and women voters, and it worked on the far right, he probably wouldn't have got nearly as many votes as he did without her, because the narrative had already shifted far right on Fox and talk radio), he at least served and didn't dodge service because of a bone spur.

And this video just goes to show how gullible people are, "he's a Muslim" and he has to refute it. He has to keep saying how good Obama is as a man, and how true to himself he is, but they boo him. They are so wrapped up in the Fox and talk radio narrative, and their little social media bubbles, they don't know how to vet things they see and hear... they may do a quick Google search, not realizing that Google changes its search results to match what you'll find most agreeable... and then even if they do see a link they disagree with, they'll ignore it, find ones they like and coddle their bias.... I should know, I was among them for far too long. Up until basically this 2008 election, where I moved from Republican to supporting Paul, to supporting Obama, then loosing my faith shortly after the election because of the far right's actions...


Traitor McCain
Should have been KIA not DOA.
Defending Obama is the least of Conservative gripes.

Before you all get pissy and go ape shit and try banning me , piss off. All entitled to opinion.

At least I'm fair and balanced I said about the same about Ted Kennedy passing.


@bobknight33 --

I'm interested in what your thoughts on McCain were in 2008, when he was the Republican candidate for president. If I looked back at your comment history from that era, would you have criticized him in the same ways back then? Were you OK with him being the Republican nominee?

Opinions can legitimately shift over time. But, that's usually a gradual process. If your opinions on McCain shifted radically in a short span of time (since, say, 2016 -- a date I've completely randomly selected for no particular reason), you might want to consider that perhaps some external actor is more responsible for that shift than your own internal feelings.

You are, of course, welcome to your own opinions. However, it seems possible that this one is not precisely "your own". McCain's willingness to break away from groupthink and be a "maverick" was one of the things that people on both side of the aisle respected the most about him.


He didn't exactly create it. The know-nothing, faith-based, "team" before the good of the country wing of the Republicans was always there. He picked Palin because he thought it would encourage them to come out and vote. Instead it turned out to be the breath of air they needed to turn into a wildfire that threatens the state of the republic.


I also agree with the description with one major exception....choosing Palin as a running mate. With that one mistake, he created the disastrous know nothing wing of the Republican party that's now running the show.


McCain was a turncoat to me in 2008. ( well even before 2008) Same for Bush 44.
Deplorable Republicans. I did not vote for McCain in 08.

Bush 44 turn me against ( # walkaway) the Republican party and I then registered independent.

Republicans and Democrats are fundamentally the same .
In public they will "fight " each other for show. Behind the doors they serve their own self interest. They enrich themselves and family. Author Peter Schweizer book (Secret Empires) shines light on this.

Trump comes along, a true outsider, and both sides gang up on Trump, to the likes America has never seen. Media is right along for the ride (ratings). McCain, in my opinion had his hand in the Steele Dossier to destroy Trump.

The Republican kept their anti Trump position for nearly a year, and only then started to back Trump.

If you are a Republican you don't sell out conservative principles.----------------This is where I hang my hat. --

Bottom line DC is a self interest swamp. Every one wants something done. Liberals wanted Bernie. Republicans wanted Bush. America ended up with Trump.
I'm happy it was not Bush
My pocketbook is happy it wasn't Bernie.

As far as Trump Tax cuts They touted that average family of 4 making 70K would see something like 140$month
I see about 80$.. Not what they said but definitely noticed.


@bobknight33 --

I'm interested in what your thoughts on McCain were in 2008, when he was the Republican candidate for president. If I looked back at your comment history from that era, would you have criticized him in the same ways back then? Were you OK with him being the Republican nominee?

Opinions can legitimately shift over time. But, that's usually a gradual process. If your opinions on McCain shifted radically in a short span of time (since, say, 2016 -- a date I've completely randomly selected for no particular reason), you might want to consider that perhaps some external actor is more responsible for that shift than your own internal feelings.

You are, of course, welcome to your own opinions. However, it seems possible that this one is not precisely "your own". McCain's willingness to break away from groupthink and be a "maverick" was one of the things that people on both side of the aisle respected the most about him.


Did you ever consider they ganged up on him because he's so incredibly anti American and destructive that anyone who cares about American Democracy would oppose him, Democrats, Republicans, independents, honest media, the intelligence community, law enforcement, etc? Probably not, you're convinced his party is turning on him because he's winning too much.

Lol. Steele dossier....the one that was just upheld in court when Trump's lible/slander cases were thrown out....or did you not know that?

Yes. It was the turn to backing him that was the wrong, self serving, proven short sighted move.

Trump has not sold out conservative principles, he's thrown them in the trash and shit on them. Clearly principles are NOT what you hang your hat on, he has none and you've admitted it privately.

The creature from the bronze lagoon was hardly the one to help clean up the swamp, and his most criminally convicted administration ever is pretty good proof of that.

That $80 you got goes away in a few years and becomes a raise in your taxes by around $160, in case you won't read the actual law. You didn't get a tax break, you got a tax raise and a 5 year loan packaged as a tax break, and you bought it. Trump, according to economists that studied his public holdings, stands to gain around $1 million per year forever....his tax breaks are permanent. Not what he said, but you don't care he outright lied to you about it for months, do you, yet one corrected mistake by Clinton (Benghazi was a protest over Koran burnings in America, quickly retracted) and you still think she'll be indicted for....something you're incapable of naming, but something.

Fuck, Bob. Your insistence on backing Trump's every move no matter what has made you bat shit insane, inconsistent, and totally disconnected from reality. I hope you can get therapy.


McCain was a turncoat to me in 2008. ( well even before 2008) Same for Bush 44.
Deplorable Republicans. I did not vote for McCain in 08.

Bush 44 turn me against ( # walkaway) the Republican party and I then registered independent.

Republicans and Democrats are fundamentally the same .
In public they will "fight " each other for show. Behind the doors they serve their own self interest. They enrich themselves and family. Author Peter Schweizer book (Secret Empires) shines light on this.

Trump comes along, a true outsider, and both sides gang up on Trump, to the likes America has never seen. Media is right along for the ride (ratings). McCain, in my opinion had his hand in the Steele Dossier to destroy Trump.

The Republican kept their anti Trump position for nearly a year, and only then started to back Trump.

If you are a Republican you don't sell out conservative principles.----------------This is where I hang my hat. --

Bottom line DC is a self interest swamp. Every one wants something done. Liberals wanted Bernie. Republicans wanted Bush. America ended up with Trump.
I'm happy it was not Bush
My pocketbook is happy it wasn't Bernie.

As far as Trump Tax cuts They touted that average family of 4 making 70K would see something like 140$month
I see about 80$.. Not what they said but definitely noticed.


Banning you would be absurd. You are one of the most genuine individuals here.


Traitor McCain
Should have been KIA not DOA.
Defending Obama is the least of Conservative gripes.

Before you all get pissy and go ape shit and try banning me , piss off. All entitled to opinion.

At least I'm fair and balanced I said about the same about Ted Kennedy passing.


Pretty much exactly what Russian politicians are saying.
"The enemy is dead", did Trump say that, or was it Russian state television....or both?

You just can't stop stepping in it, then putting your foot in your mouth.


Traitor McCain
Should have been KIA not DOA.


It’s funny that, aside from bob himself, no one has proposed (or even mentioned prior to this thread) banning him.

Personally, I think he’d love to be banned. It would fit his martyr complex perfectly.

I agree with you here. I don’t think he’s a troll; I think he genuinely believes the awful stuff he says.


Banning you would be absurd. You are one of the most genuine individuals here.


Why would I disagree?

You would have to pick someone who I like you you don't.

Trump might be a good pick but he is not dead yet. Though good few have which it so.


I'm curious how you would have responded if I'd said the same thing.


Oh, its been proposed..


It’s funny that, aside from bob himself, no one has proposed (or even mentioned prior to this thread) banning him.

Personally, I think he’d love to be banned. It would fit his martyr complex perfectly.

I agree with you here. I don’t think he’s a troll; I think he genuinely believes the awful stuff he says.


Trump is Anti American?


Trump has been wonderful.

I would say that media have been more destructive than Trump.
They have divided Americans via their slander and bias and fake ( partial truth) news.

The Steele dossier. is a fabricated document used as the linchpin to tear down Trump. Is Trump supposed to roll over and play their game. Trump is a New York fighter. Trump is not going anywhere.

I'm not saying Trump is perfect and his twitter is at times bat shit . But overall the sky is bluer than with Obama 8 years.


Did you ever consider they ganged up on him because he's so incredibly anti American and destructive that anyone who cares about American Democracy would oppose him, Democrats, Republicans, independents, honest media, the intelligence community, law enforcement, etc? Probably not, you're convinced his party is turning on him because he's winning too much.

Lol. Steele dossier....the one that was just upheld in court when Trump's lible/slander cases were thrown out....or did you not know that?

Yes. It was the turn to backing him that was the wrong, self serving, proven short sighted move.

Trump has not sold out conservative principles, he's thrown them in the trash and shit on them. Clearly principles are NOT what you hang your hat on, he has none and you've admitted it privately.

The creature from the bronze lagoon was hardly the one to help clean up the swamp, and his most criminally convicted administration ever is pretty good proof of that.

That $80 you got goes away in a few years and becomes a raise in your taxes by around $160, in case you won't read the actual law. You didn't get a tax break, you got a tax raise and a 5 year loan packaged as a tax break, and you bought it. Trump, according to economists that studied his public holdings, stands to gain around $1 million per year forever....his tax breaks are permanent. Not what he said, but you don't care he outright lied to you about it for months, do you, yet one corrected mistake by Clinton (Benghazi was a protest over Koran burnings in America, quickly retracted) and you still think she'll be indicted for....something you're incapable of naming, but something.

Fuck, Bob. Your insistence on backing Trump's every move no matter what has made you bat shit insane, inconsistent, and totally disconnected from reality. I hope you can get therapy.


Yep...that seems like a bit of 'please don't throw me in that briar patch, Br'er Fox.' imo. If he could get banned for outrageously disgusting, intentionally provocative, unpatriotic, but technically allowed comments, it seems it would verify to him that liberals (which he believes we all are here) are all poised to censor and silence any voice that disagrees.
I prefer to allow the ugliness of the right to show itself publicly, hiding it does nothing to oppose it and only let's it fester, hidden safely in the dark.

It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle.
I prefer the former to the latter two options.

The problem is, much of that awful stuff contradicts the other awful stuff and none of it is consistent. If he genuinely believes it all, there's something seriously wrong. The only belief I can pin down is that belief is fluid and constantly changing, and anything goes if it supports the cause/talking points of the day.


It’s funny that, aside from bob himself, no one has proposed (or even mentioned prior to this thread) banning him.

Personally, I think he’d love to be banned. It would fit his martyr complex perfectly.

I agree with you here. I don’t think he’s a troll; I think he genuinely believes the awful stuff he says.


Thanks for pointing this out.
Truth in plain site that even Russian agree.

Sad you live in a alternate reality.

I'm not stepping into it. Maybe you need to step out into light. #walkaway.


Pretty much exactly what Russian politicians are saying.
"The enemy is dead", did Trump say that, or was it Russian state television....or both?

You just can't stop stepping in it, then putting your foot in your mouth.


Short answer, yes.

He, personally, has done severe, possibly irreparable damage to our government and it's safeguards, and the rule of law, has been the most divisive president in my lifetime, a high bar, is driving the very companies he claimed to have saved overseas, like Harley Davidson, is starting multiple trade wars, even with our allies, wasting tens of billions already, and has been mired in criminal and moral scandals since before day negative 45 when he told the Russians he would remove sanctions over election tampering even as Obama was instigating them, well before taking office which is a crime if you don't know.
Trump himself has divided America, intentionally, with his own words and policies. Reporting on those words and policies is not slanderous or fake. If they lied about what he said, Trump would sue for slander/libel like he did over Steele, a case he just LOST. He hasn't, and he won't.

Again, you take the lying convict's word about the evidence and the law over court rulings and fact. I know you won't investigate, so you'll continue to be duped. That's a conscious choice you are making, to be wrong but righteous instead of correct and guilt ridden.
The investigation predated the Steele Dossier, and it was never a key bit of evidence or the cause of the investigation....and it is not some baseless fantasy fabrication like you believe, it beats any Trump speech for honesty and correctness by a factor of 10.

His Twitter is his official policy, they are clear about that. It is almost always bat shit, and is never civil or honorable.


Trump is Anti American?


Trump has been wonderful.

I would say that media have been more destructive than Trump.
They have divided Americans via their slander and bias and fake ( partial truth) news.

The Steele dossier. is a fabricated document used as the linchpin to tear down Trump. Is Trump supposed to roll over and play their game. Trump is a New York fighter. Trump is not going anywhere.

I'm not saying Trump is perfect and his twitter is at times bat shit . But overall the sky is bluer than with Obama 8 years.


Jesus, Bob.
The Russians, a hostile foreign power and our adversaries calling him their enemy to you makes this hyper patriot, heroic American veteran and lifelong elected civil servant, the enemy.

And I live in an alternate reality?!

I think your tin foil hat has a hole and your brain fell out. You are metaphorically cheerfully eating a shit sandwich and smearing it all over, grinning like a moron the whole time.
You honestly have a mental problem you should get treated if that's your honest argument, because that's meth addict level nonsense.


Thanks for pointing this out.
Truth in plain site that even Russian agree.

Sad you live in a alternate reality.

I'm not stepping into it. Maybe you need to step out into light. #walkaway.


Again, you take the lying media word over facts.

The FAKE Steele Dossier constituted the bulk of the facts submitted to United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) to obtain FISA warrant(s) against POTUS….

The Dossier is proven to be fake and baseless.

If Mueller was appointed as Special Counsel based on the Dossier - and the Dossier was proven to be FAKE/DISINFORMATION - and the Dossier was proven to be the 'bulk' of the information submitted to FISA in order to obtain the warrants

(+FISA signers 'pre-mediated' neglect to disclose the actual FACTS (lied to)) -

Then how is Mueller still Special Counsel ?

And you say Trump is the bad guy. You might want to rethink you good guy bad guy idea.

Fyi Muller has a team of 17 layers and staff to witch hunt Trump. Sessions hired Huber and a team of 420 to find the truth... Well see..


Short answer, yes.

He, personally, has done severe, possibly irreparable damage to our government and it's safeguards, and the rule of law, has been the most divisive president in my lifetime, a high bar, is driving the very companies he claimed to have saved overseas, like Harley Davidson, is starting multiple trade wars, even with our allies, wasting tens of billions already, and has been mired in criminal and moral scandals since before day negative 45 when he told the Russians he would remove sanctions over election tampering even as Obama was instigating them, well before taking office which is a crime if you don't know.
Trump himself has divided America, intentionally, with his own words and policies. Reporting on those words and policies is not slanderous or fake. If they lied about what he said, Trump would sue for slander/libel like he did over Steele, a case he just LOST. He hasn't, and he won't.

Again, you take the lying convict's word about the evidence and the law over court rulings and fact. I know you won't investigate, so you'll continue to be duped. That's a conscious choice you are making, to be wrong but righteous instead of correct and guilt ridden.
The investigation predated the Steele Dossier, and it was never a key bit of evidence or the cause of the investigation....and it is not some baseless fantasy fabrication like you believe, it beats any Trump speech for honesty and correctness by a factor of 10.

His Twitter is his official policy, they are clear about that. It is almost always bat shit, and is never civil or honorable.


No, I take the DOJ's word, and a court ruling.

You take the word of the accused and steadfastly refuse to investigate or believe any other contradictory source.

Everything you said is actually, factually wrong, which you would see if you looked at official sources and not Limbaugh and Breitbart, both of which are proven propaganda and totally untrustworthy.
Yes, right, IF any of that were at all true, there wouldn't have ever been a special council....but there still is, because it's simply not true. The investigation predates the dossier.
Of course, I know you won't look into it. There is none so blind as he who will not see.

No point you posting links, you linked to a virus host before, I'll never click your links again.


Again, you take the lying media word over facts.

The FAKE Steele Dossier constituted the bulk of the facts submitted to United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) to obtain FISA warrant(s) against POTUS….

The Dossier is proven to be fake and baseless.

If Mueller was appointed as Special Counsel based on the Dossier - and the Dossier was proven to be FAKE/DISINFORMATION - and the Dossier was proven to be the 'bulk' of the information submitted to FISA in order to obtain the warrants

(+FISA signers 'pre-mediated' neglect to disclose the actual FACTS (lied to)) -

Then how is Mueller still Special Counsel ?

And you say Trump is the bad guy. You might want to rethink you good guy bad guy idea.

Fyi Muller has a team of 17 layers and staff to witch hunt Trump. Sessions hired Huber and a team of 420 to find the truth... Well see..


I appreciate your response to my question earlier, @bobknight33.

I don't mean to try to drag you back into the thread here if you're trying to disengage -- I dunno what you mean by #walkaway. Anyway, this doesn't require a response.

I largely agree with you on the specific subtopic of both parties being pretty dirty and frequently engaging in "government theater" just to draw attention to trivialities while promoting their own self interests. I also largely agree with Trump being a "true outsider" in the sense that he holds no particular allegiance to party machinations, etc.

However, even though I was willing to give him a chance after the election, at this point I have zero trust in Trump's intentions. Trumps friends -- the "best people" -- have this interesting trend of becoming his detractors and enemies. Trump wants us to accept the word of people that vouch for him, but days, weeks, or months later they fall out of favor and suddenly he says that they are scum and we shouldn't listen to a word they say.

That's a "cry wolf" or "fool me once" sort of problem. Sessions, the guy you mentioned as protecting Trump from the "witch hunt", has been pretty relentlessly bashed by Trump for the weighty offense of allowing investigators to investigate. Giuliani spouts nonsense, doublespeak and contradictions. Huckabee-Sanders refuses to answer very basic questions from the press (which is her job) not because they misquote her or take things out of context (which would be legitimate gripes) but because she's been bitten in the ass a few too many times by people pointing out blatant contradictions in Trump's statements. And that's just the current people.
There's a large list of short-term Trump appointments that end up out of favor.

What all that stuff says to me is ... "something is rotten in the state of Denmark". Is it possible that there's a vast conspiracy against him in the media, justice department, etc.? Um, well, maybe -- but Occam's Razor tells me that other possibilities are rather more likely. Like, for example, that Trump being a "true outsider" doesn't preclude him from holding the same self-serving motivations that are unfortunately common in slimy career politicians. That he acts shady and dirty because he is shady and dirty.

I dunno. It just seems like it takes a lot of work to keep up with Trump's revolving door of steadfast allies that become traitorous enemies.


I try to overlook comments that I disagree with and assume the best of everyone. We all have different life experiences and we're exposed to input from different communities and sources that shape our opinions.

Which sometimes makes me forget that you're actually a piece of shit at your very core. Go fuck yourself, Bob.

Just my opinion.


Traitor McCain
Should have been KIA not DOA.
Defending Obama is the least of Conservative gripes.

Before you all get pissy and go ape shit and try banning me , piss off. All entitled to opinion.

At least I'm fair and balanced I said about the same about Ted Kennedy passing.


FYI...#walkaway is a right wing campaign where they had republican actors (and stock photos) claim they were Democrats who were sick of the liberal nonsense and they, and millions like them, were walking away from the Democrats. It was for right wingers, not left, false verification that they are correct and lefties are finally coming around to their truth, and a counterpoint to the "blue wave" campaign. They were caught on day one, and it never caught on outside right wing websites, mostly because it was a horrible, stupid, poorly implemented, transparent ploy. No surprise that, even though he knows that, Bob still puts it out there hoping to convince someone.

Looking into it, I've found that it's reportedly become a Russian ploy.....
#WalkAway has also now been connected to Kremlin-linked Russian bots, and it is now the seventh most popular Russia-influenced hashtag as of this writing (July 17), according to the website Hamilton 68, which tracks Russian influence on Twitter as part of the Alliance for Securing Democracy, an initiative of the nonpartisan German Marshall Fund. The purpose of this now-astroturf campaign is to manipulate public opinion by creating the illusion that this is a popular movement. In reality, #WalkAway has become pure propaganda, a psychological operation.

Just one more time Bob is spreading Russian propaganda.


I appreciate your response to my question earlier, @bobknight33.

I don't mean to try to drag you back into the thread here if you're trying to disengage -- I dunno what you mean by #walkaway. Anyway, this doesn't require a response.


Normally I would ask you to refrain from personal attacks, even those couched as opinion........

....... but imo Bob really went trolling hard, begging for attacks this time. Personally I have a real hard time asking people to remain civil and restrained in the face of such a disgustingly provocative zealator* who's being disrespectfully vile to a recently deceased, not yet buried American hero (one I rarely agreed with but almost always respected).

That said, it's better if we don't dig holes to get down to his level of discourse and thinking.

But that's just, like, my opinion, man.

*a zealous defender or supporter, one who zealously furthers the cause...


I try to overlook comments that I disagree with and assume the best of everyone. We all have different life experiences and we're exposed to input from different communities and sources that shape our opinions.

Which sometimes makes me forget that you're actually a piece of shit at your very core. Go fuck yourself, Bob.

Just my opinion.


Once again using snopes and CNN. as pure vindication. I gather there might be some oddities but not ALL, only a small % of truth.


FYI...#walkaway is a right wing campaign where they had republican actors (and stock photos) claim they were Democrats who were sick of the liberal nonsense and they, and millions like them, were walking away from the Democrats. It was for right wingers, not left, false verification that they are correct and lefties are finally coming around to their truth, and a counterpoint to the "blue wave" campaign. They were caught on day one, and it never caught on outside right wing websites, mostly because it was a horrible, stupid, poorly implemented, transparent ploy. No surprise that, even though he knows that, Bob still puts it out there hoping to convince someone.

Looking into it, I've found that it's reportedly become a Russian ploy.....
#WalkAway has also now been connected to Kremlin-linked Russian bots, and it is now the seventh most popular Russia-influenced hashtag as of this writing (July 17), according to the website Hamilton 68, which tracks Russian influence on Twitter as part of the Alliance for Securing Democracy, an initiative of the nonpartisan German Marshall Fund. The purpose of this now-astroturf campaign is to manipulate public opinion by creating the illusion that this is a popular movement. In reality, #WalkAway has become pure propaganda, a psychological operation.

Just one more time Bob is spreading Russian propaganda.


I agree there has been a F load of change in personnel. The real question is does this turnover occur in in business life?

If so then one could consider Trump as some kind of dickhead to work for .

If not then what is the reason for the difference?

I think there is much more going on behind the scenes. Why would one have a military General as your chief of staff?

With Obama's top level FBI as example --
Comey -- fired
McCabe- Fired
James Baker, general counsel -- Fired
James Rybicki Chief of staff -- Fired
Perter Strozk -- Fired
Lisa Page -- ???

If Hillary was elected not of their wrong doings would have come to light. All gunning to get Trump. Still that is just the FBI.

No wonder Trump is cleaning house so much. Some bad guys found? Some paranoia?
There isn't a day goes by without something big occurring.

There is still 3 big reports to come out.
Mullers findings.
The 2nd OIG report and Huber's findings

AG Jeff Sessions appointed John Huber will be the ‘top federal prosecutor’ who will be investigating FISA abuses . Huber's staff is over 400.

Also Guantanamo Bay, Cuba-- Expanding like mad...

$14 million to expand the prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. This is a "strategically critical time-sensitive expansion project". DOD justification states the "current trial support facilities are incapable of handling the large number of personnel .

The place can hold some 2300 prisoners, currently Gitmo is currently holding 41 prisoners.. Also the 137th, 428th, and 514th was deployed this month to Gitmo for a year . Rotating people out - possible, but some 500 troops for 41 prisoners?

What is so time sensitive for to handle trial support facilities are incapable of handling the large number of personnel .-- Where are these people coming from? What is coming down the pike?

Like I said above:
I think there is much more going on behind the scenes. Why would one have a military General as your chief of staff?


I appreciate your response to my question earlier, @bobknight33.

I don't mean to try to drag you back into the thread here if you're trying to disengage -- I dunno what you mean by #walkaway. Anyway, this doesn't require a response.


Those are both reputable sources outside the conspiracy theory circle.

Do you have a reputable, known source (not another fake .co virus hosting site, but a known, reputable, virus free .com, and not a brietbart or Fox or Alex Jones site either, I said reputable) that contradicts them, or are you once again just dismissing their evidence off hand for no reason besides you don't like it? They were far from the only sources for either report, but were two of the best known.
There is zero doubt about the snopes report about the stock photo fakes, (edit: and zero doubt that the movement created hundreds of fake accounts claiming to be popular liberals that had walked away due to the Democrats intolerance, lies, racism, and thugishness, accounts that usually went on to troll other liberals online viciously) the Russian involvement is harder to prove, not being an international investigative reporter, but is totally reasonable and logical. It's exactly the kind of movement they ran last election....divisive, insulting, internet based, decentralized, picture driven, right wing targeted, and easily proven fraudulent.

If I take the time to reference more reports, will you read and evaluate all their evidence, or once again find another reason to dismiss it without cause or inspection? I won't waste my time without your solemn word you'll do that, and there will be a quiz on what they said to prove you read it.
I'm guessing the answer to both questions is "no".

Still waiting to hear what Clinton will be charged with, btw.


Once again using snopes and CNN. as pure vindication. I gather there might be some oddities but not ALL, only a small % of truth.


Breitbart Bob?

You mean the extremist far right propaganda lying machine?
You are a massive hypocrite, crying about "fake news" when you source your news from utter garbage.

I'll ask you again since you avoided my question in the other thread:

Are you really this delusional or are you just fucking lying out of malice?


Again, you take the lying media word over facts.

The FAKE Steele Dossier constituted the bulk of the facts submitted to United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) to obtain FISA warrant(s) against POTUS….

The Dossier is proven to be fake and baseless.

If Mueller was appointed as Special Counsel based on the Dossier - and the Dossier was proven to be FAKE/DISINFORMATION - and the Dossier was proven to be the 'bulk' of the information submitted to FISA in order to obtain the warrants

(+FISA signers 'pre-mediated' neglect to disclose the actual FACTS (lied to)) -

Then how is Mueller still Special Counsel ?

And you say Trump is the bad guy. You might want to rethink you good guy bad guy idea.

Fyi Muller has a team of 17 layers and staff to witch hunt Trump. Sessions hired Huber and a team of 420 to find the truth... Well see..


I Guess the Official request from the the office of Attorney General indicating such was too much for you to comprehend.

Or you saw the word Breitbart and it became like kryptonite to you and weakened you senses.

OK you only read from shady news outlet.
Here is some faker news

Another CNN

Wahington Times

I'm not delusional -- but you seem clearly blinded -


Breitbart Bob?

You mean the extremist far right propaganda lying machine?
You are a massive hypocrite, crying about "fake news" when you source your news from utter garbage.

I'll ask you again since you avoided my question in the other thread:

Are you really this delusional or are you just fucking lying out of malice?


When the obvious partisan Huber investigation into possible Trump alleged FBI misconduct finds (and fails to hide) FBI misconduct that benefited Trump (something that's undeniable thanks to Comey) will you be chanting "lock him up!"?

WARNING, readers, don't click links to documents you aren't certain aren't viruses.


I Guess the Official request from the the office of Attorney General indicating such was too much for you to comprehend.

Or you saw the word Breitbart and it became like kryptonite to you and weakened you senses.

OK you only read from shady news outlet.
Here is some faker news

Another CNN

Wahington Times

I'm not delusional -- but you seem clearly blinded -


What are you ranting about? Is there something wrong with YOUR comprehension?

The point is not what Huber will bring to the table; that is yet to be seen and speculation is useless at this stage. The point is that YOU are a MASSIVE HYPOCRITE, crying "fake news" and then sourcing "news" from Breitbart and Rush Limbaugh. It is quite clear from your association with such shit-stains of extremist propaganda that you lack integrity and self awareness.

So really, to rephrase my question from the other thread: Why are you such a massive hypocrite? Is it because you're utterly delusional or are you just fucking lying out of malice?


I Guess the Official request from the the office of Attorney General indicating such was too much for you to comprehend.

Or you saw the word Breitbart and it became like kryptonite to you and weakened you senses.

OK you only read from shady news outlet.
Here is some faker news

Another CNN

Wahington Times

I'm not delusional -- but you seem clearly blinded -


What your your go to trusted news outlets? Enlighten me.


What are you ranting about? Is there something wrong with YOUR comprehension?

The point is not what Huber will bring to the table; that is yet to be seen and speculation is useless at this stage. The point is that YOU are a MASSIVE HYPOCRITE, crying "fake news" and then sourcing "news" from Breitbart and Rush Limbaugh. It is quite clear from your association with such shit-stains of extremist propaganda that you lack integrity and self awareness.

So really, to rephrase my question from the other thread: Why are you such a massive hypocrite? Is it because you're utterly delusional or are you just fucking lying out of malice?


Bob....after your own answer to that question, an answer you changed to sarcastic only after being repeatedly lambasted for it's ridiculousness and idiocy, no one is under any obligation to defend their sources.
If their news source is the voices in their head while on a overdosed acid trip, they are still better sources than those you believe, who are all proven liars and propagandists, excused because not one is an actual news source. They are all biased opinion sources at best and in at least one case they are nothing less than the mouth of madness.


What your your go to trusted news outlets? Enlighten me.



Conservative principles like honesty, loyalty, honor, fidelity, respect, intellectual curiosity, fiscal responsibility, and being pro environment, pro education, anti war, supportive of law and order, adult......

What conservative principal has Trump not thrown in the toilet and pissed on? I can't think of a single one, can you?
He is where you hang your hat.


If you are a Republican you don't sell out conservative principles.----------------This is where I hang my hat. --


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

Ain't nobody getting banned today. I appreciate everyone's restraint. I find it helps to imagine real people behind the keyboard.


Restraint is the best attribute of the powerful.

BTW, what's the record for most comments in a Sift thread?


Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

Ain't nobody getting banned today. I appreciate everyone's restraint. I find it helps to imagine real people behind the keyboard.


Trump never claimed to be Conservative. Traitor McCain did.



Conservative principles like honesty, loyalty, honor, fidelity, respect, intellectual curiosity, fiscal responsibility, and being pro environment, pro education, anti war, supportive of law and order, adult......

What conservative principal has Trump not thrown in the toilet and pissed on? I can't think of a single one, can you?
He is where you hang your hat.


Bob, if you're going to be such an ugly troll, at least try to not be an easily debunked idiot at the same time.
Here's twice he claimed to be conservative I found in under 10 seconds


And he's clearly decided he's Republican, but you seem to be admitting now that he's not conservative (by incorrectly claiming he never said he was one in a misguided defense).....but what you said was "If you are a Republican you don't sell out conservative principles.----------------This is where I hang my hat."....and you 110% hang your hat on him....a non conservative wholly unprincipled republican.....sooooooo......

Repeatedly calling patriotic and heroic McCain, a decorated veteran (who's numerous military decorations and awards include the Silver Star, two Legion of Merits, Distinguished Flying Cross, three Bronze Star Medals, two Purple Hearts, two Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals, and the Prisoner of War Medal) a traitor starting while his body is still warm and treasonous and cowardly draft dodging Trump a hero solidifies your position as a non American and a irrefutable troll. It won't be forgotten. #Derp state


Trump never claimed to be Conservative. Traitor McCain did.


Your writing is very eloquent but, obviously, you've never had a bone spur.


...treasonous and cowardly draft dodging Trump a hero solidifies your position as a non American and a irrefutable troll. It won't be forgotten. #Derp state


Neither has Trump.

People who've had them surgically removed tend to remember which foot they were in, people who didn't have them removed still have them, they don't just go away.
Trump didn't have surgery, and doesn't recall which foot he claimed had them, and they didn't ever interfere with him playing football, tennis, or golf, just with serving.


Your writing is very eloquent but, obviously, you've never had a bone spur.

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